+240|6974|Austin, TX

AdamEcks wrote:

The American ego is a wonderful, complicated thing. I'm not even going to begin to argue with all you ignorant closed minded individuals because I would be here for an hour pointing out the hundreds of flaws in everything you say. If you have "proof" it wasn't a conspiracy please, provide your source so we can all see the "truth" and agree with you. What's that? The only source you have is your brain... how unfortunate. If you are too ignorant to even watch the video or consider the opinions of others than you don't even deserve to be posting here. Is it a conspiracy or did the government tell the truth? The only thing I know there is somewhere along the line something was covered up, I don't know how big or small but something was covered up, something always is with any government. Conspiracy? Maybe, maybe not. The video was lacking proof and background to some of the stuff it said, but other stuff was completely reasonable and justified. The fact remains, there is little proof released to confirm what the government is telling you, and at least the video tries to justify what it says. Watch the video, watch it very closely. There are a lot of you who have to revise what you said because it's 100% made up and pulled out of your ass. Don't be so quick to jump to conclusion, because honestly (sorry to hurt your ego by the way) you havn't a clue what your talking about, no one here does including myself. There is no way that anyone here can know exactly everything that happened so all you egotistical morons who think you do are just going to have to suck it up. If you are going to stand up strongly for one particular opinion you better have some proof to back it up. Don't just reference CNN or some video that some kid made. Sorry, you don't know all the facts.
Hate to say it, but the argument goes both ways.  Actually, your argument hurts your position more than it helps.  The arguments of the conspericay people does not hold up under logic.  It is the Conspiracy people who have to present thier evidence.

Occams Razor:  when two arguments are possible, the more simple is usually the correct answer. 

I was an active duty soldier during 9/11.  I served in Iraq in Iraq in 2003.  I also served in Bosnia in 1996, 1997, and 1998.  My sister was flying from France to the US on 9/11.  I may have a bit of perspective on some of this.  The official goverment report squares with everything I have heard first hand or from other military personel.  Every bit of 'proof' I hear from conspiracy theorists so far has been bunk.  They either mis-identify something, or get simple matters of physics wrong.  They ignore and misrepresent details.

Also, many people complain about 'typical american arrogance.'  True, many Americans are arrogant.  Many are even conceited.  Americans are not perfect.  I never claimed otherwise.  Many Americans make assumptions about other countries based on what they see on tv, or what they hear, and filter that through the assumptions and value systems of their county.

Just like you do when you look at America.

I am arrogant.  Just ask anyone I know.  Ask my old army buddies.  Put me on a subject I know, and I am arrogant as hell.  Arrogance is when you have the ability to back it up.  Conceit is when you don't.  I am willing to be gracious and admit if and when I don't know as much about a subject. 

Anyone else here, American or otherwise, willing to admit the same?
+240|6974|Austin, TX

Rathji wrote:

imortal wrote:

All of these myths have been running around the internet for years now.  The conspiracy buffs build their case on shaky logic, hazy pictures with identification made by amatures, incomplete facts, and presenting whispered rumors as verified data.  They also tend to ignore any refuting evidence, logic, or physics as either part of a cover-up, a witless public stooge unwilling to face the truth, or patsies parrotting the 'official' goverment line.

The people who believe 9/11 was staged will never believe otherwise.  IT is a part of their belief stucture, and a part of who they are.  Since it is based in faith with only the barest regard for reality, it more accuratly falls under the heading of a religion.

For those whose minds are not completely corrupted by this drivel, I will present you with a rather detailed rebutal gathered by Popular Mechanics.  *removed a sentence about not knowing if this would work.  It did.* … 27842.html

This does make some good reading, and I didn't feel like I needed a shower after reading it. *edited because I am an idiot, and said "watching" instead of reading*
This Popular Mechanics article covers how I feel about pretty much every aspect of what conspiracy theorists say EXCEPT  they did not touch on the things that are undeniable.

Taken from my prevoius post:
There is some evidence that cannot be denied:

- Many people in the WTC were warned not to go to work that day
- One Israelli IM company recieved a Text Message which warned them to leave the building about 4 hours before the attack.
- George Bush's brother, who was in charge of security at the WTC, was replaced on Sept 10, his replacement, who had some politcal fallout with President Bush started on Sept 11.
- The joint chiefs were scheduled to hold a meeting in the WTC on Sept 11, but had thier plans changed.
- Several prominant politicans were warned not to fly to NYC for several days before the attack.
- The owner of all the WTC buildings stated in a televised interview that WTC 7 did not collapse from fire, but      was brought down by demolition charges.

The bottom line is, you CANNOT deny that some influential Americans knew this was going to happen. Who those people were, and what thier intentions were will not be known for a long time, most likely not in any of our lifetimes.
I am the most skeptical asshole out there when it comes to shit like this. If you want to try to explain these points I listed, feel free. As far as I am concerned, it is all the proof you need to know something went on that they are not telling you.
Jacky Chan was supposed to be filming a scene for a  movie on the roof of the WTC in 9/11, but cancelled.  IS he a part fo the consipracy as well?

Your statements echo almost all of the arguments that were made about the OK city bombing.

The Joint Chiefs do NOT hold meetings in the WTC.  They were in the Pentagon, and actually helped in finding and carrying the wounded on 9/11.

ummmm... As far as I know, the securirty for the WTC was handled by a private security firm contracted by the owners of the WTC.  IT is not a goverment building, and noone from the goverment is responsible for its security.  Which brother, anyway?

Many people were warned?  Depending on what?  If they were the goverment workers in offices that aren't in the WTC were warned not to come in to the offices that aren't there?

the owner stated that the building was "pulled down."  It was.  It was pulled down by the collapsing section of the building on the damaged side.  He was misquoted, as were most of the people that were quoted for your proof.

I see generalities galore.  What companies were told not to come in?  What poiliticians were in the air (there WAS one, on a private plane)?

And from your last statement, you are just the kind of person I was talking about.  No amount of proof WILL convince you.  A belief that is held with little to no proof, or despite countering evidence, is a religion.
man do i be shocked or offended
watched the vid and yes it wouldnt suprise me if thats the truth, its the same with everything these days.

Like the Iraq war - its started because it was said that iraq had weapons of mass destruction, the real story behind it is that iraq was selling its oil in the currency of euros, so therefore europe was doing well from this but america had to pay to buy its oil from iraq because they couldnt just make the money to buy the oil. so the war started and america said that this war they were going to do their best possible for the good of the iraqi people..... for doing the best for the iraqi people why did america straight away change the iraqi oil currency to dollars? because of this iraq make a hell of alot less now, but at lest the american government are happy....

Please note i like americans, just dont like your government.
+240|6974|Austin, TX

rhodri_d wrote:

watched the vid and yes it wouldnt suprise me if thats the truth, its the same with everything these days.

Like the Iraq war - its started because it was said that iraq had weapons of mass destruction, the real story behind it is that iraq was selling its oil in the currency of euros, so therefore europe was doing well from this but america had to pay to buy its oil from iraq because they couldnt just make the money to buy the oil. so the war started and america said that this war they were going to do their best possible for the good of the iraqi people..... for doing the best for the iraqi people why did america straight away change the iraqi oil currency to dollars? because of this iraq make a hell of alot less now, but at lest the american government are happy....

Please note i like americans, just dont like your government.
How can I yell at you for not liking our goverment?  Many americans don't like our goverment either.  You aer free to like it or not like it.  My objection is mainly to people who ascribe evil motives to americans, just for being american.

About the Iraq War.  I think there were reasons that President Bush decided to go to war that were not made public, and they are pretty ugly reasons.  But that is just my belief, and although the reasons ARE ugly, I actually agree with them if they are what I thought they are.  But I don't know, and do not speculate.

There were three countries getting oil from Iraq.  What you did not mention is that they were getting the oil in secret, against the UN sanctions, and were trading items forbidden to Iraq by those same sanctions.  The countriues were France, Germany, and Russia.  They were breaking UN resolutions to get cheap oil.  Oops.   And they were against the U.S. going into Iraq?  What a shock.

Oh, and the U.N. World Bank was being imbezzled for Billions of dollars through the Iraq Oil for Food program.  The man in charge of the world bank was kofi's son.  The son of the current leader of the UN.

People often say that the U.S. went to war for cheap oil.  If that was the case, it would have been FAR cheaper to just make the same sort of deal that France, Germany and Russia had.  Much more profit in it.  Instead, the US goverment is sinking billions of dollars into improving Iraq right now, and the moeny from Iraq Oil sales is going into the Iraq system.  It doesn't even come to the U.S.

And if we want to keep going on about Iraq, I am sure there is another thread for it.

DarkObsidian wrote:

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

I'm not sure where I stand, but just watch this and tell me what you think. It's an hour long tho and even more. … 3762628848
Hmm... you appear to be incapable of developing your own opinion, yet you still choose the least likely, and less informitable option... Interesting.
Yes, you've made an ass of yourself you gullable little jackass, now stop insulting my government unless you have some information to back it up with or just shut your mouth and play BF2.
Theres logical answers for 9/11. Lets start with uhh..... terrorists blow shit up? Are you saying the London bombings were staged too?

EDIT: <[onex]>Headstone, you're a brave man and I'm glad we have fireman like yourself to help save lives and protect people on the homefront. NYFD really came through for us on 9/11 and for that, you've earned my respect.
OK asswipe, before I insult you for insulting me, pull the dick out of your ass and mouth before trying to read. I was watching the video while posting so I wasn't going to give a post that I didn't fully support, but after watching I believe it was staged. I'm American too and my Uncle died in the 9/11 attacks, now are you telling me to just sit here and allow a supposed injustice to happen. Is that what everyone is supposed to do? People like you would've kept the world flat and people completely Christian like. Also, there's more to life than just BF2. Do you think terrorist blow up shit all the time? The Oklahoma bombings, we claimed Middle Eastern people did it because asswipes like you always jump to the best explanation that will let their race, country and government get away scott free. But was it a middle eastern? No it wasn't, it was one of us. Now shut the fuck up if you don't have anything good to say you fucking no good patriot. It's my country too and if something is going on that isn't constitutional or isn't due to justice then people will do what they have to do to inform the public. Now if you have a problem with that deal with it.

Edit: and to show how bad our government is, they don't even teach reading comprehension. Ummmm I believe the first post I made relayed to a that not my evidence and my information yet you accuse me of having no information at all. Ummmmm, yeah you really are an American.

Last edited by xX[Elangbam]Xx (2006-02-25 21:11:06)


xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

||BFA||xZeler8 wrote:

wow, um, i don't even know what to say...except, why are conspiricy theorists so fucking stupid...i'm not even going to waste my time and watch this actually makes me sick to think that people could be so idiotic as to suggest the president would do something like that with the intention to start a war...
yeah moron, if you saw it you'd know it has nothing to do with an initiation for a war you idiot. It has to do on how too perfectly everything fell into place and how there was no significant debris at the pentagon and a hell of a lot more. and they're only fucking stupid if you're too fucking patriotic
So why don't Al Gore and all his Pals run with the facts?  It seems to me that showing prefabrication would = a win in the Whitehouse and just about any other house!  Tell me Whoopie Goldberg wouldn't run with this one? proof.  If they had it, they would use it.  Truth is that we don't know and never will for sure, regardless of where you stand on the issue.  When you die, ask your creator...or if you are athiest....I guess it won't matter.

breethon wrote:

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

||BFA||xZeler8 wrote:

wow, um, i don't even know what to say...except, why are conspiricy theorists so fucking stupid...i'm not even going to waste my time and watch this actually makes me sick to think that people could be so idiotic as to suggest the president would do something like that with the intention to start a war...
yeah moron, if you saw it you'd know it has nothing to do with an initiation for a war you idiot. It has to do on how too perfectly everything fell into place and how there was no significant debris at the pentagon and a hell of a lot more. and they're only fucking stupid if you're too fucking patriotic
So why don't Al Gore and all his Pals run with the facts?  It seems to me that showing prefabrication would = a win in the Whitehouse and just about any other house!  Tell me Whoopie Goldberg wouldn't run with this one? proof.  If they had it, they would use it.  Truth is that we don't know and never will for sure, regardless of where you stand on the issue.  When you die, ask your creator...or if you are athiest....I guess it won't matter.
They won't say it because they have a lot to lose. Whoopi goldberg's career would go down the drain if she defied the government e.g. Dixi Chicks. Us, we're just loser to the government and they don't give a shit

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

breethon wrote:

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

yeah moron, if you saw it you'd know it has nothing to do with an initiation for a war you idiot. It has to do on how too perfectly everything fell into place and how there was no significant debris at the pentagon and a hell of a lot more. and they're only fucking stupid if you're too fucking patriotic
So why don't Al Gore and all his Pals run with the facts?  It seems to me that showing prefabrication would = a win in the Whitehouse and just about any other house!  Tell me Whoopie Goldberg wouldn't run with this one? proof.  If they had it, they would use it.  Truth is that we don't know and never will for sure, regardless of where you stand on the issue.  When you die, ask your creator...or if you are athiest....I guess it won't matter.
They won't say it because they have a lot to lose. Whoopi goldberg's career would go down the drain if she defied the government e.g. Dixi Chicks. Us, we're just loser to the government and they don't give a shit
Whoopi has a career to lose?  What could Al Gore lose?  LOL.
want to go heads up?
+11|7043|cairns australia
ok the movie makes some assumptions which are probably wrong.what it does is, raise enough doubt that there may have been prior knowledge of the attacks and raise some serious questions.the pentagon attack and the plane crashing into a field just dont stand any scrutiny.there is a massive coverup of some sort.where is all the wtc gold?i remember thinking while watching the attacks live on tv that gw didnt seem surprised when informed of the attacks and the pentagon attack did not look like a plane crash.i am not a believer in the attacks were staged,just have a lot of unanswered questions.if i was an american i would be pissed about being kept in the dark.BTW aviation fuel is basically refined kerosene and burns at a maximum of 1000 degrees celcius.high grade construction steel has a melting point of 1500 degrees celcius.

Last edited by pokerplaya (2006-02-25 21:47:46)

The Forum Alien
+89|7115|The planet Tophet
yeah i dont know its a verry convincing video and it gets you thinking but i dont know about it

Rathji wrote:

For the most part here I am just repeating stuff as I understand it from the video (and another one made by this crackpot Alex Jones). Personally I don't know where I stand other then to say that something isn't right here.

The basic conspiracy theory is that the Skull and Bones secret society (which apparently is part of, or linked to the worldwide Illuminata organization aka Masons) used thier clout to get one of thier members in as president (Kerry and Clinton are members as well as Bush), and pulled 9/11 off so they could pass the Patriot Act.  Also, some claim that this is all a pretense for establishing a 'New World Order', which is pretty much a facist big brother type thing.

Even though Bin Laden was blamed, and he had full knowledge he would be blamed. It has long been known that he had strong ties to the CIA. The war in Afganistan was a smoke screen, since most of members of Bin Ladens organization (including him) were evacuated by Americans when the fighting began. 

There is some evidence which suggests that the planes which crashed were not civilian airliners, but military planes or in the case of the Pentagon a missle. Lack of debris, or parts of plane engines which could not possibly be civilian planes are often cited. Also 9 (I think) of the terrorists who were supposed to be on the planes when they crashed are actually still alive.   

Now most of that stuff I don't believe, I mean if these jets with all these civilians in them were not the planes that crashed in these locations. WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM? They don't just take a plane full of random people and make it disappear.

There is some evidence that cannot be denied:

- Many people in the WTC were warned not to go to work that day
- One Israelli IM company recieved a Text Message which warned them to leave the building about 4 hours before the attack.
- George Bush's brother, who was in charge of security at the WTC, was replaced on Sept 10, his replacement, who had some politcal fallout with President Bush started on Sept 11.
- The joint chiefs were scheduled to hold a meeting in the WTC on Sept 11, but had thier plans changed.
- Several prominant politicans were warned not to fly to NYC for several days before the attack.
- The owner of all the WTC buildings stated in a televised interview that WTC 7 did not collapse from fire, but      was brought down by demolition charges.

The bottom line is, you CANNOT deny that some influential Americans knew this was going to happen. Who those people were, and what thier intentions were will not be known for a long time, most likely not in any of our lifetimes.

As for all the bullshit about Illuminata, New World Order, and the establishing of a 'Big Brother' state, personally I think someone has been smoking too much crack.
You actually believe those facts?.......what on earth are you smoking? GET ME SOME!!!
+6|6945|Arizona, USA

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

DarkObsidian wrote:

xX[Elangbam]Xx wrote:

I'm not sure where I stand, but just watch this and tell me what you think. It's an hour long tho and even more. … 3762628848
Hmm... you appear to be incapable of developing your own opinion, yet you still choose the least likely, and less informitable option... Interesting.
Yes, you've made an ass of yourself you gullable little jackass, now stop insulting my government unless you have some information to back it up with or just shut your mouth and play BF2.
Theres logical answers for 9/11. Lets start with uhh..... terrorists blow shit up? Are you saying the London bombings were staged too?

EDIT: <[onex]>Headstone, you're a brave man and I'm glad we have fireman like yourself to help save lives and protect people on the homefront. NYFD really came through for us on 9/11 and for that, you've earned my respect.
OK asswipe, before I insult you for insulting me, pull the dick out of your ass and mouth before trying to read. I was watching the video while posting so I wasn't going to give a post that I didn't fully support, but after watching I believe it was staged. I'm American too and my Uncle died in the 9/11 attacks, now are you telling me to just sit here and allow a supposed injustice to happen. Is that what everyone is supposed to do? People like you would've kept the world flat and people completely Christian like. Also, there's more to life than just BF2. Do you think terrorist blow up shit all the time? The Oklahoma bombings, we claimed Middle Eastern people did it because asswipes like you always jump to the best explanation that will let their race, country and government get away scott free. But was it a middle eastern? No it wasn't, it was one of us. Now shut the fuck up if you don't have anything good to say you fucking no good patriot. It's my country too and if something is going on that isn't constitutional or isn't due to justice then people will do what they have to do to inform the public. Now if you have a problem with that deal with it.

Edit: and to show how bad our government is, they don't even teach reading comprehension. Ummmm I believe the first post I made relayed to a that not my evidence and my information yet you accuse me of having no information at all. Ummmmm, yeah you really are an American.
Heh, I quoted your first post to show the comment directed to you, that was my error.
However, I'm truly sorry for your uncle, but by this, you are blinded.
You can't accept the fact that it was not a government conspiracy.
I'm actually atheist, so that blows that out of the water.
Oklahoma bombings, prove to me that the US was behind it, and if you had actually done ANY research on it, you'd know that it was a rogue terrorist cell, which included the infamous Andy The German.
I'm really beginning to tire of you hippy bastards, you always think theres a greater reason for things other than the blatantly obvious.
I can say by the way you type, that you know nothing of politics, and I doubt you know much of anything at all.
Oh, and if you think that terrorist don't blow shit up, explain the suicide bombings.
Shit on your face? I'd say so.
want to go heads up?
+11|7043|cairns australia
everyone is entitled to their own opinion.this is a debate and serious talk forum.please dont resort to insults if someone doesnt agree with you.that is by nature what a debate is
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
We the people..... Have a two party system, which both parties are pretty much the same. Democrate and Republican are both out for the good of there party, and walets. Now if 9/11 was staged and I'm not saying it was, I don't belive too much in the conspicy theories, and the other party put it on trial(which it did in a weird way) no one would win. The american people at that point wouldn't have any faith in either of the governments. Now like Katrina(New orleans people) it seems like alot of the 9/11 stuff was refused to the councill that was reviewing it. Bottom line is that it happened and the only people we had with the ability to stop the terriorst act(who ever did it) feel flat on it's face.

Our government has two reasons for existance number 1 is to have systems in place to protect us(the people) like laws which they don't shy away from, foreign powers and organizations like FEMA(which fails miserable all the time). We have lost alot of Americans in these two terms from unnatural resonse, I could have been one of them. I failed a test for a job in the WTC and thankfully didn't get the job.

Now there second job is diplomacy, we have very few allies left, they might be allies on paper but majority of the population out their hate the americans. It's not our fault people, sure Bush was put into power, but not by me. I don't vote as an American, cause the democrates aren't much better, I feel that my vote is much better going to a party that I belive in that the worse of two evils. Our votes don't even matter, it's just a number showing the government that the population is behind them one way or the other. Now this is my choice and I stand by it 100%, if my vote where to matter maybe I would do it. I also belive there are a lot of Americans like me out their in this country ones who want a change, want to see our tax payer money go towards benifinting american's and not to other countries.

Now bottom line is that no matter who's fault it was, our government wasn't doing it's job and really needs to be held accountable.
+102|7011|New York
Looks like another Michael Moore Piece of shit to me. Seen it a Million times. Looks doctored in many spots to Sucker People into this thinking. Just Like does with its hate mongering.

Same shit different day. Blame can be spread all the way back to 1992 to present day. Deal with it, they were or are both Liers in some ways.

Have another Hummer Bill, And Arnold, Keep smoking those Illegal Cuban cigars in Public.


<[onex]>Headstone wrote:

Looks like another Michael Moore Piece of shit to me. Seen it a Million times. Looks doctored in many spots to Sucker People into this thinking. Just Like does with its hate mongering.

Same shit different day. Blame can be spread all the way back to 1992 to present day. Deal with it, they were or are both Liers in some ways.

Have another Hummer Bill, And Arnold, Keep smoking those Illegal Cuban cigars in Public.

what do you mean doctored, these are what were shown on cnn and and pictures that were broadcasted on serious news channels. So now you're saying those trusted news channels were broadcasting doctored pictures and footage?

imortal wrote:

Your statements echo almost all of the arguments that were made about the OK city bombing.

The Joint Chiefs do NOT hold meetings in the WTC.  They were in the Pentagon, and actually helped in finding and carrying the wounded on 9/11.

ummmm... As far as I know, the securirty for the WTC was handled by a private security firm contracted by the owners of the WTC.  IT is not a goverment building, and noone from the goverment is responsible for its security.  Which brother, anyway?

Many people were warned?  Depending on what?  If they were the goverment workers in offices that aren't in the WTC were warned not to come in to the offices that aren't there?

the owner stated that the building was "pulled down."  It was.  It was pulled down by the collapsing section of the building on the damaged side.  He was misquoted, as were most of the people that were quoted for your proof.

I see generalities galore.  What companies were told not to come in?  What poiliticians were in the air (there WAS one, on a private plane)?

And from your last statement, you are just the kind of person I was talking about.  No amount of proof WILL convince you.  A belief that is held with little to no proof, or despite countering evidence, is a religion.
Yes, I used generalizations. I didn't think for a minute I was making a concrete airtight case for the conspiracy theorists. What I was doing was giving people some general info about what the movie contained, since most didnt want to watch it.

Since thats what you want apparently here is concrete info as it was presented in the movie.

George Bush's youngest brother, Marvin Bush ran security on the WTC complex until Sept 10, this information was taken directly from Barbara Bush's memoirs.

The company that recieved the instant message warnings was the Odigo Company, an Israeli-based "instant-messaging" software company, in the WTC, who received messages in the hours before disaster struck that the World Trade Center would be hit. Apparently 2 of thier employees recieved such messages.

Mayor Willie Brown was warned by Condoleezza Rice not to fly on 911, author Salmon Rushdie was publicly banned from flying before 911, and John Ashcroft former Attorney General stopped flying commercially six months before 911.

As for Larry Silverstien being misquoted, I really don't know how that could have been since the PBS inteview was shown on the 9/11:Martial Law. Its not like they printed the wrong words, they actually came out of his mouth. As Larry Silverstien stated in his own words on PBS: "I remember getting a call from the Fire Department commander, telling me they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. And I said you know, we've had such terrible loss of life, the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that descion to pull and we watched the building collaspe"

I think you are mistaking me for a die hard nut case in all this. I do not think that a missle was shot into the Pentagon, I do not think that there were any military jets that crashed into any of the targets that day. I do not think that President Bush somehow planned and carried out the attacks for one reason, IT IS NOT SOMETHING THAT ANY SANE PERSON WOULD DO.

What I do think happened is this shit was going to happen, and enough people knew about it that it should have been able to be stopped, but nothing was done. You have all the FAA employees (past and present)  being put under a retroactive gag order regarding the events of 9/11, which if violated could result in up to 50 years in jail. Similar gag orders were placed on NYC Fire and Police department members.

My one real question is, why is all this needed?  If there is nothing to hide, why are they hiding it?
I watched that movie... As a matter of fact, some of the points in that movie do indeed make you think about events in more detail... BUT: as with everything, this movie states an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. The same facts interpretated and arranged differently can either prove or deny something. As a matter of fact, I think, the truth might be somewhere in between or even beyond the most extreme conspiracy theories... However, we will never know.

Rellim83 wrote:

Rathji wrote:

For the most part here I am just repeating stuff as I understand it from the video
..... As for all the bullshit about Illuminata, New World Order, and the establishing of a 'Big Brother' state, personally I think someone has been smoking too much crack.
You actually believe those facts?.......what on earth are you smoking? GET ME SOME!!!
Actually, as I stated in bold I was just repeating the things that were said on the 2 movies.

Last edited by Rathji (2006-02-26 01:21:08)

Oh, I'm surely going to belive that a documentary done by teenagers(?) and put on the internet is nothing else than true. Oh, and by the way: I have reliable evidence that WW2 never infact took place! For example: Who is this Hitler dude? The fact is that he is a CIA agent working for NNS(an über secret organisation that President Washington started). 1935 december 12, FDR issued the order 76. This order proves that WW2 was just fictional. If you don't belive me read:

www.absolutelyreliableconspiracytheorie … ace&BS

tF-voodoochild wrote:

The biggest thing bothering me is that there is actual video footage from a surveillance camera that shows whatever it was that hit the Pentagon, yet this footage was confiscated and only 5 frames from it have been released. If there was nothing more than images of a 747 airliner flying into the Pentagon then why would it require being covered up? The FBI could silence a lot of people really quickly if they would just release that footage showing a jumbo jet flying into the Pentagon.

The whole point of covering something up is to hide the truth, so if the truth is that a 747 crashed into the Pentagon then that footage should show it, why would the FBI need to hide that from the public?
I don't know where I stand on any of it. For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. Theories and counter theories etc. I do however agree that it would just be easier to release the footage of the pentagon strike cos whichever way you look at that particular piece it looks shady. Also, re Flight 93 why would you ring your mum and use your full name??? A couple of nights after 9/11 I rang into a national radio show and I made the point that we shouldn't jump to conclusions as to who was responsible.
well, first off I dunno about "skull and bones" or any of that crap, but the fact remains it is IMPOSSIBLE that those buildings fell down on their own. PERIOD. I worked for 7 years doing cleanup for demolition companies in Canada and in the US, I have watch 14 buildings destroyed by demo EXP, and thats what brought down those towers, in fact less than 45 min after the towers fell people from the largest demo company in the US were there cleaning up the mess, and then shipping the evidence out of the country to be melted down (thats on the record you actually have that info available to you) The reason they are getting away with it is simple, its called complacancy, and Americans have it in a big way. Its alot less about starting the war as it is about keeping Americans afraid of an imagined enemy ,fear breeds consumerism and they've been doing it for years. In the history of the world NO skyscraper has EVER collapsed from a fire, even fires that burned for 20+ hours consuming half a building didn't knock down a skyscraper because they PLAN for fire when they build them. I don't know who exactly is responsible, but I do know that it doesn't take an expert to know that something is wrong with the story we've been fed about 911, and noone is doing anything to find out why because that would mean getting off your asses and actually doing something that you don't get rewarded for, oh and Patriotism is just another way of saying Nationalism... its not patriotic to allow a minority of Corporations to take your country out from under you... supporting a president because your "patriotic" would imply that the president was not undermining your country, so ram the flag waving and open your eyes because this is only the beginning and you'll find when you need to flee to Canada that we won't be waiting with a warm reception, because there is simply no respect for Americans anymore (barely even in America itself)

Last edited by (BS)Commander_Canuck (2006-02-26 06:43:41)

The Microwave Man

MajorGeneral wrote:

Oh, I'm surely going to belive that a documentary done by teenagers(?) and put on the internet is nothing else than true. Oh, and by the way: I have reliable evidence that WW2 never infact took place! For example: Who is this Hitler dude? The fact is that he is a CIA agent working for NNS(an über secret organisation that President Washington started). 1935 december 12, FDR issued the order 76. This order proves that WW2 was just fictional. If you don't belive me read:

www.absolutelyreliableconspiracytheorie … ace&BS
For all intents and purposes people who deny the Holocaust are thrown in jail because it is a crime , not too sure about the laws in the US , so if I were you I would just simply STFU .

jonnykill wrote:

MajorGeneral wrote:

Oh, I'm surely going to belive that a documentary done by teenagers(?) and put on the internet is nothing else than true. Oh, and by the way: I have reliable evidence that WW2 never infact took place! For example: Who is this Hitler dude? The fact is that he is a CIA agent working for NNS(an über secret organisation that President Washington started). 1935 december 12, FDR issued the order 76. This order proves that WW2 was just fictional. If you don't belive me read:

www.absolutelyreliableconspiracytheorie … ace&BS
For all intents and purposes people who deny the Holocaust are thrown in jail because it is a crime , not too sure about the laws in the US , so if I were you I would just simply STFU .
People who deny the fact that an airplane crashed into WTC should also be jailed for grande stupidity.

Last edited by MajorGeneral (2006-02-26 08:44:16)

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