PLain and simple, the fact that to win they just have to take all flags which...when no matter what they always have a place to spawn....MEC as you know does not. So in saying that...once they take the Factory.......they have immense amounts of armour coming from both sides...and just a matter of crushing the MEC in between.

the_ubernoob_ wrote:

the only way the US team can beat you when they don't cap any flags (99.99% of the time they will take the MEC bases across the river so it turns into a onesided slaughter fest) is if the MEC team attempts to run up the hill into  the endless stream of PKM fire (PKMs are now the new sniper rifle so they are 10 times more deadly).
The thing is, USMC ALWAYS wins when I'm playing, well the MEC have won ONCE after like 20 rounds but it's rare for me.
It doesn't matter if they take the flags or not they still win. Seems so unfair imo.
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
In fact while MEC team is holding all flags USMC tickes are bleeding so MEC team is rewarded for keeping all flags. Mostly USMC team just take one flag from behind and bleed will stop and only deaths will take ticket off. Also in every beginning of a round there's like 40 players in USMC team and 20 in MEC team and after teams are balances USMC have at least one flag taken. There's also USMC tank and APC(s) raping MEC spawns and mostly MEC tank and APCs do nothing for USMC's armors. So basicly USMC team is winning just because stupid teambalance system which doesn't work between rounds and because all good players switch to USMC team between round. And because teambalance change those players who die 1st to MEC side it mostly mean that all noob players go to MEC team.
+0|6811|Malmoe, Sweden
"So basicly USMC team is winning just because stupid teambalance system which doesn't work between rounds and because all good players switch to USMC team between round. And because teambalance change those players who die 1st to MEC side it mostly mean that all noob players go to MEC team"

LOL, that is so true
I have played with you BlueScreen on HMC or so I think. In the begining of the round USMC are twice as many as MEC witch make it hard for MEC to defend even the hotel flag...
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Because USMC has the uber spawn raping machines (LAV-25)
The Original
MEC will win every single time if they play correctly. By correctly, I mean if they defend against the USMC capping the back bases. I've won plenty of times with MEC on Karkand by camping the alley in an APC with a fellow tanker and a supply box just killing all the stupid Marines who try to run down the hill to the fence.
I cnat slpel!!!

[anti]NorthBear wrote:

But if one squad spawns on suburb, mine, C4 whatever.
One squad spawns on square, mine C4 whatever.
One squad spawns on cement, mine C4 whatever.
Rest of the squads spawn on hotell, mine C4 and AT-GUYS to meet the tanks head-on.

That way the odds are more even don´t you think min lille norrman
Yeah - but by including cement you suggest a 64-player map, in which the APC can circumvent all your spawnpoints and go directly for MEC main..

It boils down to attack strategy vs. defense strategy. Yes - if someone defends the back-bases you will have a chance, but what if no-one comes? then the attackers will have superior numbers on the front. And mining/C4's are only that useful if you have an organizaed squad around you. (one will medic and stay away. the C4 will blow up and he will run in and revive)

Once an attacking force has tried a strategy and it has failed, it will try another and another and another - the winner is the one who can react fast enough to stem the US tide every time..
+557|6881|Oslo, Norway
they spawn rape in APC's!
>< So easy to win on MEC... Last couple rounds we didn't let them get a single point and a lot of people got veterans explosives/expert *HINT* I just rush with a sniper and get about 10 kills before I get shot.
I've noticed this as well... I was playing as MEC and the USMC capped only one flag... ONE... and they won on a 64 player map.  That isn't supposed to happen.  Notice: devil's perch as well... US is damn good at that too.
This depends most on your team, what they do and how good they are. Almost everytime I been in MEC people who pick the tank and apc are all engineer and get couple of supplyboxes behind them wich make them practical imortal. Even when shooting 4 rockets with minimal delay between shots can't kill a tank fast enough.

Then when the team is waiting for another one to kill a tank or APC is an idiot, sure you don't wanna switch but hey do you really wanna die over and over again?
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6865|Riva, MD
The MEC may have more flags, but they don't any non-cappables so easily a win/win situation for the U.S.
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
Spawn rape ftw
Mass Media Casualty

Okay, the real reason USMC keep winning is this:

Right, so obviously, the map starts out with one front of attack, yet it is very hard to make an unpenetrable line for the MEC team. This means squads of guys can bypass the main action and head to the bases at the back - the ones the MEC team wouldn't be able to defend. Once these are captured, it means there are two fronts of attack for MEC, (as they are the defending team,) and mostly, they don't notice that their back points are being taken because;

A) No-one understands the Arabic "We've lost contact with an outpost."
B) The Minimap only zooms out so far.

It is a hard map to defend, but an easy one to attack and that is why the USMC attacking team win a lot. However, if the USMC team are just rushing the first point in order to get kills etc. they won't win because their tickets go down if they don't have enough points.

A way for the MEC team to win is this: They hold out at the first point as long as possible. This means they have to spread out their numbers in a line, making sure enemy soldiers don't flank them to take the back points. This is a good job for Support soldiers who may have to rake down whole squads of men. Roads need to be mined and AT soldiers need to be ready to take out enemy armour/transport which smashes through the line. Also, it is a good idea for the MEC team to bring their tank up to the front lines. Also, for the further back points, (the main HQ and that small point on the hill. Also that big building on the square is a good place for a Sniper or AT who's sole purpose is to shoot sneaky bastards who are taking the point.) If they hold on long enough, the USMC tickets would have dropped enough for the MEC team to simply make sure that they have one or two points left while they hold off the onslaught - defensive only, they should not try to take back lost points as it will weaken the defence of the other points. It is easier for the MEC team to defend one point instead of a whole line of engagement.
That's my reckoning anyway, and I have been in a winning MEC team many times, likewise I have been in a loosing USMC team.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Bringing Sexy Back
Maybe good players = USMC lovers ?

Just throwin it out there but put an ocean between them i.e. wake island and you've got a challenge >
The Microwave Man
Simply put - when the MEC loose the main base across the bridge that's pretty much it . If you don't have at least 4 skilled players defending the main base and a blown up bridge for defensive purposes then it's over .
But who is going to team up with 4 people and do some boring defense ? Not too many . That's why USMC kicks ass all the time .
Because you idiots always spawn in at the Hotel and Square and bottleneck in the middle of the map. All you have to do is spam mines or rush the right side, blow the arty, have someone sit on the TOW, and a few of you wreak havok in their gas station. I personally get annoyed when I;m in armor and my teammates take the Hotel. That area is prime armor kills.

US doesnt always win. Just like how the US didnt always win on Wake before EA raped the Black Hawk.

Last edited by JimKong (2006-02-25 15:21:39)

becaus they have nothing to lose in the begin
Them thinking that they have nothing to lose is why the Factory gets rushed all the time.
This is an easy question to answer, and is the same on most assault maps... team assaulting usually has advantage. They won't ever lose their vehicles, whereas the defending team has to watch not only their forward point but their main, in case they lose control of their tanks/APCs.

Nuff said.
Aspiring Objectivist
I think it depends on the squads & commander on each side, I really dont see one side winning more than the other.

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