Why do USMC win on Strike at Karkand even when they are not able to capture the first flag throughout the whole round and also not being able to capture any of the other flags?
Well this is what happen when I play on a 64 player server.

USMC will win with a 95% chance.(Well I have seen Mec win ONCE during 20 rounds....)
They dun need to capture any of the flags in order to win.
If they now DO capture the flags it will only make them win faster.
They will most likely win with at least 50+ points over the other team.
I will be among the guys with top kills after the round is over. XD PKM FTW!!! Well that's if I have a good round.

So I wonder why don't the MEC team win when they hold ALL the flags ALL the time? Because they should be revarded for it imo.
Or has EA/Dice screwed with the point system now?

Or if someone can tell me how the point system really works on Karkand because I really would like to know.

Also could some people just post servers that are playing Karkand 24/7 with 64 people on?
Because I like that map a lot and there ain't many Karkand servers only when I search for them. >.>
Also I need to get to the next rank within a short time and Karkand is a good choice imo. XD

Note: I'm not whining, but just wonder because the MEC should have a bit more chance of winning when they hold all the flags.
Well if its one thing ive learned its that people dont play karkand to win, they play it for points. The USA probably won a lot on the server you played on because they kept teir vehicles back & just shot anything that popped up... usualy the MEC team gets bored & runs toward the uncappables mindlessly getting slaughtered attacking easily defendable positions. Also because the MEC players will be milling around hotel they make easy artillery targets so the MEC will lose points quickly that way as well.
The thing is, the USMC forces will also attack and the MEC command will also put artellery on them. It's pretty normal on a 64 player server in the start where the commander put out an artellery and gets at least 5 kills within few bombs and then it just add more kills the more it blow the shit out of them.
+1,230|6991|Alberta, Canada

cuz they always cap the flags behind the frontlines, then they get the spawn points with tanks and they just oblitarate the MEC
+-2|6935|U.K DURHAM

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

Well if its one thing ive learned its that people dont play karkand to win, they play it for points. The USA probably won a lot on the server you played on because they kept teir vehicles back & just shot anything that popped up... usualy the MEC team gets bored & runs toward the uncappables mindlessly getting slaughtered attacking easily defendable positions. Also because the MEC players will be milling around hotel they make easy artillery targets so the MEC will lose points quickly that way as well.
How true i hate that map any way nothing like tanks choppers and planes going at it all at the same time bring it on.

ryan_14 wrote:

cuz they always cap the flags behind the frontlines, then they get the spawn points with tanks and they just oblitarate the MEC
True, the only time I ever see a USMC victory is when there is not a flood of suicidal idiots running thru the hotel fence.
+-2|6935|U.K DURHAM
a little off topic but -=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon give me ya ip for server mate.
+6|6784|Arizona, USA
First off, It's the USMC, come on
The USMC usually get more kills, deaths = ticket loss.
With the rapid ammounts of death, flags don't really matter because the flag ticket loss would be countered by the mass deaths.

ryan_14 wrote:

cuz they always cap the flags behind the frontlines, then they get the spawn points with tanks and they just oblitarate the MEC

Though there are rounds where they have taken other flags but that will only make them win more.

A=10: What are you talking about actually? (Edit: The first post you made in this topic then.)

Last edited by Zefar (2006-02-25 11:37:30)

+10|6869|Kirkland, WA
#1 Reason USMC wins over MEC on Karkand: NO UNCAPPABLE BASE FOR MEC. Period. End of story.

There are other factors as well, but everything else is somehow directly or indirectly tied to this fact from a strategic and even pyschological perspective. The biggest reason that USMC wins over MEC is that USMC doesn't have to worry about being completely capped out so they can play as aggressive as they want without fear that if they don't defend their flags that they may no longer be able to spawn in. I know I have a totally different attitude and approach to how I play Strike at Karkand depending on whether I'm playing on MEC or USMC.

Also, online players for the most part are more concerned with there stats than winning the round for their team. Therefore, very few players will defend flags while they're being captured or reclaim them after they're lost. I think Dice/EA expected more teamplay and strategy in online public games, which is why they didn't give MEC an uncappable base, because in theory the team starting out with more bases should be able to defend at least half of them sufficiently. In practice though, it rarely ever works out his way. This is definitely a case where game design theory that seems logical has proven to be at odds with what really works.
+5|6903 Or visit www.bw-gaming.co.uk

There you go Delboy, happy hunting
the only way the US team can beat you when they don't cap any flags (99.99% of the time they will take the MEC bases across the river so it turns into a onesided slaughter fest) is if the MEC team attempts to run up the hill into  the endless stream of PKM fire (PKMs are now the new sniper rifle so they are 10 times more deadly).

My advice to the MEC team.  stay dispersed, in cover, and pick off each support player with repetitive headshots (with real sniper rifles).  Also claymore any major infantry entrances into the hotel base.

One more thing.  Ask your commander to personally tell your squad the second a jeep/apc starts to sneak around towards the MEC main.

And my answer to the art threat is to follow the safety system I thought up.

step 1: get under something (shed/box/anything that protects you from being hit directly by an shell.  hidding bellow the ground level works also (sorta like hidding in a ditch when you have no cover from a tornado.  The reason you should live is because any shrapnel from a nearby art shell will either be stopped by the ground or fly about 1 foot over your head)

step 2: if no cover presents itself; run in the direction opposite of the first strike and repeatadely say "please don't hit me, please don't hit me, please don't hit me"
+0|6811|Malmoe, Sweden
For MEC its all about geting the apc:s and the tank up front. As soon as some USMC break thrue the lines the commander must warn MEC so that the dont lose any flags behind hotell. Wait for USMC to attack, this is a map when MEC is DEFENDING, not attacking. Good players in the apc:s and the tank is important, not the IDIOTS sitting as medics in the tank!!! TEAMWORK MEC!!!
Tank whores...that's the problem.  Their tanks are so much closer to the action than the MEC's are...they've got to bring them from the very back...takes a minute or so to bring them up.  So, while the USMC is slaughtering the masses at the Hotel, the MEC's are driving the tanks up.  If the tanks get blown up...guess what, another couple of minutes before they're in battle again.  For the USMC, maybe 30 seconds.  What we need is Karkand WITH NO TANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I HATE THE TANKS!!!!!!!!
Bring back BERLIN and OMAHA BEACH!!!!  No tanks, just a couple of jeeps/trucks and all infantry.  Those are the best maps.  No map in BF2 has no tanks, which in itself spawns tank whores.  Thanks EA Games...you continually screw us!
Horseman 77
simple .. Becuase you can't use mines in game.

Blow bridge, mine Ramps, maybe one  Squad leader  in rear to double check if a flag turns white his squad can than spawn on him as he nears it.
MEC has no uncappable flag with 3 pieces of armor, that's why. Not to mention the USMC armor flag is completely removed from the fighting.
+60|6784|miami FL
The Game Is Rigged For The U.s To Win They Have A Base That Cannot Be Taken And Only One Way To Get To It And Thats Going Up . They Have Extra Apc On Smaller Maps And A Tow Missile On Their Flag In Case U Wonder Up There. And They All Kind Of Access To Other Flags Through The Back Alley.  The Main Reason Why Mec Looses Is Because They Dont Listen And Love The Hotel Wuch Has No Value What So Ever Its A Trap.
The thing is with 1.2 the East River side could be so easily defended from vehicles & infantry...

Place AT mines on the water bridge, take out the dry bridge with c4 & claymore in good spots around each flag & they arent going to get it... But alas everyone on MEC just shout woot lets run towards the single most tacticaly worthless flag on the map with avid enthusiasm & as a result get slaughtered...

Its like common sense, tactics & a good approac get thrown out the window & replaced by the smiling optimism of 'We cant lose weve got better camouflage than these americans!'... Sigh
I cnat slpel!!!
they don't always win.. but you need three squads to cover middle and both flanks, and the tank needs to stay the hell away and kill anything breaing through (and someone must man the TOW on square)

Seriously - when there are all those points for grabs will the tank-driver stay away??? nah
He'll get blown to pieces, someone will break through and take Suburb, from there on down and over train it's pretty much a done deal if you don't pull off a great feat of teamwork co-ordinating the defense of front-perimiter together with re-taking Suburb/Train/etc.

Nasty USMC gets in everywhere and are a pain to get out
Yup when find one of those awful USMC difficult to shift stains... I use patented PKM & grenade smash attack... now in the handy half litre bottle with hands easy spray nozzle
+0|6811|Malmoe, Sweden

Friluftshund wrote:

they don't always win.. but you need three squads to cover middle and both flanks, and the tank needs to stay the hell away and kill anything breaing through (and someone must man the TOW on square)

Seriously - when there are all those points for grabs will the tank-driver stay away??? nah
He'll get blown to pieces, someone will break through and take Suburb, from there on down and over train it's pretty much a done deal if you don't pull off a great feat of teamwork co-ordinating the defense of front-perimiter together with re-taking Suburb/Train/etc.

Nasty USMC gets in everywhere and are a pain to get out
That is why MEC must have a good commander that warns in time. The squadleaders must follow every order. Then and only then can MEC taste victory
I cnat slpel!!!

[anti]NorthBear wrote:

Friluftshund wrote:

bla bla bla
That is why MEC must have a good commander that warns in time. The squadleaders must follow every order. Then and only then can MEC taste victory
Yeah - but you know how easy it is for USMC..

Straight through before anyone has spawned/mined/C4'ed - straight on to suburbs, someone spawns on you -
*tadaa* roll onwards towards train and start slaughtering your way towards their main.. With that gone + commander-tools, there isn't much to be done.
+0|6811|Malmoe, Sweden
But if one squad spawns on suburb, mine, C4 whatever.
One squad spawns on square, mine C4 whatever.
One squad spawns on cement, mine C4 whatever.
Rest of the squads spawn on hotell, mine C4 and AT-GUYS to meet the tanks head-on.

That way the odds are more even don´t you think min lille norrman

-=|BW|=-Hollow_Moon wrote:

Well if its one thing ive learned its that people dont play karkand to win, they play it for points. The USA probably won a lot on the server you played on because they kept teir vehicles back & just shot anything that popped up... usualy the MEC team gets bored & runs toward the uncappables mindlessly getting slaughtered attacking easily defendable positions. Also because the MEC players will be milling around hotel they make easy artillery targets so the MEC will lose points quickly that way as well.
I see this all too often. The older more mature players will let the USMC come to them. The young bucks don't wanna wait, so they get slaughtered. Patience is more than a virtue, it'll keep you alive.

Reminds me of the story about the Old Bull and Young Bull... Both standing on a hill looking down on the cows...young one says: 'Lets run down there and have us a cow!' Old Bull says: 'Lets walk down and have em all.'
+0|6811|Malmoe, Sweden
But I admit that it´s very easy to win as USMC if you have lots of squads teamworking 

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