Fantasma Parastasie

Adams_BJ wrote:

GGF0RCE wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

Why is it okay to talk about evolution, mythology, etc in school, but as soon as a Christian speaks up, ohh booy, he just crossed the line!

Hypocritical fucks.
Uhh, perhaps because evolution is fact?
Theory. Evolution is a theory.
Do you even know what a theory means? You're throwing mud here - in the scientific community, a theory is

"A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena."

"In science a theory is a testable model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise verified through empirical observation. It follows from this that for scientists "theory" and "fact" do not necessarily stand in opposition. For example, it is a fact that an apple dropped on earth has been observed to fall towards the center of the planet, and the theories commonly used to describe and explain this behavior are Newton's theory of universal gravitation (see also gravitation), and the theory of general relativity."

But theory has become a common word, bringing with it a second definition of the word

"In common usage, the word theory is often used to signify a conjecture, an opinion, or a speculation. In this usage, a theory is not necessarily based on facts; in other words, it is not required to be consistent with true descriptions of reality. This usage of theory leads to the common incorrect statements. True descriptions of reality are more reflectively understood as statements which would be true independently of what people think about them."

Keep clinging to your desperate hope guise, I'm sure you'll be happy in heave-oh, nevermind, there is none and, hypothetically speaking, if there was one you would not even get in. Nothing hypocritical about that, eh?
Well religion should be fairytailes then, consider in our school they read it as one

Its just history, do they have to pick on everything they don't like?

GGF0RCE wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

Why is it okay to talk about evolution, mythology, etc in school, but as soon as a Christian speaks up, ohh booy, he just crossed the line!

Hypocritical fucks.
Uhh, perhaps because evolution is fact?
LOL, oh, of course...

So why are we all worried about global warming and such? Won't we just sprout magical winter coats to survive the ice age? I mean, after all, that is evolution...

Evolution is most definitely not fact! It has never been proven, it is just a theory. There is no proof or evidence that evolution is real.
Religion can get their own subject where they teach people about their religion. That's as far as religion should go in a school. They shouldn't be allowed to like convert people in class to their religion.

If they are going to boss around people due to their religion others should be able to do it to. For example Athiest can claim they don't want to hear the bullshit from religions and due to that they want to get rid of religion class forever. One less subejct to care about.

But if I where the painter of that painting I would agree if they did one thing.

Pay us back 10 000$ for the money we spent on it and then another 10 000$ for hurting our feelings. You know WE TO got feelings. Then I'll share the money with the ones that painted it.
Fantasma Parastasie

CrazeD wrote:

GGF0RCE wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

Why is it okay to talk about evolution, mythology, etc in school, but as soon as a Christian speaks up, ohh booy, he just crossed the line!

Hypocritical fucks.
Uhh, perhaps because evolution is fact?
LOL, oh, of course...

So why are we all worried about global warming and such? Won't we just sprout magical winter coats to survive the ice age? I mean, after all, that is evolution...

Evolution is most definitely not fact! It has never been proven, it is just a theory. There is no proof or evidence that evolution is real.

dude, I was just drinking something too.. shit went right up my nose


CrazeD, you need to educate yourself.

And Kyle, not saying that the thread title wasn't inappropriate (it is), but the OP was just spouting memes (*-fags is a suffix for just about anything, in this case 'christfags' is used to refer to the fanatic kind of christian you find lurking the internet)
+1,352|6535|N. Ireland
^ Yep - misread, deleted post prior to you making this one.

CrazeD wrote:

GGF0RCE wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

Why is it okay to talk about evolution, mythology, etc in school, but as soon as a Christian speaks up, ohh booy, he just crossed the line!

Hypocritical fucks.
Uhh, perhaps because evolution is fact?
LOL, oh, of course...

So why are we all worried about global warming and such? Won't we just sprout magical winter coats to survive the ice age? I mean, after all, that is evolution...

Evolution is most definitely not fact! It has never been proven, it is just a theory. There is no proof or evidence that evolution is real.
Say did you learn how life came to life? In former time they just though it was GOD that helped them with that, we have proved its wrong.

The thing you are talking about is religion, we don't take something out of nothing, we dont have MAGICAL power as religion keep telling there is, we need something to prove it would work.

For example in the bible it would be perfect to tell that humans came from couple of bones from some huge giant where god just formed a human form and gave it feelings and then its done and they will ignore it for ages no matter how silly it sounds. It was in the bible so it MOST BE TRUE.

You religius people think evolution happens just under some years, where in fact it happens 100000 years or longer. Look at all the different animals there are, if god really made them why not make one of each kind to keep it pure but he wanted to make a shitloads of different animals or messed up big time. or what about the Dronte, a bird that cant fly, what a shitty life for god to make. Bound to die out and so it did.
+1,352|6535|N. Ireland
Umm...I'd consider it adaption to live, not luck. Are you suggesting God made humans instantly like we are? lol. Dying at the age of 5 or 6 when muscles have hardly developed...yet here we are, effectively dominating the earth.

Things aren't bound to die. They're bound to adapt incorrectly.
One of the things for me for that makes religion so useless to belive in is this.

So you got this god that made an entire universum. But when he is suposed to make a little book for the people to read and it's yet to be completely translated to he utterly fail to do so. Stories that never happened. Killed the human population like twice or something. Forced Noah to make the worlds biggest Arc in a week or two ALONE with his family. O_O

If I want child stories I'll go read a child book.

kylef wrote:

Umm...I'd consider it adaption to live, not luck. Are you suggesting God made humans instantly like we are? lol. Dying at the age of 5 or 6 when muscles have hardly developed...yet here we are, effectively dominating the earth.

Things aren't bound to die. They're bound to adapt incorrectly.
No religion made that, they tell god made a human with high inteligence and be able to speak perfect in a day, Why would anyone be able to believe that.
Guys, gravity is just a theory, too. That's why some people in this thread stay on the ground despite being full of hot air.

nukchebi0 wrote:

For the Christians complaining, seeing how anything relating to their religion is pounced on and removed when displayed in public, they are understandably annoyed when the symbol of another religion is allowed to stay. I'm not necessarily saying its right to complain, but please try to consider the viewpoints of others before you go around calling them names.

It is, to be honest, a bit intolerant.
Well, there's a difference between artistic and religious expressions. Both legally and obviously. This is an artistic expression of peace and unity that just so happens to have dieties from various religions who represent these beliefs included. If they wanted to slap a big ol' Moses in there, too, that's fine, because it isn't about religion.

If you, on the other hand, put up a smiling Jesus giving you thumbs up, a solemn Mohammad, or a vengeful Satan to convey a religious message, that's a whole other thing. Just like putting up a picture of a coathanger to represent abortion is something completely different from putting up a picture of a coathanger to give directions to a wardrobe.

Last edited by mikkel (2008-05-17 04:46:27)

+3,611|6663|London, England
They forgot to add Muhammad

I'd buy one of those and wear it in a Muslim area (Armed with an MP7)

I can see why they say that it's unfair that other religions are being depicted and not Christianity. But I guess the theme of the Mural was to be abit more exotic, whereas the Abrahamic religions tend to be the opposite of exotic/peaceful

Last edited by Mek-Stizzle (2008-05-17 05:09:07)

That is fucking retarded.

Stupid Christians make the smart ones look bad.

Last edited by Dragonclaw (2008-05-17 05:14:27)

U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6531|Gogledd Cymru

CrazeD wrote:

Evolution is most definitely not fact! It has never been proven, it is just a theory. There is no proof or evidence that evolution is real.
And God has been proven to be real?
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6763|Sydney, Australia

CrazeD wrote:

Evolution is most definitely not fact! It has never been proven, it is just a theory. There is no proof or evidence that evolution is real.
Sorry, but are you fucking retarded?

A simple one would be black people... and white people. Based on the (original) difference in geographical location of two similar populations, those with the genes/traits that were best suited to their environment had a better chance at survival than those that didn't. Over thousands of years, the range of skin colours got smaller for each of the populations... closer to the ideal one for that environment. As a species, we evolved...

Evolution is a very long term concept. A species does not just undergo a massive change during the timeframe of one generation.

I suppose to be fair, and help you see it better, I can offer an example where the time frame of evolution is drastically shorter than required for our species...

Your doctor ever told you to take the full course of anti-biotics, even when you may feel better half way through?

mikkel wrote:

Guys, gravity is just a theory, too. That's why some people in this thread stay on the ground despite being full of hot air.

-    -    -    -    -    -    -

But back on the OP (sorry)... That's fucking retarted.
Mr Caek
You will be baked, and then there will be cake.
+12|6041|Lincoln, UK
Why would you want to believe in something so strange, like the universe is around 3000 years old, when there is so much to disprove it?

CrazeD wrote:

GGF0RCE wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

Why is it okay to talk about evolution, mythology, etc in school, but as soon as a Christian speaks up, ohh booy, he just crossed the line!

Hypocritical fucks.
Uhh, perhaps because evolution is fact?
LOL, oh, of course...

So why are we all worried about global warming and such? Won't we just sprout magical winter coats to survive the ice age? I mean, after all, that is evolution...

Evolution is most definitely not fact! It has never been proven, it is just a theory. There is no proof or evidence that evolution is real.
ok, there are 2 parents, they are both of average height, their kid will have a high % of growing to an average height however there is a small chance the kid could be even taller or shorter (than the parents), if we still had dominant males/females etc the ones who are stronger/better woulld have most of the kids which would make their kids stronger/better(not always though), eventually after some generations you will see some slight differences

also with the ice-age thing, if there were a few people who can withstand the cold really well, they might be able to live where others might die, their kids will most likely also have this advantage which would make the kids have an advantage that "normal" people didnt have before, and so will their kids, which would mean that we evolved

only way for us to evolve properly is to either have alot of us getting sick/dying or having dominant males/females, without this evolution would still happen but at an extremely slow rate that it doesnt really matter

also, learn what a theory is

My friend wrote that on MSN after reading your post, he would also like to say he wants you and people like you dead.
Formerly known as Missionless
+92|6370|105 RVK
4chanfags on bf2s?
this is precisely why i don't associate myself with any religion
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6732|Tampa Bay Florida

CrazeD wrote:

Why is it okay to talk about evolution, mythology, etc in school, but as soon as a Christian speaks up, ohh booy, he just crossed the line!

Hypocritical fucks.
Because the religious radicals in every country (in USA its usually Christianity) could care less about the rights of others.  They are not arguing for someones rights, they're arguing because they're OFFENDED because of what someone else did.

I'd say these fucking nutjobs complaining about this mural are radicals.

Last edited by Spearhead (2008-05-17 09:42:38)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6732|Tampa Bay Florida

CrazeD wrote:

GGF0RCE wrote:

CrazeD wrote:

Why is it okay to talk about evolution, mythology, etc in school, but as soon as a Christian speaks up, ohh booy, he just crossed the line!

Hypocritical fucks.
Uhh, perhaps because evolution is fact?
LOL, oh, of course...

So why are we all worried about global warming and such? Won't we just sprout magical winter coats to survive the ice age? I mean, after all, that is evolution...

Evolution is most definitely not fact! It has never been proven, it is just a theory. There is no proof or evidence that evolution is real.

Have you taken 6th grade science?  A THEORY is the best possible explanation. 

So you're telling me gravity is not fact?  Because its just a theory?  LOL
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,053|6665|Little Bentcock

Lucien wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

GGF0RCE wrote:

Uhh, perhaps because evolution is fact?
Theory. Evolution is a theory.
Woah, I don't think you understand where I are coming from.

I'm not trying to say some crap about creationalism, I firmly believe in evolution, I was just stating that GGF0RCE said evolution is a fact when it isn't, evolution is theory. There is alot of evidence to support it but unless we go back in time and watch evolution actually happening, it is a very hard thing to prove, that's why its called the theory of evolution, and it is taught in schools as a theory, not as a fact that we evolved, it is just widely believed that we did because it makes so much sense.

Same as the theory of relativity, but that's a whole other story..
Un Moderador

This just didn't cross the line. It rocketed away from it.

Yes you all have very narrow and intolerant views on this subject; but do you have to express it in such a dissmissive manner? I can't see a post without "fuck" or "fucks" in it - this, by the way, is called hyperbole, to emphasise my statement ( just getting rid of all the smartasses willing to argue my last point ).

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