Half my deaths on karkand come from tanks or APC's.

Now, im not saying tanking takes no skill because it does, avoid the AT missles, AT mines, c4 and just staying alive overall isnt as easy as the people complaining about it think, i've seen un-experienced tankers get destoryed on karkand.

I doubt im alone in saying this, that we really need an all infantry map. Especially with the latest patch, makeing escapeing spawn killing tankers even harder. Once again im not complaining about it, im simply saying an all infantry map would be awesome and would definately be played by many people, mainly those not big on vehicles period.
They should have a forest, snow, and jungle map with changing weather.
snow-city map !!!!! or hellendoorn bf2 version!!
Member since 2005
+44|6938|Kansas, USA

JimKong wrote:

They should have a forest, snow, and jungle map with changing weather.
I had already though it would be nice if all the maps were able to change for different times of the day. So each time you started a map it would randomly choose what time it was and the lighting would change to match. But, I hadn't thought of weather! That would definitely add another factor to the game. I can image Kubra Dam with wind gusts that would make flying the choppers difficult. The wind could even be a factor for snipers at long distances.

I don't think we are quite there yet to reach that level of realism, but it's not far off. The technology exists, but they need to create the engine to run it.
If so I better get paid. I've been mentioning weather and contested areas and I bet EA has folks check forums to grab new ideas before other game conpanies.

Idea rights are a joke in the game development world. I would spew yesterday's canned yams if I heard of a completely unique game about to be released.
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BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

D3AD_Roger_t3h_retard wrote:

Once again im not complaining about it, im simply saying an all infantry map would be awesome and would definately be played by many people, mainly those not big on vehicles period.
Buy SF (if you don't have it) and play Iron Gator. Ok, there are choppers, but stay under deck and they won't be a problem. All in all, its better than nothing for an infantry only game.
+10|6883|Kirkland, WA

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Idea rights are a joke in the game development world. I would spew yesterday's canned yams if I heard of a completely unique game about to be released.
Amen. Virtually everything in games is derivative. Even concepts or ideas that seem original have their sources of inspiration. Granted, the arrangement of concepts and the way they are implemented can be fresh and innovative occasionaly, but even then most "new" ideas are really just improvements or tangents of existing concepts. Many players and game designers for decades now have had the concept of implementing real-time daytime settings and weather patterns. As an aspiring game designer who currently works professionally as a technical artist and 3d animator I plan on creating several games, which I consider to be drastically different than most currently existing games. However, I'm not going to be arrogant enough to claim that they are completely original without derivative or inspired material. A famous artist once said "the key to being a great artist is to hide your sources." The quote's somewhat paraphrased but I think it's close enough. I think it might have actually been Divinci that said it. Not positive though.
Well if patch 1.3 has a rape and pillage map I'll see their asses in court.

Last edited by JimKong (2006-02-24 11:26:02)


JimKong wrote:

They should have a forest, snow, and jungle map with changing weather.
excellent idea. alot of ppl bought new and great gpu, why not use it to the fullest? Of course this would mean no more bf2, they would have to change the engine and code to incorporate weatther and all that stuff in
I totally agree about a no tanks map.  BRING BACK BERLIN and OMAHA BEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The tanks are freaking gay.  You didn't hear a lot about tank whores in desert combat...at least not for me because I hardly ever played maps with the tanks in them.
+0|6898|Almere, Holland

D3AD_Roger_t3h_retard wrote:

Half my deaths on karkand come from tanks or APC's.

Now, im not saying tanking takes no skill because it does, avoid the AT missles, AT mines, c4 and just staying alive overall isnt as easy as the people complaining about it think, i've seen un-experienced tankers get destoryed on karkand.

I doubt im alone in saying this, that we really need an all infantry map. Especially with the latest patch, makeing escapeing spawn killing tankers even harder. Once again im not complaining about it, im simply saying an all infantry map would be awesome and would definately be played by many people, mainly those not big on vehicles period.
I once played on a server where u couldnt use tanks/apc.. got banned there.. but I got 243 points IAR had a good time but then the admin started to get bitchie so I got the apc and killed his ass
Devils Perch is mostly infantry.. Sure there are some APCs but they arnt a problem as its hard for them to move around and kill you and lots of places to hind.. hell half the time I play perch people dont even use the APCs because they are to much of a hassle in the narrow street
ยป You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | teHmyke.com | YouTube
+1|6804|North Carolina
Best idea I've heard on these forums in a long time! this seriously needs to be done i dont care if it is with a mod or a boosterpack get the vehicles out they get in the way of some cool oportunities.I know BF2 is all about exploring all the aspects of the battlefield, but some maps could realy benifit from taking vehicles out it would be realy fun.

Last edited by waikashi (2006-02-24 17:22:13)

BF2 stands out from the multiplayer FPS crowd because of the vehicles. If they made a map with no vehicles then they might as well make the DEAGLE an unlock (they already added the AWP) and call it CS2.

It's called an L96A1 and NOT the fucking AWP. And this is ONE MAP. ONE FREAKING MAP.

How 'bout we call it right NOW FlightArmorAPCSimEasyPointsGame?
It's just a flesh wound
I would really enjoy a non-vehicled karkand or other maps, would make CQB a lot more fun and a more infantry/team game
If we have a map with no vehicles what are the AT guys supposed to do? There is a whole class made just to counter vehicles.

Not to mention Engineer's with the repair wrench and AT mines and Spec-Ops with the C4.

Psycho wrote:

JimKong wrote:

They should have a forest, snow, and jungle map with changing weather.
I had already though it would be nice if all the maps were able to change for different times of the day. So each time you started a map it would randomly choose what time it was and the lighting would change to match. But, I hadn't thought of weather! That would definitely add another factor to the game. I can image Kubra Dam with wind gusts that would make flying the choppers difficult. The wind could even be a factor for snipers at long distances.

I don't think we are quite there yet to reach that level of realism, but it's not far off. The technology exists, but they need to create the engine to run it.
if it was night then u would need the sf aspect to it and add nvg's )night vison gogles) or els we would all be walking in the dark what that would be pritty cool
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6826|NT, like Mick Dundee

C4 is for blowing the shit out of commander assets/ ambushes...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Fantasma Parastasie
I'd love to see a map without tanks or apcs, but i don't think it's gonna happen.

You're right though, on karkand 2/3 off my deaths are from APCs or tanks. Gets right on my nerves.

JimKong wrote:

Well if patch 1.3 has a rape and pillage map I'll see their asses in court.
lol jimkong, i have had a good laff lookin at ur posts.
+45|6955|South Cybertown, Texas
Anyone remember DC Basrahs Edge, DC Basrah Nights and DC Lost Village in their original form (un-modded)?

Now those were some kick ass inf. maps!

Last edited by -=S8M=-Phoenix (2006-02-27 07:58:02)


JimKong wrote:

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Hah. I caught your sarcasm, but you inadvertantly brought up a sore point in the industry.

But on topic, I would love to see an mostly-infantry map for US vs China, US vs MEC and China vs MEC, with maybe one or two transports available to each team.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-03-07 07:43:40)

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