
What should we do?

Nothing, leave it as it is.33%33% - 33
Go in, dismantle all the goverments, burn it down.7%7% - 7
Deport everyone to Madagascar.3%3% - 3
Fuck 'em, kill every last one of them. Nukem.42%42% - 42
Bake them cookies and hope they leave us alone.13%13% - 13
Total: 98
FINALLY!!  Someone agrees with me:

http://www.killsometime.com/animations/ … asp?ID=152


Also there are pictures of the "cartoon" that pissed all of the muslims off.  So basically, if your a dumbass extremist religious nutcase, don't bother watching the skit.  I'd hate to be responsible for some jackass bombing a meat market full of women and children because he clicked on my link and saw a cartoon.


Last edited by Cougar (2006-02-24 14:05:00)

I think they killed like all 47 people on the bus and then dumped all of them in a ditch on the side of the road.

Marconius wrote:

Eh, read the PNAC report.  It's definitely not a plan that Bush himself wrote up.  He's just the figurehead for the rest of the neo-Cons in his administration who drafted and signed the PNAC and tried to get it enacted back in '90-'92.  He obviously approves or is forced to approve of their methods, as he hasn't done anything to date that would've gone against anything set up in the PNAC report.
Kinda like "not all muslims are terrorists" but they don't condem or do anything to stop terrorist's acts...
War is Peace

Ignorance is Strength

Freedom is Slavery

Osama is Goldstein

Patriot Act is the Telescreen

Big Brother is watching.

whittsend wrote:

Cougar wrote:

whittsend wrote:

If you consider yourself right wing: Bush has presided over the largest increases of government spending, size and authority since Johnson.  He has NOT vetoed a single bill!  He has rubber stamped every pork barrel project and pet spending boondoggle that has crossed his desk.  He outspend Bill Clinton in his first term and continues to set records in spending.  In anyone's book, that should mark him as a poor conservative.
What!!?  He's not only a "good" conservative, he is a Neo-Conservative.

How old are you, like 14 or something?
I have said several times why I think he is a bad conservative and a bad President.  If you disagree please back up with reasons.
DOW above 11,000
Unemployment ~5%
He's done more for minorities than Clinton. 
Tax breaks.

Those are a few for starters.

silentsin wrote:

Well Cougar, maybe you wouldn't hear so much about the shithole that is the middle east if President Bush didn't fuck up everything. Although, that whole fucking bullshit over a cartoon wasn't anyones fault except for those damn pussies in the middle east who can't take jokes. I agree with alot of what you said but this war is stupid and pointless, the Bush administration is responsible for alot of whats happening there right now, personally I don't even think Bush is dumb, I KNOW he is dumb. It's a fact. Whoever likes Bush can help him destroy the world, the universe rather, because we all know thats what it's going to come to. But it's not just Bush, the whole administration is a bunch of greedy, militant douche bags, who only want oil and world power. To me, the Bush administration is a subtle version of the nazis. Except not persecuting (spelling?) the jews. Fuck nazis too.

EDIT: And cougar, I will remember the fuck ups of the Bush administration. I used to be sort of Pro-American, like you, I mean I always thought when I was younger "Why do people hate us?" Well, when I finally got a free mind away from what everyone else had told me, I saw why.
Bush is dumb.
Bush lied.
Bush's fault.
All for oil.
Bush is greedy.
Bush is nazi.

DNC talking points.  I read it everyday.  Grow some nuts and think for yourself.
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7016|MA, USA

Cougar wrote:

Also the whole "BSUH SUXZ A BIGG COCKZOR!!!!111" is really just getting old.  It's pointless, dull, and is seriously worn out.  If you think about it, not a whole lot of people give a flying fuck about your opinion on Bush now,
I'd say my posts were pretty far from that kind of ad hominem attack.  As far as anyone caring about my opinion goes, you may be right...but this IS a forum.  You know...where we discuss things.

Cougar wrote:

but what is really important is that in 15-20 years, no one is going to give a flying fuck about what anyones opinion on Bush was.  Look at Truman, when he was in office people hated his guts, called him a war criminal, called for impeachment (sounds familier huh) but now a days the view on Truman is plutonic at best and on a really good day most people revere him with respect and admiration.  So it really doesn't matter what you and I think because in a few years no one will remember, what does count is what our children will think, and that Sir, is simply up to how history remembers him.
History is written by Historians and is influenced by the opinions of people.  I'm hardly an expert on Truman (actually, I'm an expert on Nixon) but I'm pretty certain that the analysis of his Presidency goes a bit deeper than what the people who elected him (or didn't elect him) think.  The same will be true of Bush, and if you read my posts you will see my dislike of him isn't for the standard, "He's a nasty Republican" reasons of the knee jerk left.  A study of the accomplishments of the Bush Presidency reveals mediocrity at best;  and unfortunately I think it is a bit worse than that.  His handling of economic matters borders on incompetence.  It's not all negative...he has done a few good things (e.g. tax cuts, bailing on Kyoto - a notoriously bad deal for the US), but the bad far outweighs the good.  I strongly suspect that history will not look kindly upon the latter Bush.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

DOW above 11,000
Unemployment ~5%
I don't usually credit Presidents with the results of economic performance, good or bad, unless they do something extraordinary to affect the economy.  Bush has.

Historically, if one studies the economies of nations, one will dicover a couple of things.  1)  Economies are cyclical.  2) It is almost impossible to correllate the actions of government with growth - except for tax cuts which almost always are followed by a period of growth.

Bush started well (with a tax cut) but then spent so much that he trashed world confidence in our economy.  As a result of his economic mismanagement, the dollar was in free-fall until recently and our bond performance was tragic.  Not so long ago, our economic imbalances were so bad 'The Economist' headlined with an article questioning how long the dollar would remain the worlds reserve currency.

Bush continues to throw good money after bad with Hundreds of Billions on Iraq and New Orleans, WITH NO SIGN OF A CUT ANYWHERE TO ACCOMODATE THE EXTRAORDINARY EXPENDITURES!  Sure we got a tax cut, but how long do you thing that is going to last when we have to pay the piper for Iraq and N.O.?  We have borrowing from Peter  to pay Paul, and eventually, we are going to get hit hard by the results.  (I am not evaluating the moral rectitude of the reasons for Bush's spending on Iraq or N.O.- only noting that his spending patterns, in sum, are not wise.)

Currently, we still have an economy that is performing fairly well, but this is financed by the housing bubble, which is in the process of deflating (mercifully, it doesn't appear to be bursting).  What does that mean?  It means people are taking the equity out of their houses and spending it.  The result is that the economy hasn't tanked, but the savings rate in the US is well below zero, which means there is masses of private debt.  Eventually the debt will come due, and it won't be pretty.  Thankfully (again) our situation doesn't appear to be even remotely as bad as that of Japan in the '90s; but the point is that you are looking at an artificially inflated economy.  It is doing as well as it is in part bcause of Bush's tax cuts (it could be doing a lot better if his spending wasn't so out of control), but we are in serious danger of a nasty recession and a future tax increase because of his out of control spending.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

He's done more for minorities than Clinton.
Please enlighten me.  (N.B. Comparing particulars of his administration favorably with Clinton's isn't a very good tactic for convincing me that Bush is a good president; prior to Bush's election I thought Clinton was the worst President in my lifetime.  It's like asking which is better?  Gonnorhea or Syphilis?)

I like his policy on Mexican immigration.  But he hasn't gotten it implemented yet, so it doesn't really count as an accomplishment.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Tax breaks.
As I indicated, his other disasterous economic proclivities have virtually cancelled out the stimulus created by the tax cuts.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Those are a few for starters.
Not really impressed.  Got anything else?


Someone wrote:

...the topic of this thread is the Middle East.
Oh yeah.  Sorry.  Um...I'm against it. 

Last edited by whittsend (2006-02-24 16:34:15)

Horseman 77
" I suppose Nixon was pretty bad, but Bush is the worst one according to my research => My opinion "

Nixon was like clinton " without all the dead bodies "

Bush is an Ok President in a Very shitty time.

Economy ( Any economy ) will not prosper during this type of War. This War needs no massive production base that would aide an economy like ours

This War is Fought in lands where they don't like Us ( Arab lands ) because we back a people who only use us ( Israel )

The War could have been prevented. Back when clinton jerked off instead of leading and making hard choices.

His inability to act emboldened the aggressors..

Bush is cleaning up the mess clinton turned a blind eye to after WTC 93 attack and about 8 others.

clintons " I just want my legacy to End clean at any cost " Cost us Very dearly. Now we are fighting.

This war is going well as can be expected.

Can you imagine the Support or ( lack of it ) a War against Hitler in 1937 would have had?

It would have been Easier to Defeat him earlier.

Or If we had made an effort to stop Japan before they moved into China?

Can you imagine all the lives that would have been saved in either situation?  or both?

Of course it would have wrecked our economy.

But hey, Bill me! Just don't wipe out a generation of people.

This War is like that.

If FDR had the balls to act early. Who knows what would have transpired. Maybe Europe's jews would not have been destroyed by Stalin, The Vichey French and Hitler, Maybe they would not have fled Europe,  Maybe we would not have felt " we owed the jews a Homeland for their plight " maybe they would have stayed in Europe? maybe we wouldn't be fighting now ? who knows ?

Politics and History is like Advanced mathematics..
only the Ass holes think They really " know all there is to know "
El pistolero
[tapes with your old ass 1989 Canon Video Recorder.  You can carry around a dialysis machine but not a camera that’s worth a shit?  No wonder you live in a cave.

9. Syria says they didn't do it.  Bullshit, yes you did.  Hariff threatened your government and made you lose ground physically and politically.  Syria is known for being a major contributor of terrorists in Iraq, imposing them selves on Lebanon, as well as being on of the tag team nations that got the bright idea to attack Israel and get their ass kicked, and to top it all off....the Syrian president meets with that Iranian jackass of a president at the HEIGHT of his international deboggle.  But Syria wonders...."Why does everyone think we did it?"
What makes that the rest of the world especially Usa , SAINTS?
Dont forget 1 thing , When usa got in, there been more deaths and killing than it was with saddam,
Whos the bad guy , let me tell u,its the last time u see a bad guy like this.
Ive been looking at CNN and FOX channel several times, AND can u belive theres nothing negative sayings about US and Great britain?  Lets cut the crap.  Bussinesmans and magnats WANTs the "OIL" ,nothing more to it. AND now they inventing these fucking story to get  into IRAN ,LMAO 
USA was in my country 1973 dictatorship in CHILE , AND that f... government in us at that time, LIED about it all the time. Til  now . They backed up our dictator pinochet, And the scumbugga lied about it.
U know how many families and ppl lives were destroyed? . The list is LONG , Dont forget vietnam, among others. SO tell. should ppl believe what comes out from a rich boy son president and oil company owner,BUSH
The truth is there are bad guys helpibg each other ,not just US
OPEN ur eyes. .......
PV1 Joe Snuffy
+78|7016|MA, USA

Horseman 77 wrote:

Bush is an Ok President in a Very shitty time.
I stand by my assessment that he is a poor President (but I will concede that it is a shitty time).  An OK president would show some rudimentary understanding of causality in economics.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Economy ( Any economy ) will not prosper during this type of War. This War needs no massive production base that would aide an economy like ours
Unfortunately it's a bit too facile true.

The military production base was instituionalised after WW II - so you are right in so far as war will not give a boost like WWII did unless it requires increased production.  This war doesn't.

Military spending does not preclude economic growth.  Reagan oversaw Massive increases of military spending, and at the same time saw some of the largest post war growth this country has experienced.  Why?  Because rather than just spending more on the military on top of what was already being spent, he CUT SPENDING on the whole.  It isn't about what you spend the money on, it's how much you spend as a whole.

It's not just that Bush is spending lots of money...it's that he spends huge amounts like nothing else is going on.  He would have been considered profligate without the war or the hurricane.  The fact that he STILL is spending money as fast as we can print it AFTER we have had to cough up hundreds of billions more on extraordinary expenditure; that is beyond comprehension.

Last edited by whittsend (2006-02-24 17:37:13)


Horseman 77 wrote:

Economy ( Any economy ) will not prosper during this type of War. This War needs no massive production base that would aide an economy like ours
WTF are you talking about dude? The economy is benefiting from this war where it was meant to benefit. Record oil company profits, defense contracts, and rebuilding contracts among others. The rich get richer and the soldiers dying for this "war on terror" don't get a fucking thing. Period. Oh, I totally agreed with hunting down Al Qaeda and Osama. It's been pretty much proven that Iraq didn't have ties to them or any other terrorist organization that was threatening the U.S.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Bush is cleaning up the mess clinton turned a blind eye to after WTC 93 attack and about 8 others.
You want to talk about turning a blind eye. Anybody that knows the actual facts about 9-11 knows that the Bush administration turned a blind eye there too. So if you're going to bash Clinton for it at least acknowledge that Bush did it too. And I'm not talking about conspiracy theories I'm talking about actual hard evidence that they had ALL the signs that this thing was going to happen and had people in position to know it was going to happen. Actually had people telling them it was going to happen. And did nothing. But decrease security and send all our fighter planes on military exercises a few days before it happened.

Last edited by Ziggy_79x (2006-02-24 18:21:22)

iPod is broken.
+1,048|6923|NT, like Mick Dundee

Cougar wrote:

FINALLY!!  Someone agrees with me:

http://www.killsometime.com/animations/ … asp?ID=152


Also there are pictures of the "cartoon" that pissed all of the muslims off.  So basically, if your a dumbass extremist religious nutcase, don't bother watching the skit.  I'd hate to be responsible for some jackass bombing a meat market full of women and children because he clicked on my link and saw a cartoon.


Rather true too... bit sad...

Everybody should watch that cartoon, that is free speech in action.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Horseman 77

Ziggy_79x wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Economy ( Any economy ) will not prosper during this type of War. This War needs no massive production base that would aide an economy like ours
WTF are you talking about dude? The economy is benefiting from this war where it was meant to benefit. Record oil company profits, defense contracts, and rebuilding contracts among others. The rich get richer and the soldiers dying for this "war on terror" don't get a fucking thing. Period. Oh, I totally agreed with hunting down Al Qaeda and Osama. It's been pretty much proven that Iraq didn't have ties to them or any other terrorist organization that was threatening the U.S.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Bush is cleaning up the mess clinton turned a blind eye to after WTC 93 attack and about 8 others.
You want to talk about turning a blind eye. Anybody that knows the actual facts about 9-11 knows that the Bush administration turned a blind eye there too. So if you're going to bash Clinton for it at least acknowledge that Bush did it too. And I'm not talking about conspiracy theories I'm talking about actual hard evidence that they had ALL the signs that this thing was going to happen and had people in position to know it was going to happen. Actually had people telling them it was going to happen. And did nothing. But decrease security and send all our fighter planes on military exercises a few days before it happened.
Only the Current Administrastion knows most of the facts about 911 El Qeuda knows the rest. The rest of your post is blather. Wash out your head and get some facts from anyone but that fat sack of shit Mickey Moore and madona.
Screw you Marconius and your damn liberal ideas/theories.  Go back to France you liberal d-bag!!
If you're a democrat, you're gay and deserve a fat cock in your mouth.

Screw the Middle East...Israel is the only thing worth saving there.  The rest needs to be nuked and then we need to move in, plunder the oil and call it a day.
The IrishRulesOK
+0|6895|You know where
I grow tried at those who excuse the actions of those people who perform acts we read about in the dark ages. Same old shit such as blame Bush, blame the west, oil fucking oil, our lack of understanding of their culture, etc, etc. Where generalization is not a good thing and to say all those in the middle east are evil is wrong. However, look at facts and in todays media age nothing is hidden. Cougar guy at leasts makes a point that what is going on in that part of the world is very wrong. We can be all high and mighty expressing a opinion from our western countries, but what opinion can a muslim woman express when she is stoned to death due to being pregnant out of wedlock, as a result of rape. Do we need to understand their way of life, Hell No! I will always remember looking a photograph of a school bus which a suicide bomber destroyed in Israel. Seeing a childs head splattered against a wall has changed my opinion forever. To somehow try to justify that action is beyond belief but there is some morons who will. As far as I am concerned, the middle east needs to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. I am not a fan of Bush or any politican, but at least he gets up the ass of those fuckers.

One final note: neo-nazi, IRA, ETA and the rest of those so called freedom fighters are scum. Muslims are not the only terrorists in our world, but they cant be ignored!!!!

Last edited by The IrishRulesOK (2006-02-25 05:32:35)

+0|6907|New Jersey

fdcp_elmo wrote:

I'm really getting tired of them too.
now they all go out burning flags and embassy's. and for what? because of some stupid drawings.
even in countrys where demonstrating is forbidden like Syria all people crawl out of their homes taking weapons and burn all they see.
if these drawings piss them off because they are offending Mohammed and the Islam. why don't they demonstrate against Terrorists? the terrorists do things in the name of islam where a lot of muslims don't agree with.
but noooooo now some guy from a newspaper drawed mohammed and they hate all of Denmark and Norway for it (why Norway btw?)
we are just busy with them all the time. now a there comes a new mission to Afghanistan to keep peace in Uruzgan... nice and off go a lot of soldiers. I think even to people who dont want to be helped.
and now Iran is making Nuclear stuff. they say it is for energy but because they do so secret about it I am sure they plan to make Nukes. I say we get our soldiers there now instead of bloody Uruzgan and blow that terrorist governement out of that fucking country!
most of the Terrorist in Iraq are moved in by Iran. so if Iran becomes a nuclear power it is just to choose where they will shoot their missles at.
I sure hope that plan that Bush made a few years ago to make a Missile destructor in space in done. I am afraid we will need it after all.
totally diffrent from what i thought a few years ago. when the only enemy was a bunch of terrorist maniacs in Afganistan right after the twin towers.

I am fucking tired of the whole middle east
I agree.  Newspapers have comics making fun of gay Catholic priests but you don't see the Catholics going out and beheading journalists.
+0|6907|New Jersey

pdanrichey wrote:

Screw you Marconius and your damn liberal ideas/theories.  Go back to France you liberal d-bag!!
If you're a democrat, you're gay and deserve a fat cock in your mouth.

Screw the Middle East...Israel is the only thing worth saving there.  The rest needs to be nuked and then we need to move in, plunder the oil and call it a day.
+255|6895|Westminster, California
I would like to see all the pacifist and appeasers just tune out for a while until the leathernecks get the job done.
These people are primitive, and allowing them to have nuclear weapons means allowing them to use them. See, these people really are stupid; they think their God actually approves what they do. What with the beheadings and kidnappings and riots and etc. etc. Lemme guess, strap a back pack nuke and blow it up on Israel; YOU GET 7200 VIRGINS!!!
     These folks need to be taught a lesson that their surviors will remember around their dung fire forever; DON'T FUCK WITH US! Thats what this war is mostly about.
     To all those feeling guilty or unsure about what we are doing remember this; Sadam was giving $25,000 dollars to the familes of suicide bombers in Palestine. That alone is enough to depose and dispose of any "world leader" .
      My sincere wish is that all who support the right of men like these Islamist fascist to terrorize, disrupt and sow chaos in the world will  get the same as Sadam will soon receive: a few short seconds dangling by their necks from a tightly strung rope.
Dont tread on me
+77|6953|Mountains of West Virginia

CoNnOr36 wrote:

Screw you Marconius and your damn liberal ideas/theories.  Go back to France you liberal d-bag!!
If you're a democrat, you're gay and deserve a fat cock in your mouth.

Screw the Middle East...Israel is the only thing worth saving there.  The rest needs to be nuked and then we need to move in, plunder the oil and call it a day.
are you 12 years old? Or maybe 13?

Whatever the age, i know its hard for you to carry on a mature conversation. I aint no "damn liberal" but you sure give republicans a bad name.

Moving on

I am one of the (i think) few republicans agianst the war, and the presidents actions. I am not against him personally, but i think he has put us on the wrong track, regardless of the american consenus believes. The problem is not the the US, but with the way we are stuffing democracy down iraqs throat. Name me a sucessful Middle Eastern Demoracy, that has maintained itself without intervention? What makes us think it will work in iraq? Why must we instigate the revolution?

Oh and i cant argue that iraq isnt better off without Saddam. But if your using that as your justifcation for the conflict. But if we base this conflict on that...we better get prepared for quite a few more of them. (there are a lot of bad dictators out there)
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6933|Canberra, AUS

El pistolero wrote:

[tapes with your old ass 1989 Canon Video Recorder.  You can carry around a dialysis machine but not a camera that’s worth a shit?  No wonder you live in a cave.

9. Syria says they didn't do it.  Bullshit, yes you did.  Hariff threatened your government and made you lose ground physically and politically.  Syria is known for being a major contributor of terrorists in Iraq, imposing them selves on Lebanon, as well as being on of the tag team nations that got the bright idea to attack Israel and get their ass kicked, and to top it all off....the Syrian president meets with that Iranian jackass of a president at the HEIGHT of his international deboggle.  But Syria wonders...."Why does everyone think we did it?"
What makes that the rest of the world especially Usa , SAINTS?
Dont forget 1 thing , When usa got in, there been more deaths and killing than it was with saddam,
Whos the bad guy , let me tell u,its the last time u see a bad guy like this.
Ive been looking at CNN and FOX channel several times, AND can u belive theres nothing negative sayings about US and Great britain?  Lets cut the crap.  Bussinesmans and magnats WANTs the "OIL" ,nothing more to it. AND now they inventing these fucking story to get  into IRAN ,LMAO 
USA was in my country 1973 dictatorship in CHILE , AND that f... government in us at that time, LIED about it all the time. Til  now . They backed up our dictator pinochet, And the scumbugga lied about it.
U know how many families and ppl lives were destroyed? . The list is LONG , Dont forget vietnam, among others. SO tell. should ppl believe what comes out from a rich boy son president and oil company owner,BUSH
The truth is there are bad guys helpibg each other ,not just US
OPEN ur eyes. .......
Man, that's painful to read and worse to try and understand. Structure? Any kind of rational thought?
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6933|Canberra, AUS

Giant_Squid500 wrote:

I think they killed like all 47 people on the bus and then dumped all of them in a ditch on the side of the road.
Nah, that was that Sunni v. Shi-ite thing in Iraq. Off topic.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The Forum Alien
+89|7064|The planet Tophet
im sick of every body complaining

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

silentsin wrote:

Well Cougar, maybe you wouldn't hear so much about the shithole that is the middle east if President Bush didn't fuck up everything. Although, that whole fucking bullshit over a cartoon wasn't anyones fault except for those damn pussies in the middle east who can't take jokes. I agree with alot of what you said but this war is stupid and pointless, the Bush administration is responsible for alot of whats happening there right now, personally I don't even think Bush is dumb, I KNOW he is dumb. It's a fact. Whoever likes Bush can help him destroy the world, the universe rather, because we all know thats what it's going to come to. But it's not just Bush, the whole administration is a bunch of greedy, militant douche bags, who only want oil and world power. To me, the Bush administration is a subtle version of the nazis. Except not persecuting (spelling?) the jews. Fuck nazis too.

EDIT: And cougar, I will remember the fuck ups of the Bush administration. I used to be sort of Pro-American, like you, I mean I always thought when I was younger "Why do people hate us?" Well, when I finally got a free mind away from what everyone else had told me, I saw why.
Bush is dumb.
Bush lied.
Bush's fault.
All for oil.
Bush is greedy.
Bush is nazi.

DNC talking points.  I read it everyday.  Grow some nuts and think for yourself.
YOU are a true dumbass. For your information I do think for myself (I fucking stated that in my god damn post that you quoted) and I already grew some a very long time ago, ah yes I believe it started when I was born, but thanks for your concern. Hmm, this should make you think "Why does everyone say Bush is dumb/a nazi/greedy jerk all the time?" well, the logical explanation would be that Bush is IN FACT A VERY STUPID PERSON AND IS VERY GREEDY! Just like you, well the stupid part at least, I'm sure you're probably just as greedy too though. The only reason YOU don't see it is because your too damn ignorant to know the difference! Now go kill yourself, you waste of sperm.

EDIT: Oh and in your "Bush is nazi" statement, nazi is not an adjective, its a noun you fucking dumb shit. Go to school once in a while you hick. Actually I should say the Bush Administration is greedy, not just Bush. But Bush is the dumb one, the Administration is smart (most of them) but they are little fucking greedy fascist douche bags.

Last edited by silentsin (2006-02-24 20:55:53)

Ok, seriously I registered an account just for this post..

Ok all of you who thinks usa has no right to invade and take off saddams regime, no right to station troops in the middle eastern country raise your hands...

*Tells guards to shoot the fucking heads off the people with raised hands*

What would the world evolve into if we allow countries to opress the religion, freedom and a lot of other rights just because it's their country? Oh yeah, don't like it .. move? I bet they can pay in sand to move out of their dictar countries??

All of the people may not have wanted the change.. But at least they have the fucking right to vote for it! Or to do as they wish, those who wanted a change should be allowed one. If they don't want one, stay as it is, opress your wife and say if u go to buddhism or christianity i'll murder you for the honor of my family bla bla bla. I'm sick and tired of this bullshit saying we got to respect other's wishes. If I had an arab friend and his wife wanted to be like a swedish citizen like me, free and all. And he said no, I'd fucking bust his head in and tell her to file a divorce.
See my point?

Every person should choose for themselves, not be opressed by others. I don't give a shit if it's their country their rules. Humanity is a whole unified thing. Not countries with different rules that can torture, starve, opress their own people cause they own the land they are doing it in. USA may not be perfect, they may have corrupt leaders etc. But at least every citizen can do as they wish within "REASONABLE" limits. In fucking Iraq you can't wear a christian cross on you or walk without a turban.. What the fuck is that?

So you want us to mass donate cash to the people so they can move if they want. Or send those peoplea bit of freedom and humanity?

The earth belongs to us all, and what goes on in it concerns us all... I bet if those people who say no in this thread lived in iraq they would think differently. I know an Iranian guy who's family got hunted up in the hills and shot. Just for opressing the regime. Now that doesn't exactly happen in America every day does it?

Whatever, end of rant ..

going to sleep

silentsin wrote:

YOU are a true dumbass. For your information I do think for myself (I fucking stated that in my god damn post that you quoted) and I already grew some a very long time ago, ah yes I believe it started when I was born, but thanks for your concern.
A run-on sentence with a couple of comma splices, genius.

silentsin wrote:

Hmm, this should make you think "Why does everyone say Bush is dumb/a nazi/greedy jerk all the time?" well, the logical explanation would be that Bush is IN FACT A VERY STUPID PERSON AND IS VERY GREEDY!
You left out a comma, genius.  State your source please.  Facts must be sourced since you're not a pundit.

silentsin wrote:

Just like you, well the stupid part at least, I'm sure you're probably just as greedy too though.
Another comma splice.  Tsk. Tsk.

silentsin wrote:

The only reason YOU don't see it is because your too damn ignorant to know the difference! Now go kill yourself, you waste of sperm.
It's you're not your, but thanks for playing.

silentsin wrote:

EDIT: Oh and in your "Bush is nazi" statement, nazi is not an adjective, its a noun you fucking dumb shit. Go to school once in a while you hick. Actually I should say the Bush Administration is greedy, not just Bush. But Bush is the dumb one, the Administration is smart (most of them) but they are little fucking greedy fascist douche bags.
Looks like someone missed nap time and failed English, moron.

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