Smoke but only occasionally. Sometimes when I had few beers I enjoy few cigarettes as well. Its probably around a pack per month. I dont see any reason why I should give that up.
Do You Smoke?
Yes, I smoke, but plan on quitting | 7% | 7% - 12 | ||||
Yes, I smoke, and do not plan on qutting | 10% | 10% - 17 | ||||
No, I do not smoke, but plan to start | 1% | 1% - 3 | ||||
No, I do not smoke, and will not start | 80% | 80% - 135 | ||||
Total: 167 |
I have never tried smoking (although a lot of guys who I work with smoke, so you can count me as a Passive Smoker) but I'm sure that I will some day. Probably something rich like a cigar though, not just normal "fags".
lol at max quotes pyramid...Adams_BJ wrote:
TheAussieReaper wrote:
Poseidon wrote:
Never have, Never will...
Last edited by tazz. (16 years, 10 months ago)
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥
I tried it few times, I didn't like it. Fuck it.
I never understand how people start. I've tried them before, and they're disgusting. I understand that nicotine is addictive, but not after smoking one cigarette.
Cigars on the other hand are fun when you're wearing a suit and drinking champagne. Not that I smoke them more than a few times a year.
Cigars on the other hand are fun when you're wearing a suit and drinking champagne. Not that I smoke them more than a few times a year.
Option #4
I smoked a few packs of cigarettes a few years ago as a little personal experiment. I first wanted to find out if the nicotine addiction only builds up after some time and if so I wanted to figure out for myself what drove people to using them up until their bodies got addicted to it. Smoking these cigarettes had no positive effect on me whatsoever, they just made me spend perfectly good money and the smell and taste were unpleasant to boot. After the experiment I concluded that smokers must therefor A) have incredibly bad taste or B) have absolutely no individual character whatsoever.
I smoked a few packs of cigarettes a few years ago as a little personal experiment. I first wanted to find out if the nicotine addiction only builds up after some time and if so I wanted to figure out for myself what drove people to using them up until their bodies got addicted to it. Smoking these cigarettes had no positive effect on me whatsoever, they just made me spend perfectly good money and the smell and taste were unpleasant to boot. After the experiment I concluded that smokers must therefor A) have incredibly bad taste or B) have absolutely no individual character whatsoever.
Adams_BJ wrote:
TheAussieReaper wrote:
Poseidon wrote:
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.
If you do not smoke, and do not want to start smoking, please state whether or not you have once tried a cigarette:
Never tried one, and dont want to. Id rather live longer for the sake of myself and a future family. No point dying when your kids are 18 and leaving them in a world of shit.
Never tried one, and dont want to. Id rather live longer for the sake of myself and a future family. No point dying when your kids are 18 and leaving them in a world of shit.
max wrote:
Adams_BJ wrote:
TheAussieReaper wrote:
I've yet to find a single positive aspect of smoking. I find it utterly disgusting to even be near someone who's smoking.
never tried never will, i cant stand it, its gross
There is not much good calm some people that's the only thing i see good with it.mikkel wrote:
I've yet to find a single positive aspect of smoking. I find it utterly disgusting to even be near someone who's smoking.
As for myself, i smoke, plan on stoping...but i drink alot and as much of you know...Drinking and Smoking goes together so...I might just be doomed.
I smoke, and I plan on quitting eventually. "Eventually" being a) getting fed up with filling my lungs with smoke, b) getting a kid.
I need around tree fiddy.
Only when I am drunk, but than I'm doing lots of weird things.
Yeah I smoke, roll my own, will quit. Just started smoking weed again, I love the summer.
No, I do not smoke, and will not start
cleverMetaL* wrote:
Smoking is for fags.
[sarcasm]I hear emphysema is cool, I will start smoking immediately.[/sarcasm]
Never tried, don't plan to.
Also glad about the new Australian laws.
Also glad about the new Australian laws.
Fuck Israel
I don't. Tried once, when my asshole "friends" held me, held a hand in front of my mouth, and then, when they removed it and I gasped for air, they stuck a cigar in there. Tasted like shit for half a week, and I didn't get any of that "nico-rush" shit people speak about.
The idea of any hi-fi system is to reproduce the source material as faithfully as possible, and to deliberately add distortion to everything you hear (due to amplifier deficiencies) because it sounds 'nice' is simply not high fidelity. If that is what you want to hear then there is no problem with that, but by adding so much additional material (by way of harmonics and intermodulation) you have a tailored sound system, not a hi-fi. - Rod Elliot, ESP
Apparently, it takes a few times before you actually get that...and by that time - you are addicted.Freezer7Pro wrote:
I don't. Tried once, when my asshole "friends" held me, held a hand in front of my mouth, and then, when they removed it and I gasped for air, they stuck a cigar in there. Tasted like shit for half a week, and I didn't get any of that "nico-rush" shit people speak about.
Hahaha....Freezer7Pro wrote:
I don't. Tried once, when my asshole "friends" held me, held a hand in front of my mouth, and then, when they removed it and I gasped for air, they stuck a cigar in there. Tasted like shit for half a week, and I didn't get any of that "nico-rush" shit people speak about.
Yeah, I smoke quite alot. But only when I go out. I'm not actually addicted, I just like the effects. Especially when coupled with drinking alcohol. I can go through quite alot in one night, but I'll never actually need one. I'm fine with or without a cigarette. Pretty fun. Hopefully I don't get addicted, I don't think I will. I've smoked too much and yet I'm still not addicted, so I probably will never be.
Never started, never will.