It'll just be our little secret

TehMyke wrote:

"STRAZ, if that's not a hack, what's the deal with the Weapon Inventory thing and spamming that's going on in some of tehmyke's videos?"

is teh best part tbh, guess he just bought teh game rite?

(lolz ps, second page with the mbl screenshoot in that thread, the second result on it you can thank jihad for lulz, note to self dunt let jihad use mauh name lolz)
but they found your tubehax video myke!it has hax in the name!you must've been hacking!
+250|6719|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

MetaL* wrote:

lololol prc are fail-fags.

http://www.precisionclan.com/modules.ph … mp;start=0

Serious Karma buddy.

konfusion said metal wrote:

I suck a lot of penis on the side. I also like my ass rammed by big hairy men.

aj0404 wrote:

but they found your tubehax video myke!it has hax in the name!you must've been hacking!
srsly d00d
» You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | teHmyke.com | YouTube
+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia
you should liek scrim them 1 v 5

+250|6719|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
I like the rules too. Mainly these two lol.

NO SLOW-FLYING     (But my chopper isn't fast!)

MetaL* wrote:

you should liek scrim them 1 v 5

they'd just be all "OMG NO HACKER" then ban me (again) on their forums lolz
» You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | teHmyke.com | YouTube
I would really like too do a 5v5 against these nubs they are completely horrible at infantry.

And pretty soon metal they are going too start deleting your posts and banning you so they look better.
They have banned me from their forums twice now and have deleted half of my posts.
+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia

¦TØP¦straz_mataz wrote:

I would really like too do a 5v5 against these nubs they are completely horrible at infantry.

And pretty soon metal they are going too start deleting your posts and banning you so they look better.
They have banned me from their forums twice now and have deleted half of my posts.

that makes me sad.

I think it's quite lulzy tbh.

Isn't that konfusion the same one from bf2s or no?

Last edited by MetaL* (2008-05-03 20:54:52)

+48|6791|P-way, NJ
They deleted my first post before anyone can read it, so they think the fake pb ss I did in paint was real lol.
Field Marshal | o |
+142|7029|Ireland | Monaghan

Annoying =GUS= admins -.- kicks me cause I was coming top and puts it down as spawnkilling, wasn't even near a spawn point.

2nd time they've done that, assholes to quick to kick.
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80

Cyrax-Sektor wrote:

Advertising a cheat program? Shouldn't they at least show proof of shameless hacking?
Nope, that's called "preventive maintenance" my friend. Isn't someone with the names...

EliteHax_pwns, TEHAX.NET, I_Like_To_Pad, WWWdotELITEHAXdotNET, [#1] hacking_gunner.inc

...Enough evidence that this guy most likely hacks? Either way, he's advertising for a hack, and that's enough for a ban on my server. If you think otherwise, you're an idiot.

TehMyke wrote:

"STRAZ, if that's not a hack, what's the deal with the Weapon Inventory thing and spamming that's going on in some of tehmyke's videos?"
Yeah, turns out you create a macro to spam, and modified your BF2 files to always show that stuff. Macros and modifying your files... hmm... not good enough as it is I guess?

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

They deleted my first post before anyone can read it, so they think the fake pb ss I did in paint was real lol.
What "first post"? I didn't delete ANYTHING you wrote when you took over Deerhntr's account.  And go back and read the original... I said "Even that screenshot above might be fake since I don't know where it came from" So obviously I'm not calling you out directly on that, idiot. How many times do I have to explain to you the reasons you and your friends were banned? You've got a thick skull.

To everyone else. I urge you all to read that entire thread. It really was a good time. You seriously got slammed on hard, dude.
http://precisionclan.com/modules.php?na … mp;start=0

Let's end this on some pictures of Kyle. lol, nerd:

http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y240/o … C00006.jpg
(the one on the right holding his birthday balloon, lol, sweet party bro!)

http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y240/o … C00595.jpg
Ouch... Proactiv might help that acne. Or at least washing your face.

Kyle, make a new account on our boards, I liked having you around

Oh yeah, and I'll repost this gem over here too. Here's 2/3 of TehMyke's GUID's that are globally banned by EvenBalance. Whoops!
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y240/o … ehmyke.jpg

Last edited by k0nfusion (2008-05-05 10:30:05)

+1,106|6597|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

just for reference, k0nfusion is this server guy

konfusion is the tech/graphics guy

don't get them confused now
+250|6719|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

cowami wrote:

just for reference, k0nfusion is this server guy

konfusion is the tech/graphics guy

don't get them confused now
Will do cowami.
+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia

Konfusion:Serious Business wrote:

Yeah, turns out you create a macro to spam, and modified your BF2 files to always show that stuff. Macros and modifying your files... hmm... not good enough as it is I guess?
Macros aren't hacks idiot.

Konfusion:Serious Business wrote:

What "first post"? I didn't delete ANYTHING you wrote when you took over Deerhntr's account.  And go back and read the original... I said "Even that screenshot above might be fake since I don't know where it came from" So obviously I'm not calling you out directly on that, idiot. How many times do I have to explain to you the reasons you and your friends were banned? You've got a thick skull.
Hahahaha konfusion your a cunt first of all because all you do is edit posts and delete them so you and your horribly noobish clan can look good on your forums

Funny too because you came out the closet through a post I made.

konfusion came out the closet thru metal's post which was editied wrote:

I suck a lot of penis on the side. I also like my ass rammed by big hairy men.
Like we really want to know you're into that kind of stuff.

But anyways welcome to bf2s! were these forums aren't runned by dictator fags like yourself and everyone has free speech unlike your crappy forums!

Enjoy your fail.

Konfusion:Serious Business wrote:

To everyone else. I urge you all to read that entire thread. It really was a good time. You seriously got slammed on hard, dude.
http://precisionclan.com/modules.php?na … mp;start=0

Let's end this on some pictures of Kyle. lol, nerd:

http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y240/o … C00006.jpg
(the one on the right holding his birthday balloon, lol, sweet party bro!)

http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y240/o … C00595.jpg
Ouch... Propecia might help that acne. Or at least washing your face.

Kyle, make a new account on our boards, I liked having you around
Nobody cares...........

Konfusion:Serious Business wrote:

Let's end this on some pictures of Kyle. lol, nerd:
Hahaha kyle you were right about him calling everyone a nerd.

Last edited by MetaL* (2008-05-04 22:40:41)


MetaL* wrote:

Macros aren't hacks idiot.
When did I call them a hack, and when did I say that either Kyle or Straz hacked? Macros CAN create an unfair advantage though. But that's not the reason I banned those two fools. Holy shit, READ before you respond guy.

MetaL* wrote:

Funny too because you came out the closet through a post I made.
Mod:  Personal attacks removed.
+250|6719|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Hey k0nfusion, maybe, just maybe you should bother doing a bit of research about players. Those guys have won CASH playing this game, and can be seen dominating the "Professional" league in BF2.

Also, you say association with a hacker is as bad as being one no? Then how would knowing someone who steals, sells drugs or even beats women be any better? I know some, so OMGWTF, I must be a wife beating, drug dealing, low-life thief too.

Oh, and lets see you try to put a post together while remaining civil, not involving one's girlfriend(should it exist), sexual preferences, or any other bigotry you deem fit to fling around with every message.
+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia

k0nfusion wrote:

MetaL* wrote:

Macros aren't hacks idiot.
When did I call them a hack, and when did I say that either Kyle or Straz hacked? You're retarded. Macros CAN create an unfair advantage though. But that's not the reason I banned those two fools. Holy shit, READ before you respond guy.

MetaL* wrote:

Funny too because you came out the closet through a post I made.
lol, yeah that's funny since my girlfriend of 4 years is hotter than anything you'll ever touch. Sorry bro, face it Pictures are posted at the top of Page 3

MetaL, you sympathize with Kyle's "nerdiness"? Are you a 17 year old, acne covered, never going to get any pussy, addicted to BF2 and complaining on BF2 forums, freak as well?
You think (or it seems) as if macros were hacks kthxbai.


Not really actually I'm not that bad looking myself.

I love how you have you to brag about your girlfriend on teh interwebz and tell us how long you've been going out like as if anyone on the forums even cared.

If you must ask I do have a girlfriend and she is quite pretty.
Not gunna lie.

Now changing the subject I would love to scrim your piece of shit clan with "teh bf2s all star team" are you down or are you going to puss out?

Last edited by MetaL* (2008-06-07 17:18:54)


k0nfusion wrote:

Yeah, turns out you create a macro to spam, and modified your BF2 files to always show that stuff. Macros and modifying your files... hmm... not good enough as it is I guess?

k0nfusion wrote:

Oh yeah, and I'll repost this gem over here too. Here's 2/3 of TehMyke's GUID's that are globally banned by EvenBalance. Whoops!
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y240/o … ehmyke.jpg

second result) thanks again to jihad for letting him use my account lulz, i still love you jihad <3

Last edited by TehMyke (2008-05-04 23:02:21)

» You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | teHmyke.com | YouTube

SplinterStrike wrote:

Hey k0nfusion, maybe, just maybe you should bother doing a bit of research about players. Those guys have won CASH playing this game, and can be seen dominating the "Professional" league in BF2.
Sweet! That's something to be proud of! That will get you into college! They should tell their family and friends about how serious they are about BF2! Hell, I bet they get MAD chicks too for that kind of status. Holy shit, that just further concretes how much of losers these guys are... that's sad, dude.

SplinterStrike wrote:

Also, you say association with a hacker is as bad as being one no? Then how would knowing someone who steals, sells drugs or even beats women be any better? I know some, so OMGWTF, I must be a wife beating, drug dealing, low-life thief too.
That's comparing apples and oranges idiot. And who the fuck are you? What a dumb comment.

SplinterStrike wrote:

Oh, and lets see you try to put a post together while remaining civil, not involving one's girlfriend(should it exist), sexual preferences, or any other bigotry you deem fit to fling around with every message.
Yeah, just taking a quick look at the history of these 4 guys' posts, they must be role models themselves. Are you kidding me? This is a flame thread.

MetaL* wrote:

Now changing the subject I would love to scrim your piece of shit clan with "teh bf2s all star team" are you down or are you going to puss out?
» You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | teHmyke.com | YouTube
Mod:  Personal attacks and inappropriate comments removed.

MetaL* wrote:

Now changing the subject I would love to scrim your piece of shit clan with "teh bf2s all star team" are you down or are you going to puss out?
We never claimed, ever, that we were one of the best teams, players out there. And first of all, we're a Dragon Valley clan. So if you want to play on that map, we'd dominate you. Tell ya what, I'll even do a 1v1 chopper with you and make you cry.
+250|6719|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

k0nfusion wrote:

SplinterStrike wrote:

Hey k0nfusion, maybe, just maybe you should bother doing a bit of research about players. Those guys have won CASH playing this game, and can be seen dominating the "Professional" league in BF2.
Sweet! That's something to be proud of! That will get you into college! They should tell their family and friends about how serious they are about BF2! Hell, I bet they get MAD chicks too for that kind of status. Holy shit, that just further concretes how much of losers these guys are... that's sad, dude.

SplinterStrike wrote:

Also, you say association with a hacker is as bad as being one no? Then how would knowing someone who steals, sells drugs or even beats women be any better? I know some, so OMGWTF, I must be a wife beating, drug dealing, low-life thief too.
That's comparing apples and oranges idiot. And who the fuck are you? What a dumb comment.

SplinterStrike wrote:

Oh, and lets see you try to put a post together while remaining civil, not involving one's girlfriend(should it exist), sexual preferences, or any other bigotry you deem fit to fling around with every message.
Yeah, just taking a quick look at the history of these 4 guys' posts, they must be role models themselves. Are you kidding me? This is a flame thread.
A flame thread about BF2. And also, being civil would definitely lead to better people relations, which seems to be lacking at the moment.

Ok, involvement of girls. Check. What the hell do they matter? And at 17, who the heck said "Thou must have women". If a guy's single, he's single. If he has a girl, he has a girl. He isn't some kind of freak of nature.

Trade one stupid comment for another bud. Knowing hackers doesn't make you a hacker. Claiming that a guy doesn't hack, with the possibility of actually not being aware of the fact, still, miraculously, does not make one a hacker. So how is that ban-worthy?

By the way, I'm just a guy. You don't need to know who I am, nor what I do. Just know that I'm here, and I have fun taking care of the trash when I see fit.
+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia

k0nfusion wrote:

We never claimed, ever, that we were one of the best teams, players out there. And first of all, we're a Dragon Valley clan. So if you want to play on that map, we'd dominate you. Tell ya what, I'll even do a 1v1 chopper with you and make you cry.
you make me lul so hard.

Bring it I/O, choppa, anything just bring it.

Just remember bf2s>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pRc

SplinterStrike wrote:

A flame thread about BF2. And also, being civil would definitely lead to better people relations, which seems to be lacking at the moment.
K. Better relations between these children are at the bottom of my list right now.

SplinterStrike wrote:

Ok, involvement of girls. Check. What the hell do they matter? And at 17, who the heck said "Thou must have women". If a guy's single, he's single. If he has a girl, he has a girl. He isn't some kind of freak of nature.
I should have suspected that probably 99% of the readers here are just as or bigger nerds than Kyle. I expect he's going to be supported by his fellow dork friends/peers.

SplinterStrike wrote:

Trade one stupid comment for another bud. Knowing hackers doesn't make you a hacker. Claiming that a guy doesn't hack, with the possibility of actually not being aware of the fact, still, miraculously, does not make one a hacker. So how is that ban-worthy?
Again, I'm not calling them hackers. You guys are incredibly dense, it's almost frustrating. It's like beating a dead horse. And please forgive me, but I don't want someone advertising a hack site in my server. Would you seriously support that kind of behavior? Really?
+188|6465|Anaheim, Mexifornia

SplinterStrike wrote:

You guys are incredibly dense, it's almost frustrating. It's like beating a dead horse.
Thats how we are going to feel when we raep you (unless you puss out)

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