is drunk and crazy
They just joined the server I was playing on, on my team, I thought, hey, at least we'll win a few rounds so I carried on playing on daqing oil fields and I got TK'd for the jet TWICE by one of their people, then TK'd again by a different member for the chopper.

I got in the chopper when it was me and him on the carrier, i was in gunner and he kept saying get out, i never so he just crashed it.

When we respawned i got so mad i TK'd him then got the chopper, which I crashed because someone decided to fly right infront of me with a BH.

He got in the chopper with some other guy but he was the gunner, so he got out and blew him up with Anti-Tank.

At that moment I got in the black hawk, mowed him down with the gun and got banned from the server with a smile on my face

As far I can see, they're still pricks, nastie is still shit, cant fight on ground for shit and most of the others are just TK'ers.
Clans are an interesting animal...I was on Karkand tonight and happened to join a squad....

So I am engrosed in the game and start hearing all this chatter over the Voip....turns out I had jointed a clan squad (not sure if they were all there when I joined or not).  We were doing prettty well together, I had quite a few revives on their mates and a bunch of kills (definitely pulling my own weight).  These guys got friggin crazy over the Voip and once I died I bailed and joined another squad.

So what's the deal, when you are a contributing member to a squad does it matter....actually it took the guys a while to start biatching since we were half way through the round before they started saying anything.  Is it just that I was taking away kills/revives/heals from thier clan mates?

I guess I understand and might not want a stranger on my squad if all my buddies were playing with me but it doesn't really matter to me as long as they are contributing to the greater good of the team.


By the way, sucks to hear E7
Sorry to hear you got tk'd

So, |TOP| are now the best in the world, eh?


|TOP| xanthpi
+67|6829|Tulln, Austria

xanthpi wrote:

Sorry to hear you got tk'd

So, |TOP| are now the best in the world, eh?


|TOP| xanthpi
i don't really get what you're trying to say.

and... is there a reason you guys renamed your clan?

edit: typo... kinda

Last edited by maef (2006-02-23 16:14:58)

+-2|6933|U.K DURHAM
get a life dude i seen you guys team killing shit loads if thats what you call fun ffs i think you getting a worse name than mygot clan at this rate. no wonder you change your clan name i tell ya what when you all get back to school try fighting back when you get the crap kicked out of ya. then you might start to feel better about ya self. i realy did think you guys where much better than that but 1 day i seen you on a server together. ffs all you did was give shit to other players as E7IX3R says some of you do tk for choppers and planes. and i do say some well enjoy dragging ya new name in the mud looks like its underway.
+3|6854|England, UK
I'd say this applies to most clans out there on BF2. My experiences on BF2 involving playing with clans generally result in unhappy matches, even more so if I happen to be on their own server. They're generally assholes because they believe they are somehow superior to everyone because they are in a clan. When things don't quite go in their favour it usually results in teamkilling, ignorant profanity and unreasonable kicks / bans.

I'm not saying this goes for every clan out there... but it's a pretty fucking high percentage, so I just tend to drift from server to server, if I see a server with an exceptionally high amount of one clan online, I'll skip right past it.
Top are faggots.

|TOP| Slidero
+67|6829|Tulln, Austria

slidero wrote:

Top are faggots.

|TOP| Slidero
oh thats why they left BSF
+89|6860|Sheffield, England
yeah, they think because they are on the server, it belongs to them.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|6884|Great Wall
I've seen them once... nubs
TKing for vehicles cuz they suck as infantry.. imho they suck in vehicles as well..
+4|6812|3 Miles East of Smurf Village

Drunk_Musketeer wrote:

I've seen them once... nubs
TKing for vehicles cuz they suck as infantry.. imho they suck in vehicles as well..
Destroy Noob Cannons
Sooo, [BSF] is now |TOP|? Or a bunch of [BSF] members left and created |TOP|?

I've never had problems with [BSF] in servers. Vengence and Nexar seemed like cool guys. I got in the J10 before one of the [BSF] members and they didn't try to TK or make me TK them, they just waited for the other jet.

Last edited by =[4th]=SlayThem (2006-02-23 18:41:37)

¦Tactics Øver Principles¦

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

Sooo, [BSF] is now |TOP|? Or a bunch of [BSF] members left and created |TOP|?

I've never had problems with [BSF] in servers. Vengence and Nexar seemed like cool guys. I got in the J10 before one of the [BSF] members and they didn't try to TK or make me TK them, they just waited for the other jet.
Yes, the BF2 divison is now |TOP|
+93|6819|Alaska, mother fucker.

E7IX3R wrote:

They just joined the server I was playing on, on my team, I thought, hey, at least we'll win a few rounds so I carried on playing on daqing oil fields and I got TK'd for the jet TWICE by one of their people, then TK'd again by a different member for the chopper.

I got in the chopper when it was me and him on the carrier, i was in gunner and he kept saying get out, i never so he just crashed it.

When we respawned i got so mad i TK'd him then got the chopper, which I crashed because someone decided to fly right infront of me with a BH.

He got in the chopper with some other guy but he was the gunner, so he got out and blew him up with Anti-Tank.

At that moment I got in the black hawk, mowed him down with the gun and got banned from the server with a smile on my face

As far I can see, they're still pricks, nastie is still shit, cant fight on ground for shit and most of the others are just TK'ers.
Dude i had the same thing happen to me,i think it might be the same people, i was gunning for this dude in the jet cuz his friend was a noob and didnt know that holding E got you in the vehicle as soon as it spawned, so the pilot just jumped out and crashed the jet, he pissed me off so i pwned him and his friend w/ the 50.cal when tehy were bout to take off grabbed the jet then made sure i never crashed for th whole map and pwned
Well I dont know if BSF/TOP do TK for vehicles as I have never seen them do it or seen any proof to this. My own experience in their server was quite a happy one for the brief time it lasted.

But I think if you are having a problem with people team killing for vehicles you shouldnt play there & play somewhere that has a no smacktard rule. Its something I strongly enforce on our clanserver because it degrades the level of enjoyment for the visitors to our server. The games about fun after all.

Greeting [120mm]DELBOY when are you going to visit the BW server
TOP is pretty retarded and plays for points only.

|TOP| NuclearBlasted
+55|6896|3 Miles west of smurf village

E7IX3R wrote:

As far I can see, they're still pricks, nastie is still shit, cant fight on ground for shit and most of the others are just TK'ers.
LOL....have you seen my stats recently.   The more pure unfiltered butler stats (without the BH stats) has a  ratio of 2.55....yours is .83.  All my kits are positive ratios which I cant say for you.   And most importantly ALL of my "ground pounding" kit equipment ratios are positive and average at 2 which means ....i kill more than I die when I am on the ground 2 to 1.

Your kit equipment ratio is .75 which means if we met on the ground chances are I would own you three to four times before you got me.

Proof... http://bf2s.com/player/NASTIE_BUTLER/

Last edited by NASTIE_BUTLER (2006-02-23 22:30:14)

Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
All I know is it is fair game until a smacktard tk's me out of a plane( a couple times, it would take about 3 actually to piss me off) that I rightfully got into, usually I don't 'wait around' (because as many people say ' I TK to help the team' , bullshit -- if you were you wouldn't be 'waiting for the plane' ) but if it's empty and no one is around, I'm haulin' ass to get there because everyone and thier grandmother knows that the plane will significantly raise your stats in Kit and Vehicle departments, but anyway If I'm tk'd expect the same in return (after a couple times obviously, because I really don't care about aircraft and takes a bit to rattle me chains), what is right for you but not for me?

Stats, Stats, Stats.... blah, blah , blah. Why don't people understand that other play a different game.  Lighten up and play, it's just a game.
looks like im gonna have to whip this one out again...



E7IX3R wrote:

As far I can see, they're still pricks, nastie is still shit, cant fight on ground for shit and most of the others are just TK'ers.
LOL....have you seen my stats recently.   The more pure unfiltered butler stats (without the BH stats) has a  ratio of 2.55....yours is .83.  All my kits are positive ratios which I cant say for you.   And most importantly ALL of my "ground pounding" kit equipment ratios are positive and average at 2 which means ....i kill more than I die when I am on the ground 2 to 1.

Your kit equipment ratio is .75 which means if we met on the ground chances are I would own you three to four times before you got me.

Proof... http://bf2s.com/player/NASTIE_BUTLER/
yeah but the difference is nastie_butler that he isnt a known cheater/stat padder like yaself mate.
I'm your pusher
+9|6883|yorkshire penisula
wtf?so you guys didnt know it was THEIR chopper?
i heard they got aids anyway.
What do calns have against the other players anyways?  I joined one and was kicking rear, and they told me to leave on comm.  So I just switched teams and killed the squad leader a few times.  Why would they not need me if I was racking up the points for the squad?  Just curious.
I attend BF2 Anonymous Meetings
what a bunch of lamers
Death StatPadder
+228|6915|Human Meat Shield
They are not lame, they are good at what they do, but they don't believe anyone else is. They work together as a team, but they forget they have 26 other people to worry about, it's them against everyone. I have no problem with any one of them, but as I say, tking someone out of a plane is selfish and to them they don't care about anything but themselves.  Points, Points, Points, are you really there to 'help the team' by tking them? I personally wouldn't have a problem with anyone as long as they don't tk for shit. Basically it's just a game and tking ruins the fun in it. I don't care if you dry hump the chopper/plane/tank/talk shit into oblivion, just don't tk for it.

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