+5,233|6683|Global Command
Dateline March 22nd, 20??

A Hiroshima sized blast devastated a large swath of down town Las Vegas yesterday at noon.
No group has claimed responsibility.

Sporadic celebratory gun fire could be heard over Tehran and in Gaza, across Pakistan and outside the Green Zone, but all in all the world is tense and waiting Americas inevitable response. 

The governments of China, India and Syria were among the first to offer assistance.

A exodus of Biblical scope is taking place as Millions flee the Southwest.  The government has set up a series of relief stations where citizens can refill their water containers. Winds are moving the fallout East, South and North. There has been no official estimate of the casualties, but the immediate number could top five hundred thousand people with untold thousands fleeing on foot on black top and through the desert.

Authorities urged calm, but the press conference became a spectacle as the White House spokesmen was ejected from the stage when he began to scream into the microphone that ' we are all going to die. "

1) What do you think the United States would do if a small nuclear device were detonated and there was no smoking gun leading to a Osama Bin Liden?

2) You are President of The United States, what would you do?

How many nukes have we tested in the 'desert' states anyway?

But yeah...

1) Find someone to blame.
2) Bush Doctrine (as if a politician would have any other choice).

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2008-04-29 22:08:21)

Have you played to  much rainbow six las vegas  ¿

Such action will lead to a nuclear strike. Remmember nuclear material can be identify where it is made.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6284|North Tonawanda, NY
Contain the mess.  Decontaminate the people.  You gotta take care of the smoking nuclear crater on your own turf before you go finding the new punching bag.
+429|6601|Chicago, IL

bogo24dk wrote:

Have you played to  much rainbow six las vegas  ¿

Such action will lead to a nuclear strike. Remmember nuclear material can be identify where it is made.
reactor =/= attacker.

There's soviet uranium all over the world

S.Lythberg wrote:

bogo24dk wrote:

Have you played to  much rainbow six las vegas  ¿

Such action will lead to a nuclear strike. Remmember nuclear material can be identify where it is made.
reactor =/= attacker.

There's soviet uranium all over the world
Nope, you wouldent find soviet uranium all over. Any proof ¿
+18|6696|Outer Space

S.Lythberg wrote:

bogo24dk wrote:

Have you played to  much rainbow six las vegas  ¿

Such action will lead to a nuclear strike. Remmember nuclear material can be identify where it is made.
reactor =/= attacker.

There's soviet uranium all over the world
Well, it's like this. You need highly enriched uranium for a bomb. Much more than for normal reactor operation, google it, I don't have the data handy. If someone enriches it(let's say Iran), it is their responsibility to safeguard it from theft, and not give it away(to let's say terrorists). If they do, BOOM glass crater.
+429|6601|Chicago, IL

bogo24dk wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

bogo24dk wrote:

Have you played to  much rainbow six las vegas  ¿

Such action will lead to a nuclear strike. Remmember nuclear material can be identify where it is made.
reactor =/= attacker.

There's soviet uranium all over the world
Nope, you wouldent find soviet uranium all over. Any proof ¿

It's out there, and it's hard to trace.
+429|6601|Chicago, IL

Sorcerer0513 wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

bogo24dk wrote:

Have you played to  much rainbow six las vegas  ¿

Such action will lead to a nuclear strike. Remmember nuclear material can be identify where it is made.
reactor =/= attacker.

There's soviet uranium all over the world
Well, it's like this. You need highly enriched uranium for a bomb. Much more than for normal reactor operation, google it, I don't have the data handy. If someone enriches it(let's say Iran), it is their responsibility to safeguard it from theft, and not give it away(to let's say terrorists). If they do, BOOM glass crater.
thats true, but there are fully functional nuclear weapons in places like Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and western China that can easily fall into the wrong hands, so the weapon's builder may not be the weapon's user
+58|6151|Mesa, AZ

S.Lythberg wrote:

bogo24dk wrote:

Have you played to  much rainbow six las vegas  ¿

Such action will lead to a nuclear strike. Remmember nuclear material can be identify where it is made.
reactor =/= attacker.

There's soviet uranium all over the world
Yea, there is. I know it is only a movie, but have you ever seen The Sum of All Fears? They figure out that the US refined the material and gave it to Israel, and they lost it when a jet got shot down. I'm sure if it was Soviet, or any other country's for that matter, it wouldn't be too hard to find where it came from and narrow down the list of people who could have done it. I know it was only a movie, but I'm sure they keep really good records of nuclear material.

ATG wrote:

1) What do you think the United States would do if a small nuclear device were detonated and there was no smoking gun leading to a Osama Bin Liden?

2) You are President of The United States, what would you do?
1) Start WWIII

2) Find where it came from, who had it, bomb the shit out of them. As someone above said...Bush Doctrine.

Last edited by jason85 (2008-04-29 22:20:01)

+429|6601|Chicago, IL

jason85 wrote:

Yea, there is. I know it is only a movie, but have you ever seen The Sum of All Fears? They figure out that the US refined the material and gave it to Israel, and they lost it when a jet got shot down. I'm sure if it was Soviet, or any other country's for that matter, it wouldn't be too hard to find where it came from and narrow down the list of people who could have done it. I know it was only a movie, but I'm sure they keep really good records of nuclear material.
I read the book nub

but they didn't track the fuel itself, they traced the material left at the hotel, it would be more difficult to identify fuel after the bomb had been detonated.
+5,233|6683|Global Command

jason85 wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

bogo24dk wrote:

Have you played to  much rainbow six las vegas  ¿

Such action will lead to a nuclear strike. Remmember nuclear material can be identify where it is made.
reactor =/= attacker.

There's soviet uranium all over the world
Yea, there is. I know it is only a movie, but have you ever seen The Sum of All Fears? They figure out that the US refined the material and gave it to Israel, and they lost it when a jet got shot down. I'm sure if it was Soviet, or any other country's for that matter, it wouldn't be too hard to find where it came from and narrow down the list of people who could have done it. I know it was only a movie, but I'm sure they keep really good records of nuclear material.

ATG wrote:

1) What do you think the United States would do if a small nuclear device were detonated and there was no smoking gun leading to a Osama Bin Liden? Start WWIII.

2) You are President of The United States, what would you do? Find where it came from, who had it, and then bomb the living shit out of them. As someone above said, Bush Doctrine. We mess your country up, and then we stay there for good.
Bush Doctrine, pfft.

What if we can't find where it came from?

Lob a few nukes and hope it all sorts out?!?
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6284|North Tonawanda, NY

ATG wrote:

What if we can't find where it came from?

Lob a few nukes and hope it all sorts out?!?
Lob nukes at who? Using nuclear weapons on a nation for no particular reason will eradicate any goodwill the world might have for you.  Even after you've been nuked by terrorists or whatever.
+240|6819|Austin, TX

SenorToenails wrote:

ATG wrote:

What if we can't find where it came from?

Lob a few nukes and hope it all sorts out?!?
Lob nukes at who? Using nuclear weapons on a nation for no particular reason will eradicate any goodwill the world might have for you.  Even after you've been nuked by terrorists or whatever.
Isn't our current official policy to assume that the weapons came from North Korea?   I know that used to be the policy, back when N. Korea was the only 'baddie' nation with nukes.  Now, when you add Pakastan, India, the conditions in Russia, the possibility of Iran and/or Syria, and any others I have forgotten, this may not be practical, but I would hope it still keeps North Korea up at night.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

SenorToenails wrote:

ATG wrote:

What if we can't find where it came from?

Lob a few nukes and hope it all sorts out?!?
Lob nukes at who? Using nuclear weapons on a nation for no particular reason will eradicate any goodwill the world might have for you.  Even after you've been nuked by terrorists or whatever.
The first aid would come pouring in, but the Governments intelligence agencies would also provide assistance. And if any of these agencies were seen to be unwilling to provide help, or are shown to be providing misleading and/or untrue evidence I would start to suspect that agencies motives, along with the country it represents.
+18|6696|Outer Space

S.Lythberg wrote:

thats true, but there are fully functional nuclear weapons in places like Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and western China that can easily fall into the wrong hands, so the weapon's builder may not be the weapon's user
Kazakhstan returned all weapons to Russia, if I'm not much mistaken. And as for China and Pakistan, it is their responsibility to make sure those weapons don't fall into the wrong hands. If they can't, they shouldn't build them.

And if radicals take over Pakistan, and get the nukes, then give it to the terrorists, well, goodbye Pakistan. That's the point of MAD. Don't use the nukes if you don't want to be nuked. Don't give nukes to terrorists if you don't want to be nuked. Simple really.
+58|6151|Mesa, AZ

ATG wrote:

jason85 wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

reactor =/= attacker.

There's soviet uranium all over the world
Yea, there is. I know it is only a movie, but have you ever seen The Sum of All Fears? They figure out that the US refined the material and gave it to Israel, and they lost it when a jet got shot down. I'm sure if it was Soviet, or any other country's for that matter, it wouldn't be too hard to find where it came from and narrow down the list of people who could have done it. I know it was only a movie, but I'm sure they keep really good records of nuclear material.

ATG wrote:

1) What do you think the United States would do if a small nuclear device were detonated and there was no smoking gun leading to a Osama Bin Liden? Start WWIII.

2) You are President of The United States, what would you do? Find where it came from, who had it, and then bomb the living shit out of them. As someone above said, Bush Doctrine. We mess your country up, and then we stay there for good.
Bush Doctrine, pfft.

What if we can't find where it came from?

Lob a few nukes and hope it all sorts out?!?
Well, assuming it happens after Bush leaves office, so we can get someone that is actually on the ball, I'm sure we would figure it out. It may take a few years, but we will find out. Like I said, we can find out where it was made. Then we can find out where it was sent. From there, I don't know exactly where it would go, I'm not in military intelligence or anything, so I don't know.

More than likely it will not be a government approved nuclear strike, it will be terrorists. They will say who did it, they always do. So then you know right there who did it. We have had intelligence of Bin Laden's location before, and he bugged out only a few hours before we got to wherever he was. I'm sure if the US did get nuked, we would have a bunch of other nations joining in, like we had at the start of the Iraq war. We will have a lot more people around there, and more chances to take his ass out.
+58|6151|Mesa, AZ

S.Lythberg wrote:

jason85 wrote:

Yea, there is. I know it is only a movie, but have you ever seen The Sum of All Fears? They figure out that the US refined the material and gave it to Israel, and they lost it when a jet got shot down. I'm sure if it was Soviet, or any other country's for that matter, it wouldn't be too hard to find where it came from and narrow down the list of people who could have done it. I know it was only a movie, but I'm sure they keep really good records of nuclear material.
I read the book nub

but they didn't track the fuel itself, they traced the material left at the hotel, it would be more difficult to identify fuel after the bomb had been detonated.
Well I didn't read the book nub. Just watched the flick.
Black Panzer Party
+184|6876|Eastern PA
1) Take care of cleanup ASAP (and restore order)
2) Employ nuclear forensics to determine (if possible) where the material came from. (Note: This is another no-brainer piece of intelligence capability that the Gov't has virtually ignored)
3) Improve methods of examining imports for dangerous materials
4) Determine if in fact the device was assembled outside the US and smuggled in or the various bits were brought here first then assembled
4a) If the latter, find any areas of the country with a rise in radiation sickness (you have to build the device somewhere don't you?). Ideally this will be done with hospital records/coroner reports.
4b) If the device was assembled outside the US, use the information gleaned from nuclear forensics to narrow geographical locations and determine if any nuclear armed countries have unaccounted for nuclear munitions
5) While the above is going on, pursue an aggressive series of a) intelligence sharing with friendly nations to find the relevant culprits, b) strengthen the NPT, c) work to shrink the global nuclear arsenal, and d) strengthen the command and control facilities of states with arsenals known to be in a state of decay.
6) Determine whether the device (or material) was provided to a non-state group by the conscious actions of a government or it it was obtained on the black market from a state with poor command and control.
7) Depending on the information in 4 and 6, proceed with military/police actions accordingly.

Last edited by Masques (2008-04-29 22:47:09)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6755|132 and Bush

Somebody snuck a snuke in her sniz?

Get advice from Tom Clancy.

DEFCON 1 : look for /treat survivors. ..

It's fun to pretend.
Xbone Stormsurgezz

S.Lythberg wrote:

bogo24dk wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

reactor =/= attacker.

There's soviet uranium all over the world
Nope, you wouldent find soviet uranium all over. Any proof ¿

It's out there, and it's hard to trace.
So if Colombia accuses the farc of something you would believe it right away. It has become a trend to accuse your enemy's of having the means of building nuclear bombs or making them. Like Syria . Give me some hard proof not a article over to corrupted groups of terrorists who accuses each other every day.
+429|6601|Chicago, IL

bogo24dk wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

bogo24dk wrote:

Nope, you wouldent find soviet uranium all over. Any proof ¿

It's out there, and it's hard to trace.
So if Colombia accuses the farc of something you would believe it right away. It has become a trend to accuse your enemy's of having the means of building nuclear bombs or making them. Like Syria . Give me some hard proof not a article over to corrupted groups of terrorists who accuses each other every day.
lol, something tells me searching online for available weapons grade uranium is a bad idea...

anyway, there is certainly a large amount of nuclear waste that can be detonated with conventional explosives or repurposed with the right equipment...
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6478|New Haven, CT
Wait, this is Vegas.

Don't we thank the terrorists?
+429|6601|Chicago, IL

nukchebi0 wrote:

Wait, this is Vegas.

Don't we thank the terrorists?
no, they missed New Orleans
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6284|North Tonawanda, NY

S.Lythberg wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

Wait, this is Vegas.

Don't we thank the terrorists?
no, they missed New Orleans
No they didn't.  Everyone knows that al Quaeda made the levies fail.  Duh!

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