Moving Target
I have very few problems with this.  I think that most people would not go out and instantly become huge drug addicts just because everything became legal.  I also feel that a lot of good could come out of proper implimentation of such a thing.

Problem is that most governments could mess up finding their ass with both hands and a flashlight.  And that would leave a lot of people really messed up.

What do you people thing?
purple sticky punch
+0|7131|englewood FL.
hey im ok with this guy..he makes one hell ofa point there..
ive got no problem with legalizing marijuana, especially for medicinal uses, and like monkey said i doubt many people would instantly become drug addicts but you know there would be one hell of a party that first night/week .  but obviously there would have to be the same restrictions as there are with alcohol.
Pew Pew!
+216|7165|San Francisco

I fail to see the point of legalizing drugs. Then again I don't see the point of taking drugs in the first place, whether or not they are legal.
Moving Target

tF-voodoochild wrote:

I fail to see the point of legalizing drugs. Then again I don't see the point of taking drugs in the first place, whether or not they are legal.
I'm looking at it from the point of if it's legal, the millions of leaches on tax dollars in prisons for just drug offenses would be thrown back on to the streets and hopefully we won't have to pay for them to live anymore.  Make them go out and get jobs and such like that.  But that is probably just a pipe dream.

Kind of like people posting in the proper places...
Pew Pew!
+216|7165|San Francisco

Burning_Monkey wrote:

I'm looking at it from the point of if it's legal, the millions of leaches on tax dollars in prisons for just drug offenses would be thrown back on to the streets and hopefully we won't have to pay for them to live anymore.  Make them go out and get jobs and such like that.  But that is probably just a pipe dream.

Kind of like people posting in the proper places...
Someday people will always post in the right place! Just you wait and see!

How many of those people would just end up in prison for other offences because of drugs? For instance, I am completely wacked out on crack and desperately want more, but cannot hold a job and so have to come up with other means to get money to buy my newly legalized crack. Surely it would be better to simply get people to stop using crack alltogether... Besides, how many hardcore drug users are going to be able to find honest work if they are continuously high, or low, or whatever. No employer in his/her right mind would want someone like that to work for them.

Frankly, these people desperately need help, they are addicted to the point that they can no longer even control their actions. Allowing them easier access to their addiction does nothing to help.
+447|7165|Seattle, Washington, USA

I do think it should be used for medicinal reasons, but for entertainment? That's just downright stupid.
legalize crack, no way in hell.  i just assumed that monkey meant legalize marijuana.  sure there are going to negative consequences to doing that but i mean how much does the US gov't spend every year on the "drug war?"  ill just go ahead and answer my own question - 11.7 billion in 2004.   

http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/pub … ec_sum.pdf

now obviously legalizing one drug would make a small dent in that number but a small dent in 11.7 billion is still a shitload of money.  just one step closer to getting back to the times when the US was operating in a surplus.
The Mushroom Man
Yeah im against it aswell, look at all the crimes caused by drug addicts. legalising that wont stop it. but the government would be able to make some money off it yeah.

i dont think its worth it personally i think the laws are too soft on drug runners dealers users
but then again most criminals get off to easy if you ask me.
purple sticky punch
+0|7131|englewood FL.
heh..never thought id see that coming from a guy whos name is stoned smurf!! lmao
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Look at it this way, many of the crimes have drugs as the root cause, especially in the ghetto.

Want of Drugs BUT No money = Steal

Steal BUT Girl refuses to hand over money = Assault

Assault BUT Victim Struggles/Shouts/Screams = Rape, Homicide etc.

One thing leads to another. Methinks tougher drug laws may be the key.

Why drink and drive when you can smoke weed and fly
The Mushroom Man

US|dirtysouth wrote:

heh..never thought id see that coming from a guy whos name is stoned smurf!! lmao
lol things arent always what they seem

i dont do drugs, and well if u hadent guessed im not a smurf neither.
its just yeah a screen name i thought of years ago and well yeah had it ever since
Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX
I agree with the legalization of Marijuana however it should be heavily taxed. Even more so than cigarettes.

I also must state without a doubt that Marijuana is just as addictive as Alcohol. People do become dependant upon it just as much as they become dependent on alcohol. Just like someone would not allow someone to show up to work drunk they should allow someone to show up to work high or drive.

Every single law that we have against alcohol usage should be included with Marijuana usage.
It should also carry the same legal age as Alcohol. Of course I believe the Cigarette should also but that's just a personal opinion.

So in short go ahead an legalize it. But expect the punishment for irresposible usage to be just as severe as abuse or irresposible use of Alcohol. This includes contributing to a minor or driving under the influence.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Raiders of the Lost Bear

I'm a smoker (1/2 pack a day) and a pretty heavy drinker (I HAVE to have a shot of chivas before I can sleep every night). So i don't think I'm well poised to comment on the laws regarding these 2 vices (yes i'm trying to quit smoking but not drinking).

Marijuana thouygh, is a trickier issue all together.

Without sounding like a broken machine: http://www.nida.nih.gov/Infofacts/marijuana.html

Marijuana, dubiously, cannot be considered either a HARD drug (i.e. Crack, Acid etc.) or a SOFT drug (E, Special K).

So hmmm.
Moving Target
Well, I am for the legalization or at minimum decriminalization of every thing.  Not that I would go out and use the very next day.  I have been clean and sober for 15 years now.  I'm not likely to change that for love nor money.  Well, except for my Marlboro Reds, reach for thoses bitch and that will be like putting your hand into a running chainsaw, you'll just pull back a bloody stump.

The reason that I have this stance is that I do think that a majority of prisoners are just in for possession or intent to deliver.  This makes no sense as prisons are way over crowded.  Should we really have to save room in a prison for some 3 time loser that got caught with some coke or the guy that decides to rob banks and kill every one in the place to get rid of witnesses?

Of course the next statement goes right in the face of the rest of my views on government.  With the legalization of all drugs, the government should tax the crap out of them.  But just to the point that the drugs are now cheaper than some dealer can sell them for.  And you have to register as a buyer.  That way we know who all the buyers/users are and the government gets money from the sale.  Hopefully the money could be used to set up more/better drug treatment, job training for hapitual users, and various other social needs.  I think that this will deal with most of the dealers out there since there will be a reduced market for the drugs amongst other things.

At the very minimum, I agree that marijuana should be legal/decriminalized.  I mean for fucks sake, it is so harmless as to be silly.  Beyond hard core users getting stupid that is.

As for punishment, step up the punishment, I really am appalled at the drunk driver laws around here.  I would like to see way stiffer punishments leveled for driving while influenced or other things.
will frag for food
+11|7157|Pittsburgh, PA, USA
"Ummmmm... drugs are bad, m'kay?" -Mr. Macky "South Park"

Seriously though, I'm back and forth on the issue. From an emotional stand point, I want drugs to be illegal and have stricter laws simply because I've had so many friends ruin their lives because of them. From a logical stand point, I want the legalization. It would be the perfect catalyst for evolution . If you don't get what I mean, druggies buy more drugs. Druggies do more drugs. Druggies die. Society becomes a cleaner place because it is rid of druggies. LOL, just a theory.

However, what should definitely be illegal and banned and destroyed is the Truth advertisement campaign. Sure, we all know smoking's bad (even the smokers), but those ads are so annoying, I want to send large quantities of cigarettes to their headquarters. BTW, is that campaign put on by Philip Morris? I heard that somewhere.
Pew Pew!
+216|7165|San Francisco

bluehavoc8686 wrote:

However, what should definitely be illegal and banned and destroyed is the Truth advertisement campaign. Sure, we all know smoking's bad (even the smokers), but those ads are so annoying, I want to send large quantities of cigarettes to their headquarters. BTW, is that campaign put on by Philip Morris? I heard that somewhere.
I believe those ads were part of some legal settlement awhile back where cigarette companies had to actively campaign against cigarette usage by stating all kinds of facts about tobacco (correct me if I am wrong here...)

I think the only thing that I would be happy about if marijuana was legalized is the reintroduction of industrial hemp crops. I won't even bother to get into the tons of benefits industrial hemp has over cotton (and even wood for many things) here, other than a link.
will frag for food
+11|7157|Pittsburgh, PA, USA

tF-voodoochild wrote:

I believe those ads were part of some legal settlement awhile back where cigarette companies had to actively campaign against cigarette usage by stating all kinds of facts about tobacco (correct me if I am wrong here...)
No that sounds right. I believe there is actually a term for that kind of marketing like reverse-effect or something. Whatever, I'm not a damn business major.
Extra Green Please!
+53|7147|USA! USA! USA!
You bunch of hippies!  Go cut your hair!  (j/k I love you guys!)
Have a nice day!
What is wrong with green?    living in Amsterdam i tell u this...for some . a joint a day..keeps the docter away, and i remember that army,s all over the world, use somekind of druks to keep the ball rolling in diffy situations...and even some gouvernamental siders do to.  .  sry for my spelling..  the hippocritters..      quote >*           legalize crack, no way in hell.  i just assumed that monkey meant legalize marijuana.  sure there are going to negative consequences to doing that but i mean how much does the US gov't spend every year on the "drug war?"  ill just go ahead and answer my own question - 11.7 billion in 2004. end of quote  ;   

    http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy.gov/pub … ec_sum.pdf

     QUOTE ;  now obviously legalizing one drug would make a small dent in that number but a small dent in 11.7 billion is still a shitload of money.  just one step closer to getting back to the times when the US was operating in a surplus. end of quote

I say how much money is it makin, selling weapons to those same countrys who produce drugs? and if legalize drugs ,those producers will, or can not buy, anymore guns cuss no income so no $ dollares?

Last edited by TheMajorBummer (2005-09-30 01:31:43)

+31|7141|St. Louis, MO
Pot is a gateway drug.You have to deal with a shady circle of people to obtain it who have acess to other drugs.If people don't have to associate themselves with such a crowd and content with just pot there would be a lot less crackheads and cocain jukies.
But then again that much acess would lead to destructive abuse.Maby someday, but as it is were just not ready.
+1|7140|Los Angeles, CA
I can see the legalization of marijuana. I personally don't smoke it, but I am very close friends with a few people that actually need to. My housemate has a collapsing spine, and as a result, has to be heavily medicated a good portion of the time. The pills that the doctors have perscribed him are more detrimental than beneficial. He feels nauseated, feverish, and a whole list of ickyness. Suffice to say, when he takes those, we don't see him for the day. However, when he smokes MJ, he's able to relieve 95-99% of the pain, and still be able to function.

I say legalize for medicinal purpose. Heck, if the US wants to make $ on it, legalize it throughout, but apply the same laws to it as you would alchohol.

Also, a little side comment about YoBabysDaddy's post. Yes it can be construed as a gateway drug, but they have special stores here in Los Angeles that cater to the Medicinal use crowd. Only people with perscriptions can enter and purchase. All they have is marijuana, and marijuanan products. It might seem a bit socialist, but I think it works well for those who actually have good reason to utilize it. And just think, IF it were legalized, and controlled, then it would be sold in such places as not to expose said people to the harder drugs. To seem cliche, look at Amsterdam, they have a perfectly functioning society, the key is moderation.
Do anything to excess, and detrimental effects will always follow.

Last edited by Miakei (2005-10-01 08:35:35)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX

Miakei wrote:

To seem cliche, look at Amsterdam, they have a perfectly functioning society, the key is moderation. Do anything to excess, and detrimental effects will always follow.
Actually Amsterdam is slowly becoming a shit hole. The local residents complain of how certain parts of the city, namely around certain parks, have become run down economically and physically. Crime is on the rise and the police are reporting many more drug related crimes and deaths. Legalization of drugs as a whole will lead to this. Even if you keep the people in a certain area. Do not believe that Amsterdam is a utopian city for drug users because its starting to become bad for those who do not use.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Have a nice day!

kilroy0097 wrote:

Miakei wrote:

To seem cliche, look at Amsterdam, they have a perfectly functioning society, the key is moderation. Do anything to excess, and detrimental effects will always follow.
Actually Amsterdam is slowly becoming a shit hole. The local residents complain of how certain parts of the city, namely around certain parks, have become run down economically and physically. Crime is on the rise and the police are reporting many more drug related crimes and deaths. Legalization of drugs as a whole will lead to this. Even if you keep the people in a certain area. Do not believe that Amsterdam is a utopian city for drug users because its starting to become bad for those who do not use.
Yeah a shithole;                                         THANK U!!  ;  " u" must be forgetting, most part of ur own country,                  is not even close, to compare  to Amsterdam... with ur country,s,   drugs and gunviolation abuse,                       ur a lil overcookt reacting.    btw,  we already have medicinal of cannabis use,               on dokter receipt.  p!   And ur not even close,  that u can buildt ur words on proof,    i think our methode is better!                              Then letting, halve off ur country suffer for weeks ,      before and after,        havin ; no house;  no jobs. and still a racial flaw; seeing all over television,  all over the world, > we drugs-bimbo,s watch cnn also when sober,                                                                                                                            how ur country reacts towards the southern states after the flooding of some hurricanes!.......and the handling of theire own borders in the south of  Texas!,  and at the border of Mexico!,....leak as a bucket with holes..so;         We; " the normal passport visitors".. cant enter without visa,     and get molested,                  just to visit only, while at those borders ,drugs-traffic is florrishing.. and look how many people live on the streets.in the big APPLE. no home; just cardboard, and this in the 20th century.....FOEI!
before u tell ;we are livin in a shithole; check ur own doorstep first. like Florida boat traffic. from south amercuh!     TEXAS!;   thought only steers and queers...came from there...believe u actually know zilch about my hometown.  so  behave..be nice...and Have a nice day!  BTW  ; MOKUM is my hometown = Amsterdam. so that makes me a knowing local resident.  btw im married for 32 years and have 2 sons..   my father is 89 and my mother is 90 im happy to say...must be the fresh Dutch country air...   http://www.amsterdam.nl/stad_in_beeld/foto's_webcams

Last edited by TheMajorBummer (2005-10-02 00:14:11)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|7161|Bryan/College Station, TX

TheMajorBummer wrote:

kilroy0097 wrote:

Miakei wrote:

To seem cliche, look at Amsterdam, they have a perfectly functioning society, the key is moderation. Do anything to excess, and detrimental effects will always follow.
Actually Amsterdam is slowly becoming a shit hole. The local residents complain of how certain parts of the city, namely around certain parks, have become run down economically and physically. Crime is on the rise and the police are reporting many more drug related crimes and deaths. Legalization of drugs as a whole will lead to this. Even if you keep the people in a certain area. Do not believe that Amsterdam is a utopian city for drug users because its starting to become bad for those who do not use.
Yeah a shithole;                                         THANK U!!  ;  " u" must be forgetting, most part of ur own country,                  is not even close, to compare  to Amsterdam... with ur country,s,   drugs and gunviolation abuse,                       ur a lil overcookt reacting.    btw,  we already have medicinal of cannabis use,               on dokter receipt.  p!   And ur not even close,  that u can buildt ur words on proof,    i think our methode is better!                              Then letting, halve off ur country suffer for weeks ,      before and after,        havin ; no house;  no jobs. and still a racial flaw; seeing all over television,  all over the world, > we drugs-bimbo,s watch cnn also when sober,                                                                                                                            how ur country reacts towards the southern states after the flooding of some hurricanes!.......and the handling of theire own borders in the south of  Texas!,  and at the border of Mexico!,....leak as a bucket with holes..so;         We; " the normal passport visitors".. cant enter without visa,     and get molested,                  just to visit only, while at those borders ,drugs-traffic is florrishing.. and look how many people live on the streets.in the big APPLE. no home; just cardboard, and this in the 20th century.....FOEI!
before u tell ;we are livin in a shithole; check ur own doorstep first. like Florida boat traffic. from south amercuh!     TEXAS!;   thought only steers and queers...came from there...believe u actually know zilch about my hometown.  so  behave..be nice...and Have a nice day!  BTW  ; MOKUM is my hometown = Amsterdam. so that makes me a knowing local resident.  btw im married for 32 years and have 2 sons..   my father is 89 and my mother is 90 im happy to say...must be the fresh Dutch country air...   http://www.amsterdam.nl/stad_in_beeld/foto's_webcams
Ummm. What the hell was that? Apparently I offended you so I'm sorry about that. So let me clarify. PARTS of Amsterdam are slowly becoming shitholes. You know the SLUMs that exist in many cities. But seriously that was a tirade of something that didn't make sense.  Also I never denied that places in the US are shitholes. Lots of places in the US are shitholes. I'm the first to admit that.. so where was the insult in that? You're correct.

Now calmly tell me I'm not.

Last edited by kilroy0097 (2005-10-02 00:17:58)

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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