+58|6930|Long Island
Ok...i posted this on EA support, but i want other people's opinions other than ea since they often repeat stuff.....

I downloaded patch 1.2 and it worked fine.  I was playing the game for a while with no problems.  Then, I go to play the next day.  Right when I join a server, it crashes to the desktop before the loading screen even comes up.  I realized my video driver was out of date, updated that, same problem.  I deleted windows temp folder and all temporary internet files.  I scanned for viruses and for spyware.  I still have the same problem.
Corrosion Inhibitor
update punkbuster and defrag if necessary
Body Skater
+28|6798|Berra - Aus
your graphics card may be unnacceptable
Mod Incarnate
If he didn't make any version changes between the time his game worked fine and the time his game crashes all the time, then the graphics problem shouldnt be the problem. I'd try reinstalling bf2.

I understand ur frustration on this matter,Bf2 is a little sensitive when it comes to the issues of a new patch.
I encountered the same problem and it pissed me off for weeks.
The only thing that worked for me was deinstalling the game completley also out of the registry and then new install with the patch from EA-games.

If that doesn´t work just defrag ur harddrive--it worked for my m8...the new patch was getting confronted by something on his harddrive which he couldn´t figure out but after all the new installing and defrag it now all works again.
Hope u get it sorted soon m8.
+37|6807|Montréal, Canada
i had the same problem. it was a virus, right after my anti-virus updated, i did a scan, and i had a new virus in my computer.

make sure ur anti-virus is up to date.

It doesnt crash anymore
+58|6930|Long Island far i have 11 viruses and now my brother admits to looking at porn...

go figure.  I will see if that is the problem.  it is still scanning
Same problem here... I am gonna check for viruses...
+0|6916|Givataim, Israel
Options>Settings>Resolution - choose the Hz according to the update rate of your monitor (mine is 75).
I always played on 85 Hz and got crashes from anywhere...
Now, on a level higher at each parameter (after buying extra 512mb ram on the existing 512mb, but RAM doesn't have to do with the crashes, it only betters FPS) I get none crashes! Well, unless I put Texture Filter on "High" (I have poor Radeon 9600SE).
I haven't seen any definete answers to the issue of "why does BF2 now crash to the desktop AFTER I've installed the freakingly bad 1.2 patch that EA put out?" My system worked fine with the version that I installed after I got it for Christmas. It can't be the drivers. It can't be the memory. Reinstalled BF2, updated to the latest driver for nVidia Geforce 6800, reinstalled the patch and it still crashes when I select a server. I don't have a degree in computer science and I hate the pat answer techo babel EA gives to try and "resolve the issues you are having".  Just give me a god damn freaking answer as to why you at EA screwed things up without doing much beta testing!?!? If everything worked in the previous version what did EA screw up this time to make it not work for some people but work for others?!?!? It's freaking frustrating not being able to get online.

Oh, and another thing, and I haven't changed any of my filters, why do over 2800 servers now show up when there are only a couple of dozen previously showing up when I clicked on multiplayer?

I really need an answer to the first question of the crashing to desktop so I can get back into play.

Last edited by markH262 (2006-02-19 21:24:53)

the most surefire way of fixing your problem is a complete reinstallation, it fixed my problem and now the game is flawless.
Well, I uninstalled BF2 and this time it's even WORSE!!!! I can't even get my system to run DISC 2 to continue the installation!!!  And don't freaking tell me to turnoff all the background tasks, etc. THEY ARE OFF, and the drive works fine because I can run other CD's from it.

Now WTF is going on now?!?! Things are going down hill fast. I've been trying to get this thing fixed for the last 3 hours. It's gettin close to midnight and I'm in one pissing foul mood becasue of the POS EA has done to F*#K up everything that was running fine before this POS 1.2 patch came out!

Last edited by markH262 (2006-02-20 00:21:51)

i had this problem as well n i got no idea how it can be solved, I sit down to relax on BF n almost smash my PC cos of the freaking kicking me to desktop all the time. Hopefully 1.21 will help

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