can you earn expert badges from bf2 in bfsf?
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no you cant. im very certain the post before me are 100% wrong
check pokerplaya's screenshothurricane2oo5 wrote:
no you cant. im very certain the post before me are 100% wrong
yeh mate ive just checked it , looks like photoshop if you ask memetal1215 wrote:
check pokerplaya's screenshothurricane2oo5 wrote:
no you cant. im very certain the post before me are 100% wrong
You can get expert badges, got both expert medic combat badges (normal & SF) on iron gator.
no your wrong alsoGeata wrote:
You can get expert badges, got both expert medic combat badges (normal & SF) on iron gator.
I got both Chopper ribbons in the same round in SF.
Wow. Okay.
I have gotten pretty much all of my veteran combat badges on SF maps. It's nice because you can get verteran Engineer Combat (for example) and then get 2 more kills and get the Vet Engineer Specialist.
I have also gotten my support badges, first aid badges, and Engineer (repair) badges on SF maps.
"Most" ribbons can also be earned, except for the Mideast Combat, etc.
I have gotten pretty much all of my veteran combat badges on SF maps. It's nice because you can get verteran Engineer Combat (for example) and then get 2 more kills and get the Vet Engineer Specialist.
I have also gotten my support badges, first aid badges, and Engineer (repair) badges on SF maps.
"Most" ribbons can also be earned, except for the Mideast Combat, etc.
umm ok non is in my sig no? took me a while to get ithurricane2oo5 wrote:
yeh mate ive just checked it , looks like photoshop if you ask memetal1215 wrote:
check pokerplaya's screenshothurricane2oo5 wrote:
no you cant. im very certain the post before me are 100% wrong
screenie of score same round
Last edited by pokerplaya (2006-02-22 10:36:55)
mate it was a joke, a bit of fun. why are people so serious on these forums. put your handbag away polkaplayer
Um...I was under the impression that the combat badges you get for the kits in SF were in their own category that has a little bar underneath them that says special forces...I could be wrong but that's what I thought...
i got my knife veteran at SF at i have it at the norm bf2
I got my Veteran Medic and Special Ops on Sf maps
Does it work the other way round?
Can you get BFSF badges on bf2?
Can you get BFSF badges on bf2?
Yes, u can earn bf2 badges in SFsection9 wrote:
can you earn expert badges from bf2 in bfsf?
no....RozarioMario wrote:
Does it work the other way round?
Can you get BFSF badges on bf2?
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- earning bf2 medals in bfsf