So i just unlocked the P90 today (the new anti-tank kit unlock) I think it is the worst gun i've ever used.  It's fire rate was slow it was innaccurate and weak.  I don't even know why they made it an unlock.  Aren't unlocks supposed to be good weapons?  All those in agreement that the P90 sucks please post it here so we can all whine and complain.  In a perfect world i could re-choose my unlock and everything would be ok.  WARNING DON'T WASTE YOUR UNLOCK ON THE P90!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS

speenerd wrote:

So i just unlocked the P90 today (the new anti-tank kit unlock) I think it is the worst gun i've ever used.  It's fire rate was slow it was innaccurate and weak.  I don't even know why they made it an unlock.  Aren't unlocks supposed to be good weapons?  All those in agreement that the P90 sucks please post it here so we can all whine and complain.  In a perfect world i could re-choose my unlock and everything would be ok.  WARNING DON'T WASTE YOUR UNLOCK ON THE P90!
Nah, I think's it pretty good. Learn to use it properly!
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+4|6840|Irving Tx
i hate it too...the mp7 is far beter....
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6827|Canberra, AUS
So? Wrong kit...
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
The rate of fire on the P90 is completely crap.  I've seen that gun fire in real life.. and that thing can vaporize the entire 50rd mag in the blink of an eye.  The P90 in the game shoots more like a WW2 era grease gun, nice and slow, purely blowback operated.. bah.

I've used the P90 here and there, but I still prefer the DAO-12 and if anything the pump shotty still rocks, so its rather pointless to bash a gun I'd never use.  Although I do agree that the whole point of getting unlocks is to get something better.   At least you don't have to worry about being TK'd by somebody just because they wanna test the new unlock for themselves.
+31|6976|St. Louis, MO
At a distance if you shoot in burst it's very accurate.A long range infantry weapon comes in kinda handy while playing Anti tank class.

TSal2111 wrote:

The rate of fire on the P90 is completely crap.  I've seen that gun fire in real life.. and that thing can vaporize the entire 50rd mag in the blink of an eye.  The P90 in the game shoots more like a WW2 era grease gun, nice and slow, purely blowback operated.. bah.

I've used the P90 here and there, but I still prefer the DAO-12 and if anything the pump shotty still rocks, so its rather pointless to bash a gun I'd never use.  Although I do agree that the whole point of getting unlocks is to get something better.   At least you don't have to worry about being TK'd by somebody just because they wanna test the new unlock for themselves.
Every gun does that. My best friend tried a machine gun, and he only held it a few seconds and then the commander asked how many bullets he shot, he said 29 but it was 30. Learn to use P90 and you can kill people faster
yer, it definately a dissapointm
in "real life", the gun has 2 or 3 times the fire rate and 10 times the accuracy, you could decemate a tree at 500 yards in BF2 you'd have good luck decemating a tree point blanc, but it does have a better feel than the dAO-12 when you shoot people with it!
Mod Incarnate
I hate to say it, but this gun does suck the big one. Earlier today I watched as it took 7 (yes 7) bullets to kill one support infantry. Granted, a few of the bullets may not have counted because of the crap hit detection, but this was point blank while the guy was laying down and not moving. Bottom line? This gun is a piece of junk. Ill be sticking with the DAO.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6869|Riva, MD

TSal2111 wrote:

The rate of fire on the P90 is completely crap.  I've seen that gun fire in real life.. and that thing can vaporize the entire 50rd mag in the blink of an eye.  The P90 in the game shoots more like a WW2 era grease gun, nice and slow, purely blowback operated.. bah.

I've used the P90 here and there, but I still prefer the DAO-12 and if anything the pump shotty still rocks, so its rather pointless to bash a gun I'd never use.  Although I do agree that the whole point of getting unlocks is to get something better.   At least you don't have to worry about being TK'd by somebody just because they wanna test the new unlock for themselves.
They say it's supposed to shoot at like 1,200 bullets per minute, but from what I hear the rate of fire is that of the SCAR.  That's stupid.  Even EA can't be that retarded.
TE p90's rate of fire is 900rpm and it is about as powerful as an mp7.I think a bit more accure (longer barrel) and it's biggest advantage is the 50 rounds mag.
Anyway I think it's good enought in the game.The only thing I hate is it's rate of fire in the game.
I havent unlocked it but i shot it. I dont think its terrrible but i dont think its bad. Not the best at ranges yet again its a small round what u expect? But the P90 is very accurate at close to meduim ranges, semi 4 longer auto for Close Combat. The rate of fire is bad compared to other games that have it{Counter Strike} but yet again its clip is great compared to the MP-7. I think EA should of saved it 4 Euro Forces thou......
P90 Facts real steel version, Havent used it yet, but according to whats on written on this thread about its game abilitys its nothing like the real version,

Take a look at any Small arms book and see what the specs are for a P90, my reference is Janes Gun Recognition guide, a solid reference, a qoute to start from the weapons primary description "The penerative power of its 5.7 X 28mm bullet is formidable" so taking 7 round s to kill is obviously nonsense, also in a more detailed overview of it penerative ability, during tests against Kevlar, the 5.7 penertrated 28 layers of formentioned, at what range it dosent say, but there you have it a most deadly weapon, although recent studies have found it to jam quite often due to the rotary turntable of its magazine becoming clogged with grime from general use.
its the same dmg as the mp5 but slower.  Sneak up against somebody and it loose.  There's 50 rounds in it.
So in conclusion...The P90 freak'n sucks.
Got His War On
+37|6926|Golden, CO
The P90 and MP7 are just slightly more accurate submachine guns.  They're MP5s you can use to kill people from slightly farther away.  Just look at the wiki stats...

I like the MP7 because it gives me a rapid-fire, longer range (well, not much longer, but still) alternative to the shotguns.
+85|6904|good old CA
eww its an ok gun, it was an awesome gun is cs and the James bond games
+3|6861|England, UK
I actually like the P90, it's better than the MP5/PP-19 and not everyone wants to use the DAO-12, because shotties suck generally.

I just wish they would fix the rate of fire, it's a real insult to the weapon.

[UCF]Dauntless wrote:

Yeah I hate the P90 too, but I havent unlocked the MP7 yet, purley because when I have used it before, I hated it... (I could unlock it right now but I like hearing the drumroll when I log it!) lol stupid reason I know
lmao you like hearing the drum roll too
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6982|Denver colorado
i like it because its awesome.... actually it sucks BUT. since i have better aim and moves then the guy at the other side i kill alot with it.

but seriously... i like this gun and use it because im watching an anime where the main character has one..... and thats why i like it.
buttered noodle
it shouldn't take 30 seconds to empty a 50 round clip, i believe the LMGs are faster, its a SMG, small bullets, should fire fast, empty a clip in maybe 10ish seconds? Seriously, if you've ever played counter strike or seen it used on tv/movie you know this is a far better weapon. Although i have to admit the laser scope for antitank is nice. Other than that......

..........looks cool?
The Microwave Man
Wake up and smell the coffee bro . All the unlocks are worse then what you start out with , with a few exceptions . Stupidest unlocks in gaming history this game has . But I still play it .
The Microwave Man

buttered noodle wrote:

it shouldn't take 30 seconds to empty a 50 round clip, i believe the LMGs are faster, its a SMG, small bullets, should fire fast, empty a clip in maybe 10ish seconds? Seriously, if you've ever played counter strike or seen it used on tv/movie you know this is a far better weapon. Although i have to admit the laser scope for antitank is nice. Other than that......

..........looks cool?
I have fired the P90 in full auto before . It's fire rate is real fast . Gun totaly rocks . I just wish they weren't so exspensive . I hear one company might make them with longer barrles and sell them to the public here in the US . Ammo would be a problem though . The ammo is really exspensive . Anyhow after firing a full mag I instantly fell in love with it .
+271|6908|United States of America
Who wouldnt fall in love with the P90, its awesome.  It is refreshing to blow your target to pieces, and have ammo to do it again.  This gun does suck, but its not nearly as underpowered as teh M95 at least.
If they made the P90 true to the real-life version, there would be absolutely no reason to ever use a default SMG again. Basically it'd be a lower damage carbine with a blistering RoF and great accuracy. A QBZ-97 with 20 more rounds per mag essentially. The 3 default SMGs would have NOTHING over that, so to ensure DICE stays true to it's own motto, "Unlocks are alternatives, not upgrades," they nerfed the P90 to what we have now. I don't expect the gun to ever be improved.

Last edited by Poofy (2006-02-22 09:51:36)

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