The Man With the Golden AK
+21|6681|Gainesville, FL

hutchy52 wrote:

Not a bad score with the PKM, but the K/D ratio is unimpressive.  I have also recently started using the PKM and have rounds of 36 - 4, 21 - 1 etc. (scores not high, but also not on a 64 player server that is nearly empty)

But I also found the PKM very capable before the patch so don't think that they needed to make it as deadly.
I heard people whinge about it before the patch, but that was just due to their lack of skill.
3.2:1 is a decent K/D ratio.  It's not phenomenal, but I refute that it is "unimpressive."

My point is this:  DICE nerfs the noob toob, the former weapon of mass destruction because of whiners and complainers, but they then introduce the PKM, its replacement.  In the meantime, they create illogical game mechanics, such as the inability to shoot while jumping.

Now, I'm not a bad player.  I'm not FireStorm by any measure, but neither do I try to shoot from the wrong end of the gun.  However, Dice should simply stop trying the tone down game mechanics simply because most people have little skill and like to whine about it.  It only serves to irritate the good players, because now they have to find other game mechanics to use to their advantage.  It doesn't make the poor any better.


The0wner wrote:

genlobo i played a game with you like 10 min ago u pissed me off like hell
Whats your in game name?


TheBelcorwyn wrote:

GenLobo wrote:

Your An Idiot!!

Can You Say Pendejo!
The irony of your statement is wonderful.

Thank you.

Your welcome pendejo!


bob_baur wrote:

GenLobo wrote:

Your An Idiot!!

Can You Say Pendejo!
mmm, me thinks one has shown himself to be the idiot
mmm, I think you did make your self look like an idiot.

I also got 178 points with PKM in a round today. Did someone say it was a .50 cal? dumbass.
+2|6801|Houston, Texas

d3x74 wrote:

What lovely prose. Pity its wasted on a bunch of twelve year olds in this forum.
I don't think its anymore accurate, it feels to me like all the weapons are just more powerful.  This is my opinion.
+4|6727|Irving Tx
the lmg is an area weapon not a point weapon but...the lmg's pre patch were just plan they have accuracy....M-2 had a max effective range 1830 meter...the M-60 was good at 1100 meters... so why cant the pmk in this game hit all that it can see?....a 500 meter hit with an M-60 is not unreasonable.700 meter with the m-2 was easy.
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6695|Lancaster Ohio, USA
Y'all seem to forget the PKM is a big heavy gun...firing a big heavy can take the large recoil because it's such a heavy gun...and the .308 cal bullet can do large amounts of's not the .22 cal bullet the M-16 fires...pre 1.2 I could clean house with the M249 and now I use the PKM and can still kick ass with it...people rush me and I mow them's a light machine gun and it's designed to spit out lead effeciently and accuratley...why would any army want a gun that has absoulutley no accuracy? If you know how to use it...prone and zoomed in and SHORT BURSTS...then yes you will own with it...and that makes everyone cry...big deal...I got the kill cause I know what I'm doing...end of story...

Last edited by bob_6012 (2006-02-21 16:29:31)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6730|Tampa Bay Florida

monkeyboy wrote:

Support guns are supposed to outshoot assault rifles. Thats the whole fucking point of them. When a support gunner is setup somewhere, he keeps heads down because if the enemy don't hide..... they get their fucking heads blown off.

This simply wasn't happening before the patch. If you looked at the highest scoring players with different kits, the highest score with the carbines was double that of the machineguns. They were seriously underpowered before. They're fine now. STOP WHINING!!
Why don't we just delete Assault from the game...... you idiot, THE MACHINE GUNS TOOK SKILL.   I EARNED A VETERAN SUPPORT COMBAT BADGE, not because THEY WERE THE BEST GUNS IN THE GAME, but because I LIKED THE KIT!

Support used to take skill and technique.  I could kill people 50 m away with an LMG BEFORE THE PATCH, it just took practice.  Now, a bunch of dishonest players who have ZERO INTEGRITY are picking up the Support kit and acting like they're hot shit, pff.  I used to respect being killed by a Support weapon, because you knew it was a skilled, experienced player who killed you.  Now it's likely to be anyone who had 10 minutes with Support before 1.2, and now HALF the enemy team is full of PKM whores who don't even realize how good the M249 actually is.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-02-21 16:52:18)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6730|Tampa Bay Florida
^^ Monkeyboy, you think you are a good Support player.  My ass.

People like you are why they partially ruined BF2.  Before, there were only 1,2 maybe 3 Support players per team.  Now, 2/3's of the team is full of PKM carriers. 

Get a grip, if you thought that the Support weapons sucked before the patch then you shouldn't even be THINKING about using it now.  Asshole

TheBelcorwyn wrote:

The following images depict a harrowing night for Belcorwyn's enemies, for Belorwyn was abulant death, carrying with him his trusty PKM, an instrument of retribution. … …

DICE, stop changing game mechanics.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and it seems like the demise of this wonderful game is as well.  Catering to the moaners and complainers, the people who should work on increasing their ability to play the game rather than displace fault onto external forces, is a sure way to deconstruct an otherwise amazing opus artis.

Agreeing with the prvious folks...use your head that doesnt prove a thing, so you took support ...big fucking deal, for all anyione knows you sat in  a tank or apc the whole time.....then what all we do is laugh, dont come in here and try to prove what a hero you are, it just can be said to the contrary a million different ways and you come off lookin like a tard!!!!
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6695|Lancaster Ohio, USA
Actually if ya look at his pics if he was in a tank it wasn't the entire round...someone else got the highest armor score...ya should look before ya flame there DesertWraith...he had a good round and is proud of it...we should all just let him have his moment...

Spearhead wrote:

^^ Monkeyboy, you think you are a good Support player.  My ass.

People like you are why they partially ruined BF2.  Before, there were only 1,2 maybe 3 Support players per team.  Now, 2/3's of the team is full of PKM carriers. 

Get a grip, if you thought that the Support weapons sucked before the patch then you shouldn't even be THINKING about using it now.  Asshole
I didn't claim to be a good support player, and you can go fuck yourself with your random accusations. Firstly, they haven't "partially ruined bf2" it's a lot better now...... I hope the pkm stays as it is.  I still come of better with an ak, f2000 or g36e most of the time. Before the patch I always got the kill. It's nice the support gunner can fight back now.

I hate to break it to you....  but theres far more skill involved, now the weapons are more powerful. If you want to have a game where you can bounce around and have somebody fire 1000's of rounds before you die, then go play unreal 2004. The game feels so much better now the guns are more deadly.

Its a shame you haven't entered your stats, I wonder how good you are..........

Last edited by monkeyboy (2006-02-21 18:02:35)

+0|6684|Melbourne Fl.
To anyone who complains about the first shot of the PKM to be too accurate, your not thinking right.  It should be made that every single weapon in the game , except shotguns, should have near perfect 1st shot hit probablity.  A weapon is designed to fling a bullet at what the shooter is aiming at. What EA needs to work on is the cone of fire bloom durring successive shots to portray the in game weapons real life counterpart as best they can with a game. You should be able to get a positive hit in this game with every weapon up to somewhere around 300m, and 500m should be absolutely no problem with a long range rifle.

Spearhead wrote:

Before, there were only 1,2 maybe 3 Support players per team.  Now, 2/3's of the team is full of PKM carriers.
It's true.  I did like playing support more before the patch when I was one of the few.  Now I feel my contributions as a support gunner are diluted because there are so many; but I only notice because it's damn near impossible to get resupply points anymore.  Oh well.

ninja6o4 wrote:

Um. I never used PKM until 1.2 because I enjoy actually hitting people.  Suddenly a support gun is outsniping an assault rifle in single shot?  I didn't believe it until I tried it (and got killed by it more than any other gun).  It's too accurate on the first shot. How can you possible aim a .50 cal from 200m and hit them?
This is one of the most stupid statement I have ever read. This one really takes the cake.

.50 cal MGs and HMGs have been used to snipe at long distances of 2000m or more previously. .5 cal MGs  engage targets at 300m - 800m on a regular basis. DOH!

Ghost33 wrote:

To anyone who complains about the first shot of the PKM to be too accurate, your not thinking right.  It should be made that every single weapon in the game , except shotguns, should have near perfect 1st shot hit probablity.  A weapon is designed to fling a bullet at what the shooter is aiming at. What EA needs to work on is the cone of fire bloom durring successive shots to portray the in game weapons real life counterpart as best they can with a game. You should be able to get a positive hit in this game with every weapon up to somewhere around 300m, and 500m should be absolutely no problem with a long range rifle.
i agree

Ghost33 wrote:

To anyone who complains about the first shot of the PKM to be too accurate, your not thinking right.  It should be made that every single weapon in the game , except shotguns, should have near perfect 1st shot hit probablity.  A weapon is designed to fling a bullet at what the shooter is aiming at. What EA needs to work on is the cone of fire bloom durring successive shots to portray the in game weapons real life counterpart as best they can with a game. You should be able to get a positive hit in this game with every weapon up to somewhere around 300m, and 500m should be absolutely no problem with a long range rifle.
Ahh.. finally someone who knows what he is talking about.

TheBelcorwyn wrote:

hutchy52 wrote:

Not a bad score with the PKM, but the K/D ratio is unimpressive.  I have also recently started using the PKM and have rounds of 36 - 4, 21 - 1 etc. (scores not high, but also not on a 64 player server that is nearly empty)

But I also found the PKM very capable before the patch so don't think that they needed to make it as deadly.
I heard people whinge about it before the patch, but that was just due to their lack of skill.
3.2:1 is a decent K/D ratio.  It's not phenomenal, but I refute that it is "unimpressive."

My point is this:  DICE nerfs the noob toob, the former weapon of mass destruction because of whiners and complainers, but they then introduce the PKM, its replacement.  In the meantime, they create illogical game mechanics, such as the inability to shoot while jumping.

Now, I'm not a bad player.  I'm not FireStorm by any measure, but neither do I try to shoot from the wrong end of the gun.  However, Dice should simply stop trying the tone down game mechanics simply because most people have little skill and like to whine about it.  It only serves to irritate the good players, because now they have to find other game mechanics to use to their advantage.  It doesn't make the poor any better.

What a dumbass.
Got His War On
+37|6814|Golden, CO
There is always going to be something to whine about in every game.  Before 1.2, the machine guns were just much too inaccurate at anything beyond medium range.  I'm sorry that you can't handle a gun that is really good in the game.

Put this in the complaint section next time.
I'll have to try out this higher accuracy thing...good rounds

TheBelcorwyn wrote:

The following images depict a harrowing night for Belcorwyn's enemies, for Belorwyn was abulant death, carrying with him his trusty PKM, an instrument of retribution. … …

DICE, stop changing game mechanics.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and it seems like the demise of this wonderful game is as well.  Catering to the moaners and complainers, the people who should work on increasing their ability to play the game rather than displace fault onto external forces, is a sure way to deconstruct an otherwise amazing opus artis.

No one gives a shit. Get over yourself you trigger holding noob.
Mod Incarnate
Would people stop flaming the OP for posting his good score? His point was not that he's a crazy badass and you should all bow down, his point was the PKM is an ungodly killing machine now, and I tend to agree. When I use this kit I find myself killing more people than I do with an assault rifle or the g36e, which is just wrong. Need I remind anyone that the PKM belong to the support kit? The support guys arent supposed to be running around kicking the ever living shit out of any infantry, theyre supposed to be supporting their team.

Ettercrab wrote:

Problem isnt PKM being too uber, problem is people still acting as it's still same inaccurate popgun it used to be. When people see support guy covering some place w/ MG, they just try to take it out 1vs1 wich worked nice on 1.12.

BUT now its 1.2 time!! If you see support guy covering some place, toss few nades to his position, ask sniper to take him out, smoke/flash him, ask for covering fire from friendly support guy etc. etc.

You just cant now rush in, but you actually need to think about what you are doing, and if people would understand meaning of 'TEAMPLAY' there would not be problems w/ mg's/snipers/AA's/etc.

And to Belcorwyns scores, in warlord support have always been good class, lots of close encounters and inroom battles. I usually hitted ~100 round score prepatch without trying too hard.
I agree.  PKM is how it should be now.  Squad up with several different kits, and you should be able to handle just about any situation.  Including the prone PKM'r covering the alley you want to move down.
+51|6765|Twente, The Netherlands

flyinlow wrote:

Ettercrab wrote:

Problem isnt PKM being too uber, problem is people still acting as it's still same inaccurate popgun it used to be. When people see support guy covering some place w/ MG, they just try to take it out 1vs1 wich worked nice on 1.12.

BUT now its 1.2 time!! If you see support guy covering some place, toss few nades to his position, ask sniper to take him out, smoke/flash him, ask for covering fire from friendly support guy etc. etc.

You just cant now rush in, but you actually need to think about what you are doing, and if people would understand meaning of 'TEAMPLAY' there would not be problems w/ mg's/snipers/AA's/etc.

And to Belcorwyns scores, in warlord support have always been good class, lots of close encounters and inroom battles. I usually hitted ~100 round score prepatch without trying too hard.
I agree.  PKM is how it should be now.  Squad up with several different kits, and you should be able to handle just about any situation.  Including the prone PKM'r covering the alley you want to move down.
How do you explain people standing up with PKM and still killing about everybody in their direct and somewhat farther away radius? It's ridiculous. Have you seen much support guys actually supporting their squad? I've played many rounds, and I've just see them run and gun down about everybody they encounter. Support is overpowered man.

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