I was crossing the USA Canadian border.

Just out of interest, anyone old enough to remember the first 9/11?
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

Getting ready to meet my wife at the hospital for my son's surgery. The hospital was on a military base. All I could think was "I better hurry the fuck up or I won't be able to get there." Then I was TDY for three years.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Frosties > Cornflakes

Getting a cab home from school.

''you hear about the pentagon and the world trade center'

Tbh I thought he was high or something, was after a long day, so I wasnt really paying attention.  Got home, turned on the news and thought I was watching the most realistic hollywood disaster film ever :\.......

What happened on 9th of November?
+3,611|6774|London, England

Braddock wrote:

What happened on 9th of November?
Dunno, it was probably cold though!

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Braddock wrote:

What happened on 9th of November?
Dunno, it was probably cold though!
I think I do remember it being cold right enough but pretty uneventful besides that.
Go Ducks.

Poseidon wrote:

The only reason there was such a major uproar was because it was the first large scale attack on American soil by foreign enemies in 59 and 1/2 years.
Sure... but not the only attempt. I'm not saying that it shouldn't have been a big deal. It was deservedly big news, but the type of press it got (and still gets) and the extent to which it was used (and is still used) as a means of leverage make 9/11 something that, at this point, shouldn't be as present an issue as it currently is.
Support fanatic :-)

Some people should learn to understand that there are different views of the same matter ...

Claiming a staged 9/11 is like showing a cartoon of a certain prophet to a Muslim ... that is how important the matter is for both parties ...

I was just about to leave work when the first plane hit and was home in time to see the second one hit ... and it is my birthday so i'm not ever to forget it ...
Wait behind the line ..............................................................
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
I was at work in a conference call with Nortel when I first heard about it.
First reaction was some kid had hacked into the GPS system.
Second reaction was now the US knows what its like to face a direct terrorist threat (I was eight when my father - in true Homer Simpson style - started me checking for bombs under the car in Paris - 'you're smaller, and you know what a car is supposed to look like underneath')
Third reaction - oh fuck someone is going to get nuked.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
On 11/9 I was still working part-time as a security guard here in Dublin and we were actually put on high alert as a result of the attacks!
+145|6461|Keller, Tx
Asleep. I woke up to hear a message on my answering machine that my mom and sister were ok. My sister's birthday is Sept. 11th and they were in Connecticut at the time. They were going to go into NYC that morning and their first stop was the WTC. I was almost going to be there, if I had raised the money for the flight, but I chose not to go.
+3,611|6774|London, England
On 11/9, I saw it on the TV when I got home from school and thought "wow oh shit"

And that's that. I was a kid (i think 12). No, there was no innocent "daddy ere their people in the building" nor did I cry at night. It was simply "oh shit" - I knew what happened, but that was it. There. I'm not going to make up dramatic bullshit.

Another of these threads? It's not even September. (or  November for the Euros among us)
I Was at work..

i remember being pissed about all arabs that day.

I remember hoping that the USA would nuke the entire middle east for that.

That was before i learned how it happened, why it happened, who made a lot of money out of it (Silverstein) etc..

That was before i realized that it was an inside job..
GunSlinger OIF II
loose change

AutralianChainsaw wrote:

I Was at work..

i remember being pissed about all arabs that day.

I remember hoping that the USA would nuke the entire middle east for that.

That was before i learned how it happened, why it happened, who made a lot of money out of it (Silverstein) etc..

That was before i realized that it was an inside job..
That sounds like the summary of a bad Tom Clancy-esq novel.
+2,382|6831|The North, beyond the wall.
Can't remember, but I had Cheerio's for breakfast today.

Clever them little O's.
+1,452|6547|The Gem Saloon
watched it happen live on The Today Show, on NBC.
+53|6067|Glendale, CA
The xenophobia against Arabs after that is similar to the xenophobia against the Japanese after Pearl Harbor.  Both are incredibly irrational.  Not all Muslims hate the United States - some love the USA.  It's just extremists such as the Taliban who do this.
Confused Pothead
+1,101|6734|SE London

I was at a protest rally in Docklands. Then some friends and I ducked out of that and went to the pub. I got a call from a friend telling me to turn on the TV and we all sat around in the pub watching it.

The landlord gave us all free crisps and drinks - for hours - and kept telling us how it was obvious the Americans had it coming.

Then we wandered off and got into a bit of a scuffle with the police who arrested a friend of mine (although he later got off - due to my testimony).

Quite an odd day all in all.
+385|6644|Northern California

djphetal wrote:

And Ironchef is right... His comment is out of place in this thread, but 9/11 has been milked dry by politicians, especially republican presidential candidates by the name of Giuliani.

America should be over it by now. Of course we'll always remember when it happened, and the date will stick with us, and it's okay to mourn and honor those who died... But it's been 6 and a half years. We are not victims any longer.
I'm right in my characterization of political desecration of that horrible day which is perfectly valid as a conversation piece, and for this board where I don't wish to reveal my diminishing personal feelings towards the events of that day.

Further, I completely BLAME all the hype, political fear mongering, movie making, bickering, conspiracy theories, etc for removing how I felt that day.  I noticed in the following months and years how much of my genuine horror and vivid memory I had of the actual day was REPLACED by the stories of others (fact and fictional)..I saw how the memory of the dead were replaced with foolish "FDNY" stickers (what about PAPD and NYPD??) because some marketing asses thought they'd capitalize and commercialize that sacred day...the ribbon magnets, the TV specials, the misdirected warfare with the mastermind mocking and laughing at us in his cave, the political campaigning where apparently we're in a different world or state of mind..yet there's been very little done to secure this country, it's borders, ports, water sheds, chemical and nuclear facilities, population centers, etc....

Yes, I obviously remember the whereabouts and feelings I had that day, and I believe I've shared them on this message board at least once in the last couple years..it's hardly a debatable topic or unique from others here.  But what impassions me is the betrayal of my feelings by my country and it's leaders, hence my venting.

Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-04-08 11:25:21)


FallenMorgan wrote:

The xenophobia against Arabs after that is similar to the xenophobia against the Japanese after Pearl Harbor.  Both are incredibly irrational.  Not all Muslims hate the United States - some love the USA.  It's just extremists such as the Taliban who do this.
blah blah blah.  how many times do we have to hear this?  we know.
Goodbye :)
+399|6632|Somewhere else

Poseidon wrote:

The only reason there was such a major uproar was because it was the first large scale attack on American soil by foreign enemies in 59 and 1/2 years.
That, and four aircraft wer hijacked and three were slammed into well known united states buidlings/icons.  If that happened in ANY country, it would bea big deal.  Terrorist attacks are common in the world, but at this scale was unprecedented.

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

The only reason there was such a major uproar was because it was the first large scale attack on American soil by foreign enemies in 59 and 1/2 years.
That, and four aircraft wer hijacked and three were slammed into well known united states buidlings/icons.  If that happened in ANY country, it would bea big deal.  Terrorist attacks are common in the world, but at this scale was unprecedented.
I imagine though, had it happened in another country we wouldn't be going on about it on some irrelevant date 6 and a half odd years later.
+385|6644|Northern California
Good point.  If this happened in little Riga, Latvia..and we watched them do what any sane country would do (wait several months so the enemy could take a good deal of provisions and preparations to live a long, sustained siege in the mountains and neighboring, porous borders;  then launch a teenie weenie attack followed by a huge, media hyped, illegal campaign in a completely different and uninvolved country as fodder for the original bad guy's gang of merry men to train off of, and send their country into chaos of political, constitutional, and divisive ruin).  Oh wait, that's what you DON'T DO say the masses.

Just kidding, couldn't resist.  And seriously, if 9/11 happened in New Delhi, Johannesburg, Stockholm, Copenhagen, or Sydney....it would have long since been left to the back burner for us Americans, the movies would have come and gone within a couple years max.

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