+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

cpt.fass1 wrote:

atlvolunteer wrote:

cpt.fass1, read the Brief History linked by wannabe_tank_whore.  That will give you a brief overview of the history of the region and should help to answer some of your questions.
At work don't have enough time to read all that brief history
Yeah, I actually haven't had time to read the whole thing yet either.  I only got up to ~1967. 
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Flecco wrote:

By wannabe tank whore's logic, I should get a piece of land in the following locations for free (my family is decended from these areas) Northern Wales, Ireland, another in northern Enland (near Manchester...) and one in the northern areas of Germany (close to Denmark I think)...
Good one?  Were your ancestors forced out by empire after empire?  Logic comes from thinking rationally... not from emotions.
Yes, I am of Celtic decent, so first we had the Romans... Then the Norman and the Anglo Saxons......

Weren't forced anywhere BUT, were opressed and slaughtered by the thousands/millions....


Anybody know why I haven't recieved a reply about the anti semitic comment yet? Odd...

Oh, anybody hear about the man who was sentenced to three years jail in Austria after admitting to saying the holocaust didn't happen to the jews?

Last edited by Flecco (2006-02-21 14:48:25)

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
And finally forced out by a lack of potato's
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Flecco wrote:

By wannabe tank whore's logic, I should get a piece of land in the following locations for free (my family is decended from these areas) Northern Wales, Ireland, another in northern Enland (near Manchester...) and one in the northern areas of Germany (close to Denmark I think)...
Good one?  Were your ancestors forced out by empire after empire?  Logic comes from thinking rationally... not from emotions.
What about the descendents of the Puritans who were forced to flee Europe because of religious persecution? Or the Native Americans who were forced off their land and put in reservations?  I am sure this has happened to a lot of different peoples over the course of human history.  What gives the Jews special rights?
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

What are you on about fass? The Celts?
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

Flecco wrote:

Oh, anybody hear about the man who was sentenced to three years jail in Austria after admitting to saying the holocaust didn't happen to the jews?
Yeah I read about that.  Bizarre.  I think the statements were made like 17 years ago in a speech...
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

Flecco wrote:

What are you on about fass? The Celts?
THe Irish maybe?
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

Yes they were... Bit odd, his quoting of Michaelangelo when he was sentenced was funny (I have a sick sense of humour...)... Pity that the holocaust actually did happen though, no doubt about it.


Back in a couple of hours...

Last edited by Flecco (2006-02-21 14:55:44)

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Yeah I'm talking about the Irish, Our families finally left our homeland because of lack of potato's. God I hate Potato's, and my grandfather jumped off a boat and swam into America cause he was German and was afraid they wouldn't let him in. Just a bit of back ground on myself, has nothing to do with the topic. People get killed everyday it's a shame really, but the answer isn't persicuting an other group.

There's enough dirt over there for all of you, if you start to get along and maybe become one soveign state it would be easier for the palastinanes and Isrealis to work together for properity.  Did anyone see that HBO documentry about Palastinine kids? I forget what it was told but one of the Jounlists where killed by the Israel soldiers.
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA
I don't know if it was the same one, but I saw part of a documentary (obviously pro-Palestinian) showing all of the BS Palestinians have to put up with to get around through the checkpoints.  I'm sure they only showed stuff that made Israel look bad, but some of the stuff was fucked up.  One example in a nutshell:
Man goes through checkpoint.  Asks guard if he will be allowed to come back through later the same day.  Guard says yes.
Man comes back a few hours later to go back through the checkpoint.  The same guard says he can't go through.  Man says "you told me I would be able to go back through."  Guard says "That was then this is now.  You can't go through."   "But I live on the other side of the checkpoint."  "Not my problem.  Come back tomorrow and you might be able to go through."  "But where am I supposed to go until tomorrow?"  "Not my problem."
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
That wasn't the one I saw, the one I saw had little kids making granades and throwing rocks at the bulldozers that where plowing between the isreal border and the palestinani ones. The bulldozers where poping shots at the kids to scare them off. Again a bias Documentary but the cameraman got shot in a midnight raid on the Pallies houses.
Horseman 77

jonnykill wrote:

Isreal and it's people of Jewish heritage were put through the Holocaust

The day Isreal was created after the Holocaust it gets attacked by 3 different countries at once

The Presidents of such countries are calling Isreal to be wiped off the map

So the situation here is kill all the Jews . Like Hitler - kill all the Jews . Why ?
Nice Try . It was a suprise attack by Israel

Israel ATTACKED first.

Why does everyone hate the Jews? I don't know. ?

Israel is our ally in this War but it is " Their War " fought for and over them. It would be cheaper and better for all if we made it so people didn't feel being a suicide bomber was the best or only course of action a they had.

The American Indian would have employed suicide bombers if they had access to the technology.

Its the act of the very desperate.
Horseman 77

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:

So.... it basically comes down to this... The Arabs weren't really asked wether they agreed to the foundation of Israel or not... and apparently, they were not. I guess the situation would have normalized more or less quickly if Israel would not have started with mass expulsion (deportation) of Palestinians out of Gaza and the Westbank. I find it quite natural that they were and are pissed. Since the Palestinians do not have an army of their own, they do, what they are able to do... they fight a Guerilla war... which our friend from Israel called terrorism...
I see your history dates back to only the first world war.  Try a little harder please.

"Roman rulers put down Jewish revolts in about A.D. 70 and A.D. 132. In A.D. 135, the Romans drove the Jews out of Jerusalem. The Romans named the area Palaestina, at about this time. The name Palaestina, which became Palestine in English."
"During the seventh century (A.D. 600's), Muslim  Arab armies moved north from Arabia to conquer most of the Middle East, including Palestine. Jerusalem was conquered about 638 by the Caliph Umar (Omar) who gave his protection to its inhabitants. Muslim powers controlled the region until the early 1900's."

My math may be wrong but it looks like this places Jews there well before Arabs.
By your Un Biased acounting what percentage of Jews in Israel are desendents from (outside ) the Region?

Like Golda Mier From wisconson U.S.A. for instance ?

So by some other countries religeous histrical documents you decide you get to live there exclusivly?

And not the Italians for instance?

I think if you do " Your " Home Work, you will find Jews did not live there alone,...

Way back when Archellogist think they ( may ) have.

Isn't it interesting the level of debate and out looks you get in a Media that can not be cohersed or manipulated as easy as the Net work News. " Brave little Demorcarcy Strikes Targets in Lebbanon ! "

when I was a little kid I thought those Arabs should just put those " Targets " way out in the desert,

Why is what happend to Jews " Everyone's problem " When no one gives a Rats Ass about the Irish, Chineese, Viets, Cambodes, American Indians, Armeneians, etc.

Who cares what you think, believe, pray about etc. this is the Question that needs addressing.

Israel,  Pushing the world to the Brink of Nuclear War.... For what?

morbesso666 wrote:

Just watch these vids, every word is just too much, watch these videos and you'll be shocked.
Not gritty, none blood, just facts you'll be shocked by and would may change your aspect of view, and would put abit of rationality into you Europeans and Americans.

Put your large 31 minutes and you'll learn alot and stop the wierd situation here!.

EDIT: the second vid (pallywood) is even more convincing so if you're not convinced by the first one (aldurah) which I can't believe you won't be convinced, watch pallywood.
To ones that are short on time, watch pallywood to have max understanding of the situation.
Can someone clear this up for me? There is supposed to be a war over there, yet these videos show staged spots over there. What are you trying to point out?

With that video, I dont think some of what that video is talking about is accurate. One main thing that stood out to me in the second video was the fact that a civilian was giving orders to a military man. How did that guy talking in the background know he was in the military? I hear that country over there, every teenager that comes out of high school has to have atleast a few years of military service. How do we know if he didnt have his old military uniform on?

Last edited by Drunken_Tankdriver (2006-02-21 18:22:30)
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Man I hate agreeing with horseman and this is two times even. I'm not an antisemit(if I was I'd know how to spell that), I don't much care for people who don't care for me.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
That the Palestinian’s are making up there plight to get the Jews out, so basically they are all just great actor's.
Horseman 77

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

build all the walls and fences you want to, Just build them on your own land, for instance, where your great great grandfather lived 70 years ago. That would pretty much wrap it up.
Does the "build them on your own land" apply to palestinians too?
well that wouldn't work becuase by anyones accounting ( except the jews ) the whole place is theirs.

          Please for the sake of the rest of the World

Just dont mess with what you didn't occupy before recent history like say .. 1947

People are still alive from that era, so you cant fool them with the " We always lived here! " line.

( please don't lecture me on what " the Bible says " some big invisable man " said you could have "

or some pre histroy Theroy about who lived where in 724 BC etc
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

Oh, well... The Jewish faith does deserve a home land though, Catholics have the Vatican, Muslims have Mecca and Medina... Every faith has a home land except the Jews, bit sad that they dont have one...

Oh, and it isn't theory that the Jews had a homeland in modern day Palestine, its fact...

King Solomon anybody? The twin kingdoms of the Jews (I'm sure there were two and that both of them had atleast a tenth of Israels land mass within them)... All documented history if you just look for it.

Its a pity that part of the world is so messed up, I personally dont see whats so attractive about a desert/arid land...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

Horseman 77 wrote:

Israel ATTACKED first.

Why does everyone hate the Jews? I don't know. ?

Israel is our ally in this War but it is " Their War " fought for and over them. It would be cheaper and better for all if we made it so people didn't feel being a suicide bomber was the best or only course of action a they had.

The American Indian would have employed suicide bombers if they had access to the technology.

Its the act of the very desperate.
Nonsense. It surprises me how little people know the historical facts.

Seven Arab nations attacked Israel in 1947; Egypt against Israel in 1956, four nations attacked her in 1967, Egypt attacked in the 1970 War of Attrition; two attacked in 1973; and there was a prolonged Arab assault from Lebanon in 1982. Arab nations - even those at peace with Israel - routinely refer to Israel as the aggressor; but Israel has not once initiated war on another state. Even the 1982 invasion of Lebanon was to defend against ceaseless Arab bombardments of northern Israel by Katyusha rockets.

"Why does everyone hate the Jews? I don't know. ?"

Most the people I know don't hate the Jews and in fact respect them for their contributions to our country.

"The American Indian would have employed suicide bombers if they had access to the technology."

I respectfully disagree with you. A noble race of people such as the American Indian and reducing them to murderers?

Many claim that the Palestinians use terrorism as an understandable and legitimate weapon against Israeli occupation.
However, there can never be any justification for the deliberate murder and threatinng of innocent civilians to exact political concessions. The only way to effectively fight terrorism is on an international scale, to view all terrorist equal and not to differentiate good and bad terrorist. The biggest success terrorists have had is by getting people to accept the idea that "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fight".

There is always an alternative to terrorism. Just take a look at the great leaders of the 20th centruy. They fought for their people and rejected terrorism and attacks on civilians. Martin Luther King, Ghandi and Nelson Mandella all achieved their aims through other methods. There can never be an excuse for terrorism.

Last edited by yUP|Patriots (2006-02-21 20:16:24)

liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS

Flecco wrote:

Oh, well... The Jewish faith does deserve a home land though, Catholics have the Vatican, Muslims have Mecca and Medina... Every faith has a home land except the Jews, bit sad that they dont have one...

Oh, and it isn't theory that the Jews had a homeland in modern day Palestine, its fact...

King Solomon anybody? The twin kingdoms of the Jews (I'm sure there were two and that both of them had atleast a tenth of Israels land mass within them)... All documented history if you just look for it.

Its a pity that part of the world is so messed up, I personally dont see whats so attractive about a desert/arid land...
The vatican is a CITY. Medina and Mecca are CITIES.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman

Spark wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Oh, well... The Jewish faith does deserve a home land though, Catholics have the Vatican, Muslims have Mecca and Medina... Every faith has a home land except the Jews, bit sad that they dont have one...

Oh, and it isn't theory that the Jews had a homeland in modern day Palestine, its fact...

King Solomon anybody? The twin kingdoms of the Jews (I'm sure there were two and that both of them had atleast a tenth of Israels land mass within them)... All documented history if you just look for it.

Its a pity that part of the world is so messed up, I personally dont see whats so attractive about a desert/arid land...
The vatican is a CITY. Medina and Mecca are CITIES.
Right... and moreover... the Vatican isn't even a city, it is only a small part of a city called Rome, you know?

Oh and Flecco... you are aware of the fact, that both Hebrew kingdoms where occupied by foreigners latest in the 500s BC? I mean... that was approximately 2500 years ago... and since then until the last 60 years, there was no independent Israel... And by the way... these where the kingdoms of the Hebrews.... which just happened to be Jews... but... how many Jews nowadays can actually claim to be Hebrews?

But anyhow... you want to know, what makes a desert/arid land attractive? Well... there was some nifty little thing called Zionism.... a nationalistic movement born out of religious fervor... so actually religious fanatism/fundamentalism made this puny strip of desert attractive to the right people. One might say, Israel was founded out of blind religious fanatism... so what makes them different from Al-Quaeda?

Last edited by BEE_Grim_Reaper (2006-02-21 23:13:54)

Aussie Outlaw
Aint the Vatican a country?
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7088|AUS, Canberra

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Aint the Vatican a country?
no vatican is a city, the smallest city in the world.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7158|Cologne, Germany

the_heart_attack wrote:

Greenie_Beazinie wrote:

Aint the Vatican a country?
no vatican is a city, the smallest city in the world.
well, not quite. The Vatican is actually a country, just a very small one. They even have their own version of the Euro, as far as I know.

But it is not the homeland of christians. It is merely the place where christian popes have resided since, well, forever basically. Back in the middle ages, the popes had strong political influence and even ruled large parts of italy through military rule for a long time. That political rule is obviously over, but the Pope and his belongings are still given special rights in italy through the 3 Lateran treaties from 1929. Interestingly, that happened under the premiership of Benito Mussolini, the infamous italien faschist dictator and friend of Adolf Hitler.

If you could call any place the christian homeland, it is actually Jerusalem. But we share that Holy City with the Jews and the muslims.
want to go heads up?
+11|7051|cairns australia
jerusalem is also a holy place for muslims

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