High Angle Hell
+182|6345|Schofield Barracks
Today my teacher was talking about how we could forget what we had for breakfast but we would never forget where we were on that day. I remember when it happened. I was in second grade doing my spelling words. Then a teacher came in to our class and talked to my teacher in the hallway. She came back in and sat down and i saw tears in her eyes. Years later on that day our teacher told us what happened. During lunch most of the teachers were watching what was going on. I remember after lunch our teacher just gave us our work and didn't say a single word all day. When i went home and saw the planes flying into The Twin Towers i had no idea what was going on. I asked my father what happened and he said we were being attacked. When i herd that i knew there was going to be some type of conflict and that the people that committed the horrible acts would pay. What where you doing on that day?

Packing my bags to go kill the taliban.  Well that is not that true, since I was in the reserves at the time, most of my stuff was packed anyway.
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6475|New Haven, CT
I was woken up by my parents with the news. So sleeping.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6917|Cambridge (UK)
I was watching News24. Then it was like "Breaking News"... Then I was like OMFG! for the next several hours. Until house mates got up, then I was like "OMFG! Someone's flown two planes into the WTC" and they were like "You What????"

Just thinking back to that day still brings a lump to my throat.

Oh, and if teh Search were working I'd point out that this thread has been done before (several times).

Last edited by Scorpion0x17 (2008-04-07 19:04:34)

+5,233|6680|Global Command
I was driving to work.
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6693|Texas - Bigger than France
I was at work at an old job.  I called the office in New York to talk to a friend and got the message she had left because her brother was in one of the buildings.  He didn't make it out.
Blacking Out the Friction
+32|6151|Rexburg, Idaho
I remember waking up that morning, the first one awake. Turning on the tv, and seeing this on almost every local channel. I immediatly though, "oh no, not another bombing." (the second tower hadn't been hit yet) thinking of the OKC bombing.

I don't particularly remember if the second plane hit before or after, but I do remember waking my parents up, and they were just as shocked as me. I do remember watching the second plane hit.

One of the most horrific things I have ever seen, now that I look back on it. That whole instance was almost to crazy, to surreal to have existed. I look back now and wonder how I couldn't have just been completely horrified by it. Thinking of all those people, everyone inside, all those brothers, fathers, sisters, mothers, cousins, uncles, aunts and whatever else. All dying. Horrible.

I do remember watching the first tower collapse before I left, then hearing the second one had collapsed after I got to school. Horrible stuff.
+385|6642|Northern California
What's 9/11?  Oh, that little tool republicans use to strike fear in the hearts of Americans to vote for them.  Bummer I can't remember what it means tho...


What's 9/11?  Oh, that little tool republicans use to strike fear in the hearts of Americans to vote for them.  Bummer I can't remember what it means tho...
way to be a douche
+53|6065|Glendale, CA
9/11 was a lot like the US version of the Reichstag burning down.  The Reichstag Fire Degree and the PATRIOT act are similar, in that they impose on civil rights, taking advantage of a national tradgedy.

I don't remember where I was.  I was 8 when it happened.
Playing Diablo 2 when people in the chat tell me to watch the TV. I remember making fun of the people in the chat cos I didnt not for a second believe it was true until I saw the images on every news channel...

FallenMorgan wrote:

9/11 was a lot like the US version of the Reichstag burning down.  The Reichstag Fire Degree and the PATRIOT act are similar, in that they impose on civil rights, taking advantage of a national tradgedy.
are you fucking mad?
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6475|New Haven, CT
He is somewhat right.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6836|United States of America
True, it was an unforgettable day; although it is a shame that the day is notorious as a bad day and not one that is unforgettably awesome. I was in sixth grade and travelling from first period English (or Language Arts pfff) to Science class and the TV was on with the news coverage.

Also, I had Apple Cinnamon Cheerios for breakfast.
Anger is a gift
+174|6784|Sin City

MAGUIRE93 wrote:

Today my teacher was talking about how we could forget what we had for breakfast but we would never forget where we were on that day. I remember when it happened. I was in second grade doing my spelling words. Then a teacher came in to our class and talked to my teacher in the hallway. She came back in and sat down and i saw tears in her eyes. Years later on that day our teacher told us what happened. During lunch most of the teachers were watching what was going on. I remember after lunch our teacher just gave us our work and didn't say a single word all day. When i went home and saw the planes flying into The Twin Towers i had no idea what was going on. I asked my father what happened and he said we were being attacked. When i herd that i knew there was going to be some type of conflict and that the people that committed the horrible acts would pay. What where you doing on that day?
You were in second grade? Jesus I feel old now....

I had worked graveyard the night before, and my whole department (LVMPD) got put on standby for any other attacks. We all came in ready for the shit to hit the fan but of course it never did.
I was in a Hotel 1000 miles from my wife and new born.  Walked out of the shower as the News cut in with the first plane hitting the tower.  I remember watching the news and they had some guy (expert) come on and start talking about how it was most likely problems with the airplanes flight controls and I thought " What a moron, if a plane is going down because it is unflyable it doesn't broadside the center of the largest building in New York, it would most likely come in steep".  About 4 minutes later they got rid of the guy and cut to the second plane hitting.

I honestly was never more pissed in my life, I really wanted vengence.  If a person would have said half the shit I read on this forum about America to me in the weeks following 9-11 I just might have taken them out.

Last edited by Lotta_Drool (2008-04-07 20:04:23)

+2,187|6720|Mountains of NC

2nd grade ............ fuck, talk about a reality check for me

I was at 29 palms Cali, rolled out of the rack at 0500 getting ready for a run with the squad when I flipped the tv on ............. the base went on lock down (no-one or off ) and we had a few meetings and formations but mostly we watched the news and packed our shit bc we're off to war

9/11 is our generations Kennedy's assassination --- my parents still remember where they were when that happened

Last edited by SEREMAKER (2008-04-07 20:17:45)
+877|6113|Washington DC
Fifth grade. We were doing "geogmetry"... some convoluted fusion of learning geography while doing basic geometry.

Teacher got a phone call, looked noticeably freaked out, and asked us to shut up (well, to quiet down). She told us that she had heard that a plane had crashed into the WTC, and turned on NPR and all we really could make out was that some bad shit had happened.

They had a TV in the library showing a news feed from CNN, and everyone was freaked out. A few people left really early, most of us were there till around noon. I remember walking on the track with a friend... I learned what a casualty was that day. I learned who Osama bin Laden was that day (or was it some days later? Can't remember).

I remember my dad coming to pick me up. I think we had brownies for dessert at lunch. I remember hearing the sixth graders talking about how the towers had collapsed. I remember my grandmother was visiting that day; she was stuck on the train for like 3 hours because everything was locked down. I remember just sitting at home in awe, trying to comprehend what had happened. I had never grown up with major tragedies happening. I remember I cried that night. My family hadn't lost anyone, but at that young, previously innocent age I hadn't really ever dealt with thousands of people dying. For seemingly no reason at all other than someone wanting to be a dick.

I remember the fighter jets flying around that night, and the day after (school was out). Made sense, living in DC. Went down to the soccer field nearby with a friend, we didn't say much. I remember when we announced war on the Taliban.

I think it's safe to say that 9/11 changed every single one of our lives. I can't say I live in fear now... but before 9/11, words like "terrorism" and "casualty" seemed almost foreign.
smells like wee wee
it was a horrible day. I was at work in london at the time. I could not get onto any news websites as they were all crashing. We sat around a tiny black and white TV at the security guards desk.

Its a shame its been politicised & used and abused.
+53|6065|Glendale, CA

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

paris hilton, remember.

usmarine wrote:

FallenMorgan wrote:

9/11 was a lot like the US version of the Reichstag burning down.  The Reichstag Fire Degree and the PATRIOT act are similar, in that they impose on civil rights, taking advantage of a national tradgedy.
are you fucking mad?

nukchebi0 wrote:

He is somewhat right.
You talking about me or Gunslinger?

FallenMorgan wrote:

usmarine wrote:

are you fucking mad?
Oh I am sorry.  Are you stupid?
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6689|Long Island, New York
I was in 4th grade...I remember, our teacher for some odd reason left the room for a REALLY long time, and people kept getting called out to go home. I had absolutely no idea...and then I got called. I remember walking down the hallways and seeing my teacher, and I said "I guess I'm getting called home too" and he had one of the worst looks in his eyes I've ever seen come from a person. He just looked at me in the most somber way. I swear, when I look back on it, I get upset all over again. My mom's waiting at the front door and she waits until we're outside and just as we notice a fighter jet flying by, she says " I'm just gonna say it outright. The Twin Towers were attacked, the Pentagon was attacked and the Twin Towers have collapsed". I instantly thought of my third grade teacher and how her son worked in the 100th story of Tower 2.

I'll never, ever forget where I was that day. I'll also never forget going to the bus stop the following morning and smelling the smoke...what could have been human remains floating through the air and into my lungs. Not until I die will I ever forget 9/11.
I got Mug 222 at Gritty's!!!!
+216|6791|Your moms bedroom
Jesus i feel old, i was a sophomore in college and had just gotten back from class, we all sat around in a room watching on tv trying to figure out how someone could fuck up a flight plan that badly when the second plane came out fucking nowhere and slammed into the building. All the islamic kids we were hosting at our school went into hiding for their own safety as soon as word got out later what had happened

Last edited by Locoloki (2008-04-07 21:02:06)

7th grade, 3rd period.  Social Studies.  We pretty much watched the news for the rest of the day in all the classes till my father picked me up from school at 6th period.  Lots of people were getting taken out of school.  Both my parents left work immediately. 

One of my mother's bosses was supposed to be in the building that day.  I don't remember what events transpired which prevented him from being there.  My Uncle was in the city that day, he was in the line of thousands of people crossing the Brooklyn Bridge back to Long Island.

Apart from the one time my father showed me his two pistols, I believe that is the only other time I saw him take the guns out of the lock box.
+488|6721|Portland, OR, USA
6th grade, I woke up and just laid on my couch for like an hour..  That day was weird.

I also remember being awake late at night when the missiles were first being fired at the beginning of the Iraq war... I was just like.. wtf?!

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