liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS

morbesso666 wrote:

what a murder of innocent elders, women and children can seen except from what I'm presenting?!?!?!? what did the baby, the 4 years old child, the 12 years old child, the pregnant woman do to them?!?!?! godamnit, don't u get it?!?! Europeans did nothing to stop the nazis and now that we have a country u don't do nothing to stop more slaughter of jews. just unbelievable. So you say ok, you have the means to defend yourselves do it by yourselves so what are you complaining for?!?! Of course I don't say we massacre palestinians but palestinians do die from firefights (and usually from untrained armed plaestinians' fire). If they didn't try to kill our innocent citizens, we wouldn't even been in the palestinian-populated areas. How difficult is it to understand!?!?

I understand this, but what I said the extremists don't have a part in the Israeli parlament, and in the last parlament not even a religious party had. So quit the bullshit we cause that because as I wrote just above, if the palestinians from the Jenin refugee camps and such wouldn't try to explode inside our so thin state no one's life would be in danger (except for palestinians that get hit from firefights between fatah and hamas, two palestinian terrorist organization and gangs like in USA).
Our extremist never take decisions having to do with the conflict. But in the palestinian side, 75% of the palestinians have chosen the extremist religious side that kill women and children. That actually clears up that the palestinian people beleive in this method.

Again, you can't stay out of territories, you must defend our cities!!! Just think in sense before you write something!!! You want us to stop the suicide bomber in the opening of the mall??? no, right? So we just go in the territories and not let them get close to the green line, to the safety of our citizens, which looks to be in a second priority (first the opinion of the world ).

lol tell this to our innocent heads of the state that think they can make peace with those who say their god sent them to murder us all and throw us to the sea.

First, watch your grammar. It was rather frustrating deleting the bits becuase you had not properly used 'quote'.

On your first point: Many PL's could say exactly the same thing about you. What did those innocent people (that you kindly listed) do to you before you blew them to oblivion with missles? You make up the excuse that 'it was a terrorist hideout' then say 'sorry, we missed'. Well, sorry won't cut it when someone is pointlessly killed.

Second, can you tell me what history textbook you're using when you say that, in essence, Europe just let nazi's take all their land? I've never heard that before and chances are I never will... A gun ain't much use on planes and tanks (which was the base of the blitzkreig strategy).

You say that you wouldn't be in the PL's land if they stopped killing you. Wrong way round, sir. It should be that they would stop killing you if you got the hell out. Makes much more sense. That's the reason they kill you! Cos' you've camped on their land!

Most extremist groups generally don't trust governments. So its nothing to me that their are no 'extremist' groups, in the way you mean. Their probably ARE extremists in parliament (extremist, if you hand't established, being a person with extreme views. NOT a terrorist, though the two often correlate). Anyway, I see no difference between an 'extremist' blowing up someone and an Apache blowing up someone.

Hmm.... you'll find extremists in every religion... Islam is just a little

Again, I wouldn't see any reason for a bomber to blow up your mall if you didn't have a mall there in the first place (i.e. get away from there).

And your last statement is unintelligable, so I can't respond.

Last edited by Spark (2006-02-20 23:57:03)

The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

Just want to point out to Morbesso that Europe did all it could to stop the Nazis... It was a world war buddy...

What about the 20 million communists that the Nazis killed? The 4 million homosexuals? The thousands of mentally disabled people? No body brings them up...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+0|6978|South Sweden

Flecco wrote:

Just want to point out to Morbesso that Europe did all it could to stop the Nazis... It was a world war buddy...

What about the 20 million communists that the Nazis killed? The 4 million homosexuals? The thousands of mentally disabled people? No body brings them up...
Yeah Im with you Flecco.
+0|6978|South Sweden

morbesso666 wrote:

Refused wrote:

The Israeli occupation of Palestine is the same as the Nazi occupation of Europe during WW2.
go donate 6 million dollars to terrorists that kill jewish women and children look who's talking fucking neonazi.
Your country Sweden is the biggest cooperate country with terrorism, donating million to murderers of cold blood.
Im not a neo-nazi, Im a communist. The Left supports Palestine for obvious reasons.

Last edited by Refused (2006-02-21 02:54:17)

World Just leave them alone let them fight it out or talk it out but leave them alone they have been handling differences in middle eastern country’s like this for 2000 years the best thing to do if there not a threat to you is not get involved and leave them alone.

BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:

So.... it basically comes down to this... The Arabs weren't really asked wether they agreed to the foundation of Israel or not... and apparently, they were not. I guess the situation would have normalized more or less quickly if Israel would not have started with mass expulsion (deportation) of Palestinians out of Gaza and the Westbank. I find it quite natural that they were and are pissed. Since the Palestinians do not have an army of their own, they do, what they are able to do... they fight a Guerilla war... which our friend from Israel called terrorism...
I see your history dates back to only the first world war.  Try a little harder please.

"Roman rulers put down Jewish revolts in about A.D. 70 and A.D. 132. In A.D. 135, the Romans drove the Jews out of Jerusalem. The Romans named the area Palaestina, at about this time. The name Palaestina, which became Palestine in English."
"During the seventh century (A.D. 600's), Muslim  Arab armies moved north from Arabia to conquer most of the Middle East, including Palestine. Jerusalem was conquered about 638 by the Caliph Umar (Omar) who gave his protection to its inhabitants. Muslim powers controlled the region until the early 1900's."

My math may be wrong but it looks like this places Jews there well before Arabs.

Spark wrote:

First, watch your grammar. It was rather frustrating deleting the bits becuase you had not properly used 'quote'.

On your first point: Many PL's could say exactly the same thing about you. What did those innocent people (that you kindly listed) do to you before you blew them to oblivion with missles? You make up the excuse that 'it was a terrorist hideout' then say 'sorry, we missed'. Well, sorry won't cut it when someone is pointlessly killed.

Second, can you tell me what history textbook you're using when you say that, in essence, Europe just let nazi's take all their land? I've never heard that before and chances are I never will... A gun ain't much use on planes and tanks (which was the base of the blitzkreig strategy).

You say that you wouldn't be in the PL's land if they stopped killing you. Wrong way round, sir. It should be that they would stop killing you if you got the hell out. Makes much more sense. That's the reason they kill you! Cos' you've camped on their land!

Most extremist groups generally don't trust governments. So its nothing to me that their are no 'extremist' groups, in the way you mean. Their probably ARE extremists in parliament (extremist, if you hand't established, being a person with extreme views. NOT a terrorist, though the two often correlate). Anyway, I see no difference between an 'extremist' blowing up someone and an Apache blowing up someone.

Hmm.... you'll find extremists in every religion... Islam is just a little

Again, I wouldn't see any reason for a bomber to blow up your mall if you didn't have a mall there in the first place (i.e. get away from there).

And your last statement is unintelligable, so I can't respond.
Ok.  Yet another who knows the conflict backwards and forwards.  Why don't you apply to the history channel.  They're hiring historical brainiacs daily.

Roman rulers put down Jewish revolts in about A.D. 70 and A.D. 132. In A.D. 135, the Romans drove the Jews out of Jerusalem. The Romans named the area Palaestina, at about this time. The name Palaestina, which became Palestine in English."
"During the seventh century (A.D. 600's), Muslim  Arab armies moved north from Arabia to conquer most of the Middle East, including Palestine. Jerusalem was conquered about 638 by the Caliph Umar (Omar) who gave his protection to its inhabitants. Muslim powers controlled the region until the early 1900's."

My math may be wrong but it looks like this places Jews there well before Arabs.  The Jews should leave the land they were given back after being kicked out and now you want them to be kicked out again?

Horseman 77 wrote:

build all the walls and fences you want to, Just build them on your own land, for instance, where your great great grandfather lived 70 years ago. That would pretty much wrap it up.
Does the "build them on your own land" apply to palestinians too?
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:

So.... it basically comes down to this... The Arabs weren't really asked wether they agreed to the foundation of Israel or not... and apparently, they were not. I guess the situation would have normalized more or less quickly if Israel would not have started with mass expulsion (deportation) of Palestinians out of Gaza and the Westbank. I find it quite natural that they were and are pissed. Since the Palestinians do not have an army of their own, they do, what they are able to do... they fight a Guerilla war... which our friend from Israel called terrorism...
I see your history dates back to only the first world war.  Try a little harder please.

"Roman rulers put down Jewish revolts in about A.D. 70 and A.D. 132. In A.D. 135, the Romans drove the Jews out of Jerusalem. The Romans named the area Palaestina, at about this time. The name Palaestina, which became Palestine in English."
"During the seventh century (A.D. 600's), Muslim  Arab armies moved north from Arabia to conquer most of the Middle East, including Palestine. Jerusalem was conquered about 638 by the Caliph Umar (Omar) who gave his protection to its inhabitants. Muslim powers controlled the region until the early 1900's."

My math may be wrong but it looks like this places Jews there well before Arabs.
You left out the next sentence:
The rulers allowed Christians and Jews to keep their religions. However, most of the local population gradually accepted Islam and the Arab-Islamic culture of their rulers.
Another thought:  does the fact that the land was controlled by Jews 2000 years ago give the League of Nations the right to "give" the region to the Jews as a homeland?  Especially when you look at the actual population at the time.  According to the brief history, in 1922 the population was 78% muslim and only 11% jewish.  So basically, they decided to create a jewish state in the region, even though the population was only 11% Jewish.  Even in 1948, when Israel was officially formed, the population was almost 65% muslim, 33% jewish.
+0|7081|Givataim, Israel

BEE_Grim_Reaper wrote:

So.... it basically comes down to this... The Arabs weren't really asked wether they agreed to the foundation of Israel or not... and apparently, they were not. I guess the situation would have normalized more or less quickly if Israel would not have started with mass expulsion (deportation) of Palestinians out of Gaza and the Westbank. I find it quite natural that they were and are pissed. Since the Palestinians do not have an army of their own, they do, what they are able to do... they fight a Guerilla war... which our friend from Israel called terrorism...
Well, read abit more on Wikipedia for example.
But I'll make the job easy for you.
November 29, 1947.
The UN decides to make two countries in the land of Israel.
Both Arab and Jewish.
The partition plan drawing: … an1947.PNG

The Jews were celebrating and dancing: … an1947.PNG

The Arabs rejected this option. They declared it.
Movement of Arab forces were spotted and the war begun.
We won. What the hell they have to claim about?!?!
I'll tell you what they claim about. The don't want to live in here.
They want to expel all the jews. they want to make this disgusting little point on the middle east map.
If they would've wanted this, they would've wanted this.
+0|7081|Givataim, Israel

Flecco wrote:

Just want to point out to Morbesso that Europe did all it could to stop the Nazis... It was a world war buddy...

What about the 20 million communists that the Nazis killed? The 4 million homosexuals? The thousands of mentally disabled people? No body brings them up...
It was a genocide.
Trying to avoid the victimicy of the Jews just make you directly antisemitist from common sense.
+0|6978|South Sweden

morbesso666 wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Just want to point out to Morbesso that Europe did all it could to stop the Nazis... It was a world war buddy...

What about the 20 million communists that the Nazis killed? The 4 million homosexuals? The thousands of mentally disabled people? No body brings them up...
It was a genocide.
Trying to avoid the victimicy of the Jews just make you directly antisemitist from common sense.
Right back at you, just because someone doesn't support Israel in this conflict doesn't mean that they are neo-nazis, stupid.
Personally, I withdraw from this discussion... It is impossible to discuss with a person so helplessly indoctrinated by the propaganda of its own country that it is not capable of viewing both sides of the story....

As I see it: Judaism is a religion... Jews are people who have the belief system of Judaism... The people in Israel are called Israelis... The only people who would have had a right to that country would have been the Hebrews, which are non existant anymore. If anyone says, the Jews have a right to Israel, he would condone the notion of Israel being a jewish God-state... which would make it as fundamentalistic as Iran...

So basically, I tend to favor this course of action... withdraw all support for both of them and let them bash each other until they come to reason...

atlvolunteer wrote:

You left out the next sentence:
The rulers allowed Christians and Jews to keep their religions. However, most of the local population gradually accepted Islam and the Arab-Islamic culture of their rulers.
Another thought:  does the fact that the land was controlled by Jews 2000 years ago give the League of Nations the right to "give" the region to the Jews as a homeland?  Especially when you look at the actual population at the time.  According to the brief history, in 1922 the population was 78% muslim and only 11% jewish.  So basically, they decided to create a jewish state in the region, even though the population was only 11% Jewish.  Even in 1948, when Israel was officially formed, the population was almost 65% muslim, 33% jewish.
First, try reading the history of Sudan.  You will see what happens once Muslims introduce Islam to native populations.  I think 'accepted' Islam isn't a good word to use.
Second, Jews were kicked out of the area.  Thus the reason for low numbers of Jews in the area.
Third, also according to the brief history, "By 1880, about 24,000 Jews were living in Palestine, out of a population of about 400,000. At about that time, the Ottoman government imposed severe restrictions on Jewish immigration and land purchase."  No more Jews were allowed to settle and that lead to a Muslim majority.  Make sense now?
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

First, try reading the history of Sudan.  You will see what happens once Muslims introduce Islam to native populations.  I think 'accepted' Islam isn't a good word to use.
Second, Jews were kicked out of the area.  Thus the reason for low numbers of Jews in the area.
Third, also according to the brief history, "By 1880, about 24,000 Jews were living in Palestine, out of a population of about 400,000. At about that time, the Ottoman government imposed severe restrictions on Jewish immigration and land purchase."  No more Jews were allowed to settle and that lead to a Muslim majority.  Make sense now?
You're probably right on the first count.
On the second count, most were driven out around AD 135, over 1700 years before the Zionist movement started.
On the third count, that didn't lead to a majority, it merely helped maintain it.  It apparently didn't last long, either.  Around the turn of the century:
The Zionists established farm communities in Palestine at Petah Tikva, Zichron Jacob, Rishon Letzion and elsewhere. Later they established the new city of Tel Aviv, north of Jaffa.
By 1914 the Jewish population had quadrupled.
I think you are missing my point, though.  This was not merely Jews moving back to Palestine and eventually regaining control.  It was a concerted effort by the League of Nations to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine, even though the country was still mostly muslim.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

morbesso666 wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Just want to point out to Morbesso that Europe did all it could to stop the Nazis... It was a world war buddy...

What about the 20 million communists that the Nazis killed? The 4 million homosexuals? The thousands of mentally disabled people? No body brings them up...
It was a genocide.
Trying to avoid the victimicy of the Jews just make you directly antisemitist from common sense.
Anti Zionist and anti semitist are different things...

A semite is NOT a person of Jewish religion...

Definition of a Semite...
A member of a group of Semitic-speaking peoples of the Middle East and northern Africa

Do you speak Semitic Morbesso?


I wasn't "avioding" mentioning the Jewish peoples either, I was just pointing out that others lost millions too...

Last edited by Flecco (2006-02-21 14:09:17)

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
There are some good points on both sides here, I have a few questions of things I have heard.

Number 1 a good majority of the Israel army is made up by Palistineanes, sorry bout the spelling but is that true?

Number 2 there where jewish settlements before the creatation of Isreal?

Number 3 even though Isreal is supported by the United States in funding it is very anti-american in belifes.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7158|Cologne, Germany

wow....are we really discussing who was there first, jews or arabs ? come on...

Both ethnic groups have lived / settled there over the course of the last couple of hundred years. But that was mainly during times when the concept of "nation" had not yet been introduced to the political landscape. there were no fixed borders between the tribes and the area one particular tribe was controlling changed from day to day.

If you wanted to live in a certain area you either had to push out the tribe living there ( provided you were powerful enough ) or make arrangements with the local tribe chief ( if you happened to be weak from a military point of view ).

what I mean by that is you cannot compare the times before the nation of israel was created to what has happened since then.

It is not unusual that the superpowers create new nations from scratch after world conflicts. It happened after every shift in the political landscape, be it World Wars, revolutions, fall of empires, etc..
In most of those cases, the drawing of arbitrary borders through old tribal land created a series of problems between the various ethnic groups. It happened in Africa, it happened on the balcans, it was bound to happen in Israel.

atlvolunteer wrote:

According to the brief history, in 1922 the population was 78% muslim and only 11% jewish.  So basically, they decided to create a jewish state in the region, even though the population was only 11% Jewish.  Even in 1948, when Israel was officially formed, the population was almost 65% muslim, 33% jewish.
exactly. What were the arabs to do ? just surrender the land they were living on at that time because some "league of nations" decided so ? They didn't approve of the plans, so they resisted. Face it, morbesso, Israel was created from scratch, by taking away land from people who were living there at the time. And now you are complaining that the palestinians ( sp ? ) want to drive your people into the sea ?

the peace process is a joke. Back in the days, those kinds of ethnic conflicts used to be resolved through a war between the parties involved, and by war I mean fighting until complete annihilation of one of the parties.
Obviously, in a civilized world, that is no longer an option.

Can this conflict be resolved peacefully ? I have my doubts, but I am afraid the international community will allow for nothing else. innocent people die on both sides. peace process ? you see the irony here ?

Now, who is to blame ? Ironically, none of them and both.

None of them, because the people taking part in the conflict today weren't involved in the original reason for the conflict, the creation of israel in 1948. And both, since it will require both of them to participate and stop the violence for the peace process to be successful.

And please morbesso, you need to stop calling forum member neonazis just because the happen to disagree with you. Especially the swedes....
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n
Also why was a new nation created? Why didn't they just live together, I'm sure the palestinans would have loved the Help money sent there from other countries?  Why is there so much strife created in a region where everybody is pretty much screwed, I'd hate to live in a desert.  Also is that really a Isreal security post? I made better forts when I was a kid in the woods.
+27|7089|Atlanta, GA USA
cpt.fass1, read the Brief History linked by wannabe_tank_whore.  That will give you a brief overview of the history of the region and should help to answer some of your questions.
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6992|Canberra, AUS

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

Spark wrote:

First, watch your grammar. It was rather frustrating deleting the bits becuase you had not properly used 'quote'.

On your first point: Many PL's could say exactly the same thing about you. What did those innocent people (that you kindly listed) do to you before you blew them to oblivion with missles? You make up the excuse that 'it was a terrorist hideout' then say 'sorry, we missed'. Well, sorry won't cut it when someone is pointlessly killed.

Second, can you tell me what history textbook you're using when you say that, in essence, Europe just let nazi's take all their land? I've never heard that before and chances are I never will... A gun ain't much use on planes and tanks (which was the base of the blitzkreig strategy).

You say that you wouldn't be in the PL's land if they stopped killing you. Wrong way round, sir. It should be that they would stop killing you if you got the hell out. Makes much more sense. That's the reason they kill you! Cos' you've camped on their land!

Most extremist groups generally don't trust governments. So its nothing to me that their are no 'extremist' groups, in the way you mean. Their probably ARE extremists in parliament (extremist, if you hand't established, being a person with extreme views. NOT a terrorist, though the two often correlate). Anyway, I see no difference between an 'extremist' blowing up someone and an Apache blowing up someone.

Hmm.... you'll find extremists in every religion... Islam is just a little

Again, I wouldn't see any reason for a bomber to blow up your mall if you didn't have a mall there in the first place (i.e. get away from there).

And your last statement is unintelligable, so I can't respond.
Ok.  Yet another who knows the conflict backwards and forwards.  Why don't you apply to the history channel.  They're hiring historical brainiacs daily.

Roman rulers put down Jewish revolts in about A.D. 70 and A.D. 132. In A.D. 135, the Romans drove the Jews out of Jerusalem. The Romans named the area Palaestina, at about this time. The name Palaestina, which became Palestine in English."
"During the seventh century (A.D. 600's), Muslim  Arab armies moved north from Arabia to conquer most of the Middle East, including Palestine. Jerusalem was conquered about 638 by the Caliph Umar (Omar) who gave his protection to its inhabitants. Muslim powers controlled the region until the early 1900's."

My math may be wrong but it looks like this places Jews there well before Arabs.  The Jews should leave the land they were given back after being kicked out and now you want them to be kicked out again?
Is that a compliment??
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

By wannabe tank whore's logic, I should get a piece of land in the following locations for free (my family is decended from these areas) Northern Wales, Ireland, another in northern Enland (near Manchester...) and one in the northern areas of Germany (close to Denmark I think)...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
The Cap'n Can Make it Hap'n

atlvolunteer wrote:

cpt.fass1, read the Brief History linked by wannabe_tank_whore.  That will give you a brief overview of the history of the region and should help to answer some of your questions.
At work don't have enough time to read all that brief history
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6982|NT, like Mick Dundee

cpt.fass1 wrote:

atlvolunteer wrote:

cpt.fass1, read the Brief History linked by wannabe_tank_whore.  That will give you a brief overview of the history of the region and should help to answer some of your questions.
At work don't have enough time to read all that brief history
Dont forget the additions that have been made to it... I think it was Grimm who added the next paragraph or so...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.

Flecco wrote:

By wannabe tank whore's logic, I should get a piece of land in the following locations for free (my family is decended from these areas) Northern Wales, Ireland, another in northern Enland (near Manchester...) and one in the northern areas of Germany (close to Denmark I think)...
Good one?  Were your ancestors forced out by empire after empire?  Logic comes from thinking rationally... not from emotions.

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