+3|6740|Essen - Germany
Hello all,

I realized a certain kind of tension and hostilities between the players of BF2 in the last few days.

Of course I know that everyone not playing the way I like is a noob.
Of course I know that everyone not liking the patch is some kind of flying whore.
Of course I know that everyone liking the patch is without skill.
Od course I know that the patch was made because of all the whiners that have no skill.
Of course I know that the patch was made to fix game mechanics that were not ment to work the way they were used.
Of course I know that EA is just a bunch of moneygrabbing jerks that wants to screw the customers.
Of course I know that EA does their best to make the game better and improve the experience.
Of course I know that it is not EA who is responsible for the problems but DICE.
Of course I know that it is EA that is responsible since they push DICE into releasing every thing to soon.
Of course I know that 10$ for the Boosterpack is far too much and it should be free.
Of course I know that 10$ for the Boosterpack is cheap, since you get a new army, new weapons, new maps.

Well, with that said:

This board is ment to be a community where people talk about the game and the patches, changes and experience with the game.
But there are some things I am wondering about:

Why does it always have to be some "dickhead, sucker, noob, craphead," that has to "stfu, go fuck himself, eat shit, go and die" etc in replies to post one does not agree with.

Behind every nickname in this board is a person. This person can agree with you in the whole of your opinions and views, agree with you in parts of your opinion and views, disagree for the most part or disagree totally.
That is every person's right. The right to his/her own opinion.

You disagree with something? Fine by me, let me know and you might even bring a point across that I didn't think of and I might agree with some of what you have to say.
You disagree with something and have the need to insult me, call me names, tell me how stupid a noob I am and shout at me virtually? Well, you will lose me during the first few lines of your post and the only point you bring across is that you might not have any real arguments to make me change my point of view. You might even have a good point somewhere in there, but it will go past me unnoticed, since I skip what you wrote because this is not a shouting match or "who insults best" tournament and I have better things to do with my time than reading personal insults and flames.

We all like/love the game. We play it. We might not agree on certain changes done be the company that made this game and decided to change certain mechanics of it, altering the game experience for all, for some towards a more positive experience for some towards a more negative experience.

We have a free will. Life is full of changes, full of opportunities, full of times for decisions.
EA/Dice come up with changes, with opportunities, with times for decisions as well.

They change the gameplay.
They give the opportunity to enjoy the game.
They let us decide if we keep on playing or quitting and playing something else we like better.

They do not say "Play our game or we shoot this cute puppy!" They do say "We hope you like the new experience."
So play the game and enjoy it. Or take a break and return to the changed game after taking a deep breath.
Or don't return, because you realized that the game is not entertaining for you any more.

What I really want to say with all this above:
We are players, we play a game. We play a game we like or love. A game is nothing to get worked up about at all. More than we are players we all are human beings, persons behind the screen name we chose.
Persons have feelings and emotions.
During a verbal argument emotions can take control. We might start to shout, shake a fist at the other one, we might slam a door, hit a fist on the table.
But on a board emotions should not be able to take control, the short way "emotions - mouth" is not there.
We have a keyboard and we have to type everything we want to say. Time enough for reasoning to overcome emotions.
Of course we can disagree, and we can engage in a heated discussion even in written form.

But, and I ask this all of you: Would you really talk to another person face to face, like you "talk" here on the board? Would you actually read a post that is written in your style to see if some valid point is in there somewhere? Would it make you furious? Would you skip a post written like your's after the first few words because it is just an insulting flame?

The best way to bring a point across is... to bring a point across.
The worst way to bring a point across is... shouting and insulting without a point at all.

I really like to be in an online community that shares my interests (BF2 in this case). I like to exchange opinions, ideas or tips and tricks. Talking with others that are more experienced to learn from and share my (still) meager knowledge with people that try to get their stuff together because they just started out.

I think that my score shows that I don't play to achive anything, but to have fun. It is exciting to measure yourself with all the other players out there. It is fun when you manage something that looked hopeless, like being the one to cap a flag so that all others can spawn again or giving of a desperate snapped shot with the M95 against a Cobra that is turning towards you in a hover to blow you to bits and manage to kill the pilot by sheer luck (as happened once).
I won't get a bigger car, house or bank account for being Gunnery Sergeant or having this or that badge.
And if I do not have fun with the game, I don't play it that evening. I let it rest, I play it the next day or even the day after that.  I do not watch a movie I do not like, I leave the theater if it is worse enough. Others might enjoy the movie, so why should I sit there and throw popcorn at the screen, shout and boo and spoil the fun for the others?  Why should I behave differently with a game?

So the next time someone says something that you do not agree with, please just take a step back, a deep breath and tell the person with what and why you do not agree instead of giving him/her the virtual finger.

See ya,

STFU........ j/k.   Well said.
The H4xor Mod
+161|6884|North Texas
nice post.
+0|6698|South Sweden
Good post

Refused wrote:

Good post
I assume you are talking about your neighbors white house next door in your pic.
Maybe the 'community' will be better once people realize this!

Nicely written post.
this is one of the few posts that makes sense and gets a good point across. i hope all the flamers read this as they might learn something new.
+4|6701|Marshall, IL
Very well written. As an ex Mod on the notpr0n forums if you dont know what that is go to www.notpron.com its the hardest riddle available on the net. anyway we had a great team of mods on there, i resigned due to not having enough time with work and school to go through the last 2 days of threads.

Point beeing it seems like these forums are not monitored like they should be (sorry admin and mods) but IMO people that do do the flaming/spam/pointless posts/threads the Mods should go through and delete them, find all the posts that have no buisness beeing on here and delete them, do they have enough time? probably not.

My suggestion to the admin....Find some regulars on here that do not play favorites, that are not 12 sorry youngsters its a tough time consuming task, and add them as a Mod. However set some limits on what they do, have good communication with each other and get these forums back togeather and ban the kiddies that come in here and flame everything.

You are completely correct with how everyone has been acting, but you have to understand.....IT WILL ALWAYS HAPPEN OVER AND OVER AGAIN! you get 20 out 30 new ones come.

I'm not trying to tell the admin/mods what to do, but with my experience with modding that had a forum with millions viewing/posting i come from a great background. and these things work. its easy to search for things and not get 300 hits when searching for the word glitch. there should maybe be 10 for different glitches not 105 for the same topic.

and please try the riddle, you think bf2 is a challenge/adictive? go to http://www.notpron.com and visit the forums at http://www.deathball.net/ under forums...this is not pron, looks nice now, but was way worse than this before. tell everyone theCrusifix sent you....the know me

*edit* you think you have mad L337 "skills" with a PC just go here, you then will get PWNED by david and the team. i made 3-4 and helped with another 2 i think, lol.

Last edited by theCrusifix (2006-02-21 03:59:20)

Kilroy Is Here!
+81|6881|Bryan/College Station, TX

stars#10101 wrote:

this is one of the few posts that makes sense and gets a good point across. i hope all the flamers read this as they might learn something new.
If they only could. Unfortunately they stopped after the first list of items and didn't read past the last "Of course I know..." list.

Impatience, arrogance and disrespect go along with attributes of a lot of major flamers and trolls.
They never learn because they don't choose to learn. They don't care about anyone but themselves.
A flaw in their genetic code of parents that need to be smacked over the head to discipline their children.

Either way I wish we could teach these children but unforutunately we can't and even if they were within arm's reach, I think beating sense into them might be end up throwing you in jail.
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6716|Broadlands, VA
vonSteuben - your eloquent post befits your moniker!
Nice reading! . vonSteuben, i'll second your toughts! May i ask how old you are ?- I am jumping on 40 this April and i am from the area Munich - Poing. Greets
Nice one m8.

vonSteuben wrote:

You disagree with something and have the need to insult me, call me names, tell me how stupid a noob I am and shout at me virtually? You might even have a good point somewhere in there, but it will go past me unnoticed, since I skip what you wrote because this is not a shouting match or "who insults best" tournament and I have better things to do with my time than reading personal insults and flames.
Well said!

I am old and had no experience with a forum like this before and was surprised to see first what people actually would say to each other?

Some people are so rude? But now I understand that it’s obviously part off the online gaming community and thought of as being “cool” by some people to write and say things in a way that I sometimes hardly understand?

Again thanks vonSteuben for creating this topic and say what I think many more mature forum readers/members out there agree on!

All the best!
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6716|Broadlands, VA
This may be slightly off topic and may even be a "Well DUH!!!" kind of post.  But I wonder what the corrolation is between the age of the forum member vs # of flames posted.  I would bet that as age goes up, so do the number of worth while posts and the number of unreadable flames goes down.

Like I said - random, wild thought while I wait for my trouble tickets to update....
Mod from the Church of the Painful Truth
+533|6844|Orlando, FL - Age 43
Well said, well spoken!
+101|6713|Southern California
hey vonSteuben stfu  (Sticky This Fantastic Utterance)  <------please do

...btw your game stats matter zip to me because your posting reveals some of the person behind the idea.
Keep up the great work,

<--attention deficit sets in.... something about virtual?
+23|6881|Pembroke Pines, FL.
Very well said my forum friend.  I hope that this message will reach just one of the "trolls" and maybe chagne his/her outlook and make them think briefly before firing off a flame.

Job well done.
damn, i just tried re-reading this thread, but 2 many words!
Good stuff. This should be on the signup screen.
Squishing Your Head
+1|6714|Bolton UK

vonSteuben wrote:

They do not say "Play our game or we shoot this cute puppy!" They do say "We hope you like the new experience."
So play the game and enjoy it. Or take a break and return to the changed game after taking a deep breath.
Or don't return, because you realized that the game is not entertaining for you any more.
Don't be too sure, I sent an ubusive e-mail to EA dice saying how crap I thought the game was, i got this by way of reply


Now i am forced to play BF2, for the sake of the puppy

Also, totally and utterly agree with you, if you aint got anything reasonalble to say that adds to a thread, then save your fingers and my eyes AND DON'T BLOODY POST!!
+244|6726|arica harbour
yes i like the post.. finally a mature player out there ..keep up the good fight

+3|6740|Essen - Germany
Thank you all for reading my long initial post and the kind comments!

I haven't been a registered member for very long, but was a lurker before. This forum was the first place I came to when I re-discovered BF2 after an almost 5 month break.

I often wondered about the change in tone happening when the patch came closer and really going too strong when 1.2 finally arrived. We all have a common interest and why should we go for each other's throats only because we see things from a different perspective?

And to answer your question, Hansim: I hit the 40 this January and rest assured, it doesn't hurt at all

Badvok, I hope you will do everything possible to save that "Hot Dog" !

I know that in the real military branches a certain "rivalry" exists and that one branch makes fun of the others. But from my experience these jokes and comments are tongue in cheek almost every time (of course there are people in every army that think they are better than the other branches, but this happens everywhere in life, not just the military)

Since we all play a military FPS I would like to change a known Slogan:

A Community of One!

That is what we should be. Differing about certain things, but always respecting the views of others.

Check your AA alarm...
+82|6831|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Good post man.
+383|6757|The Netherlands
*sticky this topic please*

Another excellent topic by vonSteuben i must say.

Nice one matey!

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