The crusades were pretty big in scale lowing.lowing wrote:
You are talking as if negative shit done in the name of CHRISTIANITY is somehow swept under the carpet. WHEN it happens it gets published. The thing is, it does not happen as often or to the magnitude that it does with Islam. Or involving the same number of peopleBraddock wrote:
The truth is lowing Muslims doing nice, peace-loving things doesn't tend to make the news so one would find it quite hard to 'prove' their case in that sense. You say you have current affairs on your side, well that is only because nothing sells papers and gets ratings like a good terrorist story or controversial Islamic story and in any case the stories that do make the news still can't be taken as a representation of the entire Muslim population of the world. That would be like me presuming every US soldier was a heartless butcher based purely on that video of the soldier throwing the puppy over the cliff!lowing wrote:
Ok dispute it, and prove it. I have current events on my side that proves my point. We both know that. SO go ahead and show me. Now you are not allowed to use America or even Europe as your shinning example since you all have decreeded that Islam in America nad Europe is small and insignificant.
I really don't see why you are so aggrieved by the Muslim world. I know elements in the media would like to have us believe they all want to slaughter us in the name of Allah but I have just never experienced that side of the Muslim community, until I do I will not buy into the Muslim scaremongering. It's just the same as the Commie bullshit during the cold war except this time it's not even a country, it's a bunch of extremists who are never going to get power anywhere anyway (except maybe Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, who ironically are the US's favourite fuck buddies).
Cameronpoe is right lowing. How many violent Islamic attacks do we see in countries like the UAE, Egypt or Morocco? They're about as frequent as ETA attacks are in Spain; this to me suggests they are very much a fringe element. The only places where they occur on a huge scale is in countries that the US have invaded... on paper that suggests the US is part of the problem, not the solution.
I saw an old Iraqi women on Channel 4 news a while back talking about how she could not understand what the Americans meant by 'War On Terror' as she had only ever experienced terror attacks after the US troops invaded, before then she had always been able to go about her life in peace.