The original idea behind building the car was to get the costumes and run around to hotels and public places with smoking ghost traps, giving someone a bill for $5000 and driving off in the Ecto. This was never fulfilled since the guy who was supposed to build the packs flaked out on us. I will have one incredible accurate light-up pack and trap by the end of April, and we'll film someone wearing the stuff running around. Expect it on the youtube.
And yes, Hitchhiker's. It's my favorite book, I had locked number 42 in high school as well as that being my dorm room number in college, my first speeding ticket was for going 42mph... it makes a very regular appearance in my life.
New pictures from the convention that are super-sized and totally awesome. Use 'em as desktops, wallpapers, napkins, pool cues, xbox controllers. Fuck, I got nothin'. -------------
ALSO! Yesterday I FedEx-ed a bunch of videos and still photographs of the ecto to Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. A few months back one of the guys working on the Ghostbusters BLURAY set contacted me about wanting to put my car on the special features disc. The stuff is on the way and we won't find out if it makes the cut until the release in October, b
A friend just sent me some pictures that he took while we were pushing the Ecto through the hotel before StarFest, not something you see every day!
In addition, not much has been going on lately. I let the registration on the ecto expire since I can drive the jeep pretty much wherever I need to go. The only notable events were the Fort Collins Downtown Car Show and a little Ultimate Electronics show where I won $100. Neato.
Yup yup, spending most of my time building killdozers and giant boulders and stuff like that. I'll be getting back onto finishing the jeep this weekend when my paycheck arrives.
On a sad note, the GB mural in Denver got painted over. Awwww.
A friend brought it to my attention recently that, not only had I not taken any video of my car with the blue domes, but I hadn't really made a regular demo video of the car driving around with the lights and siren running since before the roof rack was completed. Everything else has been set to music, or had just the lights going, or whatever.
So late this evening Logan and I trucked down to the old Cloverleaf dog track between Loveland and I-25 and shot some video. Basically we just wanted to get the thing in action, doing regular stuff. A lot of people online ask about the color of the domes and whether or not it has a siren, this video was made to answer those questions.
I tried to do some hard turns, but the parking lot was full of debris and it was getting dark enough to make that a hazard. Apparently the camera had no trouble seeing what was actually a very dark area. In the coming days and weeks I hope to go back there for more filming, hopefully with some ridiculously tight turns, car-to-car moving shots, and other stuff.
Logan and I had just gone to see The Dark Knight on IMAX and we were wondering what the nightlife of Denver was like on a Sunday night. We headed to LoDo and found it to be relatively empty, as expected. So we decided to drive around and scope out places that would be neat for long-exposure photography. Shortly after a police car turned turned onto our street, began turning another direction and then zeroed in on my car, taking a hard turn and popping on his lights.
I figured I was up for a lengthy conversation about the legality of lightbars with a cop bored on a sunday night. Turns out he and partner just wanted to take pictures. It was pretty much the same drill as when we first rolled the car out in Fort Collins. "Do the lights work?" "Yes." "Hell, run 'em! Tell me you've got the siren." "Sure do!"
His partner got on the radio and called in all her on-duty buddies, before we knew it we had the entire street blocked off with six squad cars! Apparently their sergeant and lieutenant came down to see it, too. Turned into a complete fiasco. I talked to the officers while Logan took pictures.
Hell of a welcome to Denver! Any Denver BF2S-ers on here?