
CameronPoe wrote:

few sick followers
you forgot to add millions after few.

or can you please count how much peoples on this video? its gonna be easy for you, cos they are few...

how much you got?

Lisik wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

few sick followers
you forgot to add millions after few.

or can you please count how much peoples on this video? its gonna be easy for you, cos they are few...

how much you got?
Note to Lisik:

Palestinians aren't blowing themselves up inside Israeli bars and cafés because of Allah. They're doing it because everything you have today has been at their expense and everything your country has done since 1948 has tended to have made their lives unlivable.

Not justifying, just stating. This thread is about Islam, not Palestine. Carry on.
poe the video i posted is about islamic leader speaks to his followers! i think its good time to land your spaceship!

Last edited by Lisik (2008-03-27 08:48:58)


Lisik wrote:

poe the video i posted is about islamic leader speaks to his followers! i think its good time to land your spaceship!
I can't view the video cos I'm at work and there's a firewall. Maybe I can rustle up a video from some Kahanists later. My comment is in relation to the fact that you are bound to have a poor opinion of muslims given that your country is the reason that about 3 or so million muslims have to suffer every day of every year.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-03-27 09:02:31)

GunSlinger OIF II
my horns arent broken
'Light 'em up!'

CameronPoe wrote:

Stingray24 wrote:

So all the military endeavors of the US excluding WW2 are now comparable to terrorism?  Lovely.  And all of them must have been driven by religious zeal to aid the comparison?  Wait ...
On a simple numbers game the US army has been responsible for the deaths of far more people than the totality of muslim people, good or bad, in the last century. That's the point I was making. You are directly tying the religion to the acts of the few sick followers of it who think it's ok to detonate a bomb belt in a busy cafe.

And the likes of the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Vietnam affair were acts of state terrorism and improper intervention in the affairs of others IMO, FTR.
South Vietnam requested assistance.

M.O.A.B wrote:

South Vietnam requested assistance.
I'm sure Afghan communists requested assistance from the USSR back in the day...
CameronPoe would have made excuses for the Nazi party right up till the bitter end too.  Some people can't see evil no matter how many times it is put in front of their face.  Good is bad and bad is good to someone that can't judge anything. 

Nice job not confronting reality.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

CameronPoe would have made excuses for the Nazi party right up till the bitter end too.  Some people can't see evil no matter how many times it is put in front of their face.  Good is bad and bad is good to someone that can't judge anything. 

Nice job not confronting reality.
What your doing is what the Nazi party did. Casting aspersions on people of a particular creed/ethnicity so you can feel comfortable rolling into their countries, killing thousands of em and establishing friendly governments in them: whether the locals like it or not.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6589|Long Island, New York

CameronPoe wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

CameronPoe would have made excuses for the Nazi party right up till the bitter end too.  Some people can't see evil no matter how many times it is put in front of their face.  Good is bad and bad is good to someone that can't judge anything. 

Nice job not confronting reality.
What your doing is what the Nazi party did. Casting aspersions on people of a particular creed/ethnicity so you can feel comfortable rolling into their countries, killing thousands of em and establishing friendly governments in them: whether the locals like it or not.
That's why I tried to tell lowing (relating him to Hitler/the nazi party), but he refuses to see that point.

CameronPoe wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Yeah, it is pointless to face the reality of how the Majority of Muslims practice Islam today because of a law somewhere in Ireland in the past.  You are very enlightened, more so than anyone else and therefore you do not need to argue your point based on facts pertaining to my question but just on your personal warm fuzzy beliefs of how things should be in your own little reality.

I can't recall if Nazis treated their own women as bad as Muslims do while following Islamic law in the M.E.?  Ouch, confronting facts that don't fit in with your false reality can really hurt some times.  Yeah, I am way off base to say that Islam is a very sick religion and the source of much violence, hate, and war in the world.  So out of touch because someones Grandma was a nice person, that is Islam, not all the hate and intolerance in the M.E.
What it boils down to is this - does Islam affect your daily life? No it does fucking not. They have some pretty restrictive and backward views on certain things, big wow: it's happening tens of thousands of miles away from you. BIG FUCKING DEAL. The US is currently more of a source of much violence and war in the world right now than any Muslim sect. Just look at how many military bases it has dotted all around the globe. Then take a quick peek at its military endeavours in the last century. I wonder if you totted up the death tolls who'd come out on top (excluding WWII)?

Islam. BIG FUCKING DEAL. Deal with it. Mind your own business. The region you speak of is several hundred years behind the rest of the world developmentally. It ain't gonna play catchup overnight and it ain't gonna play catch up any faster with a gun pointed at it.
LOL, see reality can hurt. 

Yes, I can deal with Islam being a violent hateful religion without clinging to a false reality a spewing that it isn't like you have done time and time again.  You have made good progress by admitting that Islam is real fucked up, now try to not justify it. 

Why do you feel you need to JUSTIFY the intolerance and violence of Islam.  Are you for violence?  I doubt it.

CameronPoe wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

CameronPoe would have made excuses for the Nazi party right up till the bitter end too.  Some people can't see evil no matter how many times it is put in front of their face.  Good is bad and bad is good to someone that can't judge anything. 

Nice job not confronting reality.
What your doing is what the Nazi party did. Casting aspersions on people of a particular creed/ethnicity so you can feel comfortable rolling into their countries, killing thousands of em and establishing friendly governments in them: whether the locals like it or not.
I have advocated nothing.  I have merely stated facts that people are unwilling to acknowledge.  I did this because it is fun to watch liberals hide from the truth and never confront it.  It is pure entertainment for me. 

So rest easy my liberal friends, I will not invade any countries.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

LOL, see reality can hurt. 

Yes, I can deal with Islam being a violent hateful religion without clinging to a false reality a spewing that it isn't like you have done time and time again.  You have made good progress by admitting that Islam is real fucked up, now try to not justify it. 

Why do you feel you need to JUSTIFY the intolerance and violence of Islam.  Are you for violence?  I doubt it.
Islam as practiced by the overwhelming majority of Muslims is not fucked up in the least. I don't characterise Christians by their retarded Christian Zionist, Born Again Christian, Opus Dei, Evangelical, Falangist, Westboro Baptist Church types and likewise I won't incorrectly characterise Muslims as inherently violent. Their tolerance in some of the more backward nations like Saudi Arabia leaves a lot to be desired but what do I care: I don't live in Saudi Arabia.   

As for violence - yes I am a proponent of violence if the situation demands/deserves it.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

I have advocated nothing.  I have merely stated facts that people are unwilling to acknowledge.  I did this because it is fun to watch liberals hide from the truth and never confront it.  It is pure entertainment for me. 

So rest easy my liberal friends, I will not invade any countries.
I think you'll find my original post here stated that homosexuality was illegal in many Muslim countries. Is that what you call 'hiding the truth'? I also said their culture was several centuries behind the west developmentally.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-03-27 12:54:15)


CameronPoe wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

I have advocated nothing.  I have merely stated facts that people are unwilling to acknowledge.  I did this because it is fun to watch liberals hide from the truth and never confront it.  It is pure entertainment for me. 

So rest easy my liberal friends, I will not invade any countries.
I think you'll find my original post here stated that homosexuality was illegal in many Muslim countries. Is that what you call 'hiding the truth'? I also said their culture was several centuries behind the west developmentally.
Well my point is that Islam is the most violent major religion on the planet and has basically fucked up an entire region of the world with war and hate.  I think that the Clerics in the Middle East are more educated on Islam than us or the Clerics of the West.  I don't need you, your grandma, or some Mosque in Ireland's interputation of the Qu'ran or the teachings of Muhamad when I can just look at how the people interput it in Islams birthplace.  The laws in Mecca, the tribal wars in Iraq, the statements by the leader of Iran, how Islam is spread in Africa, and seeing a completely innocent person who went to a country to help the people be beheaded in Muhamad's name while they chant verses of the Qu'ran as he screams in agony.

Oh yeah, well they ALL don't cut off peoples heads so Islam must be good.  It is purely coincedence that this is the only religion making the news for stoning people to death because they were raped or finding headless corses all over Iraq or hanging gays or attacking school girls and attempting to cut off their heads because they are christian. 

I advocate nothing.  I merely beleive that willfully deciding to be part of a Religion that is that fucked up is akin to joining NAMBLA or the Nazi party.  Sure, maybe the local chapter of the Nazi party doesn't preach hate or violence and is full of good people that just believe that people should be proud to be white and that there is an Arian race, but you know what it doesn't matter because most Nazi's are fucked up peices of shit and who would want to be identified as a Nazi or defend their history?

I defend no religion, I feel religion is invented for people that can't face reality.  Islam just breaks from the ranks of religion in that is causes way more violence and repression than anything else on the planet except maybe Communism.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Well my point is that Islam is the most violent major religion on the planet and has basically fucked up an entire region of the world with war and hate.  I think that the Clerics in the Middle East are more educated on Islam than us or the Clerics of the West.  I don't need you, your grandma, or some Mosque in Ireland's interputation of the Qu'ran or the teachings of Muhamad when I can just look at how the people interput it in Islams birthplace.  The laws in Mecca, the tribal wars in Iraq, the statements by the leader of Iran, how Islam is spread in Africa, and seeing a completely innocent person who went to a country to help the people be beheaded in Muhamad's name while they chant verses of the Qu'ran as he screams in agony.

Oh yeah, well they ALL don't cut off peoples heads so Islam must be good.  It is purely coincedence that this is the only religion making the news for stoning people to death because they were raped or finding headless corses all over Iraq or hanging gays or attacking school girls and attempting to cut off their heads because they are christian. 

I advocate nothing.  I merely beleive that willfully deciding to be part of a Religion that is that fucked up is akin to joining NAMBLA or the Nazi party.  Sure, maybe the local chapter of the Nazi party doesn't preach hate or violence and is full of good people that just believe that people should be proud to be white and that there is an Arian race, but you know what it doesn't matter because most Nazi's are fucked up peices of shit and who would want to be identified as a Nazi or defend their history?

I defend no religion, I feel religion is invented for people that can't face reality.  Islam just breaks from the ranks of religion in that is causes way more violence and repression than anything else on the planet except maybe Communism.
The irrelevancy of making a point about something pretty much totally internal to countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran is odd to me. I too am an atheist and I find religious belief quaint and archaic. But I see no massive evidence to suggest that anything more than a miniscule minority of Muslims adhere to the more ridiculous elements of their holy book in places where it matters to me: like Europe and various holiday destinations. The same ridiculous bullshit beliefs regarding women and rape are in the Torah and the Old Testament of the bible yet they are ignored by modern western Christians and Jews. Like I said, the middle east is behind the west developmentally: do you seriously expect everywhere in the entire world to be on the same page progress-wise? Muslims in modern countries adhere to a more enlightened interpretation of the Q'uran than those in the likes of Saudi Arabia - where the Wahabiism is the state religion of choice.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-03-27 13:35:48)

I expect to not have planes flown into buildings and the money I spend to put gas into my car not go to people that hurt people in the name of God. ( and no I am not talking about the Bush family )

Last edited by Lotta_Drool (2008-03-27 13:38:04)


Lotta_Drool wrote:

I expect to not have planes flown into buildings and the money I spend to put gas into my car not go to people that hurt people in the name of God. ( and no I am not talking about the Bush family )
These things can be addressed Lotta_Drool with things like restrictions on the rights of airplane passengers to carry sharp objects. How many El Al planes have been flown into buildings over the years? None. That's because they have proper security and will never get caught with their pants down.

PS Most of the hijackers were Saudis and Osama is Saudi. Like it or not part of the money you spend probably ends up in the hands of people who want to hurt you. I would ask this though: if they're doing it in the name of God then wouldn't it be more expedient to choose a closer infidel target? Like Greece? Or Armenia? Or Bulgaria? The whole thing stinks of a being rather pointedly political, not religious.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-03-27 13:49:13)


CameronPoe wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

I expect to not have planes flown into buildings and the money I spend to put gas into my car not go to people that hurt people in the name of God. ( and no I am not talking about the Bush family )
These things can be addressed Lotta_Drool with things like restrictions on the rights of airplane passengers to carry sharp objects. How many El Al planes have been flown into buildings over the years? None. That's because they have proper security and will never get caught with their pants down.

PS Most of the hijackers were Saudis and Osama is Saudi. Like it or not part of the money you spend probably ends up in the hands of people who want to hurt you. I would ask this though: if they're doing it in the name of God then wouldn't it be more expedient to choose a closer infidel target? Like Greece? Or Armenia? Or Bulgaria? The whole thing stinks of a being rather pointedly political, not religious.
Are you suggesting that Coconuts migrate? 

pssst, hey you don't have to wisper cuz not only do I know where they came from I know who they were, why they did it, and how they did it. 

I ask you this, if the US was just looking to start a random war with someone so Bush would be re-elected wouldn't they have picked a  target closer to home like Mexico or Canada?  The whole conspiracy theory stinks of rank stupidity and lies.  Now tell me the holocaust never happened either.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Are you suggesting that Coconuts migrate? 

pssst, hey you don't have to wisper cuz not only do I know where they came from I know who they were, why they did it, and how they did it. 

I ask you this, if the US was just looking to start a random war with someone so Bush would be re-elected wouldn't they have picked a  target closer to home like Mexico or Canada?  The whole conspiracy theory stinks of rank stupidity and lies.  Now tell me the holocaust never happened either.
But what would be the benefit to the US of attacking Mexico or Canada? a) You would be attacking trading partners. b) You would cause absolute incredulity across the globe. c) Neither have a pivotal tranche of the world's oil supply. d) Neither threaten Israel. e) Neither border other countries with gigantic tranches of the world's oil supply. f) Attacking either would inevitably bring conflict spillover onto sovereign home turf.

Having said that the US did have a stab closer to home soil when they tried to oust the democratically elected leader of Venezuela in a coup in the 90s. And what is it that Venezuela have oodles of....?

As you once said to me yourself "what do you expect cars to run on... farts?" He who controls/administers the oil, runs the global economy.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-03-27 14:01:47)

Yes I said that, what I didn't say was that America needed to invent a conflict in a region that riots over cartoons in a newspaper.

Oh, and btw Mexico has Avacado which is the number one ingrediant in Guacamoli and Canada has 2/3rds of the worlds Canadian Bacon which is the number two ingrediant in a Hawaiian Pizza.  Without Canadian Bacon Hawaii would not be able to have its own pizza and its pineapple sales would crash over night.

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Yes I said that, what I didn't say was that America needed to invent a conflict in a region that riots over cartoons in a newspaper.
Then why did they invent the Iraq-Al Qaeda links and Weapons of Mass Destruction myth?
Because WMDs are not myths, just not as many or as transparent as expected.  I have heard of Al Qaeda in Iraq and of course if you have a leader of a country openly hostile to America and terrorists running around the area and WMDs, then you do worry about this unless you are Ireland and nobody could find your little island home let alone bomb it or have a reason too.

Am I worried about Al Qaeda in Iran, hell yes.  Am I worried about Al Qaeda in Saudi and Pakistan, hell yes.  I am not saying that securing the oil supply wasn't the #1 reason we went into Iraq, but we sure as hell didn't need risk being caught knocking down our own building.  That is just damn dumb.  It is like something an Irishman might do because they always go overboard and shit.  But here in America be don't blow our own shit up unless we really need too.  Hell, we never blew up anything before we went into Iraq the first time?

Lotta_Drool wrote:

Because WMDs are not myths, just not as many or as transparent as expected.  I have heard of Al Qaeda in Iraq and of course if you have a leader of a country openly hostile to America and terrorists running around the area and WMDs, then you do worry about this unless you are Ireland and nobody could find your little island home let alone bomb it or have a reason too.

Am I worried about Al Qaeda in Iran, hell yes.  Am I worried about Al Qaeda in Saudi and Pakistan, hell yes.  I am not saying that securing the oil supply wasn't the #1 reason we went into Iraq, but we sure as hell didn't need risk being caught knocking down our own building.  That is just damn dumb.  It is like something an Irishman might do because they always go overboard and shit.  But here in America be don't blow our own shit up unless we really need too.  Hell, we never blew up anything before we went into Iraq the first time?
Neither Weapons of Mass Destruction capable of impacting upon the US or Europe nor the means of quickly producing them were found in Iraq. Iraq was not threatening action against the US nor would it have been a good or plausible idea for them to do so given how demonstrably weak his army was when the US finally invaded, following years of sanctions. I'm quite sure the CIA were totally aware of how developed his arms programs were and of how strong his army was. The very fact that the war was self-contradictorily promoted on the basis of the fact that it would be a short war but that Saddam was a threat to the west I found quite amusing.

Newsflash: Sunnis hate Shi'as. Al Qaeda is a Sunni organisation. Iran is a Shi'a Islamic Republic. Sunnis kill Shi'as and vice versa on a daily basis in Iraq given how deep the intercreed tensions run. You might, if you are pro-Israeli, feel concerned about Mahmoud Ahmedinejad yes, but trying to tie Al Qaeda to Iran reeks of trying to tie Al Qaeda to Iraq pre-invasion. Your concern about the Taliban in Pakistan or Al Qaeda in Saudi Arabia seems irrational given that the two countries are thousands of miles from the US and at this stage I would hope you have put in place measures to make sure you don't accept any 'Ahmeds' into Florida flight schools so casually in future...

PS I just realised what you are trying to say - are you seriously suggesting that I think 9/11 was staged????
be nice
+2,646|6505|The Twilight Zone

S.Lythberg wrote:

American Muslims?

They'd buy the bar and turn it into more mosque, or ignore them.

European Muslims?

They'd scream, run, cry, burn, smash, yell, fight, kill, maim, stab, shoot, crash, howl...
Do they differ?

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