Atmosphere released this free album as a fun project before sitting down to make his new album "When life gives you lemons you paint that shit gold" (April 22 )
Those that know Atmosphere probably know they want this... Those that don't...Free album, and the RIAA cant say shit
Never heard of em, but downloading it tight now. The preview song sounded good. And I really like the title of the upcoming album. Niccceee!
+1 to you sir!
lol, in one of the youtube things about the new album he said album names are just getting so long now a days, plus he thought it would be funny to put shit in an album title Next album he said he wants to call "there are plenty of decaf versions that are just as good as the original"
I'm not always into Atmospheres songs, but I have been listening to him a ton lately because he is an amazing writer and has some (not all) very honest lyrics.
A lot of people don't seem to be all that into that new song, I guess cause the music video looks way underground (though I think the video fits real well...Then again try watching MF Doom's "I hear voices" video, that shit is low budget) Also kinda an up beat track for the subject heh...
But with tracks like Little man
God Loves Ugly
Lyndale Ave. Users Manual
Don't Ever Fucking Question That
(ok no one is gonna watch all those so I'll stop ) Dude is just really good.
Def Jux has some great artists. I wonder why Bonobo didn't make the adult swim list?
You know I really don't listen to Def Jux stuff much, not even too familiar. Its mostly Aseop Rock/EL-P type stuff no? They are both really good, but I am too laid back, and they aren't
But poisenville kids no wins is win
I'll have to look up Bonobo.
While I'm posting all the youtube videos I might as well put up some mophone
This video is amazing. If you look at nothing else in this thread watch this video. Mophono on CD turn table, the 1200's, a keyboard, think he is using a drum machine in there...and a live drummer as well.
I need to go buy a Mophono CD, this guy is so so sick. First I need to find a mophono CD to buy...was having trouble with that even on the internet.