I wonder how the religion of peace would deal with this in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afganistan, Syria, Iraq, or any of the other Major Muslim countries.

Being that it is such a tolerant peaceful religion I would think that they would embrace the diversity and through love win over the gay communtiy and acknowledge their human rights.  Maybe they would offer a special surmon for them and welcome them into their Mosque.

Please discuss.

Last edited by Lotta_Drool (2008-03-25 21:03:01)

+429|6600|Chicago, IL
American Muslims?

They'd buy the bar and turn it into more mosque, or ignore them.

European Muslims?

They'd scream, run, cry, burn, smash, yell, fight, kill, maim, stab, shoot, crash, howl...
+5,233|6682|Global Command
And Islamic Muslims would cut their heads off.
+877|6114|Washington DC
Moderate muslims would be like "lol wut" (The muslims I know, who are all quite nice, would be like this)
More conservative muslims might decry it, and be like "" (From what you read everywhere, that sounds about right)
Radical muslims would go in the bar, get drunk, then blow the place sky high (along with themselves) (Considering how in Iran they execute homosexuals, this wouldn't be far fetched)

Last edited by HurricaИe (2008-03-25 20:44:16)

+429|6600|Chicago, IL

ATG wrote:

And Islamic Muslims would cut their heads off.
for peace
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina
LOL...  Yes, one undeniable fact about much of the Islamic World is that it makes Pat Robertson's crowd look like The Village People when comparing their attitudes on gays.  Iran is especially despicable in its treatment of gays.

Women's rights are another touchy area for the Islamic World as well....
+429|6600|Chicago, IL

Turquoise wrote:

LOL...  Yes, one undeniable fact about much of the Islamic World is that it makes Pat Robertson's crowd look like The Village People when comparing their attitudes on gays.  Iran is especially despicable in its treatment of gays.

Women's rights are another touchy area for the Islamic World as well....
Iran doesn't have gays
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina

ATG wrote:

And Islamic Muslims would cut their heads off.
I think you mean Middle Eastern...   Islamic Muslim is redundant.
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina

S.Lythberg wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

LOL...  Yes, one undeniable fact about much of the Islamic World is that it makes Pat Robertson's crowd look like The Village People when comparing their attitudes on gays.  Iran is especially despicable in its treatment of gays.

Women's rights are another touchy area for the Islamic World as well....
Iran doesn't have gays
Not any openly gay people at least....
+429|6600|Chicago, IL

Turquoise wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

LOL...  Yes, one undeniable fact about much of the Islamic World is that it makes Pat Robertson's crowd look like The Village People when comparing their attitudes on gays.  Iran is especially despicable in its treatment of gays.

Women's rights are another touchy area for the Islamic World as well....
Iran doesn't have gays
Not any openly gay people at least....
There's easier ways to commit suicide...
+5,233|6682|Global Command

Turquoise wrote:

ATG wrote:

And Islamic Muslims would cut their heads off.
I think you mean Middle Eastern...   Islamic Muslim is redundant.
It was a subtle comment of the intellectual qualities of the deabte topic.
Sorry spit, but this just seems silly.
+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

you know this calls for a little .......

+877|6114|Washington DC


you know this calls for a little .......

bit before 7:45 when the really gay stuff starts

Last edited by HurricaИe (2008-03-25 20:54:29)

+429|6600|Chicago, IL

ATG wrote:

Turquoise wrote:

ATG wrote:

And Islamic Muslims would cut their heads off.
I think you mean Middle Eastern...   Islamic Muslim is redundant.
It was a subtle comment of the intellectual qualities of the deabte topic.
Sorry spit, but this just seems silly.
True, i doubt gays would choose such an interesting location (although it would make for a good shitty fox sitcom)
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

HurricaИe wrote:

Moderate muslims would be like "lol wut" (The muslims I know, who are all quite nice, would be like this)
More conservative muslims might decry it, and be like "" (From what you read everywhere, that sounds about right)
Radical muslims would go in the bar, get drunk, then blow the place sky high (along with themselves) (Considering how in Iran they execute homosexuals, this wouldn't be far fetched)
Pretty much 100% dead on.
I hope that Scorpion and Poseidon come and educate the bigots in this thread on how Muslims really feel about gays.  They know a lot about this because they know Muslims and stuff.  Poseidon brought it to my attention that the Media lies about Muslims and are just spreading hate towards the religion. 

Many of you seem really out of touch with reality.
+2,187|6721|Mountains of NC

HurricaИe wrote:


you know this calls for a little .......

its a gay fight ...................  GAY FIGHT

Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6691|Long Island, New York

Lotta_Drool wrote:

I hope that Scorpion and Poseidon come and educate the bigots in this thread on how Muslims really feel about gays.  They know a lot about this because they know Muslims and stuff.  Poseidon brought it to my attention that the Media lies about Muslims and are just spreading hate towards the religion. 

Many of you seem really out of touch with reality.
Oh yeah, and all of us (CamPoe, Bert, Serge, Etc) are all just out to get you, and we have no idea what's going on in these horrid, horrid countries!!!


You and lowing are pretty much by yourself in thinking that all of Islam is violent. Ever wonder why?

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-03-25 20:57:57)

+877|6114|Washington DC


HurricaИe wrote:


you know this calls for a little .......
its a gay fight ...................  GAY FIGHT

*insert clip of that simpsons episode where homer takes bart to the gay steel mill*
O Canada
+1,596|6558|North Carolina

Lotta_Drool wrote:

I hope that Scorpion and Poseidon come and educate the bigots in this thread on how Muslims really feel about gays.  They know a lot about this because they know Muslims and stuff.  Poseidon brought it to my attention that the Media lies about Muslims and are just spreading hate towards the religion. 

Many of you seem really out of touch with reality.
Well, location does have a lot to do with it.  Most of the Muslims that come to America are the saner, more liberal ones.  I know you'll find this funny, but liberal in this context means "pro-Western".  This is why most American Muslims wouldn't make a big deal about a gay bar.  There are even openly gay Muslims living in America -- something obviously not seen very often in the Middle East.

Of course, everything changes when the government involved is theocratic and personal freedoms are a joke.  Places like Saudi Arabia and Iran aren't exactly known for their social tolerance, so your assumptions are far more valid for Muslims in those countries rather than Muslims here.  Although admittedly, Muslims in Europe seem to be distinctly less tolerant of gays despite living in free societies.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|6919|Cambridge (UK)
I'm sure they would much like it, but, if it was in the US, UK or most other European countries there shouldn't be anything much they could do about it.

Poseidon wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

I hope that Scorpion and Poseidon come and educate the bigots in this thread on how Muslims really feel about gays.  They know a lot about this because they know Muslims and stuff.  Poseidon brought it to my attention that the Media lies about Muslims and are just spreading hate towards the religion. 

Many of you seem really out of touch with reality.
Oh yeah, and all of us (CamPoe, Bert, Serge, Etc) are all just out to get you, and we have no idea what's going on in these horrid, horrid countries!!!


You and lowing are pretty much by yourself in thinking that all of Islam is violent. Ever wonder why?
There is only one of me and would you mind contributing and telling me what you feel the result would be in one of the countries listed and why.

Be careful what you say though or Lowing will come in and call you a racist bigot and what not.

Last edited by Lotta_Drool (2008-03-25 21:00:39)

+5,233|6682|Global Command

Turquoise wrote:

Lotta_Drool wrote:

I hope that Scorpion and Poseidon come and educate the bigots in this thread on how Muslims really feel about gays.  They know a lot about this because they know Muslims and stuff.  Poseidon brought it to my attention that the Media lies about Muslims and are just spreading hate towards the religion. 

Many of you seem really out of touch with reality.
Well, location does have a lot to do with it.  Most of the Muslims that come to America are the saner, more liberal ones.  I know you'll find this funny, but liberal in this context means "pro-Western".  This is why most American Muslims wouldn't make a big deal about a gay bar.  There are even openly gay Muslims living in America -- something obviously not seen very often in the Middle East.

Of course, everything changes when the government involved is theocratic and personal freedoms are a joke.  Places like Saudi Arabia and Iran aren't exactly known for their social tolerance, so your assumptions are far more valid for Muslims in those countries rather than Muslims here.  Although admittedly, Muslims in Europe seem to be distinctly less tolerant of gays despite living in free societies.
Solution to the Muslim problem; bring them all here. They will ditch Allah for pron, gay bars and xbox 360's.
+429|6600|Chicago, IL

HurricaИe wrote:


its a gay fight ...................  GAY FIGHT

http://youtube.com/watch?v=d4GrSl42EyE& … re=related
*insert clip of that simpsons episode where homer takes bart to the gay steel mill*
*insert clip of that simpsons episode with the gay dog parade*
+877|6114|Washington DC

S.Lythberg wrote:

HurricaИe wrote:


its a gay fight ...................  GAY FIGHT

http://youtube.com/watch?v=d4GrSl42EyE& … re=related
*insert clip of that simpsons episode where homer takes bart to the gay steel mill*
*insert clip of that simpsons episode with the gay dog parade*
this is as close as you'll get, although i think it's some of the owners who are gay and not the dogs

fast forward to a bit before 1:07 for lulz

Last edited by HurricaИe (2008-03-25 21:03:20)

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