David.P wrote:
Do you know why i dont want a mosque in my neighbor hood? Because today i was in brooklyn this Black guy was preaching on the street about how great the religion of Islam is. He was loud and annoying as fuck, Bothering all the people who were doing their last minute easter shopping. Now you're thinking why not give him a mosque to shut the fuck up and get out of the street? Or well christian preachers do it too. Well here's why.
1. It was easter eve, There were so many people out doing last minute shopping he was just annoying them.
2. Last time they built a Mosque in New York. The Mosque caused more traffic and it did not stop the street preachers, Also they broadcast there prayers over a loud speaker that really bothered some of the older residents(Come on wtf? 6 AM right before most people wake up? And on fridays and Saturdays? When everyone just wants to sleep or not be bothered.), When they complained the city did nothing about it. Because they compared it to church bells.
Really? What would you rather hear? Some guy chanting in a language you do not understand for 5 minutes 5 times a day? Or bells tolling for less then a minute once a day? Infact the church's round my area are courteous and dont ring their bells for more then 30 seconds, And when they do it's only at noon. Not 6 AM, Not 5 PM, and Not so loud that people from 5 blocks away can hear you.
3. About the street preaching. When a christian does it the cops are called on them for disturbing the peace(I've seen it happen lots of times) When a Muslim does it, People are too afraid of offending him.
See this is why Islam is invasive and incompatible with Western society. They push their belief's on you, They dont care what you think, And finally they have no respect for the societies they live in. Unless they cater to them.
EDIT: I think it was an Islamic center to tell ya the truth. And i know it was in southern brooklyn where all the old people live(I think brighton beach or maybe bayside)
You say Islam pushes their beliefs on us...
Um, you ever hear of a thing called missionaries? And how they were sent to almost every country the west conquered during the age of imperialism? "The White Man's Burden", as Rudyard Kipling put it.
Oh yeah, but a random muslim guy talking about Islam on the streets is "pushing their beliefs" on you. Yeah. Right.
So basically, it's okay for the Christians to do it, but because Muslims do it, it's not? Last time I was in NYC, I was pestered by a CHRISTIAN telling me to change the way I act (even though I was just walking...) or God will reject me in heaven and that I'll suffer greatly during the apocalypse. I felt like saying "I'm jewish, according to the bible I'm already one of the chosen people", but I just IGNORED HIM. THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO DO. Is this like fucking elementary school? You can't ignore someone who you don't want to hear?
Christ. You guys (David, Lowing, etc) are the most intolerant people I've ever met. If someone said "I want judaism out of this country", you'd both be going up in arms about it because it's BIGOTRY. But because it's about Islam and you yourselves are saying it, it's fine apparentely.
Ironically, I was at a dinner party tonight for a relatives 30th birthday. There was a muslim man and his wife there and we were all discussing the elections and politics in the middle east. Just fine. But, you know, according to you guys he's intolerant of other people and wanted to blow all of us up considering everyone there was Jewish except them.
Last edited by Poseidon (2008-03-22 21:12:14)