Can you imagine how many racists and bigots are going to be exposed if and when Obama wins the presidency??

My god, any and every media news channel that talks about Obama, every cast member of SNL who does skits making fun of Obama, every reporter that reports on Obama controversies....Every impressionist and comedian who takes his liking to make a joke, or uses current events to do the same. When Obama is president, picking on the president will instantly make you a racist. I mean hell, you can't even talk about him now as a candidate without the racist label, why should I think it will be different when he is president?
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6684|Long Island, New York
Who says that? You? I highly doubt if SNL or Jon Stewart (and so many others) make fun of him, they'll be labeled racists.

Wishful thinking perhaps, lowing?

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-03-20 23:28:56)

Obama is being destroyed by Hitlary's machine... no need to worry about him being president... lol
Love is the answer
#1 Commander
Imagine if everybody was Black!

+721|6727|the dank(super) side of Oregon
He's only half black, so I can only ever be half racist.

Poseidon wrote:

Who says that? You? I highly doubt if SNL or Jon Stewart (and so many others) make fun of him, they'll be labeled racists.

Wishful thinking perhaps, lowing?
Why do you think that this will not come to pass? It is already racist to bad mouth Obama as a candidate.

Hell, OJ cut off his wifes head and it was deemed racist to have the nerve to arrest him and try him for it.
+721|6727|the dank(super) side of Oregon
What's wrong low?  did someone call you a racist? again?

Reciprocity wrote:

What's wrong low?  did someone call you a racist? again?
lol.....shit, what would be wrong is if someone DIDN'T call me a racist at least 8 times a day on here

Obama's recent 40-minute speech makes him a racist.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6684|Long Island, New York
Funny - I was just watching the late repeat of Leno tonight. He made a joke in his "Worst sellers on eBay". He parodied Obama's "Audacity of Hope" book with "How to swoon chicks with the word 'Change'".

Call me when you see Leno being labeled a racist.

Poseidon wrote:

Funny - I was just watching the late repeat of Leno tonight. He made a joke in his "Worst sellers on eBay". He parodied Obama's "Audacity of Hope" book with "How to swoon chicks with the word 'Change'".

Call me when you see Leno being labeled a racist.
Yeah ok, Obama will go 4 years and no one will be called a racist for disagreeing with him or fighting one of his programs. Got it. Hell thosre that won't vote for him are already racists... What is yer number, you will be hearing from me I suspect.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6684|Long Island, New York

lowing wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Funny - I was just watching the late repeat of Leno tonight. He made a joke in his "Worst sellers on eBay". He parodied Obama's "Audacity of Hope" book with "How to swoon chicks with the word 'Change'".

Call me when you see Leno being labeled a racist.
Yeah ok, Obama will go 4 years and no one will be called a racist for disagreeing with him or fighting one of his programs. Got it. Hell thosre that won't vote for him are already racists... What is yer number, you will be hearing from me I suspect.
Where are people being labeled racists for not voting for him? I'd like to see some proof of this, maybe then I'll accept the idea.

Anyone who calls someone a racist simply for not agreeing with him is a dumbfuck anyways.

Poseidon wrote:

lowing wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Funny - I was just watching the late repeat of Leno tonight. He made a joke in his "Worst sellers on eBay". He parodied Obama's "Audacity of Hope" book with "How to swoon chicks with the word 'Change'".

Call me when you see Leno being labeled a racist.
Yeah ok, Obama will go 4 years and no one will be called a racist for disagreeing with him or fighting one of his programs. Got it. Hell thosre that won't vote for him are already racists... What is yer number, you will be hearing from me I suspect.
Where are people being labeled racists for not voting for him? I'd like to see some proof of this, maybe then I'll accept the idea.

Anyone who calls someone a racist simply for not agreeing with him is a dumbfuck anyways.
ut ohh, you just insulted most of Bf2s....
It has been suggested that white people that will not vote for Obama will not for no other reason than his skin color.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6684|Long Island, New York

lowing wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

lowing wrote:

Yeah ok, Obama will go 4 years and no one will be called a racist for disagreeing with him or fighting one of his programs. Got it. Hell thosre that won't vote for him are already racists... What is yer number, you will be hearing from me I suspect.
Where are people being labeled racists for not voting for him? I'd like to see some proof of this, maybe then I'll accept the idea.

Anyone who calls someone a racist simply for not agreeing with him is a dumbfuck anyways.
ut ohh, you just insulted most of Bf2s....
It has been suggested that white people that will not vote for Obama will not for no other reason than his skin color.
Suggested. Proven?

I'm sure some people won't vote for him because of his color, but those people, again, are dumbfucks. But not all people who don't vote for Obama are being labeled racists. I don't see where that's occuring (other than your trusty non-biased news source, Fox News!).

Last edited by Poseidon (2008-03-21 00:52:36)

+231|6520|Kyiv, Ukraine
I think its unfortunate that racist dumbshits will be forced to attack Obama based on his policies and actually put together a coherent arguement before attempting to stomp him or come off looking like the redneck retards they really are.  This is Amerika goddamnit...we should be free to be as ignorant as we want to be.

Personally, I look forward to a bit more intelligable discourse in our body politik and the level of entertainment.  It might be nice to see the national IQ raised a bit when biting political satire on the right and left replaces the lowest common denominator "talking points".  One can dream...
Пушкин, наше всё
+387|6470|New Haven, CT
If Obama wins the nomination, do they even need to hold a general election in the South?
The Mas
+311|6834|NYC, a place to live
Actually lowing is right, lots of racists and bigots will be exposed if Obama wins the Presidency.
+3,611|6767|London, England
Something interesting I stumbled upon the other day

nukchebi0 wrote:

If Obama wins the nomination, do they even need to hold a general election in the South?
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

nukchebi0 wrote:

If Obama wins the nomination, do they even need to hold a general election in the South?

The media will hand it to him.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
+231|6520|Kyiv, Ukraine
Apparently nobody's noticed the free passes McCain has been given lately...

Like, McCain repeating over and over again his kindergarten interpretation of Middle-eastern terrorism dynamics.

Or the rantings of McCain's chosen "spiritual advisor", televangelist Rod Parsley.

Please Right-Wingers, the whole "biased liberal media" crap is sooooo 1970's.  Probably the single greatest power sweep for the right in the entire past 7 years was the de-regulation of the media by quiet change in FCC rules (not that quiet actually, but who's gonna report it?), which means basically the entire message of what any consumer/listener/reader hears is controlled by a single person/corporation in a market in the US.  Not the PATRIOT Act, not warrantless wire-tapping, not uncontrolled spending, not "Free Speech Zones".  THIS was the nail in the coffin for what can be considered American democracy.  How do you silence critics, dissent, investigative journalism?  Make sure they all work for you, then marginalize the rest (Ron Paul anyone?).  If FoxNews could pick the president in 2000 before this, imagine how much more power they have now?  The fact that McCain is polling 50/50 running on "4 More Years of the Same Bullshit" campaign slogan should tell you something.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

FEOS wrote:

nukchebi0 wrote:

If Obama wins the nomination, do they even need to hold a general election in the South?

The media will hand it to him.
The media's been shelling Obama over the past few weeks, what would make you think that?
+5,233|6675|Global Command
I like how Chris Mathews called his race speech the other day " worthy of Abe Lincoln ".

Most of the media has their noses so far up Obamas skinny little halfblack ass that it must be fear of being called a racist that drives them.
+231|6520|Kyiv, Ukraine

ATG wrote:

I like how Chris Mathews called his race speech the other day " worthy of Abe Lincoln ".

Most of the media has their noses so far up Obamas skinny little halfblack ass that it must be fear of being called a racist that drives them.
Please tell me that was sarcasm...

As for the speech, he didn't try to do the bob-and-weave routine like Clinton on philandering or the entire Bush admin on reasons for the Iraq war, he took the bull by the balls.  He even did it by putting a complete sentence together.  I almost forgot what it was like to listen to an articulate politician speak.  Clinton's been trying to hard for that perfect sound-bite lately (the "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" method) and Edwards got his short-hairs trimmed early, and I don't even want to think about that old-fogey McCain (remembering Reagan and his naps).  Obama has the GTT endorsement, and it really honestly has nothing to do with his color...though it is nice to see the racist retards and conservative concern trolls squirm about it.
GunSlinger OIF II
Im voting for him just because he's black.

that what yall want to here.  Go Barrack HUSSEIN

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