Whoever disagrees here is either completely stupid, did not read this, or is a jet whore.

I believe in what is called gameplay balance.  This means that there is no one thing in the game that dominates over everything else.

In 1.12, jets/heli had a huge advantage over everything.  Nothing could kill them.  This is not a balanced game because there was nothing that could kill the jets, except other jets.  This is what we call NOT FAIR.  You don't deserve to get a 50:1 ratio just because you guided your guy using WASD to a jet and pressed E.  You DO deserve a 50:1 ratio if what you did actually took skill.

Now with the 1.2 patch, the jets are not as good anymore.  This is what we call BALANCE, because everything is equally useful now.  So you can't get a mega ratio from having a better vehicle than the other guy.  If you want gameplay like that, go play an MMORPG where if your guy has better weapons, armor, and experience than your enemy, you automatically win.

The reason we have so many idiots who don't believe in balance here is because BF2 appealed to the MMORPG junkies with the gay ass rank/points/unlock system.
No more of this please..
WCR official whiner
+6|6872|Madrid, Spain
AA not overpowered, I agree!
Do you really believe the AA is balanced with the helicopters. Its blatantly obvious that its not. If you do your another of the people who was too lazy to learn how to take them down quite easily before, got owned by them and is still bitter.
Have you watched the AA missles when they lock??? They do circles and zig zag around the jet or helicopter. EA/DICE screwed up the AA missles you cannot dodge them because 90% if the time they are not chasing you from behind but chasing you from every direction because they glitch around your Jet/Helo.

[A-A]Sgt.Sonner wrote:

No more of this please..
pleas, im tired of it.

airborne916 wrote:

[A-A]Sgt.Sonner wrote:

No more of this please..
pleas, im tired of it.
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6973|Denver colorado
i agree with you. and. all of these people crying should get some skill.
Its not over powered, just insanely buggy. It would be fine it it didn't corkscrew around your jet, or take 180 degree turns, and stuff like that.
+1|6798|Örebro, Sweden
I personally think its balanced now, you just have to take out the AA before you start owning the others!
When I played Ghost Town yesterday as SAS I got the helicopter and started taking out AA sites and vehicles, basically thats all I did, sure there was the occational other kill but still, I finished no.1 on that round, only flying the helicopter, and there were some players with 100k+ points in there, not that that tells you they are any good, but they sure should know how to play after all that gaming

So, all in all the AA is not overpowered if you know what your doing!
+17|6888|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)
although i agree with you, i still think you shouldnt create a whole thread just to put a showlight on your opinion. go add urs to one of the existing threads. Mods, please close this thread.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6857|Purplicious Wisconsin
I agree, at first the guys said the airplanes were overpowered, now they say aa is overpowered, I mean comeon, if you guys wanted the airplane defeated quit saying aa is overpowered, that is what happens when you guys say stuff is overpowered, they tend to make something as equilly matched.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
aa is fine by now i was still able to rack up kills, yeahoo i got my aerial service ribbon few hours ago . i aint good pilot, below average, but i finished something like 25+/3 KDR.
"Generous mods" < Thats right Systray !
You can shoot at an oil tower, have it spin around and destory the nearest plane, and not call it overpowered?
Flares+Sharp turn=Death for pilot? Clearly there is something wrong

Sh4rkb1t3 wrote:

Whoever disagrees here is either completely stupid, did not read this, or is a jet whore.

I believe in what is called gameplay balance.  This means that there is no one thing in the game that dominates over everything else.

In 1.12, jets/heli had a huge advantage over everything.  Nothing could kill them.  This is not a balanced game because there was nothing that could kill the jets, except other jets.  This is what we call NOT FAIR.  You don't deserve to get a 50:1 ratio just because you guided your guy using WASD to a jet and pressed E.  You DO deserve a 50:1 ratio if what you did actually took skill.

Now with the 1.2 patch, the jets are not as good anymore.  This is what we call BALANCE, because everything is equally useful now.  So you can't get a mega ratio from having a better vehicle than the other guy.  If you want gameplay like that, go play an MMORPG where if your guy has better weapons, armor, and experience than your enemy, you automatically win.

The reason we have so many idiots who don't believe in balance here is because BF2 appealed to the MMORPG junkies with the gay ass rank/points/unlock system.
I completely agree with your sentiments though I still see a lot of jetwhores whining about it.

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