
jsnipy wrote:

colonelioan wrote:

minimal bit of courage to be in the heat in a game.
lol courage + video games
Or shall I say they are too lazy to be in the heat?
+1,106|6463|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

colonelioan wrote:

N00bkilla55404 wrote:

colonelioan wrote:

Sniper: Noun.Masculin.Single. Def: A PUSSY that cannot afford to die for his country, he wants to be safe.
Yeah, and im sure as hell you wont die for your country either.
Yeah cause i'm not joining the army in the first place, the sniper dosen't want to die for his but he still joins..
You realize people are chosen to be snipers, not the other way around, right?
Oh well, that sucks.
Voices are calling...
+136|6105|Somewhere out in Space

colonelioan wrote:

jsnipy wrote:

colonelioan wrote:

minimal bit of courage to be in the heat in a game.
lol courage + video games
Or shall I say they are too lazy to be in the heat?
Oh dear god incoming Irony train.

naive naive naive naive naive


colonelioan wrote:

Sniper: Noun.Masculin.Single. Def: A PUSSY that cannot afford to die for his country, he wants to be safe.

colonelioan wrote:

Yeah cause i'm not joining the army in the first place.
...that dictionary have an entry for irony?
+153|6921|Norway/Norwegen/ Norge/Noruega

colonelioan wrote:

N00bkilla55404 wrote:

colonelioan wrote:

Sniper: Noun.Masculin.Single. Def: A PUSSY that cannot afford to die for his country, he wants to be safe.
Yeah, and im sure as hell you wont die for your country either.
Yeah cause i'm not joining the army in the first place, the sniper dosen't want to die for his but he still joins..
At least they joined and are doing something for their country. What are you doing?

SteikeTa wrote:

colonelioan wrote:

N00bkilla55404 wrote:

Yeah, and im sure as hell you wont die for your country either.
Yeah cause i'm not joining the army in the first place, the sniper dosen't want to die for his but he still joins..
At least they joined and are doing something for their country. What are you doing?
Commercial Pilot, well in the future.

BTW, i'm sorry to say but I'm not defending any country, if you actually think what your fighting for, you would be disgusted.

Last edited by colonelioan (2008-03-19 19:12:11)

Voices are calling...
+136|6105|Somewhere out in Space

colonelioan wrote:

SteikeTa wrote:

colonelioan wrote:

Yeah cause i'm not joining the army in the first place, the sniper dosen't want to die for his but he still joins..
At least they joined and are doing something for their country. What are you doing?
Commercial Pilot, well in the future.

BTW, i'm sorry to say but I'm not defending any country, if you actually think what your fighting for, you would be disgusted.
BS, i know deep down that you want to be with them.  Sucks for you that they didnt lift the gay ban though.
I may agree with them, but i wouldn't fight for it.

So you are being rude because i'm pro german?

Jesus fucking Christ. Another one of these "everyone else is a worthless noobz0r" circlejerk threads? Next time one of you makes this kind of thread, it might as well be titled "suck my dick and/or make my ego more fat and bloated than it already is."

Also, I love how it's the people who mash F5 for half an hour and still play solely for stats, bitching about people that they perceive as not team players. Apparently this non-team-playerness can be shielded with a large enough number-generated ego.
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6983|Marathon, Florida Keys
just quit bf2......i did in august because of sniper bs and a couple of other things and i havent missed it at all....Its a dead/dying game anyway and not worth getting mad over.
I am all that is MOD!

FPS - First Person Shooter.  Tanks =/= FPS.
all grown up now (its boring)
snipers > you.
+49|6867|Brunei Darussalam

This thread is first class comedy! I just spent good half an hour laughing like a mad!
+319|6565|Southern California
Most of my time on BF2 has been as a sniper and I have played many different styles. When I first got semi decent I learned to run with a squad, almost up with them. 1 on 1 most of the time I could spot and shoot another guy in the head in the time it would take his gun to get one shot off some where on my body. I think I was just as valuable as anyone else. I would cap flags, and hop from one to another taking the back route in my jeep and snagging the ones they weren't thinking to defend.

Now I play sniper because my internet connection is poor, and if I run around or spin fast it skips. Now I play a bit longer distance, try and hide somewhere and take people off with out even being seen. A good bit of the time I am still useful. I am some times slow to advance but I am usualy set up to cover people as they try and capture a flag, and watch there back.
Some times I am a bit more drunk/lazy and just camp somewhere and play worthless sniper.

You can talk shit about how we cant play FPS games....what ever, not my major goal in life. But sniping is fun. If there was a game that focused on moving into position and taking sniper shots I would play, but I have BF2 and the sniping in that is fun.
Its just awesome to see someone so far away they are a speck running across the screen, set up for the headshot and actually get them.
Of all the kills I have gotten in the game the sniper ones have been most rewarding. watching some one from 100+ meters away and having one shot to take them out before they can get to their tank...or shooting the driver out of a boat as they drive by and watching it coast to a stop. Also really fun to take out people on tourrets.

Hate it all you want, even if its "worthless" its fun. Its a video game and I like having fun when I play games.
+947|6685|Gold Coast
This is falling on deaf ears for me, I stopped giving a shit about half a year ago.

However I do see your point. I hate people who dont realise wahts happening ingame.
+25|6567|Hong Kong @ the moment
Its old news but the most annoying things are too many snipers (that then proceed to stay back and never move) and too many medics reviving each other and not actually fighting.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6497|Graz, Austria
I think the most valuable snipers are those that spot enemies that nobody has seen and cover their squad/team while they take flags.
Also those snipers that stay a bit back and cover the recently captured flags from the odd, overlooked enemy that tries to recapture the flag as soon as the squad rushes away.

Just yesterday a sniper saved my ass when he spotted an enemy that was running a few meters behind me unnoticed and was trying to knife me.
Our UAV was deployed somewhere else and the commander hadn't spotted that one yet.

The bad side on the other hand are those snipers that just lie around in their super cool hiding spot and are solely watching an enemy flag, with their focus on the spawn points and their field of view drastically reduced by the scope.
(It's fun though if those are enemy snipers, because they are the most easy knife kills.)

And true, if a team consists of too many snipers (about half of their personnel) it is doomed to fail and lose the round.
(Which again is fun if it's the enemy team as you easily win that round, but also completely disrupts any fun gameplay.)

I'm not even going to talk about snipers and claymore spamming.
Only that I'm liking servers with FF on more and more every day. The first time you get TKed, but then it's just comfortable to play as you know you won't get blasted away on every corner by the massive amounts of claymores (planted by the enemy 50%-sniper-team).
Mass Media Casualty

I don't play computer games to win.
I play computer games to have fun.
Sniping is fun.
More specificly, Sniping people who get their panties in such a twist as to complain about Snipers on is fun.

I'm a self-confessed Sniper. I sniped in BF1942, I sniped in BF2, I sniped in BF2142 an I snipe in CoD4. I'm not great at running around and reacting quickly to enemies running and shooting at me, I'm adequate but not adept. Sniping however - having time to find a target, see what he's doing, lining up a shot and placing it exactly where I planned to which in turn gets him to type "WTF where did that come from?" is very appealing to me and rewarding too. I can end a round with getting only a few well-placed Sniper kills and be happy. If that makes me a "useless n00b who can't play FPS games" so be it. At least I'm a useless "n00b" who has fun.
[Blinking eyes thing]
+3,936|6674|so randum

Ty wrote:

I don't play computer games to win.
I play computer games to have fun.
Sniping is fun.
More specificly, Sniping people who get their panties in such a twist as to complain about Snipers on is fun.

I'm a self-confessed Sniper. I sniped in BF1942, I sniped in BF2, I sniped in BF2142 an I snipe in CoD4. I'm not great at running around and reacting quickly to enemies running and shooting at me, I'm adequate but not adept. Sniping however - having time to find a target, see what he's doing, lining up a shot and placing it exactly where I planned to which in turn gets him to type "WTF where did that come from?" is very appealing to me and rewarding too. I can end a round with getting only a few well-placed Sniper kills and be happy. If that makes me a "useless n00b who can't play FPS games" so be it. At least I'm a useless "n00b" who has fun.
Sums it up tbh.

I hate this whole "pro" attitude gamers get.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I love sniping.

FatherTed wrote:

I hate this whole "pro" attitude gamers get.
People get the attitude because pure-pwnage gave them an excuse. Normally anyone who acts pro, is pretty shit.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|6912|Great Wall

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

Normally anyone who acts pro, is pretty shit.
That's very true
Beep bep.
+85|6544|Stealth on Grand Bazaar

colonelioan wrote:

minimal bit of courage to be in the heat in a game.
Sorry, say that again?

You can't camp and come top of a leaderboard. As a SL I'm covering my squad, setting objectives, advancing, defending, holding positions between flags to slow the enemy, spotting, talking on VOIP to keep my squad informed of whats going on in the wider area. All these things medic SL can do but they will die more because they will tend to rush in rather than be considerate, there is a time to be aggressive and a time to defend. A sniper knows this more than anyone else because he has to make his shot count and he has practically no body armour compared to all the other classes.

One thing I must say is that snipers vs medics 'en masse', snipers will do ok, but they have less bullets, no shockpads and less health. Snipers are useful mixed in with a squad, that is where their strength lies, in squadwork. I'm sure everyone will dissagree with me but its true. Good sniper + medics + support can hold a position alot longer than medics/support because he has that extra range and the ability to keep his team informed of squads flanking way before the rest of his squad notices them. A sniper will keep his targets as far away as possible in most cirumstances, you do CQC when you have to. Again, mixing the 2 is key.

Last edited by nighthawk843 (2008-03-20 06:00:43)

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.


FPS - First Person Shooter.  Tanks =/= FPS.
But driving a tank is way more fun than sniping.

and video games = fun (supposedly)

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