Source? Obama. He has stated this pastor is an adviser in his own speeches, yet he says he had no idea about his extreme views? Pardon me if I call bullshit. The NRA is an organization, much different than an individual whom one has characterized as a mentor and adviser for two decades. Yet, if your hypothesis was true, I would not give money and support to the NRA because their views contradict my values.IRONCHEF wrote:
Source for Obama's "previous" pastor as a campaign advisor? Did you also just watch his "race speech?" If there's ANY reasoning ability by ANY human, said human can thus reason that one thing has nothing to do with the other.Stingray24 wrote:
Newsflash ... Obama had this man as an adviser to his campaign. Doesn't agree with him huh? Obama has supposedly been a member at the man's church for over 20 years. If he disagrees with him enough to disown his views in front of the nation, why continue to attend there and have him as a campaign advisor? He told the nation he disagrees with this man out of political necessity, nothing more.
Stingray, if the NRA did something bad, should you, a member, or at least as a gun rights advocate, be responsible for that bad behavior, even if you're running for president? If the NRA was actually created as the KKK was disbanded and outlawed (as depicted in Mike Moore's movie), and actually had KKK leaders running it, should you be considered as a racist? Even if you didn't condemn the racist language used by said NRA leaders who you give money and support to?
I wouldn't consider you a racist, slanted, or an idealogical tool at all. I'd consider you a member of a club that has good and bad ideals. I consider Obama a "previous" member of a congregation whose pastor said some stupid, racists, anti-American things..that's it.
Sorry if this is heated, I just had this argument with my Mom.
Oh and since we're talking about the NRA. How'd you like Obama's refusal to vote against a statewide ban on all handguns in his state? How about his support for a ban on all types of semiautomatic weapons?
Last edited by Stingray24 (2008-03-18 11:44:34)