
ComradeWho wrote:

warco3 wrote:

Comradewho you are a MORON. First off, if everyone plays support and sniper, WHO will take out the tanks? That's right, ANTITANK, the kit specially designed for it! Snipers are worthless in close quarters. And guess what? Spec ops is STILL just as useful as they were before that stupid C4 chucking trick popped up. Please, stfu and stop playing if it doesn't cater to you. I still see plenty of spec ops and I've been owned by noob tubes post patch so your little argument is worthless. About the only kit I see less of is medics but then again I'm sure someone else will tell you otherwise. So go play Unreal Tournament where you can jump 100 feet in the air and own people with your rocket launcher. Thats your type of game.

It's like this man. Everything has a weakness. Don't like getting owned by support? Play assault and use the G3. Or better yet, hop in a tank. You say people only play sniper and support so you won't have any trouble owning. Go play karkand and try that. See how long you last with all the snipers and support you claim are only used. Oh and play something besides Spec Ops once in a while. You'd be surprised how different your experience will be.

And STFU about the hopping. It's the bane of all FPS and it's the most ridiculous crap I've even seen. Did you realize you can actually avoid getting shot easier if you just SPRINT? Try it sometime morons. You can still hop repeatedly anyway. You just can't shoot anymore so change your tactics and grow up.
buddy you are making my point for me about balance.
i don't need you to tell me what anti-tank was for and the importance of having a game with specialized classes with strong strengths and weaknesses - my whole post is about how the niches have been virtually abolished in favor of creating a killfest.
my whole gripe is that they've leveled everything so that they all have the same relative strengths and weaknesses while completely eliminating the strengths of two classes - which one of them, arguably, should be much stronger than other classes in combat (you're saying it's strong but it certainly isn't the strongest in close range anymore, now is it?)
never seen a sprinter dodge my sniper bullets. i know that the bullets hit somebody sprinting just as well as prone because a rifle doesn't lie. so when you say that somehow sprinting is magic it just makes me think you're a fool who probably 1) doesn't know how to lead shots and 2) sprays and prays. i've put in decent amounts of time with other classes and i've never felt that my bullets aren't going where they are supposed to - you are just showing your true lamer colors with that kind of talk.
as far as saying how many people are still playing the classes let me break down how my team was composed in the last server i was in was, and it seems pretty representative. 8 support, 9 snipers, 2 spec ops, 3 anti tanks, 2 engies, 3 medics. that is ridiculous - i'm sorry, it just is. my whole post was based on the reality of the way the game is now - my post was providing an explaination of this ridiculous situation and all most of you can say is "SO WHAT THERE ARE STILL A COUPLE ANTI-TANK.. I"M NOT SPEC OPS BUT I'M SURE IT'S JUST AS GOOD.. JUMPING WAS UNREALISTIC AND NOW ITS GONE SO THAT'S GOOD.. AA PWNZ SHIT NOW EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NEWBIE WHINING THAT MADE IT SUCK TO BEGIN WITH" you guys need to wake the hell up. you're pretty defensive about this patch and any criticism of it (criticism that is usually coming from players who've put in the most time and have the best understanding of the game's balance) but you fail to realize that all the babifying of the game has created more bugs (WHINE ABOUT BUGS NEXT TIME YOU LAMERS) and just as it makes it easier for average players to play it makes it easier for the better players who were using advanced tactics to kick your ass to begin with.
sorry dude but your not making any sense at all...if your as good as u say then what the fuck are u moaning for? we are all pretty defensinve about this patch?...i dont give a shit to totally honest...i will play the same now as i did glad the AA is better...i never even new they had made it worse cos in my opinion it was pretty crap....i dont and never have cared about GL users or bunny hoppers or dolphin divers....ive died more times from ARTY strikes than from them...yes we like many have a few hours in and understand some of the games balance thats why people complained because it wasnt balanced...this is a game based on modern combat...its about as close to the real thing most of us will ever yes it should to a certain point reflect the real thing...i.e weapon accuracy etc...agin it makes no difference if the gun is the most accurate in the world it still takes skill to fire and use it propally...thats why i dont fly slicks too well but can drive a tank very well...and who the hell are u to call us lamers...i didnt moan to EA about this crap!!!....i offered my opinion via E-mail that the stingers were pretty slow with regards the jets and that they invariably shot friendly jets even when locked on to enemy jets...i have also said or asked for a better weapon for the engy and anti tank guy cos honestly the shotgun is a waste of time and the MP5 was piss poor...mentioned the fact that the M1 ABRAHAMS tank does not in real life get damaged going over a shoe box.....asked why does it take 3 c4 packs to blow a wooden bridge and only 2 to take out an armoured tank....asked or offered my opinion never moaned, bitched or complained.....evryone who stat padded, cheated or hacked there way to a good score probably complained when we all got the unlocks after the first big patch...i remember the posts..."now every noob will have the same guns we have its so unfair"...maybe some of the guys earned those points the hard way but i bet the ones who complained where the bitches who cheated there way there...skill and experience will prevail any patch mixed with a little teamwork as well maybe...all others will bleet and moan....just cos u have a fast car dont give u the right to moan when u get beat by a skoda driver.....
soup fly mod

stop complaining about patch
+1|6805|The Netherlands

superfly_cox wrote:

If you are complaining about this then it means you're not very good at flying because there were still pilots getting 30-2 kd ratios in games i have played.
You've been in the same server as me??
I have no problem with the AA changes because I can still get these kind of KD ratios.

And now the Assault class has been toned down, I have more fun with playing other kits like Medic or Support.

Now if EA/Dice could fix the new bugs they created with the patch we could all be happy.
+1|6771|Orlando, FL
Comradewho, we could sit here and argue this crap that no one cares about all day, but honestly, I'm just sick and tired of the 1.2 threads and the whining. If you were good to begin with, you will still be good. If not, you were never good. Complaining here doesn't help your situation, do it on the EA boards or email DICE. We've all heard every little complaint over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over......again. I've tried and tried to make my points come across to people that just refuse to understand why the changes were made in the first place, but I see now that I just wasted my time.

I'm not gonna argue about the patch anymore. If you're still gonna bitch and whine, go right ahead. I'm not gonna bother defending myself anymore so you can point out whatever I'm wrong about and gloat all you want. In the end, nothing will change because 1.2 is here to stay. You will still have to deal with the changes in game, or stop playing and hope that things can change back to thier lame ass ways so you can play again. Whatever. I don't care.

I think EA/DICE has made a spectacular game and I know that the patch has brought new bugs. But I also know that they are AWARE of it and will fix as much as time/money allows. That's alll we can hope for. No one said 1.2 was perfect. No one said you have to like it. We're just tired of the whining. Just get online and PLAY MAN! Will it kill you to play the damn game instead of sitting here whining about it? Seriously. This is my last post about the patch and I will leave it like that. You guys can complain about the new bugs and whatever. I'll just ignore it and move on like most people have. But if you sit there and say BF2 is not fun anymore, try convincing all the hundreds of thousands of other people playing that thier game is "not fun". I'm done.

dankassasin42o wrote:

comragewho.   are you a retard?   yes?    assult isnt ment to own at close range.  you cant even explode a real GL shell for less then 30m.    so i think they should nerf this gun again, since you noob tubing bitches still can noob toob.   its not realistic.   yes this is a game, and as i said before its BASED ON REALITY
M8 good point about the 203. But the m16 is saposed to be deadly up to 300m easy. When i used this weapon in the game they nerfed it too much. People are out 20m and it takes 2 3round bursts to kill him ......... anywho its a game guys. If you dont like it dont play it. There are plenty of other FPS out there.
The 1.2 patch is fine, After all its a great game and its fun to play, Go forth and kill soldiers!!!!!!!!

superfly_cox wrote:

stop complaining about patch
If you truely wanted people to stop complaining, then why did you bump your own post back to the top?

It was on page 2 or something before...

Last edited by Esker (2006-02-19 17:11:06)


superfly_cox wrote:

Alright, here's the deal.  I wish people would stop complaining about this game.  The new 1.2 patch addressed a whole lot of things and the game actually feels right now.  All in all, this is a great game, one of the best i've ever played.  Here's what I think they've gotten right:

Airplanes/AA: AA is improved but honestly, good pilots are still kicking ass.  Flares buy you enough time to get out of range so unless there is multiple coordinated AA defense, flying in planes are still a good bet.  If you are complaining about this then it means you're not very good at flying because there were still pilots getting 30-2 kd ratios in games i have played.

Support: I don't use support much but i've tried out the PKM and I am so pleased that it is now able to mow down people as it should.  This class was underpowered and now it feels better.  I don't care much for the ammo bags cause points are a hollow thrill for me.  I do like reviving players but getting points for someone running over your ammo bag doesn't get my willy wonking.

Sniper: Finally a reason to use this class.  I still don't think you can dominate with this kit but you can at least have fun with it now.  The claymores are way more potent due to their increased usage potential.  increased accuracy in sniper rifle is a no-brainer.  I mean how can you give someone a bolt action rifle that doesn't kill in one shot and not give them great accuracy?  I don't know too many players in BF2 who aren't in constant motion (if you don't know this then you're new to the game) so you'd better make the gun damn accurate to make it possible to hit targets on the run.

Assault: GL is toned down.  I think this fixes one of the biggest exploits in the game: "noob tubing".  This class has take a step backwards now and is probably underpowered but hey...if you want machine gun firepower then use the support kit!!!

Engineer: as an armor "connoisseur", i've always loved the engineer class but there's not much use to it unless you use armor.  Now that mines only hit enemies, this is a great class for the defensive role.  Drop 5 mines in strategic locations where you know armor will role around and I guarantee you will get 3 or more kills so long as you don't die for a while.  This class is essential in order to keep armor in check.  Also, with the shotgun you've got great close quarters abilities so I think that engineers should be more and more popular in Karkand...mine the entrance into the city and then hang back in the alleys to take out the infantry that pours through...

Spec Ops: hurt a bit by the fact that you can't throw C4.  I think this sucks but c'est la vie.  I would like to see this class powered up a bit but I still think SO is a formidable class.

Dolphin Diving/Bunny Jumping: FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is truly a great game.  Whatever bugs still exist are practically inconsequential to game play...a slight annoyance at best (and yes i've seen the friendly fire bug plenty of times).  Its been many months now and I'm still playing BF2 which is a first for me.  I don't want DICE to start changing the game around just for the sake of change cause there will always be complainers.  Bravo EA/DICE, its not perfect but i still love the patch.
Whats the matter ? You couldnt hit a jumping target ??? hahahahahahaha..

Sniper feels right ??   A game with a magical radar that shows all your enemies on it ?? And they
got a Sniper class in it ???   Snipers without Stealth ??  Thats like a Pizza without a crust.. gimme a

Engineer is better now ??  What ??? Mines that only kill enemy vehicles ?? What ?? Are they SMART
MINES ??  Never heard of that...

Jets that fly around in a 100 acre map ??  hahahahahahaha... yeaaahhhh right..

Choppers that take direct tank shell hits and fly on ??? hahahahah yeah right..

Choppers and Jets that can take points from the air ???   yeah right..

what are you smoking dude ??  Game feels right ??  Telling everyone to stop complaining ??

Who died and made you God of BF2 ?

hahaha, this post is gold.. I gotta bookmark this one..
Has anyone informed you that you are a smartass?

Last edited by Drunken_Tankdriver (2006-02-19 22:33:02)
Thank you someone that has an Opinion like me KUDOS MAN KUDOS! bout the orginal post not anyone else!

Last edited by IfCShoot (2006-02-19 22:36:21)

+-2|6829|U.K DURHAM
ffs still on about this damn new crap patch when will it end yes its got a load of good points in but its also put loads more bugs in the game. with most of the same bugs still from old patch that they did not fix but yes i dont mind the change i score more off the n00bs going for aa or as i say easy target keep on sitting in em its just a load of new toys and ways to play. and thank fuck the noob tuber hopping tits have left the game now its hard to get a medic to heal ya ingame though i never see em now.
Dirtier than thou

ComradeWho wrote:

when you decide to mess with the balance set forth in the initial game release you are getting into a big can of worms, because community griping always produces poorly designed patches hastily released which create more problems than they fix
anybody remember then they patched AA to make it less effective due to whining? ohhh yeah, gee, that worked out well.
it was really senseless to mess with the nade launcher.. calling it "nube tubing" because it's effective and easy to use is ridiculous - it's the assault class, it's supposed to own your little ass at close range 9 out of 10 times with ease. that's the whole point of it - it goes and clears out things - that is it's strength and role - that's why they called it assault.. ahhh.. ohhh.. oooo!!! wow makes so much sense, maybe too much huh? appearantly it did. well now that class is effectively useless, nobody plays with it and as a result infantry combat is dramatically different. we have half snipers, half support - and that's basically it. spec ops no longer is the most powerful tool against tanks (hey who cares about balance when we can make some pathetic old vets who never saw c4 used that way feel more like they're back with the MEU).. and as for anti - tank, why? so you can get sniped with your slow movement or mowed down before you get close enough to use your DAO against the guy with the monster PKM.. and why even be medic when you can get the uber kills and the team points of the support class that gets a point every time a team mate changes a clip. as for assault - like we said, why? nade launcher is no longer the strongest close range weapon (of course it should be but it isn't now, idiots), so why be that class? you can't get as many kills with it and it has no team point bonuses like medic or support.. so that leaves us with sniper and support as i already said and if you'be played then you know first hand for yourself.. which means that the two strongest and most played classes are the ones that stay static from a distance and kill people who wander into their crosshaids - you know what this sounds like? sounds like a patch that was made to cater to all the crappy players who just wanted to log on for half an hour and kill something, because that's what we've got know - a game based on getting the effortless kill. if you're not one of these classes or armor then you are just a poor sucker wandering around the map trying to get to/from a flag waiting to come into the crosshairs of one of the thousands of mediocre players who have just been given a gift from the gaming gods..

it's really "neat" and "fun" to talk about "realism" and the classes in abstract, but the cold hard truth of the matter is that everything should be based on creating balance through specialized niches. and the cold hard truth is that the game's balance is gone, infantry combat is radically altered and cheapened, and it wasn't really bad before unless you had less than 10,000 global points and were too much of a retard to learn to play more effectively. you improve games by looking at how it's played and making it better, not saying how it "ought to be played" and trying to conform everything to that, and not by making everything easy and catering to the worst players desire to do well (because when you do that you make it easier for good players to own anyways). not to mention that a lot of what was said in the original post was just plain inaccurate.
I tried to read that (really, I did) but just couldn't do it.  You would do well to break things like that up a bit more.  Try pressing enter a bit more often to make it easier to read.
+1|6718|Kihei, Maui (hawaii yo!)
eh teh game still feels the same to me. I still die a lot and kill a little

I was mainly spec ops until I realized I needed to play other classes in order to get the other 20k point rank. Once i started experimenting with them, the game became a LOT more fun, though I'm *really* liking the anti-tank class mated with the DAO-12. Since I picked up SF I unlocked the SF spec ops gun (love the scope, hate the recoil - yes single shot) and the other sniper rifle (awesome sound).

To me the game doesn't feel any different. I still see choppers regularly though granted they're MUCH quicker to fly back to base to get repairs, and I still get bombed like crazy via jets on wake island.

I have learned a new tactic though with the anti tank, though it applies only to spawn points with where there's an accessable roof nearby. I'm sure it's an old tactic that everyone knows about, but man it is sooo much easier to protect a spawn with the rocket launcher then a regular gun, as the splash damage alone is usually enough to take someone out that's trying to cap yer flag

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