
The worst vehicle in SF?

Bmp 351%51% - 72
Forklift21%21% - 30
Atv16%16% - 23
Helicopters ( their size and strange TV rocket plcmnt )10%10% - 14
Total: 139
TITS or gtfo.
+97|6841|Polish state of EU
I think all of theese 4 deserved to be thrown a rotten tomato at them. Especially BMP - why does it suck so much? Is that anti-Russia propaganda or what? Geez, its just light-armored piece of sh1t. Forklift isnt much better - you cant see much when driving it, it has strange engine sound, but its just a forklift. Too bad that its not possible to lift it 'fangs' :] . ATV - o m g. Its pissing me of. I am armor whore and i cant stand when someone crushes on me with atv, i got teamkill, and my armor looses half of its 'health' [w t f ?! ]. Sometimes when i drive it im pissed because of another 'road accident'. Boom bang, I crushed another atv / car. Damn it. Another thing - helicopters. Damn. Even a blind guy can easilly T-90 them. Another thing - TV. I know well where they are, but i got furious when 'vanilla veteran' enters the server and doesnt understand why i am not TVing enemies. Sometimes he even flames at me. Geez. I hate those 4, especially BMP and ATV. What do you think of it?

Last edited by _Dominiko_PL (2008-03-18 15:03:58)

High Angle Hell
+182|6514|Schofield Barracks
lol the apache is a monster.
i voted atv.
Cholera in the time of love
atv. handles like a bus (and has the mass, apparently)
I like pie.

BMP sucks, rest are awesome.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
ATVs suck. Hard to control, no protection and armor which is rivaled by paper mache. Only good for going commando and shit, for frontal attacking and Jihad-Jeep they suck.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7067|The United Center
Um.  Maybe it's just me...

But I think the Apache and Hind are the two best helicopters in the game.
+250|6731|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.

ThomasMorgan wrote:

Um.  Maybe it's just me...

But I think the Apache and Hind are the two best helicopters in the game.
Seconded. The Hellfires just make piloting so much more fun.

Out of that list, the BMP is the worst in my opinion. Big profile, easy sweet spots, bad FOV, and the crew are absolutely useless other than giving the killer of the BMP extra points.
Germans did 911
+427|7001|Disaster Free Zone
BMP3, its got the stability of a upside down pyramid, the armor of an aluminium can and trying to shoot at anything is like maneuvering an elephant up a tree to take a dumb on them. And the crew is completely useless.

The ATV is the best form of transport, it's quick, handles well and is hard to hit. It's also the jihadists vehicle of choice.

Forklift is sooo terrible its fun to use... but as you expected nothing from it (unlike the BMP) you don't care when it fails.

Helicopters... are you fucking serious?
Apache. Best (flying) chopper in the game. The rockets go where they should, they are also tightly grouped so all hit what you want them to. It has by far the best handling being able to perform maneuvers that would be impossible in all other choppers. Yes the TV is in a different spot... but really it should only be used for long range while the pilot can use the (awesome) missiles for anything close without a problem. The chain gun is also just as good as any other.

Hind. The dark horse chopper, best known for its 'drifting' cow like behaviour which renders the inexperienced or novice pilots useless (or in trees). Its not a pilots (or soloing) chopper, but in the right hands with a good crew can rain destruction on anything it circle strafes over, and until one experiences the 'proper' way in which to fly this beast one has no idea of what it is really capable of. It requires a completely different flying style to all other choppers in the game, but once mastered can very well be the most devastating vehicle in the game.

So my vote definitely goes to the BMP being the stand out worst vehicle in SF and BF2 as a whole.
IRL, BMP kicked ass.

NooBesT wrote:

BMP sucks, rest are awesome.
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6468|San Antonio, Texas
Ugh, BMP phails. Slow as hell, poor turret view, huge ass piece of metal screaming for RPGs up its backside!!

ATVs are great, except when there's a road accident. Many allies have rammed into me with their ATVs in a tank, and sometimes, they have C4 attached.

Helis are great, HIND is more of a two-man heli, but Apache is great for soloing in Ghost Town.

I dunno about you guys, but I like the BMP. Sure it doesn't last very long, but I'm able to attract a lot of easy kills with it.

I voted Forklift. I never use it.
I voted BMP but its was a close tie between it and the choppers really. I fucking hate both of the choppers so much and I don't know what the hell your talking about "...the rockets go where the should and are tightly grouped..." bull shit they scatter and are only good for rape on Ghost Town, and the chain gun doesn't hit anything and has very little of the splash damage that most chopper gunners like so much, and the TVs ARE wierd and travel WAY too fast to hit anything The BMP is just so much fail though its not even funny. Oh and Forklift jihad FTW!
sophisticated slacker
+334|6644|Graz, Austria
Null vote.

I dislike the AIL Desert Raider the most.
Their near instant turning confuses me everytime I'm driving one.
Missing, Presumed Dead

- Choppers are great, Apache for its obvious rockets and HIND for its strafing and easy circle of death ability.
- ATV's are awesome, and are damn easy to control. Once on one, you are pretty much not going to get hit whilst moving by any ground based weapon. You all just need to take off them L plates
- Forklift....meh, it does fail, but its so cool to run people over with And works well in forklift war events

- BMP3? By far the worst. Handling is fine, but its turret is very restricted in movement and shooting at any height is almost impossible. You just cant do anything on MassD unless you are on a flat surface such as the exposed bridges. Its also very light armoured and the recoil fucks it up. Its also slower than the conventional APC's which makes it a bigger deathtrap than usual - and the infantry dont even get sidemounts. Only good thing about it, is everyone inside can play chat and play cards
Former Karkand Addict
+32|6903|Windsor, Ontario, Canada
LOL at people calling thw Apache the best. That helocopter can easily flip trying to turn on it's side unlike anyother helicopter. The Hind is god like though.
Since day One.
I think the BMP3 is just too bouncable. I mean its an armored personel carrier and its light like a civil car. Its suspension should be fixed.

globefish23 wrote:

Null vote.

I dislike the AIL Desert Raider the most.
Their near instant turning confuses me everytime I'm driving one.
yea AIL raider is the WORST by far......atv car bombs are fun!
pub hero!
+603|6701|the land of bourbon
the bmp could be more stable.  but dont forget, it's amphibious!  i like running it out to the sub on devils perch for a little rape...
+140|6807|Armidale, NSW, Australia
Forklift would pwn a chopper TBH.

But yeah, SF vehicles are a bit strange. I love to armour whore in vanilla, but in SF i love to go AT on top of a building...
sophisticated slacker
+334|6644|Graz, Austria
BOO to everyone that doesn't like the forklift truck!
You obviously haven't watched the instructional video.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Reject_Wolf wrote:

LOL at people calling thw Apache the best. That helocopter can easily flip trying to turn on it's side unlike anyother helicopter. The Hind is god like though.
Apache? Clearly you've never tried the Tiger HAP....
TITS or gtfo.
+97|6841|Polish state of EU
who cares about turning, try to land with Tiger
+58|6317|Mesa, AZ

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

IRL, BMP kicked ass.
Yea, well DICE loves making everything that was awesome IRL suck and everything that sucked is made awesome. Like the J10s and F35s in vanilla.
...BMP has my vote, basically for all of the reasons previous members have stated.

The ATV is great for getting out of a tight spot, I've avoided being slaughtered by a tank that was entering my CP, and I flew off, ripping by.  Only if it had working gauges.   (I also like the Jet Ski over the RIB, faster, easier to maneuver, and harder to get killed in.  Imagine WAKE ISLAND 2007 with Jet Skis...)

The Forklift was probably added as a last-ditch effort to had humor to the game...what is more fun then ripping around in a Forlift, running over enemies, or having an Anti-Tank soldier riding out front?

Helicopters...I've had lots of luck in the Rebel's Chopper (unsure of it's name), however the Spetznas' Helicopter has horrib;e handling according to a few of my clan buddies.  They rant and rave about how great the Apache is on Ghost Town...I haven't used it much, myself.  I like the Cobra, or the Chinese Chopper.

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