+13|6974|California, USA
Well I thought the patch was bad enough when it screwed us Radeon 8500/8550/9200/9250/SE users over. I also agree the AA is a bit too powerful. But this goes farther than then that. Dice really screwed up this time. Some of these videos are pretty funny.


Total BF2 Forums wrote:

This post will notify the BF2 community (and hopefully Dice employees), of the massive amounts of bugs 1.2 has created, and failed to mend. Please reply with a bug that is not mentioned, or better yet reply with a link to a video or screenshot with the mentioned bug for proof. This list will be edited frequently, think of it as a wiki for the 1.2 bugs.

New Bugs:

1 Many weapons dont make a sound/animation when others fire them, This is a big deal as you have no way of knowing what direction you are being shot from.
2 Quite often when putting the shock pads away un-charged, you get them out to use them again and they do nothing, you keep pressing to revive somebody and nothing happens.
3 Nade launcher nades don’t bounce for me, some people say it works for them, others say it doesn’t. All I know is I can shoot my feet and kill myself instantly.
4 Nade launcher nades and rocket launcher rockets now often disappear after being fired without an explosion.
5 Packet Loss/Lag Bug. 1.2 seemed to of caused lots of short moments where there is major lag where information is not being sent properly from the player to the server.
This includes: Sniper rifle zooming in, few moments later the person unzooms automaticly due to lag, because the server wasn't aware the person zoomed in, in the first place. AT Rocket firing and going through an armored vehicle, then a few moments later the rocket is not fired, because the server was never aware the person shot. This also includes a hand grenade problem, someone trys to throw a hand grenade, but through lag it doesn't happen, the user trys again to throw, then two grenades are thrown.
6 Sometimes I spawn and im sunk into the ground or unable to move, jumping usually fixes this.
7 Some people have claimed to have invisible buildings and trees, I have not had this one however.
8 In BFHQ my rank is "rankname", my next rank is "private" and my progress to next rank is 100% despite being in fact 60%.
9 Hit indicator often doesn’t display for sniper rifles and some other weapons.
10 AA Bug, Hard to explain.
11 Massive amounts of graphics lag for very high performance pc users.
12 Map filter no longer works on server browser.
13 Firing a TOW mounted on a Humvee in Special Forces results in the whole server crashing. Video Note: Sorry to the comcast server provider, for crashing two of your servers (forgot to film the first time).
14 Strange number appears on radar / floor sometimes. (UAV radius in meters?).
15 Mystery death - You die without hearing a shot, seeing a hit indicator, or reading how/whom on the console. A simple "player is no more".
16 Name bug where a player's name only shows up after they have been killed.
17 F2000 sometimes depletes the entire clip in a single shot, which if they kill an enemy you don't get the points from the kill.'
18 Blackhawk flares glitch
19 Medic defilibrator glitch, it recharges while not in use - even if it is not being used for a fraction of a second.
20 Join Game bug, when a round is over, and a new round commences, clicking the 'Join Game' does not get rid of the round score screen. Video Note: Believe me, I was clicking the 'Join Game' like there was NO tomorrow!
21 Squad bug, more than 6 people are in a squad. Pic Note: Look on the left, squad entitled 'QC'.
22 Texture problems, lots of texture errors have been created in 1.2, more specifically on sandbag textures.

Minor Errors:

1 Ribbons can no longer be highlighted/viewed through clicking in the ribbons section in BFHQ, Special Forces awards can only be viewed while the Special Forces mod is activated.
2 Under community menu Special Forces version number is '1.12', however BF2 is labelled 1.2.
3 Incorrect version number in BFHQ.

Existing Bugs Still Not Fixed:

1 Red/Blue name tag bug still exists and is now worse then ever.
2 Half the time it is impossible to run in special forces.
3 Veteran tactical support badge and special forces medals still cant be achieved.
4 Map bug on zatar and dalian plant still exists despite EA claims it was fixed.
5 Unable to make squads / become commander sometimes.
6 Sometimes you join a server and your a private with no unlocks.
7 It is still possible to enter buildings not designed for entering in order to shoot people without being seen.
8 Multiple pack toss - when playing support kit, I'll toss TWO ammo bags with ONE click.
9 Sometimes vehicles go invisible when looking directly at them.
10 When healing or resupplying the 'zipping' sound from a heal or a metal 'ching' from a resupply continuously loops until one is resupplyed or healed again.
11 When you are in a vehicle repairing something, the repair bar comes up, but it's always 100%, you can't see how much you have repaired at all.
12 In some instances, if someone shoots their gun, the shooting sound continues until the person is dead, or shoots again. This happens most frequently to the AKS 74U, however it has been witnessed on other weapons.
13 Shooting a sniper rile, the cocking animation is not played majority of the time, the odd time the whole reload animation doesn't work.
- Andrew
i ve had some of those but the aa missile thing was funny
Now Playing : Justin Timberlake - Cry me a river!
+13|6974|California, USA
¬ ¬

I honestly don't care about these bugs since I can't even play the game. But honestly...they seemed to make more bugs than they fixed. DICE makes Microsoft look good.

- Andrew
That sf ribbon thing was always like that for me, I always had to start up sf to look at those awards. Thats nothing new.
you forgot how you cant pick up c4/claymore/mines. personally i think not being able to blow up mines / claymores a really stupid idea. people are abusing claymores like a mofo now. at least brinmg back the friendly fire for calymorews / mines. this game is unrealistic enough, and douches will think twice about claymore'ing flags.

other than that looks pretty complete. more proof that this patch is a total piece of shit.
Even if they gave us the ability to pick our explosives up your post would have still been here but with something else.

Get a grip chaps. It's a game. Games are fun.
+1|7031|Adelaide, Australia
This is so rediculous...
Over the line!
+70|7070|Mark it zero.

AMTXP wrote:

¬ ¬

I honestly don't care about these bugs since I can't even play the game. But honestly...they seemed to make more bugs than they fixed. DICE makes Microsoft look good.

- Andrew
hahaha i was thinking the exact same thing
+31|7079|Vienna, Austria
Funny... the thing with the F2000 where you kill someone (and are 100% sure you did) and don't get the points seems to happen with other guns too...
+31|7079|Vienna, Austria

xXMMMSXx wrote:

Get a grip chaps. It's a game. Games are fun.
And bugs are annyoing... why do we have to download something that makes a game worse?
I hate the lag bug soo much. Can't tell how many times I've been killed becuase I don't actually shoot, but it looks like it.
was his name-o
+0|7025|SE Pennsylvania
And of course, that person forgot to mention the most annoying bug of all - ending a chat message in "e" results in exiting the vehicle.
i cant play bf2 with my video card because of the new patch messed up patch thanks to EA of course
YAh My ping is always 100+ and the sounds is screwed- forgot to mention the desktop crashes too. They have no idea what they are doing now
LOL you never think a patch is worse until someone comes up with a list of glitches like that one above,lol.

Good job but shouldn't you get in touch with the ones who put out that patch ? I know you wanted us to know about what you found and glad you did but, all it does is get people pissed off and we can't correct the problems , they can though.
+31|7079|Vienna, Austria
Btw another thing that hasn't been mentioned is the C4/detonator bug... this has always been a problem but has gotten even worse... when planting a C4 it's impossible to take out the detonator and blow it up shortly after... he takes the detonatorout, but of you click, you plantanother C4...
.:The D€S€RŦ ]V[ǾŲ∩Ŧ€€:.
+6|6965|Behind you with my knife
#19 aint a glitch its just a new patch fix

a quote from the fileplanet download page

"- Medic defibrillator paddles have been adjusted. They now reload while not in use. "
.:The D€S€RŦ ]V[ǾŲ∩Ŧ€€:.
+6|6965|Behind you with my knife
wtf it posted 3 times?
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
And that god damn reload bug is STILL here (and now it's also with shock pads). Seriosly... There came more bugs with this new patch than they removed. Fuck EA!
good list, DICE is shit.
WCR official whiner
+6|7049|Madrid, Spain
I love the patch fixes... don't care about a couple of little bugs.... this should be in the complain section btw... another whiner omfg
Actually I've seen that squad problem (7/6) before the patch.  It's very very rare, though.
Red tag bug is worse now. I only got it once before 1.2, i have had it twice since i installed it on thursday. Its not looking good for the coming months.
+3|7031|Coeur D' Alene, ID
At least this post is constructive....I agree there are some new weird bugs now, even more noticeable than the last.

One that hasn't been mentioned...

In Karkand after an APC fires it's TOW the main gun looks like two side guns with no sound.  It's weird and hard to explain, but it's kinda like the thing has two fireball sirens going off.

Also, that APC's cannot fire through a chain link fence any longer???

I think this list and the additions should be posted on the actual website and post it in a decent non critical and constructive manner so DICE works with us more effectively....screaming and cussing and calling names is not going to get us anywhere.

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