Hi, I have a problem. My country is Lithuania and when i have created my account i have chosen country Lithuania (LT), it was good, but after some time in bf2s.com statistics my nationality set to US. How can i fix this problem?
I don't think its possible to change nationality, sry
Apply for a US Greencard? U problably could get a work permit and move there.
Can't do it unfortunately- new account is the only way.
I actually cracked half of a cynical smile at your post.millmax wrote:
Apply for a US Greencard? U problably could get a work permit and move there.
Well done.
I'm not sure if this will work, but go to www.gamespyid.com and change your nationality there.
It works for password, but I'm not sure about nationality.
It works for password, but I'm not sure about nationality.