+1|6799|The Netherlands
I've got the 1.2 patch since it came out and yesterday I was finally testing it while in a jet and there are some notes about the patch I want to make:
Infantry is more fun now(don't know what to say about the support class)
And please don't say that I don't know anything by saying this because I used the GL a lot and I sometimes automaticly jumped (hopped) to get away from enemy fire.

Jets vs AA are more balanced now:
Let's face it, before the patch the AA was a joke every time they wanted to shoot a missle at you.
But it has bugs: Yesterday I was locked and I dropped my flares and it scared me for live.
The AA missle "hitted" all my flares, so it was making crazy angles (It missed my plane but it was scary).
The only thing that needs to be changed that the missle don't fly backwards when it has passed you and the crazy angles it is making.

I have been in a plane a lot (you can look at my stats if you want), and I didn't need to adjust my planetactics that much (I added some BF1942 tactics).
I had rounds where I only died because I didn't see our heli (srry).

Jet vs Jet:
Too bad the dogfights are less fun now.
When a pilot is behind you "you're dead".
The rockets are crazy, I even shot a rocket that went underneath a JSF, (I think it even got it the water), and it made a straight angle up into the plane.

I haven't been in a helicopter a lot so I can't tell much about that.
I just think that when you are in a heli you need your gunner/infantry/arty to clear out the AA first or you are good with the rockets you have.

This is my opinion about the 1.2 patch.
Please don't flame me for it or say that I don't know anything about Battlefield because I can tell you this:
Played BF1942 since the demo untill BF2 was released.
Played BF:V when it was out (M60+Law fun), but I keeped playing BF42 because some patched made it more unbalanced and it was missing the feeling you got while playing BF42.
I even worked on mods (XBF and helped other mods) with both games so I know enough about Battlefield don't you think?

Any serious thoughts could be helpfull (not the: 0mg LOL, planewhore are getting 0wned now, because I haven't seen much of it while flying).

Last edited by Metaltop (2006-02-17 01:16:09)

Moderator Emeritus
+76|6808|London UK

erm bassically, your a noob and you dont know what your talking about :p

but no seriously, those AA missiles are freaky now! Ive seen them do some crazy stuff.
Well, here are my comments:

Infantry:  Much more fun, the G3 has been improved, apart from the small ammo clip (20 rounds).  The support class is very dangerous, i was getting sniped by a PKM yesterday - one shot to the head each time and i had no idea where he was.  The anti-tank kit is still weak, considering tanks/APC's are even harder to destroy (because of the helicopter adjustments).  Also i'm undecided over the P90, the rate of fire is slow, so what's the point of having 50 rounds when you get killed every time??

Choppers:  Much more challenging, last night i was playing and noone wanted to be my gunner!! Ok i'm not that great at flying, but they didn't know that!  A/A really kicks ass, there's nothing more satisfying than blasting a chopper out of the sky and getting two kills...  Flying actually needs tactics now, as well as teamwork - you have to fly low, take cover behind buildings, and take out the A/A emplacement before dealing with the enemy troops.

Jets:  Again, more challenging, no more Wake Island rape!!  The essex is now deadly, we had someone on our team who stayed in it the whole round and after getting 4 kills, the jets stayed away!  I was commander, so i was on the aircraft carrier the whole time.

Patch:  Many problems.  Have a look at the threads on this, but too many bugs still out there, and several new ones created.  I foresee a patch for the patch.

New ranking system:   A lot of people have whined about how the top ranking players have nothing to play for.  This is total bullshit!  If they simply increased the points requirements, then the top 100 would continue playing karkand, medic whoring etc in order to reach 1million points or whatever.  Now they actually have to play other maps, in vehicles!  But more importantly, they've already had 1500 hours of game time, so maybe they should give it a rest.  I'm glad EA has catered for the 100,000 players who have between 20,000 and 100,000 points, giving them rank targets beyond sergeant major.  And if you've played this game for 1500 hours and you're whining - go do something else.  Get some exercise to burn off your fat.  Get a life.
+1|6799|The Netherlands
If the top players want a new rank now they will have to play other maps and other kits.
There aren't that much players with 200.000 and EA/Dice can't expect us to play for another 10 years or something.
+1|6799|The Netherlands
This thread doesn't probably doesn't have as much replies as the rest because they haven't got much to flame about against me.

Just made the flamers/complainers silence a bit.
+1|6764|Orlando, FL
Off the subject somewhat, but WHY do people call missles rockets and rockets missles? For God's sake people, a rocket is a dumb projectile. It flys straight i.e. the rockets the pilot uses on the attack helos. Missles on the other hand, can be guided, either by heatseeking, TV, or laser. Missles tend to cause alot more damage than rockets because they are larger and pack more explosives. The also tend to go much further and with guidance are alot more accurate and effective.

So let's review. Jets use MISSLES, whether its the bomber and his copilot, or the fighter. Attack chopper PILOTS use ROCKETS that fly STRAIGHT. The helo gunner uses TV guided MISSLES. Not even EA can get it right, as you saw with the patch notes.

And don't even start with the technical defination that you can say a rocket IS a missle. FFS we use those terms to differentiate them. It's common sense. That way there is no confusion as to what type of projectile is being fired. So please I know it's nitpicky, just like calling the Cobra an Apache or saying KarkLand, but let's try to communicate in an intelligent manner.

P.S. I swear whoever started the bullshit term in the media for when a building is demolished an IMPLOSION (it is NOT an IMPLOSION), I hope you die and burn in hell. PROPER ENGLISH FTW!

Metaltop wrote:

This thread doesn't probably doesn't have as much replies as the rest because they haven't got much to flame about against me.

Just made the flamers/complainers silence a bit.
Since we're being nit-picky about equipment names...

I think the patch was good in that they improved AA. Its bad in that they improved AA the wrong way. During my play tests I made some pretty impossible shots when air- to -air.

The statement that if in a dog fight and someone gets behind you, "Your dead" is completely true. Someone in my clan was in a J-10 and I in a JSF. He admits he is a total newbie to flying. He shot me down several times ONLY because he got behind me. Now the better performing plane wins the dogfight, not the pilot.

I really need to fraps how the missles launch now. Almost all the time they have no adjustments. The second they are fired they are directly heading for their target. I barely have outrun a few missles. Go into a roll with afterburner and for some reason the missle has hard time keeping up. Probably becuase its trying to figure out the best way to get to you but it can't becuase its always changing.

Odd thing is once you have a lock, its almost for sure that the missle will hit the target, flares or no flares. You literally have to strike a target only when you have flares advailable, they are only you one chance of survival. I did make flares useful against AA turrets and the Shika by afterburner-flares- hard bank turn. Missles still hit me, but some still did miss.

Btw, usmarine2005 your sig is such a joke. If the F-15 pretty much stalled at 300 mph (or whatever units the game is in) then it would be like flying a brick.

FSFGrimes wrote:

Btw, usmarine2005 your sig is such a joke. If the F-15 pretty much stalled at 300 mph (or whatever units the game is in) then it would be like flying a brick.
What the fuck are you talking about?

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