Little BaBy JESUS

krazed wrote:

so... no leg breaking?
Not yet....

Lt.Victim wrote:

But I know I can always rely on people like Lai, Commando and bennisboy to tell me how it really is..
Dw Lt. u can trust me
+3,611|6659|London, England

LT.Victim wrote:

I really don't want to talk to her about it, because like you said, It would just result in a big fuss over nothing..

I knew people would over think the whole thing, which is why I wasn't going to post it in the first place.. But I know I can always rely on people like Lai, Commando and bennisboy to tell me how it really is..
And me to jump in with random hateful comments towards girls based on past experiences



*crys + rocks back and forth*
Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6450|Michigan, USA

It's been a week - what's new LT.Vicitm?
+69|6746|th3 unkn0wn

commandochristian wrote:

It's been a week - what's new LT.Vicitm?
Why don't you PM him?

Somebody please close this thread. It's gone on for fucking too long and the problem's been solved already ffs.

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

commandochristian wrote:

It's been a week - what's new LT.Vicitm?
Why don't you PM him?

Somebody please close this thread. It's gone on for fucking too long and the problem's been solved already ffs.
Why does it bother you?

If you dont like it, dont view it
+3,611|6659|London, England
So I was at a Club the other day

Girls are such hoes

Oh yeah and I got kicked out and also had a fight, well it almost escalated into something big and well it wasnt really a proper fight


Last edited by Mek-Izzle (2008-03-05 12:55:06)


Mek-Izzle wrote:

So I was at a Club the other day

Girls are such hoes

Oh yeah and I got kicked out and also had a fight, well it almost escalated into something big and well it wasnt really a proper fight

Uhm,.. Mek, you OK? You sound a bit, well,.. tipsy.
+3,611|6659|London, England

I'm fine now, just I don't know how to type blogs like LT.Victim does
A generally unremarkable member

{HMS}_Sir_Del_Boy wrote:

commandochristian wrote:

It's been a week - what's new LT.Vicitm?
Why don't you PM him?

Somebody please close this thread. It's gone on for fucking too long and the problem's been solved already ffs.
no u

i was just about to bump this thread for awsmness

Last edited by henno13 (2008-03-05 13:58:38)

+1,175|6600|British Columbia, Canada
Fuck... I got absolutely smashed last night. Worst Hangover ever right now.. So this is probably gonna be a slur of words..

So last night, I went to a movie with Lindsey and one of my buddies... We saw 10,000 BC, fucking awesome movie btw.
After the movie, I went to Lindsey's House.. (fill in the blank with sexually explicit material here) and then around 11:00 a few of my friends call me up. This was like.. during the sexytime, I just let the phone ring and then I picked it up after, well inbetween rounds actually.. lmao. They wanted me to come with them to Mission. So I leave Lindsey's house, she couldn't come as she has 2 soccer games today. I think she was kinda mad that I left her. I pretty much just put on my clothes and went on my way, which I felt kinda bad for. As I'm getting into my truck, the same guy that came with me to go to the movie called me up. I invited him to come with me. So I meet him at our school parking lot, we drive to my house, park his Maxima and my truck and get into my other friends car. At this point, he hands two 8-packs of Molson Coldshots, a Rockstar(engery drink) with Vodka and a micky of captian morgans rum. My friend had half a micky of Vodka or something in his car, he finishes that off and I start on the Rockstar.. We start driving so we can meet up with some of my other friends. At this point me and my buddy in the back of the car are already starting on the 8-pack of coldshots. We are both on are like seconds before we all meetup at Canadian Tire. We take some used tires from the back of the store by the dumpster and shove them into the back of this guys Jetta. Its loaded to the max with tires.

We all start driving along the highway.. My friend just driving both of are tipsy asses while we (No not the driver, we aren't THAT stupid) finish off the booze that he bought for us. We stop at Mcdicks and get some food. Then we get some gas later on to burn the tires with.. (oh shush you environmentalist) So we drive to the place where we are gonna have the bonfire, One of the case of Coldshots is already gone by this time and I'm feeling pretty good. We start the fire, black smoke going everywhere, I have some videos on my phone that I took, I might post them up.. lol

So we got this massive inferno going, and then some girls and a few random guys that we don't know come up from another fire cause ours is bigger then theres is.. So we meet these random people, have a good time. One of my friends is smoking a joint, I take a few puffs. So now at this point, I've had an energy drink, some booze, some weed.. and then out comes the Captian Morgans. I remember taking a few swigs and then everything just kinda went as a blure. We left at like 3 in the morning cause it takes a good hour to get back. I don't remember the ride home at all. I dunno if I passed out, just sat there, talked or anything. All I remember is about a block from my house, I tell the driver to pull over, I fall out of the car, puke all over the ground, and then I think I started walking towards my house. Apparently I like ran the whole block and half to my house, In which I don't remember at all. I remember coming to my sidedoor of my house. Getting the key in the door, dunno how I got into my bed, or If I woke my parents or anything.

I wake up at like 12, Dunno how my buddy got home, he calls me, apparently he slept in his car for a few hours then drove home. He comes to my house, picks me up and we go to my work to eat. I'm totally out of it when I'm eating and stuff. I still feel like I'm drunk etc...

I don't even know if what I wrote makes sense, but I'm too fucked right now to check it.
Two raw eggs and a glass of tomato juice,.. well at least that's what's you should offer your guests if they have a hangover, according to official etiquette.

Personally I'd have more confidence in a proper breakfast (or a Byzantine one with wine ). Can't tell for sure what really works or really doesn't work though, somehow I never had a hangover.
+3,611|6659|London, England
So anyway, there was this one girl. And then she so wanted me. And I was kinda leading her on, and then I decided to call it off because I CAN'T BE ARSED FOR THAT SHIT YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN.

Long story short, she eventually went off with some other guy. I was like LOL

I have other people, friends, to look out for, fuck bitches.

My Blog is better than yours, I guarantee more people read my posts

Mek-Izzle wrote:

So anyway, there was this one girl. And then she so wanted me. And I was kinda leading her on, and then I decided to call it off because I CAN'T BE ARSED FOR THAT SHIT YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN.

Long story short, she eventually went off with some other guy. I was like LOL

I have other people, friends, to look out for, fuck bitches.

My Blog is better than yours, I guarantee more people read my posts
buh I read both!

As we're on the subject I really could have done without gettin smashed both friday n saturday. I've got bare work n done none of it!
Ah well, only a week till hols.
haha jus saw a pic of me at the start of friday, I look so camp in one of the uni bars, n damn i need a haircut
+456|6170|Carnoustie, Scotland

LT.Victim wrote:

Fuck... I got absolutely smashed last night. Worst Hangover ever right now.. So this is probably gonna be a slur of words..

LT.Victim wrote:

This was like.. during the sexytime

LT.Victim wrote:

she has 2 soccer games today.
Your hoe plays football? Even I don't. God damn.

LT.Victim wrote:

I think she was kinda mad that I left her.

LT.Victim wrote:

(No not the driver, we aren't THAT stupid)

LT.Victim wrote:

(oh shush you environmentalist)

LT.Victim wrote:

I have some videos on my phone that I took
Do want.

LT.Victim wrote:

I take a few puffs.
z0mG h4rDc0r£

LT.Victim wrote:

I fall out of the car, puke all over the ground

LT.Victim wrote:

I don't even know if what I wrote makes sense, but I'm too fucked right now to check it.
It's K spose.

That is all

Last edited by Funky_Finny (2008-03-10 06:36:37)

I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|6867|Denver colorado
Excuse me while I make my story part of this uberlong thread.

so theres this friend mine and shes really nice but kinda weird, I was sorta interested in other people but I still considered her. But recently Ive been thinking about her 'that way' more and more. So because she wasn't on I sent her this message and I'm going to talk to her about it today maybe

"You know when Ben said that we should "just go out" or something along those lines and you replied 'jacob doesn't feel that way about me' ?
I just wanted to say that that's not very fair to say. I've always liked you a lot as a person and I've thought about you 'that way' also, I just never wanted to jeopardize our good friendship and I didn't want to, in a way, back stab canyon.
But because canyon's not in a situation to complain (he has a girlfriend) and I'm sure that no matter what you decide nothing will change for the worse I think that, if us becoming 'more than just friends' is the natural way of things, we can embrace it and have a little more fun around each other.

And feel free to talk to me about this, I just wanted to relay this message as clear as possible in an email so there aren't any confusions."

So yeah.. I wonder what shes going to say. I heard from others that I shouldn't get my hopes up because she really goes for assholes only because she never had a father figure in her life.

Maybe this time will be different...

I think that It might because during the night I was talking about we were playing around physically. And when her mom was driving home she reached back and we messed around with each others hands behind the seat.

But anyways I'm keeping it simple and apparently I'm being "blunt" about it. But whats funny about that is a friend who I consider sorta shy in that sense said that.
+1,175|6600|British Columbia, Canada

Funky_Finny wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

I think she was kinda mad that I left her.
Ya.. I went to her house yesterday after she had soccer before I had to go to work, and she was pissed.

I like went to go hug and kiss her, but she just walked away.. I'm like "oh shitt.."

She's just like "I'm mad because you like passed me up for something better"

So I talk to her about it. I thought she was alright with me leaving, because she said I could go, and she didn't try and stop me or anything..

She said..  "You can do whatever you want.. you'll just have to face the repercussions of your actions"

But everything is fine now.. she forgave me, I know what I did was stupid etc.. I went to her house after I got off work to do Homework with her, and everything was back to normal.
+456|6170|Carnoustie, Scotland

My Gf is awesome though
Honda - The Power of Dreams
+293|6450|Michigan, USA

LT.Victim wrote:

[text]... But everything is fine now.. she forgave me, I know what I did was stupid etc.. I went to her house after I got off work to do Homework with her, and everything was back to normal.
Man, you must be a really smooth sweet talker then, to have everything back to normal so quickly.  In fact, I think your sly tongue is what got you and Lindsey together in the first place.  Your personality and appearance might have had something to do with it too, but seriously, you really must know what to say and when to say it. I'm so impressed, I'll +1 you for it

Funky_Finny wrote:


My Gf is awesome though
I agree, especially in bed
+3,611|6659|London, England

bennisboy wrote:

Funky_Finny wrote:


My Gf is awesome though
I agree, especially in bed

Mek-Izzle wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Funky_Finny wrote:


My Gf is awesome though
I agree, especially in bed
Yeah, the damn fat bitch broke my bed
+3,611|6659|London, England
Well I don't know what to say, he's on fire


That'll do

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Well I don't know what to say, he's on fire


That'll do
My name's Joe Bennis
I'm here all week
Un Moderador

LT.Victim wrote:

Funky_Finny wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

I think she was kinda mad that I left her.
Ya.. I went to her house yesterday after she had soccer before I had to go to work, and she was pissed.

I like went to go hug and kiss her, but she just walked away.. I'm like "oh shitt.."

She's just like "I'm mad because you like passed me up for something better"

So I talk to her about it. I thought she was alright with me leaving, because she said I could go, and she didn't try and stop me or anything..

She said..  "You can do whatever you want.. you'll just have to face the repercussions of your actions"

But everything is fine now.. she forgave me, I know what I did was stupid etc.. I went to her house after I got off work to do Homework with her, and everything was back to normal.
You must learn from your actions. When a woman says "It's fine, you can go".
In reality, it means

Yeah, best learnt the hard way.

Zimmer wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

Funky_Finny wrote:

Ya.. I went to her house yesterday after she had soccer before I had to go to work, and she was pissed.

I like went to go hug and kiss her, but she just walked away.. I'm like "oh shitt.."

She's just like "I'm mad because you like passed me up for something better"

So I talk to her about it. I thought she was alright with me leaving, because she said I could go, and she didn't try and stop me or anything..

She said..  "You can do whatever you want.. you'll just have to face the repercussions of your actions"

But everything is fine now.. she forgave me, I know what I did was stupid etc.. I went to her house after I got off work to do Homework with her, and everything was back to normal.
You must learn from your actions. When a woman says "It's fine, you can go".
In reality, it means

Yeah, best learnt the hard way.
very true

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