+1|6881|San Antonio, TX
Im damn good at a tank. For that reason I use a tank alot to obtain ranks and basges. Any ways I got kicked for being good at a tank. I was USMC using an APC. Well where the broken car is on Karkand I was damaged and there was a supply box there from the other guy using it. So I use it and while im repairing there are about 7 guys i kill coming out of it. Finally i move to go cap a flag. Welll same thing happens but near the side of the flag. Then I go and cap the flag on the hill north of the square. I have about 61 points for kills and flag capping. They want to kick me. When i was finished wiht the flag capping i go to the square to cap the flag. Well as usuall the enemy pops up when im capping the flag and i kill em. They bitch that im a apc whore and swpn killer. Well i told em in the prossess of caping a flag ur sopoesed to kill the enemy soo u wont get killed. Then as i was making my was to the other side of the river they finally killed me. Sgt. Davis and his fag friends kicked me for being good at a APC.
+50|6731|Southern California
that always sucks, but poetic justice is that sometimes even when you're kicked if you did well enough you still get the gold.

got kicked for bombing the carrier deck at oman and i had like 35 kills, no other flags were occupied by USMC and the reason no other flags were occupid is because i systematically bombed their armor and our team just rolled in with our armor and took the map. soon as all the enemy was off the mainland i bombed the carrier and was kicked instantly by an admin. 60 ticks left - but i still got the gold posthumously. was beautiful!
they need to take supply crates out
Dead Meat
Hmm, I feel for you... kinda.
Maby they fealt you were whoring or something... still not right.

By the way... you posted in the wrong place. It should have been in "BF2 - Complain"
but I won't tell anyone if you don't!!!!!!
Omg Your Right Move This Post


I"m Blowing The Whislte On This One@!!!!@!@!@
u might like my sig for people that suck
The MEC APC can camp in the back allys of Karkand and really nail the troops, it's really lame because theres several places where most of the spawn points are visible and tightly packed, leaving little chance for the enemy to actually spawn and fight back.

Some people think its lame and spawn camping, some people don't but it doesn't alter the fact that its why you were kicked.  Just be aware that quite a lot of people have a problem with spawn camping and if you do things like this theres a chance you'll be either voted off or kicked by an admin, especially if their rules state no spawn camping.

Almost all the APC's on Karkand get used to camp the flags they don't actually help move in and capture them, they sit back and just repeatedly kill people who have just spawned.
+10|6810| Going Feral
I think it is lame when that happens on Karkand.

Here's what usually happens when I play USMC and I am lucky enough to get the APC:

1.  All the dumbasses on USMC decide to go "Hey Diddle Diddle, Straight Up the Middle."  In other words, they do the human wave technique and try to cap the hotel. 

2.  I try to do the end-around and cap the suburbs, and possibly the gate house (32-man server).  I check my map, and I see that all the knuckle-heads are still throwing themselves at the hotel.

3.  I high-tail it back to the hotel to help out so that we can move on to the square and/or the market.

4.  I cruise up and down the streets looking to fend off any mec armor or any mec foot troops.  I try not to sit right by the spawn points, but if they are going to come out of the spawn points and expose themselves on the streets, I shoot them.

5.  By this time, I've probably got about 15-20 kills, to go along with 2 or 3 flag captures and maybe a couple of healing points or so (I play medic, so my APC is like an armored ambulance).

6.  The opposing team starts trying to kick me, and some arrogant dickweed will say something like, "Luckybaer stop camping and go cap a flag."  To which I respond, "WTF do you think I'm trying to do?  All my dumbass teammates are hurling themselves at the hotel!"

You can't win, man.  You just can't win with some people.
The Forum Alien
+89|6842|The planet Tophet
well to me you did nothing wrong, im not usualy a tank whore im a humvve whore lol
Jet Rammer
+4|6763|Debris From Space
+haT i5 +eh k3wl TH1NG.
+1|6765|Orlando, FL
See this is the kind of situation that PISSES ME OFF in regards to the babies that cry spawn camping. Whether or not they're gonna take the outpost it only makes sense for them to kill you. What you expect them to do, sit there and let you get a chance to kill them back? Jesus Christ use your head. And in this particular case the US can ALWAYS spawn at thier main or at another flag. So there is NO EXCUSE for you to die repeatedly. You are the idiot the chooses to continue spawning there so UP YOURS.
As far as Karkand, I really think trying to hold the Hotel spawn off the bat as MEC is a mistake.  If you position at the suburb, square, and get one squad watching south of the trainwreck and some on the other side of the river (talking 64 man here really) you can keep the US contained pretty well.    Way too many tickets are lost on both sides fighting for the hotel.  It's not the key point that the square and suburb are.

As far as the US side on Karkand, yeah, headin for the hotel is not the wisest route.  Either far to the left for the suburb or far to the right to get across the river.  If you keep a couple squads together to grab either route while the mass of MEC troops are playing around the Hotel you can make the map wide open and leave a mass of troops running to catch up.

Anyway, little ramble, but yeah its a shame that voting has turned into kicking those playing well instead of those TK'ers and non team players.
+1|6881|San Antonio, TX
I dont care so much about the gold as i do the points. A gold is yea i came in first. But points help you say im a high ranking SOB!!! ya know? But thats not my case, my case is that i was kicked for being good at a APC or tank. Does it sound to yall in yalls app. was i camping?
Just take it as a compliment. If they are so bad that they can't enjoy themselves until youre gone... then thats just hilarious. Just knowing that some other kid is screaming in front of his pc somewhere initiating vote kicks on me is worth being kicked. I love it when people kick me cause I'm owning. They know what they are doing is lame and pathetic.
camp all you want, especially if its a cappable flag.  The other team can always try to spawn at another spot and come back to take that flag like they should.

I like this example.  On mashtur if I'm in a squad taking the power plant I will position myself behind that little shed where people spawn while others take the flag.  I may not get the flag cap points, I may not even get to kill a player when they spawn, but I am protecting my team while they cap a flag.  it's all part of the game.

People are going to be sore losers no matter what.  Be thankful there are alot of other servers to play on and you can simply change servers.  You could also pay for your own server and kick those you don't like.
Horseman 77
I don't consider myself a good player, to Score well you really need to play a lot,  Joining a clan helps too. Never gonna happen. I joined a clan in MoH, They had try outs and picked me. The -= 5ThSS =- I quit in one day. what assholes. I just like to play. point,s win, lose, etc IDK, if I can get in a Squad I get the kit they need and follow orders. most times few squads form fewer still operate well. I love to lay down a base of fire with a HMV or LMG.
I love to snipe.

A Whore shall never be confused with some one who plays well. If you spawn and notice a vehicle is do to spawn. The whore will sidle up to your face, move into the sweet spot and hold down the enter key in an effort to take it from you. This is a whore, Whores suk.

I suk at BF2 and Excell at reality
+1|6881|San Antonio, TX
thats a good way to look at it. Take it as a compliament!

ArkAng37 wrote:

Im damn good at a tank. For that reason I use a tank alot to obtain ranks and basges. Any ways I got kicked for being good at a tank. I was USMC using an APC. Well where the broken car is on Karkand I was damaged and there was a supply box there from the other guy using it. So I use it and while im repairing there are about 7 guys i kill coming out of it. Finally i move to go cap a flag. Welll same thing happens but near the side of the flag. Then I go and cap the flag on the hill north of the square. I have about 61 points for kills and flag capping. They want to kick me. When i was finished wiht the flag capping i go to the square to cap the flag. Well as usuall the enemy pops up when im capping the flag and i kill em. They bitch that im a apc whore and swpn killer. Well i told em in the prossess of caping a flag ur sopoesed to kill the enemy soo u wont get killed. Then as i was making my was to the other side of the river they finally killed me. Sgt. Davis and his fag friends kicked me for being good at a APC.
Lol who cares your a stat padder just look at your kill streak and fav and worst enemys hehe and please learn to spell
+4|6700|Marshall, IL
I have an idea on what to do when you spawn and there is an apc/tank killing you....

PICK ANOTHER FECKING SPAWNPOINT! Its not that hard to point click, wow, nobody around maybe i can sneek up behind them and plant some c4 and BOOM!
ROFL - Yep, the noobs are rampant.  Ugh. 

Whenever I hit servers that aren't on my favorites, then I expect the BS to follow.  Like this one place in particular, "Some Gave All" clan server - they accused me of being a "hax0r" then I earned that 1 ban in my stats. 

So, find good servers, stick with em is what I like to do. 

As for "spawn camping" - if it's a cappable flag, fair game.  Don't whine.  The only thing I don't like (personally) is people camping the UCBs ( like gas station on Kark ) - not cool.  I don't like doing it myself, and I don't like it when I see my team doing it.

But - Hotel on Kark - that's a high-points area for Medics & Support guys - well - any class.  You hang on to that spot with a good team - pick off US as they come down through that first fence   e-z.  Though, I've gotta agree, Suburb is always the source of a really GOOD FIGHT!  That place can be a fortress supreme if you've got a well rounded MEC team holding on to it.
+1|6881|San Antonio, TX
na get this! I was on the same server laying low for a while. And a guy named Jarhead had up to 70 points. Well he was on USMC and I was MEC and they jammed us up to the last flag. Well everyone knows that sniping across the river is a good way to score! Well he did that with a M95. He was good at it. And they tried to kick him. Everyone but him had less then 40. 30-40 is a average round. Well I askled the noobs why are they kicking him for being so good at a sniper rifle? They didnt say a thing, they did try to kick em and we battled on. Next round. My squad and I scored around 95-110 points that round. Cap'n flag and killen noobs. Anyway at the end I ended up with 125 points from kills and flag caps. And no one said shit.....Oh yea!  before I probly. get yelled at this is a Karkand 32 man server playing mostly the larger version of karkand.
And i like to play large maps with not that many people on there for practice....most of the time.

Last edited by ArkAng37 (2006-02-18 17:41:18)

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