How the fuck is this effective advertising? I don't think it compelled me to buy Starburst Berries and Cream... it compelled me to watch over my shoulder for some dancing fruitcake
Thats not advertising, its just annoying.
It's a shit ad, but you'll now remember it.

He kinda looks like the psycho from No Country for Old Men. The hair and the eyes. Except retarded. Puts the movie in a whole new light too.
The fact that you cared enough and posted a thread on a website about the ad is reason enough to say that the commercial is a success.
That's how advertising is done. They make dumb commercials so you'll remember it. Like head-on... It's annoying, but everyone remembers it.
Yeah that's what they aim to do... but in this case, I think they failed.ThaReaper wrote:
That's how advertising is done. They make dumb commercials so you'll remember it. Like head-on... It's annoying, but everyone remembers it.