haha ok. so far youve compared kim to jesus, mohammed and george washington. you're full of shit and i hope you step on a rusty nail. by the way, i might be ignorant of the subject, but since when has the United States and nkorea ever had any kind of student exchange? i could have sworn that to get into nkorea as any kind of visitor is quite hard and if your an American its impossible...nancyhutto wrote:
Can't we all just get along? Communicating would be a start...like the US with Kim Jong Il. When I was a student at Baylor, my studies abroad included working in North Korea. I met Kim several times and found him to be a wonderful person who cares about every single soul in his country. Once the world starts to talk to him, I think people throughout the world will start to call him the Great Leader and history will ultimately view him at a level near Mohammed or Jesus.
[email protected]
Ill almost believe your a north korean agent trying to spread disinformation. if you are, mission failed.
Last edited by GunSlinger OIF II (2006-10-16 07:57:40)