not fulla schit

chile1 wrote:

1. Be able to put a c4 on enemies body

2. Be able to Choke and enemy

3. Timer on c4

4. Being able to change to your enemies suit when killing enemy(this will trick so many ppl)

5. Can get into enemies car when they are in also...thats ganna be funny

6. More types of game modes

7.Keep the online gameplay the same, but make single player better

8.Being able to dismantle vehicles( so when enemy gets in the vehicle it just falls apart lol)

9. Have 2 parachutes like in real skydiving(so if you parachute in accident and your too high, you can cut the parachute and open the emergency one which would be smaller)

10.Have the soldiers bleed instead of smoke

11.Commander should have different camera angles
12.remove pants so you can really t- bag your enemy proper.

13. swords would be better than pocket knifes.

14. coolers of beer for the winning team!!!!

15. loosing team watches as winning team pounds down a few!

16. be able to take p.o.w.'s  and a challenge to rescue them !

18. tourture is cool! lol
EDIT: Everything i could think off.

Okay kit loadout and unlocks.


-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Kabar Combat Knife-------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 2|P226-------------->   |M9---------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 3|HK416       |M24      |M4A1--------->  |M240      |XM110       |M11-87     |MP5
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |M203   |Frags--------------------------> |Wrench     |SMAW
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|M2 slam  |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                           |Defrib|                               | C4            |

-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Kabar Combat Knife-------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 2|P226-------------->   |M9---------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 3|M4A1         |M40a3   |M16A4------->  |M249      |M14 DMR    |M11-87    |MP5
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |M203   |Frags------------------------->   |Wrench    |AT4
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|M2 slam  |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                           |Defrib|                               | C4            |

Royal Marine Corps.
-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Fairburn Sykes Combat Knife----------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 2|P226-------------->   |L9A1-------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 3|L22A2        |L115A1 |L85A2------->   |L108A1   |L86A2        |M1014      |MP7
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |L17A1   |Frags------------------------>  |Wrench    |  LAW 80
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|M2 slam  |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                           |Defrib|                               | C4            |

-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Some sort of Middle eastern or Russian Combat Knife------------------------------->
Slot 2|MR-443------------> |MR-444------------------------------------------------------------>
Slot 3|AK102        |SV-98  |AK101------->  |RPK-101  |SVD-S      |SAIGA 12K|PP-19
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |GP-30   |Frags------------------------> |Wrench     |RPG-22
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|TNT          |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                            |Defrib|                               | C4            |

-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Some sort of Middle eastern or Russian Combat Knife------------------------------->
Slot 2|Browning High Power|Pistolet Makarov Modern----------------------------------------->
Slot 3|AK-MS       |Mosin   |AK47 ------->    |RPK-47  |SVD            |Sawed off|PPS-43
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |GP-25   |Frags-------------------------> |Wrench     |RPG-7
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|TNT          |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                            |Defrib|                                | C4           |

-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Chinese or Russian Combat Knife------------------------------------------------------>
Slot 2|QSZ-92 in 9mm      |QSZ-92 in 5.8---------------------------------------------------->
Slot 3|QBZ-95b    |JS Rifle |QBZ-95 ------> |QBB-95  |QBU-88      |Hawk Semi|Type-05
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |QBZ-GL |Frags------------------------> |Wrench      |PF-98
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|TNT          |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                            |Defrib|                                | C4           |

EDIT 2: Unlocks.

Pistol. Glock 18, MK. 23.
Spec ops. AS Val, M468
Sniper. Cheytec .408, XM109.
Assault. G3, AN-94 Abekan.
Medic.  FN FAL, G41.
Support. M60e4, PKM.
Marksmen. VSS, M82.
Engineer. UMP, AA-12
Anti-Tank. DAO-12, P90.

Last edited by David.P (2008-03-03 09:19:56)


David.P wrote:

Okay kit loadout and unlocks.


Spec ops. Knife, P226, HK416, Frags, M2 Slam mines.
Sniper. Knife, P226, M24, Smokes, Claymore.
Assault. Knife, M9, M4A1, M203, Smokes, Grapple.
Medic. Knife, M9, M4A1, Smokes, Med Bag, Defrib.
Support. Knife, M9, M240, Smokes, Ammo Bag.
Marksmen. Knife, M9, XM110, Frags, Smokes.
Anti-Tank. Knife, M9, Mp5, SMAW, Grapple.
Engineer. Knife, M9, M11-87, Smokes, AT mines, C4.

Spec ops. Knife, P226, M4A1, Frags, M2 Slam mines.
Sniper. Knife, P226, M40a3, Smokes, Claymore.
Assault. Knife, M9, M16A4, M203, Smokes, Grapple.
Medic. Knife, M9, M16A4, Smokes, Med Bag, Defrib.
Support. Knife, M9, M249, Smokes, Ammo Bag.
Marksmen. Knife, M9, M14 DMR, Frags, Smokes.
Anti-Tank. Knife, M9, Mp5, AT4, Grapple.
Engineer. Knife, M9, M11-87, Smokes, AT mines, C4.

Royal Marines.
Spec ops. Knife, P226, L22A2, Frags, M2 Slam mines.
Sniper. Knife, P226, L115A1, Smokes, Claymore.
Assault. Knife, L9, L85A2, L17A2, Smokes, Grapple.
Medic. Knife, L9, L85A2, Smokes, Med Bag, Defrib.
Support. Knife, L9, L108A1, Smokes, Ammo Bag.
Marksmen. Knife, L9, L86A2, Frags, Smokes.
Anti-Tank. Knife, L9, Mp7, LAW 80, Grapple.
Engineer. Knife, L9, M1014, Smokes, AT mines, C4.

Thats all for now the rest later.
I approve of this!

Except the US. Army should also have the AT4 and the mp5 should be replaced by the M4. Also Army gets M4s not m4A1s as the 3 round burst M4 (not m4A1) is what is actually used.

Last edited by csmag (2008-03-02 20:02:38)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7022|Purplicious Wisconsin

MonkezUncle wrote:

Definitely a yes on fully destructible environments.  There is no way some tree should be able to stop my tank. 

On that note, a little more reality with the weapons would be nice.  If you shoot a guy in the leg with a .50 cal sniper rifle, there is no way he is going to turn, run, jump twice and then shoot back.  Granted, in reality he's not dead, he just has one leg and one stump now.    SO he should be a little easier to finish off. 

Large/Huge maps  What would be really cool would be dynamic maps.  Maybe ones that change slightly each reload so that they don't be come predictable after a while (always a sniper on top of the hotel, arty and UAV in the same place, etc).

A little more balance on air assets.  Look, if a HELICOPTER is headed into the carrier on Wake and I loose EIGHT SAM's at it there are no counter measures in the world that will stop that thing from becoming a nice big explosion.  Same with ground fire.  If A chopper does one of it's slow strafes and I am perpendicular to it on a machine gun for 5-10 secs there is no way that thing is doing anything but auto-rotating to the ground.   

Damage affects specific functions on vehicles.  I like the post that said if you send a TOW into the tracks on a tank that tank is immobile.  YES!  If you put 50 rounds into the back of a FAV the passengers are toast... maybe the driver can limp away but the guys in the back are gone.  None of this bail out just before it blows up and then they are still at 95% health.

No more parachutes for infantrymen jumping off a building.  It's in the ejection seat or you are screwed.

A good single player version w/ campaign like in MOH or BF1942.  That way when servers or down or just for practice people don't have to learn things in game. 

Keep all the stats reporting! 

Do not restrict commander to higher ranks only... some of the best players are incredible at playing but suck at leading and there are some newer players that can't seem to drive a tank in a stright line yet but are great commanders.  However, there should be a squad leader req (10 wins as squad leader, 500 SL pts, etc) before you can command. 

MLRS!!!  (multiple launch rocket system)

Make the building more complex and accessible.  Also, make the ability to kill someone in a building reasonable... if there is a sniper in a room and I launch a TOW into it... everyone in that room and the rooms on either side should be very dead.  No more, "everyone on the other side of the drywall is just fine".

Spawn inside a building that only the team holding that base/spawn point can get into (w/ multiple exit points) so there is no more spawn kill.

Commanders get points for arty kills!!!  Definitely keep arty!!!

I like the concept that was proposed above about having the commander be able to remove himself from the action and have a control room.  Somewhere with much more control over the battle including multiple screens and a dedicated UAV screen.  Also, more squad commands.  I'd love to be able to say, "attack here, capture the CP and  then go over there".  There should also be a way to customize squads or remove squad leaders who are not listening.  Maybe even support for those of us who have multiple monitors so we can do split screen (but only while commanding or you're going to have knuckleheads try to put 4 20 inch monitors together.  )?

Ability to turn your head to look around without moving your whole body.

Somewhat customizable weapons load out.  No spec ops solider in the world would go into battle with a 9mm.  All the SEALs I know have .45's.  Same thing with Claymore's.Also, an assault solider should be able to trade a grenade for a claymore or a flashbang.  Like SWAT 2 & 3.

On kick vote, if you are trying to kick someone on your own team (i.e. for glitching or blowing up your own vehicles, ramming, team kills, etc) you should not need everyone to vote.  If 50% of your own team wants a team member gone... kicked he should be!

Awards/medals should NOT be play-time dependent.  It is ridiculous to need 50 hours playing.... if you can get the IAR or cumulative requirements in one round or 1 year, medals should be performance dependent, not time dependent.

Awards should not be map dependent... i.e. no severs are currently running Shounga Stalemate so it is very hard to get the Far East medal right now.

Here's a thought... would it be possible, just like in real life, to specialize.  Have all the ranks and awards dependent on your branch of service and your MOS?  And then have skill set unlocks specific to that MOS?  Maybe even do what America's Army did and have "schools" that you need to complete before you can level up?  I.e.  Snipers have to prove the ability to hit 10 out of 20 targets.  etc. 

Anti Personal Mines!!!

Adjustable zoom on scopes

You should be able to "time the grenade".  Meaning grenades have, depending on the grenade, 3-5 sec fuses.  So if I want to kill a guy that is 10 feet from me, I pull the pin, release the spoon and hold it for a 1-2 sec, then throw.  That way it's not sitting on the ground for 4 secs while the guy runs away (or worse yet, jumps up, runs at me and shoots me in the head). 

Realistic re-cocking time on bolt action rifles.  1)  You do not need to come off target when recocking.  2)  It does not take 2 secs to recock... especially on the Barrett M95 which is a straight pull bolt.  3)  There is no reason for the gun to come up almost vertical when recocking... all that does is obscure your field of vision and show movement to the enemy.

Realistic damage inflicted.  Ok, the .223 is a pathetically small round.  But if I put 2-3 into a sniper's chest he is dead.  Not kinda dead.  Not mostly dead. Not reviavably dead.  He is dead.  Ok maybe a good trauma surgeon could save him b/c God still does miracles but there is no way he is going to get revived 5 secs later by a medic and then roll over and put one in the back of my head as I am moving down the alleyway (minus Divine intervention of course). 

Since this post is getting longer then I thought... ... last but not least, have a way to disable/remove claymores, mines, etc.  Maybe only engineer's can do that but it should be able to be done.  And if you remove them maybe you can add them to your inventory to use later?

I highlighted the ideas I agree but crossed out the ones a I disagree, and the ones that I didn't touch is because I either don't care or I question them.

For example: I'd rather have artillery operated by crew not commander. Maybe have it where the commander picks an artillery spot and until the commander switches it to another location the crewman only see that area(we could also have spotters as well).
I don't mind awards that are map dependent.
Also the ranks and awards dependant on the branch of service is ok, but it would require alot of coding.
I like realistic re-cocking on bolt-actions, but I can live without.
I somewhat agree with you on the realistic damage and somewhat don't agree.
You can already disable/remove landmines with the wrench(that feature has always been in since bf1942).

Last edited by War Man (2008-03-03 02:07:42)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7022|Purplicious Wisconsin

chile1 wrote:

1. Be able to put a c4 on enemies body

2. Be able to Choke and enemy

3. Timer on c4

4. Being able to change to your enemies suit when killing enemy(this will trick so many ppl)

5. Can get into enemies car when they are in also...thats ganna be funny

6. More types of game modes

7.Keep the online gameplay the same, but make single player better

8.Being able to dismantle vehicles( so when enemy gets in the vehicle it just falls apart lol)

9. Have 2 parachutes like in real skydiving(so if you parachute in accident and your too high, you can cut the parachute and open the emergency one which would be smaller)

10.Have the soldiers bleed instead of smoke

11.Commander should have different camera angles
I like your ideas I highlighted, but don't find the ideas I crossed out nice.

chile1 wrote:

5. Can get into enemies car when they are in also...thats ganna be funny
I like it when that happens in halo 3.*continues laughing happily*

David.P wrote:


Spec ops. Knife, P226some sort of .45 glock, HK416 or M4A1, Frags,flashbangs/stun grenades M2 Slam mines.
Sniper. Knife, [s]P226, M24, Smokes, Claymore.[/s]
Assault. Knife, M9, M4A1M16, M203, Smokes, Grapple.
Medic. Knife, M9, M4A1M16 or M4, Smokes, Med Bag, Defrib.
Support. Knife, M9, M240M249, Smokes, Ammo Bag.
Marksmen. Knife, M9, XM110, Frags, Smokes,binocs.
Anti-Tank. Knife, M9, Mp5M16 or M4, SMAWat4 or javelin, Grapplefrags.
Engineer. Knife, M9, M11-87,frags, Smokes, AT mines,Claymores C4.

Spec ops. whatever I put as the army specops class
Sniper. Knife, P226, M40a3, Smokes, Claymore.
Assault. Knife, M9, M16A4, M203, Smokes, Grapple.
Medic. Knife, M9, M16A4, Smokes, Med Bag, Defrib.
Support. Knife, M9, M249, Smokes, Ammo Bag.
Marksmen. Knife, M9, M14 DMR, Frags, Smokes.
Anti-Tank. Knife, M9, Mp5, AT4, Grapple.
Engineer. whatever I put as the army engineer class

Thats all for now the rest later.
Oh my goodness, what is wrong with you?
1. We don't need the m4 for the assault class.
2. As cmag pointed out the M4A1 isn't used in the army except for special forces.
3. The M240 is used in special forces units only.
4. It is either the Marksman class, or the Sniper class(clearly I prefer the Marksman class).
5. The SMAW is not as much used as the AT4 or Javelin.
6. Why not have the glock for spec ops instead of the p226?
7. Finally, why the heck have the MP5 when the M4 and M16(seperated or altogether) is much more used in the U.S. Military?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Simply wishlist:

All kinds of weather on same maps, for example karkand in snow and clear weather.
More options for commander, like camera view etc.
Points decrease when a SL not accepts an order.
More vehicles when more players join, not 2 jets when 8 vs 8 and also when 32 vs 32 on wake.
Boats that can really do some damage, and also take some damage..
Combo of BF and SF, spec ops can use zip line etc
Spawn on SL even when there is no spawnpoints, let 1 squad try to save the match.
Better VOIP.
'Join a buddy' button in BF itself, xfire is nice but.
Buddylist ON/OFFLINE status.

and so on
+456|6441|Carnoustie, Scotland

aTiLLa_NL wrote:

Simply wishlist:

All kinds of weather on same maps, for example karkand in snow and clear weather.
More options for commander, like camera view etc.
Points decrease when a SL not accepts an order.
More vehicles when more players join, not 2 jets when 8 vs 8 and also when 32 vs 32 on wake.
Boats that can really do some damage, and also take some damage..
Combo of BF and SF, spec ops can use zip line etc
Spawn on SL even when there is no spawnpoints, let 1 squad try to save the match.
Better VOIP.
'Join a buddy' button in BF itself, xfire is nice but.
Buddylist ON/OFFLINE status.

and so on
Points decreased for SL not accepting an order? Pfft, know how many assholes you get on BF who don't follow orders? I think you should GET points when they accept it, and get more points when that squad actually carries out the order, and the more % of the squad cap the more points you get.
I ment the SL decreases points want to take the SL position than do as supposed to do.. right ..

Last edited by aTiLLa_NL (2008-03-03 06:50:55)


1. Warman the point of giving US ARMY Assault and Medic's M4A1's with full auto fire, Is that the M16A2 was a piece of shit in CQC compared to the AK's, Thats why karkand became karkfuck, Because Everyone on the US side was a Spec ops with an M4, or a Medic with an L85. Only time i ever seen any USMC assaults was with the F2000, And when they did give us a better M16 aka the G36e everyone wanted it nerfed!

2. Listen if 3 armies had the M249 dont you think it would get a little repetitive?

3. The Army doesn't Field M16's anymore just M4's and M4a1's.

4. I want a sniper class back in but not as a longer range marksmen with a  bolt action rifle, But as an EXTREMELY long range 1000m and up precision class! No semi auto's for them just bolt actions with the range of half a mile. And to keep it fair, There weapons dont do more damage then the standard .308 based guns. I.e. No more killing in 2 shots to the body or legs. Also they'll have 3-10 times zoom.

5. I know it's to keep things different and interesting, It cant be that the US ARMY & USMC both have nearly the same weapons.

6. Because the P226 is used by special forces aswell, And the .45 MK. 23 would be an unlock for all.

7. Can you imagine a guy having an Assault Rifle + 6 rockets? It's better for them to have an SMG and be underpowered in one area of combat, Then to be a supercharged version of Assault.
Okay more Factions.

IDF, Polish Armed Forces, Canadian Forces, Bundeswehr, Japanese Self Defense Force, Australian Defense Force, Militants, Militia, PMC, KPA, Russia, Rebels, And People's Militia.

ebug9 wrote:

David.P wrote:

Okay more Factions.

IDF, Polish Armed Forces, Canadian Forces, Bundeswehr, Japanese Self Defense Force, Australian Defense Force, Militants, Militia, PMC, KPA, Russia, Rebels, And People's Militia.
Canadian Forces? I don't think EA is about to go and put canoes and tomahawks in BF3.
I'm going for a total of 50! Including Special Forces. 19 and Counting.
+917|6926|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Moar Moar Moar Night Maps Moar Moar Moar
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
+2|6766|Near Milan/ Italy
........mortar.........more place to house......sewer.......underwater...........and can to kick (with your feet not kick from the game) the enemy dead body when you be spawnkilled for 3 times
+163|6955|Odessa, Ukraine

David.P wrote:

EDIT: Everything i could think off.

Okay kit loadout and unlocks.


-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Kabar Combat Knife-------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 2|P226-------------->   |M9---------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 3|HK416       |M24      |M4A1--------->  |M240      |XM110       |M11-87     |MP5
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |M203   |Frags--------------------------> |Wrench     |SMAW
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|M2 slam  |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                           |Defrib|                               | C4            |

-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Kabar Combat Knife-------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 2|P226-------------->   |M9---------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 3|M4A1         |M40a3   |M16A4------->  |M249      |M14 DMR    |M11-87    |MP5
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |M203   |Frags------------------------->   |Wrench    |AT4
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|M2 slam  |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                           |Defrib|                               | C4            |

Royal Marine Corps.
-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Fairburn Sykes Combat Knife----------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 2|P226-------------->   |L9A1-------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 3|L22A2        |L115A1 |L85A2------->   |L108A1   |L86A2        |M1014      |MP7
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |L17A1   |Frags------------------------>  |Wrench    |  LAW 80
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|M2 slam  |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                           |Defrib|                               | C4            |

-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Some sort of Middle eastern or Russian Combat Knife------------------------------->
Slot 2|MR-443------------> |MR-444------------------------------------------------------------>
Slot 3|AK102        |SV-98  |AK101------->  |RPK-101  |SVD-S      |SAIGA 12K|PP-19
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |GP-30   |Frags------------------------> |Wrench     |RPG-22
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|TNT          |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                            |Defrib|                               | C4            |

-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Some sort of Middle eastern or Russian Combat Knife------------------------------->
Slot 2|Browning High Power|Pistolet Makarov Modern----------------------------------------->
Slot 3|AK-MS       |Mosin   |AK47 ------->    |RPK-47  |SVD            |Sawed off|PPS-43
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |GP-25   |Frags-------------------------> |Wrench     |RPG-7
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|TNT          |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                            |Defrib|                                | C4           |

-------|Spec-Ops  |Sniper  |Assault  |Medic  |Support  |Marksmen  |Engineer  |Anti-Tank
Slot 1|Chinese or Russian Combat Knife------------------------------------------------------>
Slot 2|QSZ-92 in 9mm      |QSZ-92 in 5.8---------------------------------------------------->
Slot 3|QBZ-95b    |JS Rifle |QBZ-95 ------> |QBB-95  |QBU-88      |Hawk Semi|Type-05
Slot 4|Frags---------------> |QBZ-GL |Frags------------------------> |Wrench      |PF-98
Slot 5|Smokes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Slot 6|TNT          |AP Mine   |Grapple |Meds  |Ammo  |                  |AT mine     |Grapple
Slot 7|                                            |Defrib|                                | C4           |

EDIT 2: Unlocks.

Pistol. Glock 18, MK. 23.
Spec ops. AS Val, M468
Sniper. Cheytec .408, XM109.
Assault. G3, AN-94 Abekan.
Medic.  FN FAL, G41.
Support. M60e4, PKM.
Marksmen. VSS, M82.
Engineer. UMP, AA-12
Anti-Tank. DAO-12, P90.
Someone plays PR too much...
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7022|Purplicious Wisconsin

David.P wrote:


1. Warman the point of giving US ARMY Assault and Medic's M4A1's with full auto fire, Is that the M16A2 was a piece of shit in CQC compared to the AK's, Thats why karkand became karkfuck, Because Everyone on the US side was a Spec ops with an M4, or a Medic with an L85. Only time i ever seen any USMC assaults was with the F2000, And when they did give us a better M16 aka the G36e everyone wanted it nerfed!

2. Listen if 3 armies had the M249 dont you think it would get a little repetitive?

3. The Army doesn't Field M16's anymore just M4's and M4a1's.

4. I want a sniper class back in but not as a longer range marksmen with a  bolt action rifle, But as an EXTREMELY long range 1000m and up precision class! No semi auto's for them just bolt actions with the range of half a mile. And to keep it fair, There weapons dont do more damage then the standard .308 based guns. I.e. No more killing in 2 shots to the body or legs. Also they'll have 3-10 times zoom.

5. I know it's to keep things different and interesting, It cant be that the US ARMY & USMC both have nearly the same weapons.

6. Because the P226 is used by special forces aswell, And the .45 MK. 23 would be an unlock for all.

7. Can you imagine a guy having an Assault Rifle + 6 rockets? It's better for them to have an SMG and be underpowered in one area of combat, Then to be a supercharged version of Assault.
1. The solver to the make the m16 worthwhile is to increase damage of the M16, or instead(even though hardly used) have the m16a3.

2. Ever try thinking what it's like trying to make a ww2 mod?

3. You are completely wrong about the m16 no longer being fielded by the army, go do a little bit more research(I do want to know where the heck you get your information).

4. Sniper classes in real life operate in 2 man teams unlike the marksman who works in a squad.

5. I had nothing against having the US Army and USMC using different weapons, I actually prefer that.

6. Okay fine, have your p226 but snipers aren't spec ops, so please don't ask for the p226 pistol for sniper, I hate snipers and specops having the same pistol

7. I can see your point, but the mp5 is very rare to be used in actual combat except for spec ops use.

aTiLLa_NL wrote:

'Join a buddy' button in BF itself, xfire is nice but.
Buddylist ON/OFFLINE status.
Just incase you are one of those people who haven't played the game, BF2142 has a buddylist system exactly like that.

Edit: corrected some grammar errors.

Last edited by War Man (2008-03-04 21:46:40)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Wow. Some of these suggestions are really awful and I hope EA never reads this thread ever or takes any serious input from it.

Character customization? Really? Do I really play Battlefield 2 to pick out the dress my soldier wears for christ's sakes. Is it really going to make a difference if my character has a moustache or not? I hope EA can actually work on important stuff instead of this crap. You all would make terrible game designers.
Fresh NoobCaeks Here
+118|6699|Penrith,Nsw, Aus

killaer wrote:

Wow. Some of these suggestions are really awful and I hope EA never reads this thread ever or takes any serious input from it.

Character customization? Really? Do I really play Battlefield 2 to pick out the dress my soldier wears for christ's sakes. Is it really going to make a difference if my character has a moustache or not? I hope EA can actually work on important stuff instead of this crap. You all would make terrible game designers.
Lol but mustache's are cool

Last edited by B00MH3ADSH0T (2008-03-05 07:24:50)

+163|6955|Odessa, Ukraine

War Man wrote:

1. Warman the point of giving US ARMY Assault and Medic's M4A1's with full auto fire, Is that the M16A2 was a piece of shit in CQC compared to the AK's, Thats why karkand became karkfuck, Because Everyone on the US side was a Spec ops with an M4, or a Medic with an L85. Only time i ever seen any USMC assaults was with the F2000, And when they did give us a better M16 aka the G36e everyone wanted it nerfed!
Thats you failing with M16A2, not M16A2 failing at Karkand. I do pretty well with assault kit on any infantry map. And I never use unlocks (exept for MP7 & M95)

Longbow wrote:

War Man wrote:

1. Warman the point of giving US ARMY Assault and Medic's M4A1's with full auto fire, Is that the M16A2 was a piece of shit in CQC compared to the AK's, Thats why karkand became karkfuck, Because Everyone on the US side was a Spec ops with an M4, or a Medic with an L85. Only time i ever seen any USMC assaults was with the F2000, And when they did give us a better M16 aka the G36e everyone wanted it nerfed!
Thats you failing with M16A2, not M16A2 failing at Karkand. I do pretty well with assault kit on any infantry map. And I never use unlocks (exept for MP7 & M95)
First off you quoted the wrong person, Second the M16a2 does suck in CQC(Less damage then the AK101) And it deviates alot even at close range, Third the MEC weapons were much better suited to the maps, Then the US weapons. Fourth US weapons needs Range to be effective, Thats why i preferred PLA maps because they were much bigger, And less crowded, Fifth I rarely see any USMC Assaults on kark using the M16, It's either G3 or F2000.
+163|6955|Odessa, Ukraine

David.P wrote:

First off you quoted the wrong person, Second the M16a2 does suck in CQC(Less damage then the AK101) And it deviates alot even at close range, Third the MEC weapons were much better suited to the maps, Then the US weapons. Fourth US weapons needs Range to be effective, Thats why i preferred PLA maps because they were much bigger, And less crowded, Fifth I rarely see any USMC Assaults on kark using the M16, It's either G3 or F2000.
If you cant shoot M16 in CQC, tube them out (we are discussing assault after all). Never noticed huge deviation, and 3-round burst into enemy head seem to always work for me (unless deviation gone mad after movement)
As for 5th, skilled assaults with stocks are even more rare.

p/s and M16 does not suck in CQC (only against skilled player with AK)
+1|6206|Sunderland, UK

B00MH3ADSH0T wrote:

Lol but mustache's are cool
wouldn't go as far as a tash.. but changeable kits would be cool!
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7022|Purplicious Wisconsin

David.P wrote:

Longbow wrote:

War Man wrote:

1. Warman the point of giving US ARMY Assault and Medic's M4A1's with full auto fire, Is that the M16A2 was a piece of shit in CQC compared to the AK's, Thats why karkand became karkfuck, Because Everyone on the US side was a Spec ops with an M4, or a Medic with an L85. Only time i ever seen any USMC assaults was with the F2000, And when they did give us a better M16 aka the G36e everyone wanted it nerfed!
Thats you failing with M16A2, not M16A2 failing at Karkand. I do pretty well with assault kit on any infantry map. And I never use unlocks (exept for MP7 & M95)
First off you quoted the wrong person, Second the M16a2 does suck in CQC(Less damage then the AK101) And it deviates alot even at close range, Third the MEC weapons were much better suited to the maps, Then the US weapons. Fourth US weapons needs Range to be effective, Thats why i preferred PLA maps because they were much bigger, And less crowded, Fifth I rarely see any USMC Assaults on kark using the M16, It's either G3 or F2000.
1.EA and dice gave the m16 less damage than the other armies assault rifles so it wouldn't inbalance the game because of the 3 shot burst fire mode.

2.Completely wrong about the MEC weapons being better than the USMC, you just stink at being USMC in the MEC maps.

3. US weapons don't have a range issue, you have an issue

4. Finally, the reason why people don't bother with the m16(pretty sure they don't bother with the ak47 and ak101 either), is because the g3 and f2000 are much better guns than the standard army rifles.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
will it be bf3 first or will they remake 1942?

Squad leader should set what kits he wants in the squad and they will be the only options.

spuddy1981 wrote:

will it be bf3 first or will they remake 1942?

Squad leader should set what kits he wants in the squad and they will be the only options.
hellooooo medic and sniper only squads!
Cheeseburger Logicist
Take a look at Forgotten Hope 2, and I'd be happy.

If this was a wish list, I'd wish for more dynamic locations. It may be unrealistic, but it's a wish, no? The problem with video game shooters is the repeated maps that are completely static. Players learn every nook and cranny that belong to every map, and distinctive advantages appear. Obviously, this would difficult to change, but perhaps there could be methods to change the status quo, even if it were minor. Someone mentioned weather, which would definitely be effective. The CoD4 method of avoiding the Battlefield method of static spawn points is one that I really enjoy, and the flag system is sometimes annoying.

An adherence to the original principles of Battlefield should work. Most obviously, vehicles were amongst the primary purposes, and they need to stick by it, but maintain a level of enjoyment that eliminates the largescale complaints against unevenness in the game. Again, perhaps it is unrealistic, but I only address that which needs fixing. I'll leave these important problems to the experts, the game designers.

Lastly, mustaches are awesome. Every character should have one. Or a lemmy.

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