
.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

you will find a complete opposite of opinion of the low ranks from the high ranks. The high ranks(20k and up) are the experienced and the low ranks and the noobies, all the low ranks wanted the game changed in 1000000 ways so they could be good without putting any effort in becoming experienced at all. The grenade launcher was really the only thing in the game i had a problem with. Most of these "whiners" are people who have spent along time playing the game and are now getting killed left and right by little pieces of shit that bought this game yesterday, when in non-nerfed bf2 they wouldent get a shot off. I let my sister play on wake island on the new aimbot-loaded IGLA, she is 7 years old and shot down a captain, sgt major, and a lieutennant colonel in planes in the same round, about 4 times each. Good game you little low ranked pussies have made this game. Your calling people whiners, your the ones that caused this fucked patch in the first place.
If ur a low rank and dident cry this patch into existance, than i mean no offence to you.
So give the game to your sister, since she was obviously doing what the game is meant for.....having fun and go play something else bitch. 

I bought the game day 1 and am still only a Gysgt....guess what the game is still fun.  I like the new patch because it puts you non-playing pussies back on the ground instead of up in the air because you rather bitch and moan instead of learning how to fly around the new AA.  Get over it!!!!!!!!!
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6708|NT, like Mick Dundee

I just had a thought, try Operation Cleansweep as the Bombers gunner seat...

A friggin goldmine now if you have a good pilot...

All those still AA stations and slow moving tanks...
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Yea i agree whinin jus pisses me off, the new patch doesn't do this doesnt do that, fek off go and join the real fkin army if u want realism. The new patch is tryin 2 make things a bit fair 4 every1, 4 instance the aa's b4 the patch ppl neva stopped whinin bwt not bein able to shoot planes, now you can with ease n u complain that its 2 easy. pilots whinin get on the ground n fite if u cant fly. lots of love me
Not Human Anymore
+144|6687|Seattle, WA

Raevin wrote:

An experienced player (aka "non-noob") should just be able to adjust their tactics around the new game elements and continue on like before.  So, I don't really see where the problem lies.
Agree fully, people need to PLAY and stop talking.


n00b.Worx wrote:

lol stupid morons I won´t adjust just because some little pussies cried that they where OWNED by the aircraft the whole time...I AM STILL PLAYING 1.12
Yeah,keep on playing 1.12,you surely won't be missed....

And btw,it looks that you are the crying little pussy now and get owned by the AA.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6837|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Game On!!!    Version 1.2 only...............
good to see that there are still a few serious and 'normal' players around to post here.
im so tired of all these clueless complain and hate messages from last days. that makes
u even tired to read this forum in general.

i dunno if u know that term but on german it forums (f.e. heise.de) they call it 'troll postings'.
that means there are lot of ppl to write stupid things totally against the common sense.
f.e. they write and repeat it all the time that microsoft is trustful and their software secure etc.
its always good for a laugh and as answer these ppl only get some ascii fishs
rumour is they are just hired and payed by ms tho ..

so with all that whiner posts here it almost looks like that ppl are hired by other game
companys just to write bad about bf2 in forums like this.

personally i think the patch is excellent. many exploits are fixed like no more
jump/shoot same time, throw c4 and detonate midair, jump 5m high from prone etc.
and by adjusting the aa i hope the enormous teamkilling to get in a jet/heli will be reduced
coz it was a guaranteed 100+/easy kills round with that overpowered vehicles before the patch.

sure there are some bugs that need fix and will be fixed soon like that 2 bf2:sf maps
u cant play atm but everything else is ok and fun to play. btw i preordered euro force
long time before 1.2 patch so i guess cant reject it anyway
all your base are belong to us

PFCStenzel wrote:

Ok, I think it needs to be said.  WHO IS TIRED OF THE WHINING BABIES???  I know I am avery tired of it.  All I have to say is that if you don't like the new patch, STOP PLAYING THE GAME THEN!!!  I mean seriously what are you 12 years old.  I mean seriously get a life.  If you play BF2 consistantly then you really need to get out and see the world.  Did you know that the sky is blue and there is fresh air outside.   

All I have to say is that if you can't stand the new patch.  Go play something else.
yes I am.. I dont even like reading these forums anymore because of it. in fact, im here less often.
I crap bigger than you
+0|6756|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!
No man, I love these threads!!!  Some of them are absolutely hilarious, keeps reminding me that I'm playing with teenagers.

Wait until Euro Force comes out.  I'm sure the children will find something to whine about concerning it. (I actually do sympathize with those of you out there with no credit card <--- legit gripe as far as I'm concerned)
Don't make me toothpick you.
+31|6748|The beautiful hills of Sharqi
I might say that over 75 percent of the people in here are hypocrits, I will be honest, I have complained, but not as much as some here. I am stopping complaining, my complaints are about how Fuckers say it is EA, when it is DICE who makes the game and the patches.

EA doesnt make ANY games at all, they just package and sell them.
I crap bigger than you
+0|6756|America!! Fuck Yeah!!!

[-CGZ-]BioRaveN wrote:

my complaints are about how Fuckers say it is EA, when it is DICE who makes the game and the patches.
That is the hill you have decided to die on huh?  Why?  So you can make sure you let everyone know that you know what the difference is between a developer and a distributer?  Do you really think that is the key piece of information that everyone needs to know in order to end the current debate on the 1.2 patch?

Last edited by Bubba_Bubberson (2006-02-17 15:32:29)

+0|6691|Mount Pleasant, MI

antin0de wrote:

If there was a videogame dictionary, "New Patch Bitching" would be one of the longest-standing entries.  I played CS from beta .65 (or whatever) all the way up to Source, and every time it was patched people would invariably bitch.  It's the side-effect of every patch.

I'm a bigtime attack chopper whore.  I welcome the challenge brought on by the combination of tuned-up AA, reduced missile battery size, and pregnable armor.  Successful piloting now requires much more strategy and skill.  Plus, now I know that if I don't get in the chopper before 2 teammates do, I know they'll be shot down soon.  The faster chopper turnover is definitely a plus
Finally, an honest chopper whore with a good attitude toward the new patch.  The best pilots WILL adapt and still be effective pain in the arses to the rest of us, but at least now we'll have a fighting chance.

PFCStenzel wrote:

Ok, I think it needs to be said.  WHO IS TIRED OF THE WHINING BABIES???  I know I am avery tired of it.  All I have to say is that if you don't like the new patch, STOP PLAYING THE GAME THEN!!!  I mean seriously what are you 12 years old.  I mean seriously get a life.  If you play BF2 consistantly then you really need to get out and see the world.  Did you know that the sky is blue and there is fresh air outside.   

All I have to say is that if you can't stand the new patch.  Go play something else.
Mod Incarnate
Stenzel, I think i've seen more whiny posts from you than anyone else. Except you're not whining about the patch, you're whining about the people who whine about the patch. Why do you care? Is your life really so empty that you have to come on to these forums and complain about people complaining? Of course people are going to bitch about the patch, its changed the game in a number of ways, and people are going to take time to adjust. But what does it matter to you? Are any of the posts on these forums going to make one bit of difference? Not really.

Now lets see a few of the more constructive posts you've written in the last few days:

PFCStenzel wrote:

Dude, just because your a jet whore and probably never fired a gun on the ground like some of the others that are sick of you Plane whores.  This is the beginning of us giving you a taste of your own medicine.  I hope you like the way it is gonna go down.  Stinger and IGLA pills, we will make sure and coat them nice and slimy so they go down easy.  BECAUSE IF I SEE YOU IN A PLANE, I AM GOING TO SHOW NO MERCY TOWARDS YOU PLANE WHORES!!!!!

PFCStenzel wrote:

Hey Gabber I hope you are not referring to me.  I am all about the stupid noobs that whine and complain that the patch is gay and sucks.  I am glad it came out.  Now those MF that hate it are gonna get a taste of this medicine and then are gonna have to suck it up.  Because it aint going away.

PFCStenzel wrote:

Excuse me!!!  But Who the Freak do you think you are???  Granite you don't know how old I am and so, I guess I can't complain on that.  Actually,  My KIDS are in BED moron.   Also, Being in the Military and knowing what those missiles can do.  Yeah, why don't you try and rethink that for a bit.   Those missiles are pretty darn hard to lose.  That is why they made them better now.  AND YES ONE MISSILE WILL TAKE OUT A JET EVEN FLYING AT 1200K.  As for the those helo pilots, sorry but your time is up also buddy.  Have a seat son!!!

PFCStenzel wrote:

I don't care what you say Slaythem.  I will still kill you from the AA.  And your pictures meant nothing to me.  I have had games better then that, way better then your silly score of 52 or 54.   It idiots like you that make the game no fun.  But, I still play to have fun.  Hey if I get first check it out.  And hey did you see my k/d in the armor.  Yeah I have probably killed you while you were in a plane.  GOOD NIGHT AND HAVE A SEAT SON.
Heres one of your more lucid posts

PFCStenzel wrote:

Strkkyer I understand what you are saying.   I am just going off facts as to what that website says.  So, I am not arguing about it.  I am just venting my frustrations on those that have to complain about everything when ever there is a change made.  It is like dude just play the freakin game.  Who cares what everyone else thinks.  You know.
Indeed, who cares what everyone else thinks? You seem to care a great deal, and if i had to guess I'd say you spend more time bitching about other people's opinions than you do playing the game. I can't wait to see your next titillating post...

I find this kind of funny. Whining about whining.

"omg i h8 wh1nerz!!!11 stop wh1ning zOMG!!!!11!oen i meen im S1Ck of dem!!1 s3riussly!!!!1~ liek omfgz i'm go1ng 2 go bak 2 1.12!!!!!!1 all u N00Bz who l1ke 1.2 can g0 die in he||!!!!!!@ fuxx0rs dat"

Shut up. If you're going to whine about whiners, stay at 1.12 and GOOD RIDDANCE.

For the record, this isn't whining, it's making fun of you, although chances are I'll be flamed and called a "n00b" about 5000 times over. Although if you whine that much, I won't really give a damn what you say.

You ASSHOLES. Are you fucking ignorant of your own behavior? Obviously so.

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-02-17 17:42:11)

+1|6772|Orlando, FL
I just don't get it. I've been flying jets since 1.2 and I still kick ass. I just die a few more times. Big deal. I'm smart enough to go after AA more aggresively and ALWAYS check my six for a jet. Is it really that hard to adapt? Most of the whiners are just lazy in my opinion. Lazy to change tactics and use teamwork to help eliminate AA. Those were the same people that always went lone wolf and camped the enemy airfield for easy kills. Now that they can't do that anymore so they refuse to play 1.2. Same as the people who C4 chucked. Oh well better for us. Less assholes to worry about.
Lol, everybody complains, it's human nature. Everyone here has complained about something in their lives. These types of posts accomplish nothing but flames and here here responses.

So, is whining a bad thing? Well no it's not. If nobody complained about things they didn't like, we'd live in a very bland society (if we lived at all). We'd all be driving the same cars, infact... We wouldn't even have cars because no one would complain about horse and carts being slow. Horse and cart wouldn't be invented because people wouldn't whine about having to walk... But getting back to computer games (which is what most of you can relate to better) do you think the advancement in games would be so great if people didn't complain?

Let the people voice their opinions, that's how everything gets improved, just because you like something doesn't mean your opinion is the right one.
I was a bunny-hoppin 203 spamming, chopper-whoring bastard, now with 1.2 I play differently and still kick ass.

Honestly, you play the game..and then you spend hours on a forum that is dedicated to the game???!!!!   enjoy it or do something else...for your own mental sake
Death StatPadder
+228|6812|Human Meat Shield
Yes I am. absolutely sick of these jetwhores and bunnyhoppers whining.

seriously people, learn to play, learn to adapt.

Last edited by Soldier (2006-02-17 19:37:11)


Skruples wrote:

Stenzel, I think i've seen more whiny posts from you than anyone else. Except you're not whining about the patch, you're whining about the people who whine about the patch. Why do you care? Is your life really so empty that you have to come on to these forums and complain about people complaining? Of course people are going to bitch about the patch, its changed the game in a number of ways, and people are going to take time to adjust. But what does it matter to you? Are any of the posts on these forums going to make one bit of difference? Not really.

Now lets see a few of the more constructive posts you've written in the last few days:

PFCStenzel wrote:

Dude, just because your a jet whore and probably never fired a gun on the ground like some of the others that are sick of you Plane whores.  This is the beginning of us giving you a taste of your own medicine.  I hope you like the way it is gonna go down.  Stinger and IGLA pills, we will make sure and coat them nice and slimy so they go down easy.  BECAUSE IF I SEE YOU IN A PLANE, I AM GOING TO SHOW NO MERCY TOWARDS YOU PLANE WHORES!!!!!

PFCStenzel wrote:

Hey Gabber I hope you are not referring to me.  I am all about the stupid noobs that whine and complain that the patch is gay and sucks.  I am glad it came out.  Now those MF that hate it are gonna get a taste of this medicine and then are gonna have to suck it up.  Because it aint going away.

PFCStenzel wrote:

Excuse me!!!  But Who the Freak do you think you are???  Granite you don't know how old I am and so, I guess I can't complain on that.  Actually,  My KIDS are in BED moron.   Also, Being in the Military and knowing what those missiles can do.  Yeah, why don't you try and rethink that for a bit.   Those missiles are pretty darn hard to lose.  That is why they made them better now.  AND YES ONE MISSILE WILL TAKE OUT A JET EVEN FLYING AT 1200K.  As for the those helo pilots, sorry but your time is up also buddy.  Have a seat son!!!

PFCStenzel wrote:

I don't care what you say Slaythem.  I will still kill you from the AA.  And your pictures meant nothing to me.  I have had games better then that, way better then your silly score of 52 or 54.   It idiots like you that make the game no fun.  But, I still play to have fun.  Hey if I get first check it out.  And hey did you see my k/d in the armor.  Yeah I have probably killed you while you were in a plane.  GOOD NIGHT AND HAVE A SEAT SON.
Heres one of your more lucid posts

PFCStenzel wrote:

Strkkyer I understand what you are saying.   I am just going off facts as to what that website says.  So, I am not arguing about it.  I am just venting my frustrations on those that have to complain about everything when ever there is a change made.  It is like dude just play the freakin game.  Who cares what everyone else thinks.  You know.
Indeed, who cares what everyone else thinks? You seem to care a great deal, and if i had to guess I'd say you spend more time bitching about other people's opinions than you do playing the game. I can't wait to see your next titillating post...
Too much time on your hands,eh?

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