
JRVoss wrote:

"in RL you could throw C4 so so much further than in 1.12!"

ummm Yeah ..

While I was not a "SpecOps' guy while I was in.   I was a Cav Scout.  We were trained in explosives.  I never once was taught how throwing C4 was a good tactic in battle.   Realistically it would not be as effective as say a grenade against infantry.  There is no shrapnel effect.    Put your C4 in a mess kit, slap a remote detonater inside, then maybe, if the detonator still goes off after making impact.

Now maybe someone from the Spec Ops world will come on and correct me, but I sincerely doubt it.
Nope your bang on. I've actually done an explosives course as part of my job. Part of the practical part of the course was building a "washing line" of detcord with a golfball sized lump of PE4 (Brit equiv of C4) hanging below. Stood about 30m back and blew it. Helluva bang and the shockwave nearly sat me on my arse, but that was it. Put a tin can around the PE4 and it would've been a totally different story, ie bits of me everywhere!!!!
The Microwave Man

"Even shooting the explosive with a rifle won't trigger the reaction. Only a detonator, or blasting cap will do the job properly. "

Now would you all please just simply STFU and be happy that your bitching and griping fucked up such a great game ? Thank you , that is all .
+788|6926|Brisbane, Australia

Guys, if you are bitching because you can get expert explosives, or expert spec ops, let me introduce you to a simple word


Thats right, sling c4 onto a vod or a hummer and now you too can be like those dipshit bali bombers!

I personaly like loading up karkand, pimping my hummer with c4 then driving straight into square when hotel has been capd

Have fun!
About the Explosives Badge, just let me remind all of those who call it a "C4 Badge" that in order to achieve it, C4 is not the only explosive device that it can be used: there are mines and claymores too. So, if you dont have the Badge (not even Basic), don't worry, try it out using ALL the available explosives and don't stick on the C4 only. This was strongly recommended all the time to those having problems to obtain the badge before the patch, and now that's gonna be a must have to do. I only got the Basic Badge myself, coz I sucked at jumping and throwing it anyway; I think it was a difficult badge to obtain then, and I guess it's gonna be hard to obtain now. Nevertheless, I'm Expert Spec Ops Combat, but that's a different thing, coz for that u have to SHOOT people, not blow it up!

Semper Fi!

Last edited by Trooper_Collider (2006-02-17 15:39:24)

Oh yeah! and I didn't mention it coz Sarrk very well stated: Jihad. That's still an option...but you have to immolate (that is: sacrifice yourself). I think that's very funny too.

Semper Fi!

Last edited by Trooper_Collider (2006-02-17 15:38:39)


JRVoss wrote:

Well, realistically, without some sort of a shaped charge it probably wouldnt penatrate the armor of an M1 at all.  You could blow off tread and road wheels though.
true that. but then again... the m1a2 armor in the game is not accurate either. i have shot anti-tank rounds at an abrams from the roof of a building and noticed the top armor which is supposed to be, at least in real life, thinner than the front and side armor can take more damage. there is a diagram of the hit damage at
+18|6916|Varsseveld, Netherlands
personally I think that C4 is there to be used as bombs(!!) / trapps or some shit  but not being used as grenades come on, before 1.2 people were using them as very powerfull grenades that will explode when you want to.   if you want to throw something press 4 and your left mouse button
+50|6966|Southern California
who gives a shit whether you can do it in real life

go join the army again and die you newbie lamers if you want realism

there was no inbalance with throwing c4, just a glitch that allowed you to detonate it too soon.
you people with your lame whining have accomplished nothing by changing the way we use c4 in the game except to piss the people off who actually like to use it. seriously, what the fuck? it's not like c4 was any big uber unstoppable weapon, i didn't use it, it was effective against tanks, and a lot of people loved it. it was one of the few balancing factors against tanks. a bunch of little lamers who don't use it and wish everyone played in their style whined and got it changed. not to mention the fact that the developers have allowed it to be thrown for patches and patches (meaning it was intended to be thrown you jackasses) and only changed it due to whining - and again whining from people who don't even use c4 so that a change can be made that has no effect on balance what so ever! jesus christ, ridiculous.
when will you babies ever learn.

Last edited by ComradeWho (2006-02-17 16:47:31)

Carlos Hathcock Jr
+7|6982|'Ull, Yorkshire, England
I personally can't see the problem with changes made to spec-ops (or most of the 1.2 changes either) I use Spec-Ops to be a sneaky bastard, to have an accurate and reasonably powerful rifle and to have the flexibility to kill pretty much anything I come up against. Here's some examples of how to use C4 that you may or may not have tried that dont require jumping around -

When taking a spawn, leave c4 on all of the vehicles and if someone jumps in a tank to kill you just blow them up

Blow up a bridge when a tank rolls over

Destroy commander assets

Stick a block of c4 on a flag to defend it

Stick it on the cockpit of planes to kill the pilot

Create choke points on city maps so that your team had less routes to defend

etc etc

I see the people who bunny hop, launch GL's at point blank, TK for vehicles, punish for stupid TK's and so on as the sort of people who I don't want to play with, but unfortunately have to. For every person who complains about not being able to 'noob tube' or 'chuck c4' there are 10 people who know how to use those other things in their arsenal (i like to call them guns) The game will change as patches are brought out and there is NOTHING you can do so why get pissed off and complain - lifes too short and its only a game.
I know there have already been posts concerning this but i felt compelled to add my two cents.

For all the idiots who dont bother to use the internet for more than complaining and flaming (ie H3llWeasel and  dankassasin42o) here is the truth about C4 and its ability to be thrown - C-4 is widely renowned for being malleable. It can be molded into gaps in buildings and under bridges, or into any desired shape. C-4 is also well known for its durability and reliability. It will not explode even if shot, punched, cut, or thrown into a fire. The only method for detonation is a detonator or blasting cap.

What that means is you can chuck the stuff as far as you wanted and unless it had a blasting cap or some type of pressure sensitive detonator - it would hit the ground like a bunch of silly putty.

Make sure you know what you are talking about before you flame someone about something you actually have no clue about.

Taken from -

Last edited by KineticDeath (2006-02-17 17:00:28)

The Microwave Man
I can honestly say after playing this game non stop 10 hours a day for the past 6 months that I can only recall being killed by a guy tossing C4 at me about 8 times . Big deal huh ? Wasn't a problem in the first place . I have never used C4 in this manner because I usually shoot the person trying to do it to me . So I always looked at it as a bad idea , a shitty tactic . Just love how EA and comapany catered to the lil 10 year old whiners . So sad . I still haven't dowloaded the patch yet . And won't . Have fun if you can lol .
+45|7013|Toronto, Canada

anaphylactic_shock wrote:

JRVoss wrote:

"in RL you could throw C4 so so much further than in 1.12!"

ummm Yeah ..

While I was not a "SpecOps' guy while I was in.   I was a Cav Scout.  We were trained in explosives.  I never once was taught how throwing C4 was a good tactic in battle.   Realistically it would not be as effective as say a grenade against infantry.  There is no shrapnel effect.    Put your C4 in a mess kit, slap a remote detonater inside, then maybe, if the detonator still goes off after making impact.

Now maybe someone from the Spec Ops world will come on and correct me, but I sincerely doubt it.
Nope your bang on. I've actually done an explosives course as part of my job. Part of the practical part of the course was building a "washing line" of detcord with a golfball sized lump of PE4 (Brit equiv of C4) hanging below. Stood about 30m back and blew it. Helluva bang and the shockwave nearly sat me on my arse, but that was it. Put a tin can around the PE4 and it would've been a totally different story, ie bits of me everywhere!!!!
Within the killzone proximity of the C4 being detonated in BF2 which is about 10 metres or so, the concussive blast would burst your internal organs and you would die.
Spec ops players will have to learn some skills now.
is drunk and crazy
My favourite kit is spec ops, as soon as a round starts im off to their assets to blow them, I've just been playing on kubra and got 41 points and finished top in my team, 15 kills, all with c4 too.

It's not true you have to walk right up to tank or apc ect, but you can still throw c4, but not as far.

I look down a bit then suddenly move the mouse up and throw at the same time, it makes it go a bit further, i think.
+1|6999|Orlando, FL
You know this is so funny. Basically everyone who is bitching about the patch are the same people who told everyone else before "Oh you dont like my C4/jet/noob tube? ADAPT and OVERCOME you whiners LOL!

Well guess what? The tables have turned and now its YOUR TURN. I think the reactions from these homos is worse than anyone who ever complained pre patch. OMG I CANT OWN WITH MY CHEAP TACTICS THAT REQUIRE SKILLZ SO I'LL GO PLAY ANOTHER GAME! Boycott the patch WAHH WAHH WAHH!

It is YOUR turn to adapt and overcome now. Nothing you say will change the patch. Deal with it and start playing the game the way it was meant to be played. Pre patch Spec Ops and jets were HATED and everyone laughed at support and AA. Now support, snipers, engineers, and AA are a valuable part of the team, AS THEY SHOULD ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. So either get used to it, or leave the game for the rest of us non-fag-homo-cheap-ass bitches. Thank you.

JRVoss wrote:

C4 is  a type of plastic explosive.

If the packs the spec ops are using is some sort of special " Det Pack", then it should not be called C4
Thanks for the page, it is very interesting. Still, I don't like the idea of a C4 thrown like a grenade. However, it should be capable of being thrown, not to far, and not to short. You drop in two feet infront of you, shouldn't you be able to throw it around five? Not twenty, but five feet would be awesome.
+45|7013|Toronto, Canada
I do like the patch for the most part, I just don't like that infantry movement seems cumbersome and clunky now.  I do adapt very quickly and have adapted pretty well while flying a jet.  I won't be using Spec Ops as often because I already attained the expert for it and will be using other kits to try to attain the other expert badges, so this C4 fix will not affect me too much.  I already acheived over 600 kills with C4 setting up traps and sneaking up on armour and squads before I even knew about the C4 chucking.  After that, I just made killed faster and easier.

But to counter your argument warco it was because of whining that they made the changes.  What would make it inconceivable that they don't find a medium ground in the next patch because of all the whining now?

I guess the hardest thing to adapt to this patch is the indestructible claymore. I believe that this will be adjusted in the next patch because the only way to get rid of it is to blow yourself up or have a engineer defuse it which is possible most times because of the positioning such as ladders or stairs.
Also, I would like to add-in, the distance of the C4 thrown has not been down-graded. But you idiots are used to bunny hopping by throwing the C4 while jumping.

Aquafina wrote:

Also, I would like to add-in, the distance of the C4 thrown has not been down-graded. But you idiots are used to bunny hopping by throwing the C4 while jumping.
amen to that
+45|7013|Toronto, Canada
Bunny hopping is to hop more than once.  I would jump only once.  It was the only way to get the C4 over the fence to blow up your target(s).
+-1|6942|'Nam, England
Yeah man, your right. Back in WW2 on the beaches they were luzzing remote control sachal charges into the pillboxes and blowing them out. If they could throw the stuff then...
+1|6999|Orlando, FL
You know what? I can agree that you should be able to toss C4. Yeah. I do. But if you can then you should remove it's ability to stick to objects. Cuz guess what geniuses? In real life you have to attach C4 to something with tape or glue. There is no magic adheseve that makes it stick to anything when you throw it. That's where you lose your stupid little argument about realism. Not super glue, not a magnet (magnets dont attach to walls). You've "proven" that you can throw C4 (which isn't recommended anway but whatever I'll give you that) now prove that it can attach to any object when you throw it. Then your argument defending a cheap ass tactic that was overpowered MIGHT have some merit. At the very least you can admit that the instant detonation was lame.

I've already explained in another thread. Before people "discovered" C4 chucking (which basically means the develepers never intended it to be in the game), spec ops still blew up tanks and infantry with C4. You'd lay a trap for infantry, or snuck up on a tank the old fashioned way. None of this rambo throwing super grenades and owning everyone bullshit. Soon, however, word got out about your little trick and before you know it everyone and thier grandmother was tossing C4 around. Assault, Support, and antitank are designed for infantry and armor combat. NOT SPEC OPS. Spec Ops was meant to be stealthly (hense you cant be seen with a satellite sweep), infiltrating enemy lines to destroy equipment  (bridges, vehicles, commander assets).

If EA/DICE wanted Spec ops to focus on infantry/armor combat, they wouldave given them BODY ARMOR and called it the SUPER RAMBO DEMO TOSSER kit and everyone would be happy. So please, stop trying to defend that lame tactic. The PKM may be super accurate now, but you cant kill tanks with it or instantly kill a squad of soldiers on the other side of the fence. So do yourselves a favor and pretend C4 chucking never existed and move on. Tired of all your fruitless, pointles arguments about something that is gone and will never come back. Give it a rest.

Last edited by warco3 (2006-02-18 11:15:47)


*=SAS=*stickers wrote:

You remember those guys who used to throw C4 like frisbees?  Now they are more like waiters trying to take your order...  No longer are they the fucking dragons that blast spitballs of exploding C4, but now resemble little pussy foxes trying to sneak up on you.  Unless somebody knows of a way, your C4 will have less hangtime than Shaq right after Thanksgiving dinner.  It's too bad actually, because I used to love throwing C4 over walls and fences.
Sounds like someone is pissed off because they can't noob people anymore for easy points.  You, and the bunny hoppers, jet whores, noob tubers, and dophin divers.
+0|6994|Maryland, USA

*=SAS=*stickers wrote:

your C4 will have less hangtime than Shaq right after Thanksgiving dinner.
can detect anyone's visible post count...
+691|7036|Cambridge (UK)

GoalieLax wrote:

and u have to walk right up to the tank or apc to stick on the c4.
IF YOU WANT TO BLOW UP A TANK, MAYBE YOU SHOULD PLAY AS ANTI-TANK?!?!?!?!?!  Maybe, just maybe...i dunno, call me crazy.

Jesus christ, get a clue
Or maybe Engineer - they're the ones with ANTI-TANK MINES!

Actually, it's easiest with C4. Even after the patch (from what I've been able to tell from the little I've played).

Also, if C4 isn't for blowing stuff up (tanks just one of many options), then just what is it for? Using as pillow? Modelling clay? Plugging holes in a leaky boat?

And if you think I don't know what I'm talking about - just look at my stats - top two kits used? AT and Spec-Ops!

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