Hey everyone,

I've noticed a disturbing trend with myself, and was wondering if anyone else has noticed this?

I was looking at the honored "Best Games of my life" shelf, and as I've been a gamer for a few years, it goes back a bit.  When I was looking over it, fighting off waves of nostalgia, I realized that I'd griped about all of them at one point or another.  For example:

God damn Blizzard, I earned my Godly Plate of the Whale, and I should be able to keep it just as it is!  (Diablo 1)

God damn Blizzard, I wasn't cheating- I was just better than the other guy!  (Warcraft 2)

Damn you, Valve!  You ruined CS with 1.6!! Steam suxorz my ballz!!!

Fuck EA.  BF1942 was fine the way it was.  Oooh...Desert Combat...I gotta try this shit!  Wait, this is cool.  The patches actually make sense!  They improve the gameplay.

Holy shit, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero sucks....Valve fucked it up hardcore.

Fuck EA. Punkbuster just screws with BF:Vietnam

Counter-Strike: Source...this looks interesting...Wait! I know! Let's throw on a patch a day in true valve style!  Every time, let's make the game a little shittier!

Hey, Battlefield 2! Maybe they fixed all of the bugs! The ranks look challenging...I'll give it a try!!  Wait, what?  A patch?  Ranks Nerfed? major gameplay issues not fixed?

Why do we continue to set ourselves up for disappointment by going back to the same manufacturers over and over again?  We know they release buggy products.  We know that the gameplay is never as good post-patch as it is pre-patch.  We know the patches will come. 

In short, my digerati brothers and sisters, we know that if we go into that club, we'll be drugged, raped, beaten, and quite possibly infected with AIDS.  We still go in.  We still get excited every time the club re-opens.  We always blame the management of the club, and then go to the next club they open.

We, my fellow members of the Nintendo Generation ( and those of you that came of age to Playstation...well, you're okay too.  Sorta.), have bought into a false religion.

The church is the computer.
The Bibles are the games.

And we're all in the Choir.

I, your preacher, say that the second coming is at hand!  Repent, Oh dabblers in everquest!  Repent, those who still play Doom! 

The second coming will be... a game without bugs.
The second coming will be... a game without n00bs.
The second coming will be... a game where skill beats glitches
The second coming will be... a game without prohibitive hardware requirements.

The second coming....will never happen.  Lets go blow up the people who game on Macs. 

+27|7084|Atlanta, GA USA
+2,382|6991|The North, beyond the wall.
Playstation gen rules.especially tomb raider 2,im not sure why we go back again and again to buy buggy games.but then again,doesnt every game have something wrong with it?
Kick His Ass!
+371|7008|Howell, Mi USA
Umm ok well there is too many h4xors in any CS to be any good. There is nothing wrong with 1.2 patch BF2. ( unless your a pilot )  lol

Tomb Raider 1 & 2 pwned on Ps1

u want old skool? MK2 SNES  i was the scorpion spear whore my friends hated me.

Last edited by Cbass (2006-02-16 11:31:41)

MephistoJade wrote:

We, my fellow members of the Nintendo Generation ( and those of you that came of age to Playstation...well, you're okay too.  Sorta.), have bought into a false religion.

The church is the computer.
The Bibles are the games.

And we're all in the Choir.

I, your preacher, say that the second coming is at hand!  Repent, Oh dabblers in everquest!  Repent, those who still play Doom! 

The second coming will be... a game without bugs.
The second coming will be... a game without n00bs.
The second coming will be... a game where skill beats glitches
The second coming will be... a game without prohibitive hardware requirements.

The second coming....will never happen.  Lets go blow up the people who game on Macs. 

roflmao, great thread... though i was of the master system/megadrive generation - never wanted a nintendo... thanks for giving me a great laugh

btw.. tombraider 1 pwns, even with the triangular lara

Cbass wrote:

Umm ok well there is too many h4xors in any CS to be any good. There is nothing wrong with 1.2 patch BF2. ( unless your a pilot )  lol

Tomb Raider 1 & 2 pwned on Ps1

u want old skool? MK2 SNES  i was the scorpion spear whore my friends hated me.
Wow....For someone like me, who grew up on the Sega Master system and NES, that's so old school.

Yeesh.  You want old school?  Jungle Safari on the Master System.  Super Mario 1.  Duck hunt.  Asteroids on Atari 2600. 

Mortal Kombat  That's as old-school as Britney Spears. 

And I hate to point it out, but by the time games got that advanced....everyone was a special move whore.
+17|7057|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)
>>>>>>>>> MORTAL KOMBAAAATT!!!! <<<<<<<

dooo dooo dooo doooo duh duh dooo dooo dooo duh duh doooo dooooo


Left + left + right + up

Bringer of slight pain and mild discomfort.

MephistoJade wrote:

The second coming will be... a game without bugs.
The second coming will be... a game without n00bs.
The second coming will be... a game where skill beats glitches
The second coming will be... a game without prohibitive hardware requirements.

The second coming....will never happen.  Lets go blow up the people who game on Macs. 

Your messiahs name will be CHESS!

Last edited by SpanktorTheGreat (2006-02-17 13:06:58)

What was the game where the guy turned into a wolf?  My all time favorite but I can't think of the name.
Metal Godz


before that was



but u missed


up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start!!!
Dead Meat
Um, i know this is stupid but we're all noobs when we first get a game. If you don't want noobs, get your own server.

And no I'm not a noob but yes... I suck.

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

What was the game where the guy turned into a wolf?  My all time favorite but I can't think of the name.
Altared Beast (sp?), for Genesis.  Wasn't there also a dude that turned into a lizard man or something?

That was a renter for me.  Needless to say, I paid a hefty late fee for that one :D  I rented a lot of weird games.  My favorite from the "obscure" shelf?  "Zombies Ate My Neighbors" (SNES).  Phenomenal two-player collabo.  Right up there with Uniracers.

And lets not forget Metal Storm... you could change the friggin gravity!

Oh, the nostalgia...
Squishing Your Head
+1|6990|Bolton UK
Welcome from the Spectrum and C64 generation. A generation where games were loaded by tape......."By what?" I hear you cry.....YES by tape. You remember tapes! those little square things that were around before your parents bought a CD player. Where anything up to 15 minutes was the average load time and at the last minute the tape would either Chew itself up or you would get the hideous "unable to read media" error. But all was not bad, back when I was a lad games could be bought for 3 whole British pounds, where games were produced by gamers for gamers, and not from some multi national headquaters in New York or Paris, but from a bedroom in Basingstoke. And the games! ohhh the games..... Manic Miner, Jest set willy, Defender. A list of games as long as some very long arms, admittedly some were shit, but more were great. Remember Elite? vectored graphics, little or no sound, but the sheer scope and size of the game was astounding and it all fit on a 720K floppy!!! and you know the best bit? it worked! No patches, no bug fixes, no expansion packs, just a great game.

That being said support was harder to find than a virgin in a maternity ward, and graphics were just a by product of good game play.  But they worked, and gave birth (perhaps some would say sadly) to the Games companies that exist today. Games are better now than they were then, they look prettier, sound better, work faster. But at what cost? we all pay our 30 quid plus and then scream at the screen because the game does not work as advertised, and then we have to wait for patches and bug fixes and so on so forth. But at least the support is there now, at least there is someone who (seems) to care enough to release the patches and listen to the community and fix the bugs. We all bang on about EA this that and the other, but For gods sake most of the people complaining on this forum bought and played BF1942 and lets face it that had its fair share of problems, and if thats the case why in Gods name did those same people buy BF2???.

No game is EVER going to be perfect, there will always be bugs because of the nature of the PC, we all have different specs that require different things. So I say if you don't like the fact that a game will crash occasionaly or will never reach those heady heights of perfection (in your eyes) then you bought the wrong kit. Sell your PC and put the money towards an Xbox2 or PS3.

You can please all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but Not.............

Well you know the rest
+3|6957|Austin, TX

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start!!!
Rock on the old school, man! I don't think you hit select though.

Operation Wolf on the Commedore 64.  So much of my youth consumed by that game...

Lockman wrote:

wannabe_tank_whore wrote:

up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start!!!
Rock on the old school, man! I don't think you hit select though.

Operation Wolf on the Commedore 64.  So much of my youth consumed by that game...
Select was so my bro would get the lives as well.  I had to share back then...
Great post my friend!
+23|7157|Pembroke Pines, FL.
Great rant man.  Job well done.......
+101|6989|Southern California
i want my Commadore 64
Mech Brigade ran on <64k and it is exactly the same as BF2, exactly

oh wait  Timex-Sinclair 1000 with cassette tapes playing Star Trek - no bugs - no 400mg downloads from the Internet

lol you guys are bringing back ancient history

P.S. Jade you win "Rant of the Day" lol good one

Last edited by OpsChief (2006-02-17 13:39:50)

damn I'm old... in my garage I still have all my old gear... Atari 2600(about 30 games), Commadore 64(around 200 games), Amiga 1000 (about 500 games), Sega Genesis (about 50 games), an 8088, a 286, a 386, a 486, and an early pentium... I should open a freakin museum. Most of those machines haven't even tasted power in 15 years so I have no idea if they even work but I can't bring myself to throw them away.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6992|Broadlands, VA
Oldest Game & "Rig":  Avalon Hill's "Midway" running on a Commodore Pet 2001.  8K ram.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot?
+201|6992|Broadlands, VA
However (back on topic) I think it's more of a factor of the complexity of the games and the expectations of us consumers.  That's why we keep going back to . . . wherever.  When I got AOE III I was so PISSED I gave it away.  For me it was completely unplayable.  The same will be for almost any game/patch.  It will screw up how *somebody* plays.

Ah well....I cannot imagine what they would do to X-Wing if it were resurrected!

BUt CS:S is better then CS 1.6 and 1.5  , since (like a long time ago) they finaly managed to get VAC2 working there aren't so many cheaters anymore , also they give very good support with patches and give new maps for free , if there is one gamedeveloper you can't blame for not giving enough support , patches and extra maps, then it is valve .
youve now just been Pwned by the Mavster
Old skoolllll!!!!1111 ... i remember the days of the zx spectrum and games that loaded from tape and bbc computers...haha

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