Check your AA alarm...
+82|6835|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Ok, I think it needs to be said.  WHO IS TIRED OF THE WHINING BABIES???  I know I am avery tired of it.  All I have to say is that if you don't like the new patch, STOP PLAYING THE GAME THEN!!!  I mean seriously what are you 12 years old.  I mean seriously get a life.  If you play BF2 consistantly then you really need to get out and see the world.  Did you know that the sky is blue and there is fresh air outside.   

All I have to say is that if you can't stand the new patch.  Go play something else.
Dutch Delight
yes I hate the CRY BABIES...
panic over nothing, I think the game is better with the new patch.
yes there are some more minor issue but they will be fixed.
Yup. Its just getting old. Most arent even sure what they are complaining about.

Let me explain. Most complainers on the subject of how the game is now for noobs & that it was these so called noobs complaining that ruined the game are quite wrong. These aspects e.g. bunny hopping were removed because DICE never intended them to be used as they have been. In fact its te people that are moaning on this basis who are to blame, its their abuse of these game exploits that forced the game to require patching.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6736|Howell, Mi USA
Oh yea im tired of hearing all the pilots bitching about AA and 1.2 sucks. there is planty of flight sims out there go play those.
An experienced player (aka "non-noob") should just be able to adjust their tactics around the new game elements and continue on like before.  So, I don't really see where the problem lies.
+44|6768|West Berlin!
lol stupid morons I won´t adjust just because some little pussies cried that they where OWNED by the aircraft the whole time...I AM STILL PLAYING 1.12
+-2|6742|England, UK
People are having a detailed debate on the subject of patch 1.2 because people who like to play FPS and know that BF2 is proberly the best ever FPS, don't want it ruining. Its debatable whether patch 1.2 with its good points and bug fixes is worth spoilling the game for.
The only people who whine are the "specialists". The guys who play as one class on one map all the time.

Their skills are so finely tuned at one thing, as soon as the balance is changed, the get upset. The people that play bf2 for the variety just go "oh well, no more noob tubing, I'll switch to the pkm or sniper now".
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6835|Idaho, USA / Age 30
Well we are glad you are playing 1.12.  That way we don't have to play with someone like you nOOb.Worx.  Glad I won't be seeing you in the game.
If there was a videogame dictionary, "New Patch Bitching" would be one of the longest-standing entries.  I played CS from beta .65 (or whatever) all the way up to Source, and every time it was patched people would invariably bitch.  It's the side-effect of every patch.

I'm a bigtime attack chopper whore.  I welcome the challenge brought on by the combination of tuned-up AA, reduced missile battery size, and pregnable armor.  Successful piloting now requires much more strategy and skill.  Plus, now I know that if I don't get in the chopper before 2 teammates do, I know they'll be shot down soon.  The faster chopper turnover is definitely a plus :)
Kick His Ass!
+371|6736|Howell, Mi USA

PFCStenzel wrote:

Well we are glad you are playing 1.12.  That way we don't have to play with someone like you nOOb.Worx.  Glad I won't be seeing you in the game.
Can't handle the new AA nOOb.Worx ? then i agree stay in 1.12
Un Moderador

Cbass wrote:

Oh yea im tired of hearing all the pilots bitching about AA and 1.2 sucks. there is planty of flight sims out there go play those.
ermmmm, yeah about that, im a pilot, you dont see me bithchin, i think its awesome now that they have imrpoved AA, coz there are so many ppl now wanting to go onto the AA turrets its like a fuking gold mine on the ground!!!!!! and now that missiles are better, its even sweeter!!!!!!!!! yay for 1.2!!!!!!!!!!
Respekct dad i love u always
+946|6851|Marathon, Florida Keys
you will find a complete opposite of opinion of the low ranks from the high ranks. The high ranks(20k and up) are the experienced and the low ranks and the noobies, all the low ranks wanted the game changed in 1000000 ways so they could be good without putting any effort in becoming experienced at all. The grenade launcher was really the only thing in the game i had a problem with. Most of these "whiners" are people who have spent along time playing the game and are now getting killed left and right by little pieces of shit that bought this game yesterday, when in non-nerfed bf2 they wouldent get a shot off. I let my sister play on wake island on the new aimbot-loaded IGLA, she is 7 years old and shot down a captain, sgt major, and a lieutennant colonel in planes in the same round, about 4 times each. Good game you little low ranked pussies have made this game. Your calling people whiners, your the ones that caused this fucked patch in the first place.
If ur a low rank and dident cry this patch into existance, than i mean no offence to you.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6736|Howell, Mi USA

zimmer92 wrote:

Cbass wrote:

Oh yea im tired of hearing all the pilots bitching about AA and 1.2 sucks. there is planty of flight sims out there go play those.
ermmmm, yeah about that, im a pilot, you dont see me bithchin, i think its awesome now that they have imrpoved AA, coz there are so many ppl now wanting to go onto the AA turrets its like a fuking gold mine on the ground!!!!!! and now that missiles are better, its even sweeter!!!!!!!!! yay for 1.2!!!!!!!!!!
i gotta hand it to ya Zimmer92, u are one of the few.

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

I let my sister play on wake island on the new aimbot-loaded IGLA, she is 7 years old and shot down a captain, sgt major, and a lieutennant colonel in planes in the same round, about 4 times each. Good game you little low ranked pussies have made this game. Your calling people whiners, your the ones that caused this fucked patch in the first place.
If ur a low rank and dident cry this patch into existance, than i mean no offence to you.
Perhaps the problem is that EA made the game so easy for most pilots for so long they can't deal with the idea of changing tactics and not just being able to always head straight for their target without fear of being shot down.  The GOOD pilots are still very effective at their's the mediocre pilots that are having a rough time because of the AA.

To the GOOD pilots that have accepted the new patch with open arms I give two thumbs up.  They recognize that it's because of their skill they can be successful and not because of the fact that jets and choppers are, for the most part (prior to 1.2), invincible.

Now...for the mediocre pilots that are complaining of the new patch...all I can say is that maybe you're not really as good as you thought you were and maybe it's time you hang up your flight suit and start helping us capture some flags so that the GOOD pilots can do their jobs from the air.
+69|6688|Nova Scotia

antin0de wrote:

If there was a videogame dictionary, "New Patch Bitching" would be one of the longest-standing entries.  I played CS from beta .65 (or whatever) all the way up to Source, and every time it was patched people would invariably bitch.  It's the side-effect of every patch.

I'm a bigtime attack chopper whore.  I welcome the challenge brought on by the combination of tuned-up AA, reduced missile battery size, and pregnable armor.  Successful piloting now requires much more strategy and skill.  Plus, now I know that if I don't get in the chopper before 2 teammates do, I know they'll be shot down soon.  The faster chopper turnover is definitely a plus
Good post man. I played CS from the beginning and was thinkin the same thing.
I didn't mind the game before the patch, and I don't mind it afterwards. 
I suck at flying, but I was never bad at bringin' em down.  See ya out there
THIS PATCH RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and now i can kill more snipers wannabe
by the way the jets still really hard to take down, i know this because yesterday i was piloting and i didn't get shot down by AA and I SUCK as a pilot, the only things that shoot me down were the enemy jets with their gun (like always)
I cant stand seeing all the posts about how the patch sucks, ea sucks, and dice sucks. Well go play another goddamn game. I come on here to look for the odd tip or some help and all i see are whining pussies. Fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kick His Ass!
+371|6736|Howell, Mi USA

Raevin wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

I let my sister play on wake island on the new aimbot-loaded IGLA, she is 7 years old and shot down a captain, sgt major, and a lieutennant colonel in planes in the same round, about 4 times each. Good game you little low ranked pussies have made this game. Your calling people whiners, your the ones that caused this fucked patch in the first place.
If ur a low rank and dident cry this patch into existance, than i mean no offence to you.
Perhaps the problem is that EA made the game so easy for most pilots for so long they can't deal with the idea of changing tactics and not just being able to always head straight for their target without fear of being shot down.  The GOOD pilots are still very effective at their's the mediocre pilots that are having a rough time because of the AA.

To the GOOD pilots that have accepted the new patch with open arms I give two thumbs up.  They recognize that it's because of their skill they can be successful and not because of the fact that jets and choppers are, for the most part (prior to 1.2), invincible.

Now...for the mediocre pilots that are complaining of the new patch...all I can say is that maybe you're not really as good as you thought you were and maybe it's time you hang up your flight suit and start helping us capture some flags so that the GOOD pilots can do their jobs from the air.
Perfactly said dude.
Ambitious but Rubbish
I love the new patch and I still love to fly.

Its a hell of alot more dangerous now to fly, which for me makes this game alot more fun.

I have just changed tactics for flying now, I wont say how dont want to give away my secrets.

So yes please stop whining about the patch, I had enough of it before the patch, so when stuff is changed, the whining still continues.

Just play the game and enjoy it, I enjoyed the game before the patch and I still enjoy it after.

I mean would you rather spend £10/$10 a month to play WOW or play this for free after you bought the game and please dont start on about booster packs, if you don't want them just dont buy them.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6835|Idaho, USA / Age 30

canadianmadcow1701 wrote:

I cant stand seeing all the posts about how the patch sucks, ea sucks, and dice sucks. Well go play another goddamn game. I come on here to look for the odd tip or some help and all i see are whining pussies. Fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well said Madcow.  Well Said

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Most of these "whiners" are people who have spent along time playing the game and are now getting killed left and right by little pieces of shit that bought this game yesterday, when in non-nerfed bf2 they wouldent get a shot off.
Well, I'm a little piece of shit who bought the game the day it came out I've been killing "whiners" since,.. very poorly I might add.

And congratulations on being the first "whiner" to invade this thread. Have fun on 1.12!!
Pretty tired of the whining too. About a month or two before the patch I started flying a lot, even with the upgraded AA I still pilot whenever I can. And I while I am not great, I do well enough to still love the game. Its harder- but thats a good thing. Plane to plane fights just happen now above 300ft. Then you dive bomb the ground pounders and bases. And like Raeven said there is faster turn over and -at least for planes- less people waiting to fly, if I do go down. I'm happy with it.
If anything they should relook at the letting grenades blow up mines and claymores (that made sence to me)and PKM killing machine. But even that will be adapted to at some point. I think the changes make for more teamplay (co-pilots taking out AA even if its empty) and will help the longevity of the game.
In a month or two the way it is now will seem "normal" and to all those who "hate the game now", "will never play again" take care goodbye.
Overall I am very happy with the patch. looking forward to Euro Force.

Last edited by pndragon26 (2006-02-17 11:47:49)

On the server I play at the good pilots are still dominating the skies.  This patch just separated the mediocre pilots from the ones who actually think and adapt.  If you fly too close to AA you get shot down.  If you hover as a helo too low you get shot down by AT.
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6835|Idaho, USA / Age 30

OnePumpChump wrote:

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

Most of these "whiners" are people who have spent along time playing the game and are now getting killed left and right by little pieces of shit that bought this game yesterday, when in non-nerfed bf2 they wouldent get a shot off.
Well, I'm a little piece of shit who bought the game the day it came out I've been killing "whiners" since,.. very poorly I might add.

And congratulations on being the first "whiner" to invade this thread. Have fun on 1.12!!
Hats off to you OnePumpChump.  Well said and Goodbye and good bye to those whiners.

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