What I have devised from all the posts about hating the new patch is...

Your upset your whoring system has been nerfed. No longer can you cruise round the map raping the ground pounders silly. Winging about not being able to get near the carrier now.....well you shouldnt have raped the carrier in the first place. You now actually have to work for some kills and cant go the whole round without even getting one death.

You know what might actually happen now? You'll have to work as a team. Thats right. You fly boys will have to work out what the T button can be used for. I see it like this...YOU will have to rely on US to take out the AA for you. WE will have to rely on YOU to take out anything too ugly looking (tanks etc).  I think this is called the basis of teamwork.
+-2|7018|England, UK

nxt-sockpuppet wrote:

What I have devised from all the posts about hating the new patch is...

Your upset your whoring system has been nerfed. No longer can you cruise round the map raping the ground pounders silly. Winging about not being able to get near the carrier now.....well you shouldnt have raped the carrier in the first place. You now actually have to work for some kills and cant go the whole round without even getting one death.

You know what might actually happen now? You'll have to work as a team. Thats right. You fly boys will have to work out what the T button can be used for. I see it like this...YOU will have to rely on US to take out the AA for you. WE will have to rely on YOU to take out anything too ugly looking (tanks etc).  I think this is called the basis of teamwork.
No. Mate. I pilot and gun in attack heli's and I always work as a team from taking that tank, apc or attack heli thats ruining your day. Perhaps if the airpower fearing no skill noobs would spot more, us pilots could kill more and save your ass. I've seen it too many times when people don't spot an attack heli, tank or whatever so other team mates can help. LOL. And its the Q button. T is for squad/commander radio. Plus if I get to go the whole round without dying and get a lot of kills in the attack heli then your team was crap, had crap pilots(as your team has the same hardware jet, attack heli's), a crap commander and crap squad leaders. Maybe one, two or all of theses. Plus I'm a decent pilot and gunner.

Last edited by General_CoLin_Tassi (2006-02-17 06:12:14)

if this game had been released as it is now (someone else has mentioned this) would there be any complaints?....if this game didnt have the stats, medals, ribbons or ranking system would anyone be complaining?.....im an average joe player, i dont fly helis often cos i stink, im ok in a jet.....i leave that to those who have aquired the skill, or as said above invested the hours....good for you!....i invested hours in using air defence and my major complaint was and this is going back to around the 1.03 patch that the stingers are too slow for jets and even when locked on still go for friendly planes....i adapted by only firing when there was a considerable gap between the planes or choppers......ok lots of peeps are pissed at EA cos of the AA improvement...so why dont EA reset it to what it was and instead make it a requirement that all jets and helo's have to land back at base to re-arm and refuel on SF your NV goggles have a battery life so give all vehicles air and land a fuel limit...make it only possible to re-arm and fuel at supply crates or certain cap points for land vehicles and bases with airstrips for jets......god help us if they introduce shoulder mounted fire n forget stingers for the anti air guys or mobile artillery trucks like the real armies of the world have!!!!.....its a fine balance between realism and playability for games like this...telling EA/DICE to f.off isnt constructive neither is calling ground troops noobs or talentless garbage...having good stats is a personel thing not a god given right to slag other peeps off...yes they may have less points or more deaths but i bet they got some good K;D ratios in certain areas...be it medic, sniper, driver, engy, support whatever...if this game became too realistic then we would be running back to base with pistol wounds to the arm and wait weeks before returning to battle....no one would survive a shot through the shoulder with a .50cal cos they would have no arm left and they would prolly die from blood loss....helis would be able to take out vehicles from 5 miles away...like i said its a fine balance...whats needed now is more teamwork not more slagging off!
Beatdown Patrol

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

No. Mate. I pilot and gun in attack heli's and I always work as a team from taking that tank, apc or attack heli thats ruining your day. Perhaps if the airpower fearing no skill noobs would spot more, us pilots could kill more and save your ass. I've seen it too many times when people don't spot an attack heli, tank or whatever so other team mates can help. LOL. And its the Q button. T is for squad/commander radio. Plus if I get to go the whole round without dying and get a lot of kills in the attack heli then your team was crap, had crap pilots(as your team has the same hardware jet, attack heli's), a crap commander and crap squad leaders. Maybe one, two or all of theses. Plus I'm a decent pilot and gunner.
Then you are a rare breed indeed.  My experience is that most pilots didn't bother trying to shoot each other down because it is not worth the effort or points to do it.  Why bother turning and burning with another jet for 10 mins when the missiles didn't track very well and lining up guns was extremely difficult.  Pilots on both sides of the conflict knew that there was more points in bombing the bejeezus out of each other's ground troops and it really became a contest between the opposing pilots to see who could rack up the most kills to get the Star medals.  I swear, it was like an unspoken agreement between pilots that "if you don't bother me...I won't bother you."

Now...I DO spot constantly.  I feel that spotting is one of the most underutilized tools of the game.  If two helos are mixed in combat, I ALWAYS spot the enemy helo to assist our helo pilot in locating them.  if I am going from one location to another and see a buggy or tank in the distance, I spot.  I spot jets.  I spot boats.  I spot snipers.    I am telling you, the average pilot does not...I repeat...does NOT react to target spotting.  There shouldn't be a single helo able to survive on a map with jets because every time they lift off, they should be blasted out of the sky by jet pilots.  It just doesn't happen.  I know this beyond a shadow of doubt because if I see a helo, I spot them 100% of the time.  I do this on foot, in tanks, buggies, HumVees, boats, or hiding under a rock.  Why?  Becuase I always want to know where a helo is in relation to MY position so I can make sure that I am at a location where the helo is NOT.

I am only saying this in response to your post because I do not feel that it is because of crap pilots that a helo is able to stay in the air.  It is more because jet pilots were too busy point farming in their invincible jets to even care.

- Beatdown
+0|6964|United States

MrBrain wrote:

LimeGreen wrote:

I like any patch that makes the game more realistic, and more competitive.

If you are not happy about the helicopter situation, become a better pilot/ strategist.

If you are not happy about the mine situation, become a better armour driver/ strategist.

If you are not happy about no longer being able to be a dick and hop/dive all over the place, become a better soldier or ask EA to institute a prone-roll feature in the next patch.

Bottom line: quit all the bitchin', suck it up, and become a BETTER soldier/player.
So the un-destroyable mines/claymores are more realistic? Are they more realistic also when they don't kill team mates anymore? What kind of a noob are you?!
The kind that doesn't stress over a BF2 patch... hahaha Get a LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LoL the hate topic has much more posts than the love topic.
I must also agree, somehow after playing the new patch it doens't feel rigth anymore.

I can't do a quick reanimation now so most of the people that i reanimate get killed right away. First i waited till enemy was gone, reanimated, person got to safety and clear. Now it just takes way to much time. I know it's just some taking used to, but why should i?

I've completely stopped playing this game, EA wouldn't care, cause they got their money.
+-2|7018|England, UK

DonWanKiddick wrote:

if this game had been released as it is now (someone else has mentioned this) would there be any complaints?....if this game didnt have the stats, medals, ribbons or ranking system would anyone be complaining?.....im an average joe player, i dont fly helis often cos i stink, im ok in a jet.....i leave that to those who have aquired the skill, or as said above invested the hours....good for you!....i invested hours in using air defence and my major complaint was and this is going back to around the 1.03 patch that the stingers are too slow for jets and even when locked on still go for friendly planes....i adapted by only firing when there was a considerable gap between the planes or choppers......ok lots of peeps are pissed at EA cos of the AA improvement...so why dont EA reset it to what it was and instead make it a requirement that all jets and helo's have to land back at base to re-arm and refuel on SF your NV goggles have a battery life so give all vehicles air and land a fuel limit...make it only possible to re-arm and fuel at supply crates or certain cap points for land vehicles and bases with airstrips for jets......god help us if they introduce shoulder mounted fire n forget stingers for the anti air guys or mobile artillery trucks like the real armies of the world have!!!!.....its a fine balance between realism and playability for games like this...telling EA/DICE to f.off isnt constructive neither is calling ground troops noobs or talentless garbage...having good stats is a personel thing not a god given right to slag other peeps off...yes they may have less points or more deaths but i bet they got some good K;D ratios in certain areas...be it medic, sniper, driver, engy, support whatever...if this game became too realistic then we would be running back to base with pistol wounds to the arm and wait weeks before returning to battle....no one would survive a shot through the shoulder with a .50cal cos they would have no arm left and they would prolly die from blood loss....helis would be able to take out vehicles from 5 miles away...like i said its a fine balance...whats needed now is more teamwork not more slagging off!
A group of people must of moaned to EA/Dice about the air power. I guess that it was the air power fearing, no skill, expected to play a game like CS, expect to kill anything with one shot NOOBS.
Whats needed now is Attack Heli's with a hit point increase but not set at patch 1.12 settings, 8 missiles ok and TV missile range 500m not 450m (helps with the new uber AA). If I started playing the game from today then the learning curve for air vehicles is going to be steep. The jets were the air power problem and that been addressed. New and cool AA(except for the oil tower bug so another patch will be needed soon) plus the jets hit point reduction should make pilots land for big repairs. A new challange for jet pilots and prevents constant bombing runs. A good fix IMO.
New support is cool. Excellent stuff with PKM.
+-2|7018|England, UK

Beatdown Patrol wrote:

General_CoLin_Tassi wrote:

No. Mate. I pilot and gun in attack heli's and I always work as a team from taking that tank, apc or attack heli thats ruining your day. Perhaps if the airpower fearing no skill noobs would spot more, us pilots could kill more and save your ass. I've seen it too many times when people don't spot an attack heli, tank or whatever so other team mates can help. LOL. And its the Q button. T is for squad/commander radio. Plus if I get to go the whole round without dying and get a lot of kills in the attack heli then your team was crap, had crap pilots(as your team has the same hardware jet, attack heli's), a crap commander and crap squad leaders. Maybe one, two or all of theses. Plus I'm a decent pilot and gunner.
Then you are a rare breed indeed.  My experience is that most pilots didn't bother trying to shoot each other down because it is not worth the effort or points to do it.  Why bother turning and burning with another jet for 10 mins when the missiles didn't track very well and lining up guns was extremely difficult.  Pilots on both sides of the conflict knew that there was more points in bombing the bejeezus out of each other's ground troops and it really became a contest between the opposing pilots to see who could rack up the most kills to get the Star medals.  I swear, it was like an unspoken agreement between pilots that "if you don't bother me...I won't bother you."

Now...I DO spot constantly.  I feel that spotting is one of the most underutilized tools of the game.  If two helos are mixed in combat, I ALWAYS spot the enemy helo to assist our helo pilot in locating them.  if I am going from one location to another and see a buggy or tank in the distance, I spot.  I spot jets.  I spot boats.  I spot snipers.    I am telling you, the average pilot does not...I repeat...does NOT react to target spotting.  There shouldn't be a single helo able to survive on a map with jets because every time they lift off, they should be blasted out of the sky by jet pilots.  It just doesn't happen.  I know this beyond a shadow of doubt because if I see a helo, I spot them 100% of the time.  I do this on foot, in tanks, buggies, HumVees, boats, or hiding under a rock.  Why?  Becuase I always want to know where a helo is in relation to MY position so I can make sure that I am at a location where the helo is NOT.

I am only saying this in response to your post because I do not feel that it is because of crap pilots that a helo is able to stay in the air.  It is more because jet pilots were too busy point farming in their invincible jets to even care.

- Beatdown
Agreed mate. Well said. The jets were too strong but ea/Dice went too far with the heli's. Its good to see people spotting jets/heli's from the ground especially if they are in a dog fight. Good show chappy!
Well i have to say this patch SUCKED the 1st day i played with it... i was shot down easily by noobs in AA and Jets (when in heli) they shot me down easy too in my plane... the 1st time i saw a APC near our flag in karkand i run up to him and jumped to throw c4 at him without standing next to him, didnt work of course (that suckes), then i met a clan who were only using PKM's and i saw that u can easy use the PKM as a SNIPER!!! only use a bit more bullets... I now am used to it that the Medic weapon M36C (orso) is Fast with killing and the PKM is just a **** stupid too overloaded strong preciese weapon... the special ops suck now for me, cause i cant use the C4 as good as normal... now i am often Sniper (i hated that kit before but now its so strong :S)...
so i LOVE the patch 1.12 and dont realy like the patch 1.2!!
p.s when someone throws c4 at me, i throw it back. if someone bunnyhopped next to me with a knife, i did the same and tryd to kill him like his way i didnt complain about them... what they can can we do too
(the only thing i hated was the spawncamping tank, apc and 2nd apc by HOTEL in KARKAND)

mcminty wrote:

Can all you morons just shut the fuck up about the friggin AA.

Isn't it funny how all those people who say:

Ryle wrote:

haha that fucking hilarious...

did a little aviator whore get owned by the new patch??? awww cry us a river...
are those people that are absolutly shit in aircraft:

BF2S:Ryle4tehwin wrote:

Aviator --- 00:05:29 --- 0 --- 9 --- 0.00 --- 0
From your stats, you spend most of your time at Karkand, playing medic and doing lots of reviving. Thats how you get points.

Take 1SFG-Hawk, while he has spent some time at karkand, if you look at the Aviator stats you will see something pretty impressive:

BF2S:1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Aviator --- 289:48:31 --- 26,615 --- 3,044 --- 8.74 --- 2,113
Around half his points have been gained through aviator. Personally, I take my hat off to that.

If you wanna take the piss out of someone cause they "got owned by the new patch", try flying once in a while.

Amen. Don't all you fucking noobs remember after they came out with SF, they left out the anti tank and sniper upgrades, so all of you started bitching. What do you know - EA apologizes and states that is unfair that you paid for this game and thats the kit you like, and they give you your upgrade now. Well, what about the pilots that fucking paid for this game? now they send us straight to hell, FUCK EA! I have an 11 k/d ratio in a plane, you little bitches might not know how hard that is, but it's frustrating, hopping in a jet getting sniped out by a teammate, or taking off the runway and a jeep of 2 people run into you, then you get the tk's, get punished, and get kicked. ROFL, reading some of you bitches still complain after you got what you cried for. JUST FUCKING ENJOY THE GAME YOU BITCHES WHINED FOR, because all of the good players with the 11 k/d ratios are getting sent down shits creek.

DonWanKiddick wrote:

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Ryle wrote:

haha that fucking hilarious...

did a little aviator whore get owned by the new patch??? awww cry us a river Mr. 26000:3000 aviator.
Actually Ive been running some pretty good rounds lately...seems that Ive found a way to counter the AA...now all i do is fly around and kill everyone of them.  I still dont agree with everything the patch did...there are some that I do agree with.  However, even though the AA is extremely too accurate I have a counter and if any of you patch luvin AA whore even as so much touch an SAM site while im in the same server you can bet your bottom dollar youll be dead in t-minus 2 seconds.  Laugh it up...flame it up girls it still dont change the fact that the pilots will always win.
you sir are an ass!!! plain and simple...you moan cos the patch makes it difficult for u to whore points as usual in ur invulnerable slick or jet then u brag about how u will / can kill anyone within 2 secs....now u call us AA whores? who the fuck used AA before this patch? no one basically....mainly cos shitheads like you with ur invincible air assets whored the whole map as soon as anyone got into a vehicle....i.e. big green box appears announcing our whereabouts...piss poor pre-patch AA either missed even when locked on or hit friendly assets when locked on to enemy...now ur here calling us AA whores? same as the other bitching faggot calling peeps support whores...fuck sake no one moaned about these before the patch now were all whores cos u and ur kind are fucking losers...the only thing that saves u from being a total noob is the fact u have adapted in some way but otherwise its just a fucking game change ur attitude dude cos it sucks!!!...some that u do agree with? what would they be? noob tubers? bunny hoppers? bet u meet loads of them when ur in the air.....oh i forgot u lot TK each other for air assets so maybe thats what ur on about......just watched a real life documentary...guess what...land troops or ground pounders can carry stinger missiles...shoulder mounted!!! and its fire n forget 1 stinger good-bye jet....none of this unbalanced BF2 shit...and M1 ABRAHAMS TANKS dont get damaged going over little bumps.......DCX had the balance...this game dont!!!!
what r u on man?

there are many AA whores now.
I used AA a lot before patch, and could get kills anyway, u just have to use your brain for a bit. Now all you n00bs will be just sitting (whoring) in AA and clicking that button to shoot missiles that aim and lock themselves. That will prove that u r very skilful! I don't mind the AA, I will shoot u down from plane or chopper, no problem. and if u think it takes no skill to bomb from the air, then why dont u try it? I mean both teams have the same stuff, so get in the air and fight, why crying  about the fact that u suck at this game?

I love how everyone wants to get into AA sites to get easy points, and I just shoot them out of those, plus there r usually one or two more waiting around for that AA, so I shoot and bomb around too, and get even more kills than i did before. So, I love that patch.

The only things are: Sounds and red name bug, otherwise its OK, a little more challenge now because noobs have been given the ability to shoot without aiming, but I just laugh at how people still vote to kick me or my gunner out of 90% of games because we "chopper/plane whore".

Also it would have been cool if when the US army invades another country and starts bombing them (thats the tactic that all armies use: first u bomb, then send ground troops to clear the area from what is left) the invaded would say: hey thats unfair, we don't know or don't want to fly planes, so lets complain to president Bush so that they can reduce hit points and give better rockets that defy all laws of physics so we can shoot them down. That would be an amasing invasion.

What I want to say is: the game was how it was, there were a few bugs that needed to be adressed, thats it. It was all balanced out, both armies have the same stuff. So why not use it?

Those of u who love the new AAs, go ahead and shoot, u will get so many TKs and team damages, u have no idea.

and as for teamwork, well there was no teamwork from ground troops, like ever! I just fly around trying to cap flags, or at least destroy some enemy, while everyone else is "defending" the uncap. Oh yes, there was some teamwork: when commander tells u "attack there" u go and drop your bombs only to kill an enemy tank plus your commander and a couple of your teammates. which follows by punish.

Thats the teamwork for you buddy. If you want teamwork in this game then find a few friends or join a clan, otherwise its all up to u.
I cannot understand why such a game degrading patch was ever allowed to be released.

Not only has it comprimised many of the gameplay elements but the game itself now seems buggy as hell.

I would consider myself an expert player of FPS games in general and have played 100s since the grandaddy of them all, Wolf 3D.  Not since the good ol' days of unreal tournament have I devoted so much time to a FPS. The game wasn't great to start with (limited number of maps, no original elements to call its own, a questionable scoring system and various other bugs), but with the patches and extras being added it was starting to become the game I knew it could be. That is until now...

I usually play as a [attacking] medic and consistantly finish in the medals of any given game. I can out-score the world's top player (also a medic) more often than not (i really dont care if you dont believe me or not, i just wanted to state my position within Battlefield).

The key to being such a great medic as opposed to just a good one is basically down to the movement. Moves such as the dolphin dive were essential in order to keeping yourself alive under-fire (im talking when your shocking out and not dolphin diving in confrontations), thus keeping your team alive. Entire games can be decided on how effective the medics are.

Jumping and firing/throwing is another useful move. Ok, I admit that it would be hard to jump and fire a machine gun but not impossible, they should have just made the accuracy ultra sensitive when jumping, and why the fuck have they taken out the ability to throw items altogether? Like somebody else as already mentioned they should have just put a time delay between the jumping to curb the bunnyhopping.

The only people who are in favour of the changes, imho, is those who have not or cannot master certain aspects of the game, dolphin diving, flying etc... and are pissed off with getting wasted by those players who, lets be honest, are better than them at this genre and thats the bottom line! It makes the great players less effective and makes it easier for those not-so-great players to make afew points. I have no problem with constant helo spawn killing or excessive bombing, if it starts to piss me off then i'll just counter it. If someone trys dolphin diving/bunnyhopping i generally stay still use my composure to kill them. If someone is running round c4ing up the joint, then make sure you kill them quick. For every excuse theres a perfectly good answer.

Its deffinately not made it anymore realistic, i can think of 100s of things the game does wrong. I can think of that many that i ain't even gonna bother listed them or i'd be here all day!

All in all this patch sux, infact its a bloody anti-patch. I'm sure there are many people out there like myself who are having to dumb down their games just to continue playing. Don't worry lads, for Unreal 2007 is nearly here! (Spawn killing? Once you've played a few rounds on instagib then you'll see how with Battlefield you had it easy!)

After a couple of days using this patch i have noticed:

No more "Joining Server" message, looks more like the machines about to crash when joining a game.

A red static waypoint marker in the floor of Sharqi, i'm guessing its showing you the way to hell!

Game seems alot less stable in general, it even crashed out whilst looking for a server on mine and my machine DON'T crash, period.

Can't seem to find a server with less than 100 ping, infact trying to specify anything in the search fields generally filters out everything. (Hint: if this is happening to you try doing a search for 150 ping, let it populate the list, then sort by players then go through the list and click on each 1 a couple of times to refresh the ping times, anything that stays under 78 you'll usually find will have a decent ping, then bang them in the your faves)

Way too many 1 shot kill snipers about which inturn means ALOT of claymore being used, rendering steps and allyways useless in city maps.

Too many PKM kills.

Planes get fukked in an instant.

The medic Defrib pads are USELESS!. Sometimes it takes a few seconds to recharge, this as far as my gameplaying is concerned is the WORST aspect of the patch as it will cost me alot of points (and where is the recharge whilst not in use like they promised?)

Even with the patch I can still kick some ass, it only affects the amount of points needed to win a round, whereas before i was getting gold with 90-110 scores, i am now only getting 70-90 (mainly down to the dodgy defrib pads and the odd time i could've dolphin dived to safety)

In the back of my mind i'm still hoping that someone at DICE has a sense of humour and decided to release this monstosity as a early April fools. I'm still waiting for the statement saying "Happy April fools, heres the real patch, man...we can't believe you guys fell for that..."

Fingers Crossed!
Hates most server admins.
the game is completely unbalanced now. it was easy for good pilots to shoot down helicopters, now its even easier. with lowered hitpoints and better air to air rockets, planes take down a helicopter in a second. maps like wake arent fun anymore, you wont even get to the first island with the helicopters.
raping the carrier works like it did before, pilot just have to be more careful. stingers wont harm a jet, altitude is your friend.

c4 isnt that good anymore, if you arent able to chuck it at all. two or three meters would be enough, so you can drop it at least off some house onto a tank.

FF=off mines? what the hell was EA/DICE thinking, mines are mines and shouldnt check if it is a friendly vehicle or not. they should get rid of the punishment and teamkills on mines (make it suicide when driving over a mine), FF=off is ridiculous.

what did they do to the blackhawk? it shoots with popcorn now, lol. how can such a big gun (with a nice sound) be so weak.

i'd rather play against c4 chuckers, GL shooters and dolphin divers than playing this.

there are a few good things patched now, but its nearly not worth mentioning, like defibrillator reload while inactive. now you cant get up right after reviving, which is more annoying than waiting for defi to reload.

conclusion on 1.2: thumbsdown
First, I guess I am in the minority, I love the patch.  No more bunny hoppers to include the idiot c4 variety.  I have personally smacked down 3 guys who were trying to rever t to there bunny hopping ways, and it was awesome!

Second, great job to DICE and EA.  The game is much more realistic now.  A sniper rifle should kill someone with one or two shots.  I personally don't care to snipe very often and I have noticed a lot more snipers in the game now.  But, my clan mates and I have just changed up our tactics.  This has forced us to use cover and concealment more and covering fire while moving up on an objective.  Hello, this is how the real military conducts there manuevers as well.  It's not hard to pin down a sniper with one guy or keep him distracted while your squad mates move up and take him out.  IMO the patch has forced even more teamplay than before.

Third, as far as helo's and air to air guns go, that too is more realistic.  I love to gun with one of my clan mates who is an awesome helo pilot.  We can still hammer the enemy.  You just have to use proper chopper tactics, using hills as cover, pop up, engage, and re-mask.  How in the hell do you think real military chopper pilots fly??  And no more invincible jets and helos just cruising the battlefield blowing the crap out of everyone with impunity.  The one complaint I have in this area is the amount of AA guns on some maps needs to be reduced now, IE: Sharqi.

To sum up this post, if you are using the tactics that I feel DICE intended to be used when this game first came out, then you will be successful.  I have noticed a lot of the people who are complaining are the ones that were the biggest exploiters and padders to begin with. 

PS:  Armor is king of the battlefield, while infantry takes and holds the ground that armor has secured.

Last edited by k9transfer (2006-02-17 10:01:16)

+-2|7018|England, UK

Thrash wrote:

I cannot understand why such a game degrading patch was ever allowed to be released.

Not only has it comprimised many of the gameplay elements but the game itself now seems buggy as hell.

I would consider myself an expert player of FPS games in general and have played 100s since the grandaddy of them all, Wolf 3D.  Not since the good ol' days of unreal tournament have I devoted so much time to a FPS. The game wasn't great to start with (limited number of maps, no original elements to call its own, a questionable scoring system and various other bugs), but with the patches and extras being added it was starting to become the game I knew it could be. That is until now...

I usually play as a [attacking] medic and consistantly finish in the medals of any given game. I can out-score the world's top player (also a medic) more often than not (i really dont care if you dont believe me or not, i just wanted to state my position within Battlefield).

The key to being such a great medic as opposed to just a good one is basically down to the movement. Moves such as the dolphin dive were essential in order to keeping yourself alive under-fire (im talking when your shocking out and not dolphin diving in confrontations), thus keeping your team alive. Entire games can be decided on how effective the medics are.

Jumping and firing/throwing is another useful move. Ok, I admit that it would be hard to jump and fire a machine gun but not impossible, they should have just made the accuracy ultra sensitive when jumping, and why the fuck have they taken out the ability to throw items altogether? Like somebody else as already mentioned they should have just put a time delay between the jumping to curb the bunnyhopping.

The only people who are in favour of the changes, imho, is those who have not or cannot master certain aspects of the game, dolphin diving, flying etc... and are pissed off with getting wasted by those players who, lets be honest, are better than them at this genre and thats the bottom line! It makes the great players less effective and makes it easier for those not-so-great players to make afew points. I have no problem with constant helo spawn killing or excessive bombing, if it starts to piss me off then i'll just counter it. If someone trys dolphin diving/bunnyhopping i generally stay still use my composure to kill them. If someone is running round c4ing up the joint, then make sure you kill them quick. For every excuse theres a perfectly good answer.

Its deffinately not made it anymore realistic, i can think of 100s of things the game does wrong. I can think of that many that i ain't even gonna bother listed them or i'd be here all day!

All in all this patch sux, infact its a bloody anti-patch. I'm sure there are many people out there like myself who are having to dumb down their games just to continue playing. Don't worry lads, for Unreal 2007 is nearly here! (Spawn killing? Once you've played a few rounds on instagib then you'll see how with Battlefield you had it easy!)

After a couple of days using this patch i have noticed:

No more "Joining Server" message, looks more like the machines about to crash when joining a game.

A red static waypoint marker in the floor of Sharqi, i'm guessing its showing you the way to hell!

Game seems alot less stable in general, it even crashed out whilst looking for a server on mine and my machine DON'T crash, period.

Can't seem to find a server with less than 100 ping, infact trying to specify anything in the search fields generally filters out everything. (Hint: if this is happening to you try doing a search for 150 ping, let it populate the list, then sort by players then go through the list and click on each 1 a couple of times to refresh the ping times, anything that stays under 78 you'll usually find will have a decent ping, then bang them in the your faves)

Way too many 1 shot kill snipers about which inturn means ALOT of claymore being used, rendering steps and allyways useless in city maps.

Too many PKM kills.

Planes get fukked in an instant.

The medic Defrib pads are USELESS!. Sometimes it takes a few seconds to recharge, this as far as my gameplaying is concerned is the WORST aspect of the patch as it will cost me alot of points (and where is the recharge whilst not in use like they promised?)

Even with the patch I can still kick some ass, it only affects the amount of points needed to win a round, whereas before i was getting gold with 90-110 scores, i am now only getting 70-90 (mainly down to the dodgy defrib pads and the odd time i could've dolphin dived to safety)

In the back of my mind i'm still hoping that someone at DICE has a sense of humour and decided to release this monstosity as a early April fools. I'm still waiting for the statement saying "Happy April fools, heres the real patch, man...we can't believe you guys fell for that..."

Fingers Crossed!
Couldn't agree more. Its all been a bit overkill. Support is now obviously better but a bit too good. AA is better but its too good and you have to be well carefull not to TK. AA improvement and airforce degrade is too much of a swing to the ground players. This is the only FPS game I play. Why? Cus I've played them all ever since Goldeneye on the SNES and this is the best FPS ever! IMHO.
How freaking lame!  I played 3 more rounds last night to see if I could stomach the idiotic changes to gameplay.  I went 38-5, 27-3, and then lost my connection, on a Karkand map and a Sharqi map.  This was using the retarded support gun.  I outsniped 3 snipers on the crane in Sharqi while I was lying on the hill near the Alley.  They kicked up dirt all around me and I sniped them all with the PKM.  Stupid!

Karkand was a bunch of camping spawn killers with support guns.  I was MEC and would spawn and find 1-3 USA PKM's lying in the spawn alleys wasting guys as we spawned.  Once I got out of a spawn trap it was easy sniping with the PKM. 

I was glad to get disconnected.  The game was so boring it was stupid.  1.12 was fun.  You could charge, jump, shoot, actually get up, shoot some more.  This is just spawn camping / support fodder camping.   

The tank guys had no worries from c4 so they did their usual job of wasting spawners even more efficiently than usual. 

1.2 blows.

I signed the petition.
Tanks and APC's are going to really dominate now. No jets to destroy tanks, C4 throwing is impossible and without bunny hopping nobody can get safe away from tanks/APCs. Good Job Dice/EA. Nice way of destroying a game i've payed for.
+68|6996|Reefersyde, CA
all the skill-less penis wrinkles complain about the patch.  get over it an learn to play.
+-2|7018|England, UK

dankassasin42o wrote:

all the skill-less penis wrinkles complain about the patch.  get over it an learn to play.
After looking at your stats, you need to learn to play yourself. The patch covered a lot of issues and if you have a good understanding of the game your gonna have a problem with the new patch yourself.

-=THC_RU=- wrote:

DonWanKiddick wrote:

1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Actually Ive been running some pretty good rounds lately...seems that Ive found a way to counter the AA...now all i do is fly around and kill everyone of them.  I still dont agree with everything the patch did...there are some that I do agree with.  However, even though the AA is extremely too accurate I have a counter and if any of you patch luvin AA whore even as so much touch an SAM site while im in the same server you can bet your bottom dollar youll be dead in t-minus 2 seconds.  Laugh it up...flame it up girls it still dont change the fact that the pilots will always win.
you sir are an ass!!! plain and simple...you moan cos the patch makes it difficult for u to whore points as usual in ur invulnerable slick or jet then u brag about how u will / can kill anyone within 2 secs....now u call us AA whores? who the fuck used AA before this patch? no one basically....mainly cos shitheads like you with ur invincible air assets whored the whole map as soon as anyone got into a vehicle....i.e. big green box appears announcing our whereabouts...piss poor pre-patch AA either missed even when locked on or hit friendly assets when locked on to enemy...now ur here calling us AA whores? same as the other bitching faggot calling peeps support whores...fuck sake no one moaned about these before the patch now were all whores cos u and ur kind are fucking losers...the only thing that saves u from being a total noob is the fact u have adapted in some way but otherwise its just a fucking game change ur attitude dude cos it sucks!!!...some that u do agree with? what would they be? noob tubers? bunny hoppers? bet u meet loads of them when ur in the air.....oh i forgot u lot TK each other for air assets so maybe thats what ur on about......just watched a real life documentary...guess what...land troops or ground pounders can carry stinger missiles...shoulder mounted!!! and its fire n forget 1 stinger good-bye jet....none of this unbalanced BF2 shit...and M1 ABRAHAMS TANKS dont get damaged going over little bumps.......DCX had the balance...this game dont!!!!
what r u on man?

there are many AA whores now.
I used AA a lot before patch, and could get kills anyway, u just have to use your brain for a bit. Now all you n00bs will be just sitting (whoring) in AA and clicking that button to shoot missiles that aim and lock themselves. That will prove that u r very skilful! I don't mind the AA, I will shoot u down from plane or chopper, no problem. and if u think it takes no skill to bomb from the air, then why dont u try it? I mean both teams have the same stuff, so get in the air and fight, why crying  about the fact that u suck at this game?

I love how everyone wants to get into AA sites to get easy points, and I just shoot them out of those, plus there r usually one or two more waiting around for that AA, so I shoot and bomb around too, and get even more kills than i did before. So, I love that patch.

The only things are: Sounds and red name bug, otherwise its OK, a little more challenge now because noobs have been given the ability to shoot without aiming, but I just laugh at how people still vote to kick me or my gunner out of 90% of games because we "chopper/plane whore".

Also it would have been cool if when the US army invades another country and starts bombing them (thats the tactic that all armies use: first u bomb, then send ground troops to clear the area from what is left) the invaded would say: hey thats unfair, we don't know or don't want to fly planes, so lets complain to president Bush so that they can reduce hit points and give better rockets that defy all laws of physics so we can shoot them down. That would be an amasing invasion.

What I want to say is: the game was how it was, there were a few bugs that needed to be adressed, thats it. It was all balanced out, both armies have the same stuff. So why not use it?

Those of u who love the new AAs, go ahead and shoot, u will get so many TKs and team damages, u have no idea.

and as for teamwork, well there was no teamwork from ground troops, like ever! I just fly around trying to cap flags, or at least destroy some enemy, while everyone else is "defending" the uncap. Oh yes, there was some teamwork: when commander tells u "attack there" u go and drop your bombs only to kill an enemy tank plus your commander and a couple of your teammates. which follows by punish.

Thats the teamwork for you buddy. If you want teamwork in this game then find a few friends or join a clan, otherwise its all up to u.
well good for you...let them get in the AA cos hardly anyone bothered before cept a few nut jobs like myself...now you will all consentrate on AA sites others will fight over the AA sites like the pilots use to do and i will get on with capping whatever...as for sucking at the game...nah im just an average joe, yes it takes skill to fly helis...so i dont, i can fly jets and am bad at bombing so id rather leave that aspect to a good pilot...what i am good at is gunny in attack choppers and missile man in the 2 man jets and i love it...but how many maps have 2 man jets on?...i dont care about bunny or dolphin divers or tubers...never did never will...just cos AA got better dont mean im gonna use it more or get in jets or helis any less.......
Beatdown Patrol

ProDicTeD wrote:

Tanks and APC's are going to really dominate now. No jets to destroy tanks, C4 throwing is impossible and without bunny hopping nobody can get safe away from tanks/APCs. Good Job Dice/EA. Nice way of destroying a game i've payed for.
Actually, this is completely false.  Tanks are FAR more easily destroyed using AT missiles.  Depending on the location of the hit, 2 missiles leaves a 100% health Tank in the red zone to the point where an M203 can set it on fire.  Tankers have been having a rude awakening (myself included) at not being able to take and hold ground by themselves and without the support of ground troops.  Mines are EVERYWHERE.  Spec Ops troops have made the adjustment by using cover and distractions.  One guy runs across the street and draws the Tank's fire and attention while the buddy walks right up beside the tank and sets the C4.  I see it happening every game with startling regularity.

Support Weapon Detractors wrote:

This patch sucks, Support weapons are too powerfuld...etc. etc. etc.
(Pay attention to the CAPS, people)  For those complaining about Support weapons being too strong, I have found that simply using bound and overwatch tactics nullify the effects of Support weapons.  In other words, a SQUAD now has to stay TOGETHER, run from COVER TO COVER, and use TEAMWORK to give COVER FIRE to each other while they advance.  When coming up to a position that has a Support weapon, one person makes a run to a defensive position (preferably NOT the Medic or the Squad Leader), and .2 seconds after the person leaves their concealment, the other members of the squad lay down cover fire, sniper fire, and lob/fire grenades.  If there is an Assault kit in the squad, throw one of the smoke grenades that nobody EVER seems to use to mask the initial sprint from cover.  If the runner from your squad makes it to the new position alive and the support gunner is still alive (which is usually not the case after taking fire from 3 people), then they can catch the Support gunner in a cross fire.  If the Support gunner kills the first guy, usually the 3 people laying cover fire are able to take him down and revive their team mate.

Squad leaders must now be effective LEADERS by putting artillery on contested areas that need to be advanced by.  Squads now need to take advantage of artillery barrages by waiting to move towards the position as the barrage is raining down upon a position and the OpFor is either scattering like roaches or dying like gnats.

Until people lose the mentality that they can still run around like they are acting in an "An Army of One" commercial, they are going to continue being fodder for Support gunners...which honestly are supposed to be very powerful.  I only have about 4 1/2 hours of Support since I started playing in June and I have only used Support once since the patch was out.  Hence, I face it every time I play and I have not found any problems with leading a team and taking them out.

Bunnies and Flying fish wrote:

I can jump around and shoot anymore so BF2 is no longer fun.  People were crying simply because they were not able to do it.  etc. etc. etc.
While I am more than "talented" enough to press the TWO KEYS necessary to dolphin dive, while firing, throwing a grenade, and brushing my teeth at the same time...I considered it dishonorable and somewhat exploitive since everyone knows that it was not the intent of the developers to have this ability in the game.  I simply refused to do it on priciple alone.  While this game is not what I would call completely realistic, it IS supposed to suspend one's level of belief for realism.  Otherwise, why even bother using models of real weapons, realistic looking vehicles, realistic looking settings, and so on?

In my mind, this patch has done an excellent job in seperating the 'Run and Gun' arcade players from the those who at least like realistic LOOKING combat, true tactics, and teamwork.  No more running across the street doing the worm like a break dancer from Beat Street 2.  It got so bad that from a distance, the battlefield reminded me of a bunch of crickets doing a mating ritual and looked completely STUPID.  I see FAR more people joining squads and sticking together now.  I see people using duck and cover, bound and over watch, movement under cover, movement from cover to cover.  etc.

- Beatdown

Last edited by Beatdown Patrol (2006-02-17 13:10:40)

BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

The fact that there are 24 pages in the 1.2 Complaint thread and only 5 in the 1.2 praise thread says everything.
The only good thing is the removal of killing bunnyhoppers.
AA? Well, kicks ass, the rockets ability to make a full turn is over-the-top somehow, but all in all I think its ok...
The rest? I'd rather go on foot than fly in one of the choppers made of paperboard...
And APC should be able to shoot through fence. Or is it possible to stop a bullet with a piece of wire?
Btw, its the same with mines. Maybe they could have a kind of camouflage, but you should pe able to destroy them. They are way overpowered. Imagine Karkand and a lot of snipers and engineers. The USMC would not be able to get into the town.

Remind me WHEN THE FUCK this was supposed to be amazingly realistic. Hmm, how 'bout they take out spawning, squad leaders, mid-round awards, unlocks, healing, and ammo bags too? They're unrealistic. Let's see how fun the game would be then. IN REPLY TO EVERYONE SAYING "but in real life but in real life".

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-02-17 12:58:38)


1SFG-Hawk wrote:

Uh no asshole N00B does not equal new. NOOB is an idiot who punishes for every tk, plants mines in stupid locations, runs infront of vehicles ect.. and generally ruins the game 4 others. Get ur facts right ffs.

Last edited by computermash (2006-02-17 13:21:50)

+630|6961|The Netherlands
man i hate the new patch, it sucks hairy monkeyballs!
my aviator stats:  115:00:22 h --      9,942 kills --   5.66 ratio     

now it feels like al that practise and hard work has been for nothing.
as an aviator, even i agreed that AA should be improved... but this is insane!
all missiles are just zig-zagin in agles of 90 degrees..
im switching back to 1.12, many servers are switching also.
Fuck You EA, maybe u should let ur patches testet first... but no they just want to make money, they dont care what the players of the game think of it....

Last edited by ']['error (2006-02-17 13:31:48)

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