you know i was having a good game at a 64/64 karkland map with the new patch. getting used to it nothing hard to do just takes time. but there was something wrong with my usual tank whoring, i wasnt getting my silver or gold star like usual. then i notice its the same two beating me. dont think nothing of it. i switch teams and become the commander. i notice one guy is guarding the top left entrance (suburbs) to the mec side through the grass by the hills. but we were in the US side. so i zoom to see what he is doing and he killed the same guy over and over and his buddy revived. i felt sorry for the guy getting killed he got the shitty end of the deal. i took a couple of screen shots but cant retrive them let me know how i do it so i can report them thats messed up though... GET THE RANK THE RIGHT WAY STAT PADDERS ITS ALOT MORE FUN THAT WAY....
Why didn't you just go over there and pop one in both of them?
+18|6795|Baton Rouge, LA, USA
I was once the victim of a stat padding plot

[eh]leprekaun and his cohort...i forgot his sn but it had the [eh] tag on it
well i did better i shot artillery at them everytime...
the TKIng is worth it at the end if its a stat padder i would say
that's part of the problem of being revived, is that your facing the medic, not the way you were when you were killed.
i would understand but these guys were in the middle of no where so they obsiously knew what they were doing cant stand people that stat pad it takes away from the medals im supposed to get.
Destroy Noob Cannons

jjrp02 wrote:

I was once the victim of a stat padding plot

[eh]leprekaun and his cohort...i forgot his sn but it had the [eh] tag on it
me too. when I first started playing  I was getting knife revived... take a look at one of my worst enemies.
-=21stTOU=-DamageInc (12)
^That's him right there.. and now I'm stuck with this crap on my stats.
+-1|6819|'Nam, England
Happened to me once (karkand again, pinned by a tank and a medic), i just disconnected after a few deaths then re-connected - if you do it fast enough most servers seem to remember your score, respawned and carried on. Does blow tho.
+-1|6890|Haverhill, MA USA
When i see something like that...I usually drop some arty on them...they get the hint sometimes

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

me too. when I first started playing  I was getting knife revived... take a look at one of my worst enemies.
-=21stTOU=-DamageInc (12)
^That's him right there.. and now I'm stuck with this crap on my stats.
You are lying. Knife-revives do not count as kills toward worst enemy lists because the kill is canceled out by the revive. -=21stTOU=- just owned you.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2006-09-25 23:29:32)

+45|6637|Kamloops, BC Canada
It still counts that they killed you, even if you get revived...
You go to My Documents--->Battlefield 2--->Screenshots to get your proof. Each screenshot is taken in .png and .jpeg format.

Good luck:)

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