+877|6114|Washington DC

Funky_Finny wrote:

VicktorVauhn wrote:

Also was your camera the one that was used to take photos on the space mission? Is it more then 30 years old? Can your pictures include stars and a few well lit bodies in the fore front?
My camera is maybe two years old, it is an 8MP Minolta Dimage A2 with a fixed 28-200 zoom telephoto lense, yet it doesn't matter what camera you use, the technology is basically the same, you press the button, the shutter opens, the picture is recorded, be it exposed on a light sensitive film or on a light sensitive sensor which transmits the rays into an image, then the shutter closes. That's how it was 39 years ago, that's how it is today.

And to everyone flaming me saying that I've done no research and that I'm not listening, I did no research because I have school, and because I don't need to to disprove all these senseless arguments. I am listening, and I'm replying, you are the ones who arn't listening. If I missed something you said, sorry, but it's like three people that are siding with me, including myself, and the rest of BF2s, so I can't answer them all. I do have a life.

Now to all you "fucking close the thread already" I'm going to delete it in half an hour. I will then go out with mates and come back and research my ASS off and create the biggest thread you assholes have EVER seen (it's true ) and hopefully I will be able to turn someone.

To all you "JEWS DID HUBBLE" if you've got nothing interesting to say, frankly, fuck off.



Also, we've already defeated you in pitched combat. Photos from NASA taken by space satellites > 15 year old photographer
+1,411|6895|FUCK UBISOFT

Funky_Finny wrote:

I don't need to to disprove all these senseless arguments. I am listening, and I'm replying, you are the ones who arn't listening.
the thing is, we have to disprove what you say, and yet you don't have to disprove what we say.

we have listened to every post you've made, laughing our asses off and posting how they are complete bullshit, whereas you continue to say "but where are the stars?"

if you can see the ground on the moon, its daytime, if it's daytime then you can't see stars.

I don't care what camera you have or they had, I can prove that by walking outside and looking at the sky.

also, how can you say they had an ultra precise robot that could land on the moon and pick up rocks with the same technology as a calculator. My calculator couldn't do that.
Veritas et Scientia
+444|6283|North Tonawanda, NY
He doesn't understand, nor does he want to.
+456|6285|Carnoustie, Scotland
Take your last shots, five minutes.

Funky_Finny wrote:

Take your last shots, five minutes.
Until you prove us all wrong or delete the thread?
+456|6285|Carnoustie, Scotland

bennisboy wrote:

Funky_Finny wrote:

Take your last shots, five minutes.
Until you prove us all wrong or delete the thread?
Well, I asked the active (or non active as it would seem) mod to close it, as I'd rather not lose it.
sorry you feel that way

Funky_Finny wrote:

Take your last shots, five minutes.
you're childish and ignorant.

I don't need to prove you anything because you're so deep up your own ass that every argument I make doesn't seem to reach you.
inane little opines
+550|6790|Amsterdam, NY

Funky_Finny wrote:

bennisboy wrote:

Funky_Finny wrote:

Take your last shots, five minutes.
Until you prove us all wrong or delete the thread?
Well, I asked the active (or non active as it would seem) mod to close it, as I'd rather not lose it.
Hubble did WTC
+877|6114|Washington DC
May we always remember thsi thread as the "Conspiracy Nuts got owned" thread
+1,411|6895|FUCK UBISOFT

HurricaИe wrote:

May we always remember thsi thread as the "Conspiracy Nuts got owned" thread

Funky_Finny wrote:

Take your last shots, five minutes.
LOLOL...cant take the heat, so delete

Typical for a kid, nothing will change his mind. He is 15 years old, all of us old guys just are too stupid to know anything. I have more life experience in my left pinky toe than this kid has in his life and yet he knows more than me and all the scientists in the world. Thousands of photos, videos, etc, etc, etc. just dont matter.....Useless thread and OP
+456|6285|Carnoustie, Scotland

DeathBecomesYu wrote:

Funky_Finny wrote:

Take your last shots, five minutes.
LOLOL...cant take the heat, so delete

Typical for a kid, nothing will change his mind. He is 15 years old, all of us old guys just are too stupid to know anything. I have more life experience in my left pinky toe than this kid has in his life and yet he knows more than me and all the scientists in the world. Thousands of photos, videos, etc, etc, etc. just dont matter.....Useless thread and OP

Funky_Finny wrote:

Now to all you "fucking close the thread already" I'm going to delete it in half an hour. I will then go out with mates and come back and research my ASS off and create the biggest thread you assholes have EVER seen (it's true ) and hopefully I will be able to turn someone.
Learn to read.
+550|6790|Amsterdam, NY
Hubble Did Wtc Dammit!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111!!!1
Un Moderador

I think this has gone on for long enough.

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