+3,611|6941|London, England

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Mek-Izzle wrote:

Well... I don't think GWB will go down as one of America's greatest Presidents...

Neither will Tony Blair, and especially Gordon Brown.

So far the 21st Century has been pretty shit in terms of "world leaders"
Gordon Brown was a pretty decent American President.
My edit was too slow.


It's just that y'all too fast
+55|6298|Portugal/United States

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Housing is expensive as shit in California.
True, but than again the salaries are much higher. I got back from LA yesterday and it always amazes me how good people live there and how much wealth there is.
360 owns my soul
+31|6829|Behind You

NantanCochise wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

wonder what all the bush hater band wagoners are going to do next january
Dont worry, they will definatly find someone new to hate. If Mcaine wins, they will hate him from the start, if Ombama wins, they might just find a new country to blame for all the worlds problems. What you guys think of Isreal?
AHAHAHAH, hate McCain?????  Are you kidding me?  W/o regards to Iraq, he's as liberal as Barack or Hilary.  No matter what we're getting a Dem in office this time around.  (Lest Jesus come down as Huckabee's runningmate)

Huckabee/Jesus 08
Vote or go to hell bitch!
GunSlinger OIF II

NantanCochise wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Housing is expensive as shit in California.
True, but than again the salaries are much higher. I got back from LA yesterday and it always amazes me how good people live there and how much wealth there is.
all going to debt collectors and creditors.
+3,611|6941|London, England

AchangelTyreal wrote:

NantanCochise wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

wonder what all the bush hater band wagoners are going to do next january
Dont worry, they will definatly find someone new to hate. If Mcaine wins, they will hate him from the start, if Ombama wins, they might just find a new country to blame for all the worlds problems. What you guys think of Isreal?
AHAHAHAH, hate McCain?????  Are you kidding me?  W/o regards to Iraq, he's as liberal as Barack or Hilary.  No matter what we're getting a Dem in office this time around.  (Lest Jesus come down as Huckabee's runningmate)

Huckabee/Jesus 08
Vote or go to hell bitch!
Jesus would've voted Democrats. Cmon, you can't possibly think that Jesus was even remotely right wing?

Last edited by Mek-Izzle (2008-02-21 12:13:51)

+385|6811|Northern California

NantanCochise wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

Housing is expensive as shit in California.
True, but than again the salaries are much higher. I got back from LA yesterday and it always amazes me how good people live there and how much wealth there is.
There's more jobs here, but the income to cost of living ratio is much more narrow yes, it is more expensive here than it is proportionately elsewhere.  I make $80k a year and I barely support my family of 5 (soon to be 6) living in a ghetto ass 900' condo we can't afford with one car.  $80k here is like 40k in Montana where I want to move, and on $40k, I'd do much better with than I'm doing in CA.
360 owns my soul
+31|6829|Behind You

DBBrinson1 wrote:

AchangelTyreal wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

wonder what all the bush hater band wagoners are going to do next january
Elect a president with an IQ over 75.
Hey buddy.  I'm guessing you voted for Kerry?

Oh yea... Lets think about this for a Minuit.   What did Kerry he do?  Drive a boat?  What did Bush do? He flew a fighter jet.  I wonder which task requires more skill and intelligence. 

Oh and they both went to Yale where: … r_student/

Oh yea.. Bush went to Harvard after that.

And to top it all off, he beat John Kerry.  So who smarter then? eye roll.
Haha ok, well, this is where I'd respond to your post point by point, but we got a problem, I DIDN'T vote for Kerry.  Next time you start to type "I'm guessin...", stop.  Because you might be wrong, and then you just look stupid.  Believe me 4 years of Kerry would have been as equally miserable as Bush.

As for him beating John Kerry, congrats he's an incumbent who won, THAT's a hell of a feat.  Also, that would be more of a congrats to his campaign advisors, not him.
Pope of BF2s
+355|6946|Sea to globally-cooled sea

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Don't forget a Corperate owned Congress, A widening gap of rich and middle class, the loss of rights as an employee


Slow down.

Congress is not corporate owned.  It's union-owned, quite the opposite.

Furthermore, being an employER, GTFO.  GTFO!!  Loss of rights as an employee??!?!!!?????

whohahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  no way.

Look you lousy 15 year old-minimum wage types can argue with me if you want, but the government is taking all of the rights away from business owners and giving it to people who have no sense of responsibility and self-sufficience and live their lives paycheck to paycheck.

Loss of rights as an employee?

Have you ANY idea what the FUCK you are talking about?!?!
360 owns my soul
+31|6829|Behind You

G3|Genius wrote:

RoosterCantrell wrote:

Don't forget a Corperate owned Congress, A widening gap of rich and middle class, the loss of rights as an employee


Slow down.

Congress is not corporate owned.  It's union-owned, quite the opposite.

Furthermore, being an employER, GTFO.  GTFO!!  Loss of rights as an employee??!?!!!?????

whohahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh  no way.

Look you lousy 15 year old-minimum wage types can argue with me if you want, but the government is taking all of the rights away from business owners and giving it to people who have no sense of responsibility and self-sufficience and live their lives paycheck to paycheck.

Loss of rights as an employee?

Have you ANY idea what the FUCK you are talking about?!?!
Too true, burger flipping aside, employers are slowly getting the shaft.  Recently a bill just barely got squashed that wouldn't have let employers fire anyone without a reason and I believe some sort of appeal in the court system.  G3 you can look for the link since this is your argument, just thought I'd weigh in.
It sounds like you just finished watching TV, and you couldn't wait to tell BF2S what your new opinions are.

Last edited by geNius (2008-02-21 12:26:43)
360 owns my soul
+31|6829|Behind You

Mek-Izzle wrote:

AchangelTyreal wrote:

NantanCochise wrote:

Dont worry, they will definatly find someone new to hate. If Mcaine wins, they will hate him from the start, if Ombama wins, they might just find a new country to blame for all the worlds problems. What you guys think of Isreal?
AHAHAHAH, hate McCain?????  Are you kidding me?  W/o regards to Iraq, he's as liberal as Barack or Hilary.  No matter what we're getting a Dem in office this time around.  (Lest Jesus come down as Huckabee's runningmate)

Huckabee/Jesus 08
Vote or go to hell bitch!
Jesus would've voted Democrats. Cmon, you can't possibly think that Jesus was even remotely right wing?
I don't know about that.  I remember his guy (You know, the one with the hat?  He's italian or some shit.) saying something about fetuses and dudes going down the aisle and how that's like, not cool.

geNius wrote:

It sounds like you just finished watching Bill Maher.
Nah, I'm a Bill Nye kinda guy.  Seriously though, Maher's a dick, but how can you look at legislation like that and think it's a good idea.

Last edited by AchangelTyreal (2008-02-21 12:29:15)


G3|Genius wrote:

Don't forget a Corperate owned.... ..... what the FUCK you are talking about?!?!
I think that there is a minimum wage for a reason.  You don't want to earn minimum wage?  Fine.  Go to trade school, college, join the Military, get a second minimum wage job.  Minimum wage was never intended to be able to take care of a family of five.  Sadly, I think people believe just that.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
360 owns my soul
+31|6829|Behind You

geNius wrote:

It sounds like you just finished watching TV, and you couldn't wait to tell BF2S what your new opinions are.
Why edit your post?

geNius wrote:

It sounds like you just finished watching Bill Maher.
Anyways, my new opinions?  I didn't know you were keeping  a record, and since it's D&ST, yeah I'm going to give you my opinion.  Wasn't that coporate owned congress post an opinion?

PS:I actually agree with you on that, lobbies own congress.

AchangelTyreal wrote:

geNius wrote:

It sounds like you just finished watching TV, and you couldn't wait to tell BF2S what your new opinions are.
Why edit your post?
I decided to generalize.  Why ejaculate 10 seconds after I post?
Another edit:  If I were talking to you, I'd have quoted you.  I was responding to the OP.

Last edited by geNius (2008-02-21 13:09:56)
be nice
+2,646|6773|The Twilight Zone
The decider of destruction lol.
GunSlinger OIF II

.Sup wrote:

The decider of destruction lol.
yet, you still talk about him all the time.
Go Ducks.
one of my coworkers is in that 18 percent.
She's moving to texas in june.
She wants texas to secede and bush to be the supreme ruler of Texas.
360 owns my soul
+31|6829|Behind You

geNius wrote:

AchangelTyreal wrote:

geNius wrote:

It sounds like you just finished watching TV, and you couldn't wait to tell BF2S what your new opinions are.
Why edit your post?
I decided to generalize.  Why ejaculate 10 seconds after I post?
Another edit:  If I were talking to you, I'd have quoted you.  I was responding to the OP.
Because I'm wearing my extra sensitive condoms today.
+127|6978|WPB, FL. USA

CameronPoe wrote:

lol at Kaboom.
No opinions, no witty words, no quotes, no comparisons of unrelated events - Pooh disappoints me

I'm glad you get a laugh when reading my posts.  I get a good laugh at yours as well.  Unfortunately some people, like those who post doom and gloom post, need not to be so serious and enjoy a good laugh every once in awhile - agreeing or not. 

Boom luvs his Pooh - he makes him roflol.


The lame of lame ducks.  The butcher of Baghdad.  The decider of destruction.  The "goddamned piece of paper" constitution wrecker.  The stupor of thought "war president."

What my big question is...who the HELL are these 19% surveyed saying he's doing a "heckuva job?!?!?"  (actually, 18% of registered voters approve, so it's not really 19%)   <--  And I'm curious if there's still any apologists here still?  I wonder if any of those who threatened the Dixie Chicks are still feelin' the love towards the shrub.  I wonder if Obama's apparent lack of experience matters in the slightest?  Gary Coleman could do better "What you talkin' about Putin?"

Sad time to be American.  Endless war, shredded constitution, soaring fuel prices, joblessness, economy dying (and rebates are coming..), 47 million without healthcare, dollar becoming worthless, few actual friends internationally, bad reputation internationally, endless thousands of new recruits for the various terror groups..all pointed at us, zero accountability, worthless congress and senate, military in shambles, thousands upon thousands of homes wrecked because of war (on both sides), deeper, nastier political division,...failure at just about every promise Bush made, and oh yeah....Osama bin Laden has NOT been smoked out of his hole, has not been brought to justice, and he continues to thrive and gain popularity....even if he's dead.

Anything good happening with you?
Good luck in your new country... Sorry the US didn't work out for you...  be safe...
Love is the answer

AAFCptKabbom wrote:

CameronPoe wrote:

lol at Kaboom.
No opinions, no witty words, no quotes, no comparisons of unrelated events - Pooh disappoints me

I'm glad you get a laugh when reading my posts.  I get a good laugh at yours as well.  Unfortunately some people, like those who post doom and gloom post, need not to be so serious and enjoy a good laugh every once in awhile - agreeing or not. 

Boom luvs his Pooh - he makes him roflol.
I enjoy a good laugh at someone who misspells the word Kaboom and is a member of a comparatively small minority of people steadfastly maintaining a stubborn ignorance to the patently obvious flaws of a man who can hardly speak English properly let alone run a country.

President George W. Bush = President Tug Benson out of Hot Shots.

Last edited by CameronPoe (2008-02-21 16:58:34)

+385|6811|Northern California

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

Good luck in your new country... Sorry the US didn't work out for you...  be safe...
Amazing how SOOOOO many forum members the public school system failed here.  I ask who is part of the 19% from this forum, I fish for any Bush apologists, and I give my state of the union address, and suddenly I'm a total pessimistic downer ready to slit my wrists?

It's a novelty, an anticipated announcement that Bush has become the lowest rated president ever.  that alone should be topic for discussion.  Any Bush apologists would be too.  Some of the claims I made could surely be topics for debate and many were in the thread.  But nooooo...there's people missing the point and thinking I'm one missed prozac dosage away from the assylum.

Guess what, I'm fine!  I actually don't just sit around dwelling on Bush's polls.  DO I put alot of Bush polls and threads on this forum?  Do I make depressing comments all day long?  I like to think I'm quite productive in my contributions when not insulting others or defending myself.

Anyway..I'm sure someone will come along any minute and say, "Dude, Ironchef, take a vacation and don't come back!"


Last edited by IRONCHEF (2008-02-21 17:02:32)

I think its funny because many Conservatives don't approve of Bush because of his affiliation with liberals and attempt to try and cater to them and that's why the ratings are so low.

If you want to make this some attack against Conservatives, epic phail, and if you want to continually bash some dude, you're an epic tool.
O Canada
+1,596|6725|North Carolina
What's scary about all this is that Congress has a lower approval rate than Bush.

I have a feeling that, regardless of who wins the presidency, the Republicans may take the Senate this year.
GunSlinger OIF II

Turquoise wrote:

What's scary about all this is that Congress has a lower approval rate than Bush.

I have a feeling that, regardless of who wins the presidency, the Republicans may take the Senate this year.
source, Id like to see that.

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