
3lmo wrote:

More urban maps and bettr hitreg +same missile hitreg otherwise it would be too easy
That why i love you.
+183|6918|Newcastle UK

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Less overpowered aircraft. They are pretty much unstopabble just now, except from other aircraft. Something needs to be done about them.
Your an idiot, so in what part of war is a plane easy to shoot down for people on the ground or a heli for that matter ffs, yeah lets make it real easy then on maps like wake its impossible if you have no air cover, its like that for a reason.
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else.
+25|6499|Czech Republic

0akleaves wrote:

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Less overpowered aircraft. They are pretty much unstopabble just now, except from other aircraft. Something needs to be done about them.
Your an idiot, so in what part of war is a plane easy to shoot down for people on the ground or a heli for that matter ffs, yeah lets make it real easy then on maps like wake its impossible if you have no air cover, its like that for a reason.
I also think it's ok, especially while there ar almost no jest @ 16 maps :>

Zee.OMGits a54 wrote:

i would rly like to play on some maps that are inside a building, no open air or anything.
For example, for the people who have played special forces - on warlord, in the tv station is a pretty damn good way for kills. and even better in the palace. get what i mean?
Try Iron Gator , just stay on the inside. Btw its an SF map
Parcel of ol' Crams
they should have a map inside a mall, would be petty fun lol
iz me!

Better hit reg.
Bug Free
Better Patching System.
Guns having better accuracy, not less like BF2 -> BF2142
replace the piece of crap anti tank guns with something better like say the javelin
if your gonna put a 50 cal rifle in the game make it realistic, i want people to evaporate when i shoot
customizable weapons (crysis)
camo that actually makes you harder to see
flamethrowers for support class
+244|6993|arica harbour
you guys got some nice suggestions..i love BF2 but i had to leave because i have seen things gone from bad to worse.

got a question for you dudes here: with all the nice suggestions here, do you think EA/DICE cares about what the community says after all this time?

specialistx2324 wrote:

do you think EA/DICE cares about what the community says after all this time?
I absolutely do.

And since BF2142 incorporated a lot of the things that people didn't like about BF2 and added some other nifty features I have a feeling that BF3 will be quite spectacular.
1 billion pretty awards, badges and ribbons +  1 billion ranks = success....I guess
mr. LuxusLexus

DrunkFace wrote:

- No IO option
- No revives
- No instant healing
- No wake
- No FF off option
- Ability to enter every building
- Destructible environment
- Controllable Ships (aircraft carriers, missile cruisers etc)
- Player controlled Arty strikes (non of this commander just pick a spot and click crap)
- 1 hit kill sniper rifles
- Breathing for snipers
- Better warning system of you approaching friendly mines
- Larger flag capture zones
- Larger more versatile maps (ie, large maps which incorporate planes, choppers and boats but also have close quarter urban settings as well)
- Join Spec ops and Sniper classes and choose between a sniper rifle or scoped silence carbine.
- Create a more involved commander job with a command kit which has just 1 basic gun ie. machine pistol.
- Better concealed mines
Pretty much sums up my wishes. Except for the no healing, no revives thing. Resupply, heal is an important part of the game, but there would be nice with some kind of time limit so that nade spamming can be avoided.
Keep the commander element it`s what makes the game brilliant if you ask me.
Bigger mps 128 vs 128 or even bigger?
More balance on air maps. maps like kubra dam is hopless if your not in a jet. more AA.
Most important: better gun sounds.
A more flexible system with regards to user name.
A ranking system that is more obtainable without living and breathing BF 24/7. A more realistic (from the players point of view) ranking system would also decrease the interest for cheating.
The ability to customize weapons.
More unlocks

Last edited by mr. LuxusLexus (2008-02-19 06:32:38)

It's pronounced Knuck, like in Knuckle!!
maps for both infantry only and non-infantry only.  Better graphics for weapons/personnel/vehicles/enviroment.  same if not better award sytem, cuz hey, like hearing the drumroll ain't fun!  BF2 is coming on 3 years old people, 3 FRAKING YEARS and i'm still playing it as much as i did when i got it!  It better be really good if people are gonna drop BF2 to play it, unlike bf2142.  i hope if fucking rocks and will pre order if i can.  bf for life.
The Flying Finn
More unlocks and can unlock in what ever order you want(not like in BF2142 where you have to get items first and weapons last.......)
Larger maps.
Have better healing/resupply crates like in BF2142.
More urban maps.

Well that my list.........
Boat sig is not there anymore
Why the hell are people asking for 1 hit kill sniper rifles and such? People seem to forget that if they have 1 hit kill rifles, so does the enemy. Lets see how enthusiastic they are about them when they can't return fire due to enemy super snipers.


-Less bugs, better hitreg, better-fitting hitboxes.
- An unlock system like 2142's, but a rank/award system like BF2's. You should need a bit of dedication to get expert awards, and you shouldn't rank up every 500 points.
-Varied maps. I hope that despite the lower amount of maps and only two armies they won't restrict the maps to karkand clones.
-Expansions with more maps. EF/AF hardly get played because you only get 3 maps, with vehicles/weapons you can only use on them.
-Heal/resupply system like 2142: 1 pack that you can either hold or throw down which doesn't instantly do it's job. Grenade numbers and revives should stay the same (get off of IO and you'll find that nadespamming and medic whoring are pretty much non-existant).
-Widescreen support.
-No "wake island 2009" or some shit. If this awful map is put in, EA and DICE are getting thier offices torched.
Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6607|The | Netherlands

LiGaLiZe wrote:

3lmo wrote:

More urban maps and bettr hitreg +same missile hitreg otherwise it would be too easy
That why i love you.
+917|6922|Atlanta, Georgia, USA
hitreg is the only thing i can think of.
rank system like bf2, NOT LIKE 2142 OR IL GET BORED!!
not a shitload of unlocks like 2142.... lol
better hitreg.
less jets, moar urban maps, moar attack heli's.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
Goodbye :)
+399|6784|Somewhere else


A system (like joining a squad, in order) for RESERVING your seat in aircraft.  But, if you leave a certain ring of that aircraft you lose your place in line.  Only the first person in line can enter the aircraft, and the "squad" can only hold a certain set of people, so the whole team doesn't sit around waiting.

and... TRAINING!!!!  You can only unlock certain thing AFTER you have properly PASSED AIRCRAFT! NO MORE NOOBS CRASHING TRANSPORT CHOPPERS!!!!  NO MORE NOOBS stealing planes to crash them at the end of a runway.  Training for use of AA missiles.  TANK training.  COMMANDER TRAINING.  The training should be extensive, not some lame ass tutorial.  Awards for Training Achievements.

Unlockable Kit Features (2142 shock paddles was LAME) Like Spec Ops training to use C4, sniper rifles, Etc. after training.

(able to play without training, just wont be able to use certainthings.)

Commander available to uper ranks only,  can only command after certain Rank (makes sense really)

SQUAD LEADER POINTS.  Make it worthwhile for squad leaders to stay outside the main fight, and act as a mobile spawn point, actual team leader.

Health punishment for being in an enemy uncap (Server OPTIONAL)

5 minute IDLE kick (MANDATORY)

I'd like to have:

- Unlockable Skins, Scopes, Ghillie, Silencers for the weapons.
- maybe a skill system (longer sprints... )
- better maps
- better balance
- better VOIP
- more urban maps

Special_Op wrote:

- Unlockable Skins, Scopes, Ghillie, Silencers for the weapons.
- maybe a skill system (longer sprints... )
I'd love a silencer A silenced m4 or such would definetly make me play spec-ops more.
A skill system would be quite awesome
I'd also like it so Spec-ops/Sniper don't show up on UAV, and scan time to be made longer. There is no point playing Spec Ops if you are constantly being watched by the enemy commander.
Also, something like if you go into a building, UAV/Scan loses track of you. There is no way a small little recon Plane can see through roofs
Official Battlefield fanboy
+240|6453|San Antonio, Texas
I was rather skeptical of EA listening to the community, but after seeing Highway Tampa and hopes of patch 1.5 for Battlefield 2, I have a feeling they're starting to open their ears to the people that play their games.

After all, they really did hear the fans' cries for Red Alert 3.

Last edited by Cyrax-Sektor (2008-02-19 09:09:21)

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Project Reality.
Missing, Presumed Dead

- More sprint time for infantry to the levels of what it is in IO (amazing how unfit these soldiers actually are)
- A good variety of more balanced maps. Any map with a jet/heli in it should have at least one mobile AA. Stationary does not do its job.
- No uncap bases - they cause too many problems, and whining.
- Dont preview things that will never be released anyway (Simrad, M82A1, LCAC, Harrier, etc)
- Better hitboxes
- No karkand
- No Wake
- Bigger vehicle and weapon variety. More unlocks and vehicles that may be specific to certain maps (i.e. special APC's, or tanks with a specific upgrade, etc)
- No 3rd army in a booster pack, unless it has another matching army to stop teamstacking (like EF has)
- More in-depth stats analysis (i.e. how many kills in jets have been made with missiles/bombs/cannons, against what targets, and with what jet)
- No Top10 leaderboard, etc
- No (well, less) glitches
- A decent AC system
- Proper patching system
- Better community support
- Transport heli weapons that can actually be used whilst in flight, i.e. BH miniguns
- Easier target tracking for HMG's on FAV's, heavy transports, tanks and APC sidemounts - you currently can make one hit if you are lucky whilst doing anything other than being stationary.
- Ground based AA launcher for infantry, but make it balanced (i.e. 1 shot only, and only for certain kits)
- Make sure that what is released is accurate, i.e. differences between radars and what is actually on the map (Mashtuur, Zatar & Surge apply mainly)

Last edited by Snake (2008-02-19 09:44:41)

There's some good ideas in this thread, and some really terrible ones.

What I'd like to see is the Airfields on both teams to be set a few miles away from the main combat area.  I'd like to see planes have 10 or so bombs that have a 30 second reload per 2 (meaning, you drop 2, wait 30 seconds for the next) and 24 missiles with a 20 second reload for the 6.  I'd also love to see planes having to land to re-arm/repair.  Have a random immoble APC sitting near the base so infantry can hop in to "transport" (respawn) at a different flag without dieing.  Make the space between the airfield and main battleground "out of bounds" so only aircraft can reach the airfield.

I love the Idea of training, sorta like AA did.  disallow every vehicle/kit until passed the training (could possibly give the basic badge for finishing training)

Give the .50 Cals for every vehicle 50 rounds before they need a reload.  None of this overheat stuff.

Make repairing a vehicle take at least twice as long giving repair points out twice as fast.  (Me being an AT guy, nothing makes me angrier than 3 tanks repairing each other faster than my friend and I can kill them)  Give vehicle number hitpoints instead of a percentage.  A car could have 6 hitpoints where a tank would have 20.  Give repair points for the number of hitpoints repaired instead of percentages.

Heal and resupply should only be hand-held.  No dropping 5 bags over there and sitting on them.  There should be health and ammo crates randomly placed on the map like they were in '42.

Make vehicle spawn times 15 seconds for every vehicle.  Give choppers and planes 4-5 flairs without any reload time, but force them to resupply to get more.  Force Friendly fire to hit the jet instead of the pilot.  Track out-of-bounds by the pilot (meaning, if the pilot is out of bounds, the gunner is.  If the pilot is in-bounds, the gunner is.)

I got so much more that I can say.  I just hope the BF3 developers don't suddenly think of putting BF2's favorite map in their first few patches because it was loved so much there.  If you are going to make additional maps, make sure they are balanced for the game you are putting them into, not the one they came from.

Last edited by Drexel (2008-02-19 11:50:44)

Certified BF2S Asshole
+131|6760|The edge of sanity

PrivateVendetta wrote:

Liberal-Sl@yer wrote:

1) The ability to take over and fire from cover (ala GRAW)
2) Better hitregs all around
3) more urban maps that are infantry based but still have vehicles
4) More open air maps that dont suck
5) The ability to rappel from helis instead of parachuting - Why would people bother? jumping is quicker..
6) Armed heli transports - BlackHawk? If you mean less nerfed ones then you had that at the begining of BF2, it was just unbalanced..
7) Snipers take one shot one kill  - Can you really imagine this?
8) Custom Characters -  COD4
9) helis on urban maps (can not stress that one enough)
10) few to no bugs or glitches
11) The ability to shoot through walls ( ala CoD4)
12) grenades and knife being a seperate button instead of having to switch to them to use them - COD4
13) better smoke grenades (wider area of cover plus thicker smoke detials) - COD4
14) Weak points on tanks (not this two hit shit on its rear engine)
15) If you htia tanks tread it should become immobile
16) Better VOIP system (the one in BF2 sucked)

Thats all i can think of for my grip/want list
Think you should re-think the list tbh
Lets see, oh ya it is my gripe list. If I wanted your imput i would have let you know.
Don't tase me, bro!
Here's my opinions:

Make customizible characters with slight features that look cool and give you an edge in battle (unlockable armor, improvements for weapons, change skin to be black, white, or Mexican), but don't distract you from the battle.

And also like the Training idea too...

Oh yeah, and also some Squad-to-Squad communication....

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