In 1.12 the jets were owning the place because:

- The pilots of each team just bombed the shit out of the other team and had a silent contract not to fight each other...maybe it was because of crappy air to air missiles which made dogfighting just annoying.

- The AA was so crappy that nobody thought about sitting in one and if one did he was a free kill for the jetwhore.

- There was no real threat for a jet except for another jet but no dogfighting going on(crappy missiles).

Now,in the new and improved 1.2 it's well balanced:

- The AA is now capable of taking down a jet which approaches at an bad angle(every map has good and bad spots for bombing runs,if you didn't know that you are not the 1337-pilot you think you are) or just flies skyhigh aimlessly.

- Dogfighting is now like it should be,if you let someone behind you you're done.

I can't stand these jetwhore-whiners anymore,if the AA is too strong for you now you've never been a good pilot,just a guy who can bomb carriers and never got into real sticky situations which require flying skills to get out of.
And now that you cry-babies have to adapt and there actually is a challenge in flying a jet(rather than just racking up easy kills) you post ridiculous threads about how unfair the game has now become for jetwhores.

"Boo-hoo,racking up easy kills and having 60/1 kills and a gold medal every round isn't possible anymore.My poor K/D-ratio goes down the drain,my clanmates won't respect me and think I'm 1337 anymore.Please EA,make the new evil patch go away and give me back my godlike jet so I can pwnzor again and don't have to pick up some real skills!"

I just hope this gives the new patch whiners an ulcer..

Last edited by Mj.Blindfisch (2006-02-15 17:56:50)


Now there is an other way to fight back than just crying out loud (or shoot at a cobra with a pistole just because of pure frustration). Seen a few battles since the patch came out. Jets still own a big share of the battlefield (F-15 *brrr*). But if they trying to attack mobile AA carelessly they are reduced to little pieces of metal. Good pilots still bomb the shit out of you (when your own pilots are hopelessly stuck in the adapting phase) especially on maps with fixed AA only. They bomb the stinger emplacments  permanently and therfore deny their use.

So, good pilot don't despair you still own, ground huggers rejoice and jet whiners: pick up skills, get your feet dirty again or go somwhere else.
I am with you guys I think the patch is just what this game needed, the AA is actualy an anti-air weapon now, so all of you jet whores need to man up or go home.
+85|6892|good old CA
well thats true, hmm maybe its time to see if my sidewinder can help me with AA.
+62|6819|Adelaide, Australia
Love your work Mj.Blindfisch.

The other point to note is that everyone is still trying out all the new stuff. Every second person is a sniper with the L96, the others have a P90 or a super-PKM, and people are teamkilling to give the AA a try.
Once everything settles down, people will go back to whatever kit takes their fancy, and people will man the AA only once a jet starts to piss them off.

The AA is already sorting out the truly skilled jet pilots, and that's only a good thing. If half the team isn't down on the runway teamkilling each other, they might get off their arses and capture a damn flag!
agreed they need to either learn tofly and dodge or get   thier boots on the ground
+1|6843|Canada, Eh.
100% Agree. I've already seen actual good pilots not gettin taken down by the AA, now good heli/plane pilots will be rare like the should be. When pilots have just as much chance of dying as infantry the game is BALANCED.

(By the way, a lot of people that actually can fly agree with the patch. Now they have to actually fly instead of just making a loop resupplying and bombing)
Maybe now they will actually get out of their little jets and fight on the ground of course they will die over and over but they will get the hang of it.

Only thing i used the jet was to get some where in hurry i'd just hop in fly over a base and jump out and parachute.
Microsoft Poster Child
+83|6835|Vancouver BC Canada

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

- The AA is now capable of taking down a jet which approaches at an bad angle(every map has good and bad spots for bombing runs,if you didn't know that you are not the 1337-pilot you think you are) or just flies skyhigh aimlessly.
By bad angle did u mean 360 DERGEES!!! The jets on wake are now DEATHTRAPS, as are the Helos. I think they need to tone down the AA, not back to way it was, but atleast so its not LOCK, FIRE, BOOM 99.8% of the time. Make it take some, even if its only a little bit of skill. I had no prob taking down both J10s on wake today from the carrier, about 15 seconds was all it took, and they werent even close to the carrier.
+85|6892|good old CA
Trying is the first step to failing
+76|6814|Canada Eh?
I never actually got shot down since 1.2 came out, in a jet that is.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6830|Tampa Bay Florida

Second, (who knows what servers you play at) but there was a HUGE amount of dogfighting going on, using the MG's instead of rockets.  The reason why people like YOU don't understand dogfighting is because using heat guided rockets actually took some SKILL.  You actually had to wait for the perfect shot instead of just firing away (WHICH YOU NO LONGER HAVE TO DO, DURRR__ *imitates retard*)  I personally NEVER let ANY enemy jet get away with spawn raping us.  Neither have I seen an enemy let me spawnrape their team (which I wouldn't)

I am NOT a jet whore, on the contrary I mainly attacked enemy fighters.  I DO believe that it was unfair the AA had nearly no affect on jets, but now they seem almost foolproof.  EA went straight from one extreme to the other extreme.  Big fat idiots.

Last edited by Spearhead (2006-02-15 18:37:54)

i can't stand how all you guys are whining about the game being ruined and how 'unskilled' people are able to use AA now.  you're using a mouse and keyboard to fly a jet!  that doesn't involve skill either!  and FYI, stinger missiles fly at Mach 2.2  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stinger_missile).  J-10s (the fastest  jets in BF2) fly at Mach 2 (optimum) and Mach 1.2 at sea level (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J-10).  here's an article on infra-red tracking:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infra-red_search_and_track
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6830|Tampa Bay Florida
Ok then dude, does using an M1A1 tank involve skill? Hell no, it involves TONS less than any other vehicle in the game.  It's a video game, wow.

My point is, if you want a game where every player has a precisely equal chance of killing another player, then Call of Duty 2 is for you.  In CoD2, every single player has an equal chance of getting kills (obviously because there are no vehicles) The entire reason BF2 is unique is that you can use different vehicles.  Don't say that you WEREN'T expecting to be bombed and tank-whored, it was bound to happen.

Look, like I said above, they went from one extreme to the other extreme.  Now, HOW IN GOD'S NAME are the USMC supposed to make landfall on Wake Island? 

What about all of the good times when you had a squad in a fully loaded Blackhawk and you parachuted out over an enemy base to capture it.  Those were good times for me anyway.

the_outsider38 wrote:

Mj.Blindfisch wrote:

- The AA is now capable of taking down a jet which approaches at an bad angle(every map has good and bad spots for bombing runs,if you didn't know that you are not the 1337-pilot you think you are) or just flies skyhigh aimlessly.
By bad angle did u mean 360 DERGEES!!! The jets on wake are now DEATHTRAPS, as are the Helos. I think they need to tone down the AA, not back to way it was, but atleast so its not LOCK, FIRE, BOOM 99.8% of the time. Make it take some, even if its only a little bit of skill. I had no prob taking down both J10s on wake today from the carrier, about 15 seconds was all it took, and they werent even close to the carrier.
i am still good with the jets on wake but they improved the missile hitting with the J-10.but if wanna get away just use your after burners to get out of the range of the AA
+1|6869|Orlando, FL
Hey Spearhead, you wanna know how the USMC can make landfall in Wake? A little thing called TEAMWORK. In case you forgot, it still only takes a quick spray of the guns to blow an IGLA and those are the only types of AA on Wake. So the jet pilots aim for the IGLAs, someone mans the guns on the carrier to stop the J10 camping whores, and someone mans the US arty island Stinger to support the carrier, boats, and Blackhawks as they make landfall. Use your freaking head! It now takes SKILL and TEAMWORK to get the job done, as it SHOULD have ALWAYS been. I'm a jet/chopper whore myself and I think this is the BEST DAMNED patch EA/DICE has released yet! I hope all the lame asses stop playing the game and go back to thier CS and UT. Then the game will be even more fun!

Last edited by warco3 (2006-02-15 19:06:13)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6830|Tampa Bay Florida
Yes, those are good plans for making landfall.  But did you ever notice how difficult it was getting a Blackhawk to the island BEFORE the patch?  J-10's can just go for the Blackhawks with the new and improved missiles....

I know teamwork is involved, but in many servers it is not only difficult it is impossible sometimes to get people to work as a team.

batman_psu wrote:

i can't stand how all you guys are whining about the game being ruined and how 'unskilled' people are able to use AA now.  you're using a mouse and keyboard to fly a jet!  that doesn't involve skill either!  and FYI, stinger missiles fly at Mach 2.2  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stinger_missile).  J-10s (the fastest  jets in BF2) fly at Mach 2 (optimum) and Mach 1.2 at sea level (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J-10).  here's an article on infra-red tracking:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infra-red_search_and_track
Who cares about realism its a game.   I thought it was a perfectly fine balance for how the games was. I mean jets were stronger, and I admit I bitched a lot about base rappers. But planes take skill to dog fight, when I was in a server with good pilots they kept me from doing any strafeing. Anyways, as for balance there were only two planes. There are less of them, and there are more tanks. Kind of a balance, the stronger things aren't as availble and some of the not as strong vechiles. But now tanks are better than jets. Tanks can repair anywhere, just gotta drop a crate next to them. Now everything is better for the all too easy to use tank.
+1|6869|Orlando, FL
If your team can't land on Wake with the full support of the carrier guns, jets, Cobra, and the Stinger on the island, along with the boats and blackhawks, then it's hopeless to begin with, bro. You know as well as I do an uncoordinated team like that wouldn't be able to hold an outpost on Wake even if they managed to capture it anyway.
God this should be stickied for the WORD on this issue! Praise for the OP.

Pilots should now realised that you have to BE A TEAMPLAYER and depend on your ground troop friends too. Remember? Those little figures running under your uber jets? This is supposed to be a team-based game by design. Get real and be the real player now, all of us ground troops have been doing so since more than 6months ago!
I have yet to be taken out by Ground AA, out of 5 rounds in the air. I have been shot down by other aircraft with Air to Air AA.  I would rather have crapy missles on the airplanes to keep dogfighting fun. Oah yah, I have been taken out by my own ground AA 3 times, and arty once. Damm Commander does what the enemy ground AA could not.

Spearhead wrote:

I am NOT a jet whore, on the contrary I mainly attacked enemy fighters.  I DO believe that it was unfair the AA had nearly no affect on jets, but now they seem almost foolproof.  EA went straight from one extreme to the other extreme.  Big fat idiots.
Maybe they seem almost foolproof because you keep on flying like you used to instead of adapting to a new challenge.

It's damn well possible to stay in the air with the new AA on the ground,but one wrongly taken route and you're scrap,I've seen it on Clean Sweep.
The first IGLA of the MEC team was always manned,if you didn't take it out immediately after takeoff you were dead.Some pilots knew about that and neutralized the threat,others didn't and tried to fly around it.

As for Wake Island,it's just like the good old BF1942-map,every IGLA station has one dead spot where the jet can't be hit before he can release its bombs.
For example the IGLA at the airfieldbunker next to the helipad can only be attacked safely from the beach(the bunkerwall blocks the sight),and only if the beach AA isn't manned.

I know there are good and bad spots for bombing runs on every map,the towers which take up AA-lock on Gulf of Oman or Zatar are not there just for set-decoration.

Adapt or die!
I tottaly agree with you guys that the AA needed a fix, I often found myself raping the carrier cause it was just to easy.. however, the vid´s i have seen of AA in action seems a bit overpowered.. If all you have to do to take out the enemy jet is to get behind him, it will be the end of all dog-fighting.. and that is sad cause I really enjoyed that aspect of flying.. I could easily spend a whole round just chasing and equally skilled pilot around..

The essex guns should take out planes easily, but the stingers and jets should require some skill.
I havnt tried the new patch myself so I may be wrong on this, but it seems that alot of people areirritated at the new AA( dont know if this is just the so callen"no talent fly boys"

Berserk_Vampire wrote:

Only thing i used the jet was to get some where in hurry i'd just hop in fly over a base and jump out and parachute.
Thats just silly.. why the hell do you think your team would be raped if you where using the jet as a means of transportation?
+0|6876|Almere, Holland
[Well the one way I like the AA improvements cuz first with the ESSEX gun I could shoot for ages and doing shit and now I blast them out of the skies.. but for me being a rooky pilot with no dog fighthin experience only bombin.. its pretty hard not to get hit..

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